• If you were supposed to get an email from the forum but didn't (e.g. to verify your account for registration), email Wes at stararmy@gmail.com or talk to me on Discord for help. Sometimes the server hits our limit of emails we can send per hour.
  • Get in our Discord chat! Discord.gg/stararmy

Hello There !!!


Hey all, I'm Axiom. You can call me Axiom, Axi, Ax, ect but most people call me Ax. My pronouns are xe/they.

I am an American currently living in Sao Paulo. I'm married to a lovely Brazilian man [Husborb, he shaves his head, so his name is Husborb] and the paperwork is simpler here than it was getting his USA green card. xD

This forum seems AMAZING. My last forum roleplay home shut down / went inactive, so I'm really glad I found this place. I'm looking to dive into roleplay, so recruitment here is totally cool with me. You can also DM me on Discord anytime.

Fun Facts About Axiom:
  • I got my start roleplaying in the warrior cats fandom! I've written quite a few group roleplay leaders, plus side-wide villains. I've dabbled in DnD tabletop rpg as well, but I'm most proud of roleplaying my competent evil faction leader characters.
  • My favorite video games tend to be open world rpgs, like: Cyberpunk 2077, Elden Ring, and Outer Worlds.
  • I'm located in the BRT timezone, but my bedtime is often 3am, so you probably won't notice that I'm not in the usual USA timezone.
  • Husborb and I rescued a feral pigeon two weeks ago. Her name is Shank. She thankfully didn't break a wing like we feared, but she has a muscle tear that seems to be healing; she's flying, but in circles. She's still getting used to us, but she accepts head pets in exchange for SEEDS. Vet was ecstatic we planned on adopting her, because, really, we've been wanting a pet pigeon for 2 years, so we rescued one ourselves!

Now for the questionnaire!

Do you prefer:
  • Playing male, female, or other-gendered characters?
    I'll play any gender. Doesn't really impact the way I write the character.
  • Spontaneous or planned RP?
    Both! I do love roleplay because it's improv chaos, so even if roleplay is planned, I vibe with chaos.
  • Military or civilian characters?
    I haven't actually written military characters before, but I have written a LAWFUL EVIL DICTATOR (Lancelot was my longest running group leader, I wrote this warrior cats authoritarianism man for 3 years xD) so I'm down to try writing a military character.
  • Humans, androids, anthros, or aliens?
    I prefer writing anthros. I'll write aliens and humans, too, but I don't typically write robots.
  • Being on a starship or being on a planet?
  • Roleplay via forum posts or in real-time?
    I prefer forum posts, but if it's an event or like a ttrpg game then real time works.

On a scale of 1 to 3, what's your preferred level of these in your RP:
  • Language: 3
  • Violence: 3
  • Sexuality: 2
What's something cool you'd love to RP?
I have never written mecha, but it seems INTRIGUING
Warrior Cats mentioned!

Welcome, new friend!

Yeah you wont have an issue with this place shutting down; Place has been up and running for over a couple decades at still going strong! Soon you will be inundated with lots more greetings, advertisements for plots, and general welcomes and well-wishes. Stick around a while, don't be discouraged by the size of the setting, our wiki, or anything like that; Just hang out with us here and on the discord and feel free to ask any questions you might have especially on the discord for timely responses and help~

Hope we get to interact and RP a bit in the future and that ye stick with us for a while!
Welcome to Star Army! Shank the Pidgeon sounds super cute. Id love to hear what owning a pidgeon is like sometime. I look forward to seeing where your adventures here take you.
Hey y'all, thanks for the welcome!

@Charmaylarg Dufrain
Warrior Cats!!! I see quite a few references to warrior cats stuff in the wiki lore (though most of it seems to be inactive / old / not relevant to the current rp environment), so it looks like I'm not the only one haha. Thanks for the welcome and I hope we interact/rp in the future!

OMG you gave me a tomato earlier in the discord too!! You really are the sites resident Waddle-dee haha

Shank the Pigeon is still in her FERAL ERA but she's accepting affection and likes climbing on legs so far. If you poke me on Discord, I will send you the pigeon photos bahaha
You sound pretty awesome. Do you want to do an RP with me sometime soon? I'm sure you're looking over the wiki and reading about the universe from an OOC angle but I'd love to have you jump in and see the universe from inside.
Thank you both for the welcome!!

You sound pretty awesome. Do you want to do an RP with me sometime soon? I'm sure you're looking over the wiki and reading about the universe from an OOC angle but I'd love to have you jump in and see the universe from inside.

That would be great!

Reading the wiki is totally different from using the wiki in roleplay, Iโ€™d love to jump in and get those awesome character interactions, plot hooks, and feel for the worldbuilding.

I see you GM a lot, plz donโ€™t overload yourself on my account! If you need a specific skillset in a group RP youโ€™re already GMing for, Iโ€™m totally down with writing a skill monkey (I have several ocs I categorize lovingly as skill monkeys.) Or if youโ€™re thinking a one on one, that sounds fun too!!
Wes is really great at doing intro-rp's with people, so I'd recommend taking him up on the offer if it holds interest to you!

Also, welcome!

Oh, don't worry terribly much about devouring the wiki for info. There's a lot there and some of it isn't as relevant now as it was a decade ago and can be hard to figure out that sort of thing at first. If you make a big error with something you write, someone will likely check with you to see if it was a misunderstanding and direct you to the appropriate wiki page for the correct information so you can make the appropriate edits. You can also always ask in the discord and someone will hopefully be able to help you with lore-related stuff as well.

This setting is so extended and deep in terms of lore that it really is easier just to pick up the basics and dive on in to play, then worry about expanding your knowledge and filling in the gaps as time goes on.
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