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Approved Character Herschel Porter

Hello Vitruvius,

Welcome to the SARP.

I am one of the Character Reviewers and I will be working with you to get your chracter ready for usage.

So lets get started.

Ok, to start what organization is he going to be in? Star Army of Yamatai, Star Army of Nepleslia, etc. This is important because it affects what skills your character must have to start with, as well as starting rank, and inventory.

Skin color: a fleshy colour need better description, is he a caucasian? are you saying his skin where he isn't tanned is catfish belly white, etc.

Under Personality. Neplesians should be Nepleslians

Please make proper nouns links to the wiki page.
For example in the page make yorna [[:nam_j1_1a]] or j.a.n.e [[:savtech_-_jane]] which comes from the page url the part after id= this helps the reviewers and the Game Masters to quickly check the link to see what you are meaning.

Nepleslian should be Nepleslian - Multiple instances.

When using an uncommon term such as skitching, please try to point to a web url that explains it. [[WP>skitching]] will create a link to Wikipedia and explain what that means.

schlorship should be scholarship

Under Skills,
There is no English, in the SARP, English is Nepleslian.

I can't effectively review the skills until I know what Service you are having him enter.

This character is still pending review.

When you've made the above corrections, please update this forum and I will continue the review.
Thank you for the review, the corrections you mentioned have been made.

Since this is my first character, I tried to make one who was compatible with all organizations so I could try them out without redesigning a character from the ground up.

His first four skills are based on the Star Army requirements. His next two are for his occupation and his last is so I have art as an outlet for his darker Nepleslian urges.

I'm still trying to figure this out, but best guess is that he's a SMDION Cadet Recruit headed for Cirrus Station as a maintenance worker?

Starting Rank for the new players is E1

See the Nepleslian Ranks

If you are going to be a Nepleslian soldier,then you need to have the four basic Nepleslian skills. They represent training that all soldiers will have when they complete their training.

See Necessary Skills for Nepleslian Soldiers

Okay, The SMON does not use Kessaku OS, that's a Yamatai tech. Their ships use X-Savtech Computers, so that skill if you keep it will have to be changed.

Also Nepleslian currency is DA not KS Typical starting cash is 6000 DA
Please add the inventory from this page for the appropriate service.
Nepleslian Inventory

This character is still pending approval.
Cadet Recruit is E-1

For simplicity I switched out Mathematics, which is partially covered under Strategy, and Survival for Technology Usage because I wasn't planning to do anything drastic like hacking.

I checked both NAMand AwesomeCorp pages, but nothing on what OS they use. What little I've found leads me to assume that AIs like the Janes are the main OS and Technology Usage consists of "talking to the computer."

My Inventory is updated, but I probably need a toolkit, likely the Blacksmith Model PRK or the TerratechTEK. Also changed "duct-tape" to molecure tape which I assume is the new standard.

3000 KS was automated, I'm still trying to find the infomation on where/how to buy equipment.
Also changed "duct-tape" to molecure tape which I assume is the new standard.
It's Yamataian military equipment. I guess he could get a hold of some, but it'd be expensive since it's very new technology.
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