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RP: YSS Destiny Henako's Arrival

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Inactive Member
"Alright, we'll be arriving at the Destiny in ... 3 minutes. Prepare for departure." The pilot's voice came through the PA system.

Henako sat there still nervous about the speed the shuttle was going at. Henako had never made an inter-planitary journey of such length before. He hadn't spoken for a whole day, although he didn't mind much because he didn't feel like speaking much. This was the furthest that he had ever been from his parents. Although he felt good getting away from his home planet, he did miss it.

There was a murmer of voices, and the other occupants of the shuttle began to edge towards a screen that had descended from the ceiling. Shown in the screen was a small part of the Destiny, the view zoomed out, giving a ship next to it as a size comparison, dwarfed by the Destiny's 25km length.

Henako stood up and walked over to the crowd of people surrounding the screen. It was only then that he realised how big the Destiny really was, his heart began to pound, he was just about to join a new way of life. This is what he had been waiting for for four years.
Henako walked back to his seat, picked up his bag and made sure he had everything for the sixth time. He hadn't resieved all of his equipment, although he didn't totally know what equipment he needed. Henako told himself to calm down, there where probably loads of other soldiers in the same position as him. 'Calm down Henako.' he though.

"Shuttle D-60, this is the Destiny, we have monitored your aproach, you are ready to land in bay 5. Have a nice day." The AI communicated to the ship, sending with it the correct route to get to bay 5.

"Thank you Destiny, we will arrive shortly."

The ships gravitic field distorted, gently guiding the shuttle in bay 5, and placing it down carefully. The people in the shuttle began to line up next to the doors, and after they opened, filed out one at a time.

Henako was at the back of the line. Taking a deep breath he began to walk slowly out of the ship with the other passengers of the shuttle. Bay 5 seemed huge and very bright compared to the shuttle, Henako had to cover his eyes until he got used to the bright light. There was a man standing at the bottom of the gangway.

"Excuse me sir, well I'm new here. Could you tell me where my quarters are? Also I have to meet my comanding officer, I'm Henako Kusaki by the way, do you know where I could find somebody to tell me who my commanding officer is?" Henako asked the man.

"Nope. But I can tell you who does," The man thumbed in the direction of a computer console on the wall "ask the AI, he'll know."

"Thank you very much." Henako replied. Henako walked swiftly over to the wall where the man had said the AI was. "How do I work this thing?" Henako said out loud to himself.

"First of all no-one 'works' me, I work work myself. I am the AI, speak and I will hear." The AI's slightly peeved voice came out of no-where.

"Oh I'm sorry didn't mean to be rude." Henako replied. "I'm Henako Kusaki, could you please tell me where my quarters are, and also who my commanding officer is?"

"Yes I could." The AI put emphasis on the could.

"Ok then, will you please tell me?" Henako asked politly.

"Of course, more than happy to help. Your housed in apartment 120 floor 2, scraper 3. Your commanding officer is Mai Tong."

"Thank you very much." Henako repelied. He walked off, not actualy knowing where it was, but not wanting to ask too many questions.

JP by:
Sypher (Henako)
Zakalwe (Everything else)
Kusati walked out of his room, frustrated at the length of time it was taking to get his message to the captain.

he walked for quite a while, not sure where he was going exactly, he waslooking straight down and didn't see the man in front of him.

Kusati bumped straight into him,

"oh sorry, didn't see you there im Kusati by the way, what can i call you?"
"Apartment 120 floor 2, scraper 3. Commanding officer,Mai Tong." Henako repeated to himself.

Henako had just arrived at the Destiny. He had been given his apartment number, but didn't know where to even start looking for it. He had been told who is commanding officer was, but didn't know who he/she was or what they look like. "What a great start." Henako though.

"Ok, let's start with the apartment. Surly it can't be that hard to find an apartment." Henako muttered to himself.

Henako walk slowly through bay five's door. Henako turned just in time to see the man walk into him.

"Don't worry. Hi, I'm Henako, nice to meet you Kusati. This place is huge. I just got here a minute ago, not really sure what to do first. I have to find my apartment and then go and see my commanding officer. Are you in the infantry by any chance?" Henako asked.
"no, im a pilot, starfighters to be exact."

He was quite tall, just taller than Kusati, it was just alright, his neck was still quite sore from the explosion

"so how long have you been on this ship?"
"I just got here. Do you have any idea where apartment 120 it's on floor 2, scraper 3 is? I have no idea where I am going. This is all very new to me." Henako replied

Henako look up and down the corridor then back at Kusati. Kusati was just smaller than him, although it look as though they where about the same hight.

"Is your neck ok?" Henako asked
"yeh my neck's fine, just a bit sore, i was involved in an accident, a computer terminal blew up in my face. I had to have skin grafts and all to fix me up"

Kusati thought the man looked like a nice person, but Kusati learnt a long time ago not to trust people who looked to nice.

He quickly threw that out of his mind, he was part of the star army for christs sake! Kusati resolved to trust the man

"i'll take you to your quarters, you got any luggage?"
"Ouch, sound nice. You look ok now, if that's any consolation. Thank's that's really nice of you." Henako replied.

Kusati looked like a nice guy. However everyone looked nice at the moment to Henako, he hadn't had any bad experiances yet.

"Yeh, I only have two bags. There not big, i can carry them."Henako repelied pointing down to the two small bags at his feet.

"Lead the way."
"right then lets go, it's quite a walk from here so we should walk quite fast"

Kusati looked at the man, he lived quite close to him.

"how would you feel about going to the bar after you've unpacked, their grubs good and their drinks arn't half bad?"
Kusati set of infront of Henako.

"Sounds good. Haven't eat for a while now, or had a drink. Good idea." Henako replied.

They walked down the corridor. It seemed to go on for ever, as they walked down the coridor they went past different room. Some of the door where open others where closed. Henako looked in to one room and could see a group of men and women training in martial arts. "That's deffiantly a place that i will have to visit in the near future." When reaching a lift, Henako pressed for floor 2, as this is where the AI had said his appartment was on this floor.

The lift took only second to reach it's destination. They had been on the bay levels. This corridor looked the same as the one they had just been on, although the colour of the walls where slightly different. Kusati turned right as they got out of the lift. Henako followed him down the corridor until a big sign on the wall said scraper 3. "We must be close." Henako thought. They carried on walking for again what seemed like ages, although it was probably like 2 minutes. The door number went up. 116, 117, 118, 119, 120.

"This is my room Kusati, how do i get in? Do i just say my name?" Henaok asked
" it should be open" Kusati pushes at the door, "yep, there we go! you said you wanted to join that martial arts club, but didn't you go through combat training at star army training?, if you want some more lessons, i can help. I've been doing martial arts since i was a small kid"

Kusati offered his hand to to help with one of the bags

"what do you say?"
"Oh, thanks. Really, so have I, I've been taking them since I was 6. What I ment was that I will have to go and see what type of martial arts they are doing." Henako replied.

Henako step forward pushing the door open. The room was nice, he had almost expected it to be horrible. He had also expected it to be smaller. There was a double bed in the centre of the room with a little card on it.

"Welcome to Destiny" the card read.

"That's nice of them." Henako said

The wardrobe was big, almost to big for the amount of clothes that Henako had. Kusati had place on of Henako's bag's on the bed, Henako placed his other one next to it.

"Come on then, do you want to show me around? To the bar we go." Henako announced.
"yeh your right i would like to see what style they learn, see how their style compares to the style i learnt, i could use some exercise, joining that class could really help"

Kusati wondered why he din't unpack first

"right then! lets get down to the bar!"

OCC: stop writing on this roleplay, i'll write something for you to reply to on 'the bar' roleplay now ok
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