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Approved Character Hibiki Akira


Inactive Member
Name: Hibiki Akira

General Information

Species: Yamataian
Gender: Male
Age: 18

Family / Creators: Father: Hibiki Saji, Mother: Hibiki Yumiko, Elder brother: Hibiki Jin, Older Sister: Hibiki Renko

Employer: Star Army of Yamatai
Occupation: Enlisted - Infantry
Rank: Santô Hei
Current Assignment:

Physical Characteristics

Height: 5' 6
Weight: 60.2 Kilograms
Bra Size:

Build and Skin Colour: Lean frame yet musculer frame, skin a light tan for solar protection.
Facial Features and Eye Colour: Rough facial features with prominent cheekbones. Eyes are bright blue.
Hair Colour and Style: Jet Black hair with dark blue highlights cut in a fade.

Distinguishing Features: None as of yet.

Psychological Characteristics

Focused and single-minded, he hates to multitask. Like his twin, he learned to get jobs done with speed and to get them done right the first time. He ignores the latest fashion, and instead wears civilian Novelty T-Shirts and blue jeans. He has no problems with authority, accepts that it is a concept for humanity to continue to progress. So he accepts the rules necessary to get by in the world, and will ignore the ones that aren't important. He is always friendly with the people around him, however, if you get under his skin repeatedly, you will find someone who holds a long grudge, and eventually, a very, very hot temper.

Likes: Explosions (Nice ones), Heavy Metal, shooting things, cake, doing things right, things that cause larger explosions, practical jokes (his)
Dislikes: Bad explosions, friendly fire, practical jokes (Renko's), doing things wrong, pie, hypocrits, yammerheads
Goals: Keeping all his limbs, becoming head of demolitions for the Star Army


Born the last of three children in the family on Tatiana, he grew up as a typical boy on the farm, doing the usual things. Much was spent playing with his older sister and brother, and much of his free time was devoted to practical jokes. He caused most of the 'wars' with his jokes, and it was when of his jokes accidentally caused the barn to catch fire they decided to limit ther activities to a contest. See who could remove most of the stuff that was worth nothing and in the way. By the time he reached puberty he had won the contest as well as lost most of the hair on his arms and eyebrows repeatedly, as well as losing the pinky and ring fingers on his left hand. He focused his studies in school on engineering, chemistry, and physics as it was apparent his brother would recieve the farm. This was in hopes of bettering his knowledge of the basic compounds for building bombs, as well as the understanding of how the shrapnel might fly. Half way through school he got his new body, which he has been very carfeul with thus far, only losing the hair on his hands once.


Demolitions: Because there were always things on the farm to get rid of, stumps, old machinery (after getting the useful bits), and rocks. Also because making ones own fireworks is fun and can earn a bit of profit, and finally, because explosions are just plain cool.

Fighting: Recieved basic hand to hand combat training, along with the natural brawling that comes with having siblings. He was more focused in close range combat with weapons and firearms, including short range and long range. He has some expierance in Zero-G and Yamatai conditions. He has limited skill with thrown explosions.

Communications: He is familiar with basic radio operation and procedures and can make transmissions to and receive transmissions from other characters through headsets, starships, power armor, and shuttles in both combat and non-combat conditions. He is fluent in English. He can speak and write both correctly and efficiently and can write reports, fill forms, issue orders under fire, etc.

Technology Operation: Being the twin to the person with any skill at computers in his family, he has picked up a few things from her. Mainly it was small things, such as basic operations of Kessaku OS, the OS of the Star Army. He became particularly adept at searching for information.

Mathematics: He took it upon himself to learn basic and advanced mathematics, including physics, geometry, trigonometry, and some calculus.

Physical : Seven years of gym classes and some wieght lifting to help build his frame. He also took a little gymnastics to build flexibility and dexterity.

Rogue: Because of his abilities in practical jokes, he became adept at picking locks, misdirection, as well as sleight of hand. He is somewhat streetwise, but his interest in mathematics cut into that.

Done with Ren's approval and guidance.
Good job, Ren. ^_^ Good luck with this character! It is looking good so far!
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