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Hello world...universe?


Active Member
Greetings everyone! Call me Kat, though I don't wear a hat! I'm not new to RP in general, though I admit my experience with forum rp is...very little. Sci-fi rp is ME. I've never really clicked with medieval fantasy. Power armor, huge ships, space stations, androids and the fun to be had in zero-G are the things I find pleasing.

I've been called 'goth' but I'm not...I just don't like color-plosions. I'm a listener of Rock and dubstep...and Lindsey Sterling.

I love games who's stories can tug at your heart strings. I admit when I cried after finishing Metal gear solid 4 >.> I'll play halo and any other games of that kind, but I also love to go racing!

I hunt, love to go swimming and boating on the river. I love to go fast and have fun. If you come around me with butterfinger, you might lose it. Truth be told I'm spontaneous, weird and maybe a bit insane but if your having a bad day I'll do whatever I can to cheer you up.

Not sure what else to say other than it's nice to meet all of you and I can't wait to have fun!
Welcome to the Star Army Role Play Lily-dyne. I am Nashoba, one of the Site Admins. Well, from your introduction, I am sure you will fit right in with the community here. We have a quite a diverse group. We have a lot of opportunity to roleplay here, so check out the New Player's Guide.

If there is anything I can do to help you, feel free to ask. If you have questions, this thread will do fine, or if you need a faster answer, visit our chat. There are lots of folks online who can answer most questions.

I look forward to seeing you around.
Hi and welcome, stop by IRC. We won't bite, I promise! Unless you would want us to of course. Anyway it is great place to ask question or just chat!
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