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Approved Character Hiragi Natsuko


Inactive Member
Name: Hiragi Natsuko

General Information

Species: Nekovalkyrja
Gender: Female
Age: 1

Family / Creators: Ketsuri Zaibutsu

Employer: Star Army of Yamatai
Occupation: Combat Arms
Rank: Santo Hei
Current Assignment:

Physical Characteristics

Height: 157cm (5'2")
Weight: 47kg (~104lbs)
Bra Size: 28B

Build and Skin Colour: Natsuko is a bit on the smaller side, and has normal skin color.
Facial Features and Eye Colour: Natsuko's eyes are blue.
Hair Colour and Style: Natsuko's hair falls down until about halfway down her back, she doesn't ever where it up in anyway. Her hair is usually black with blue highlights spaced randomly throughout.

Distinguishing Features: Other than her small stature, Natsuko has no real distinguishing features.

Psychological Characteristics

Natsuko is generally a very outgoing and audacious person, she often speaks her mind. Whenever she does anything she gives it her full 110% percent, even if she doesn't like to do it. however she is not afraid of being confrontational with anyone she has a problem with, save the upper command of course. Natsuko enjoys the confrontational circumstances. Natsuko wants to learn as much as she can about everything, although her favorite subject is history. When it comes down to it though Natsuko is a caring person and just wants to be loved, but she won't tell you that herself. Family is something Natsuko desires most, but at the same time, she fears opening herself to others at the same time for fear of losing them.

Likes: History, Power Armor, confrontation, Natto
Dislikes:Being ignored, submissiveness
Goals: Have a family, serve the SAoY

Natsuko was created by the Ketsuri Zaibutsu as a tool to be used in the war against the Misshu. Natsuko's first deployment was aboard a Yui-class scout ship which was destroyed, 3 months after her arrival, during an engagement with a Misshu ship. Luckily the Misshu ship was destroyed as well, but Natsuko and what remained of the original armor wing of her ship were left adrift. Several hours after the battle, the wing was recovered by a SAoY vessel that was passing nearby. for te next six months Natsuko was shuffled around different ships multiple times.


Communication: Natsuko is familiar with basic radio operation and procedures and can make transmissions to and receive transmissions from other characters through headsets, starships, power armor, and shuttles in both combat and non-combat conditions. Natsuko is fluent in English and Japanese. She can speak and write both correctly and efficiently and can write reports, fill forms, issue orders under fire, etc.

Fighting: Natsuko received hand-to-hand combat training, followed up with a rigorous training program. She is skilled and experienced in combat both in Yamatai-like conditions and in zero-gravity, with and without weapons. Weapons she is trained in include energy pistols, knives, and power armor

Technology Operation: Natsuko is capable of operating any computer system that uses the Kessaku OS, found on all Star Army starships. She is proficient in entering and/or searching for information.

Fighting (Power Armor): Natsuko has received much more training in piloting power armors than most other Star Army soldiers. She knows the ins and outs of a power armor system and is able to diagnose and solve minor to moderate system problems (electronic malfunctions, intake problems), and can perform rudimentary repairs (very basic) with proper tools. She can operate hand-controlled flight systems.

Knowledge: After her creation Natsuko had a deep desire to learn the history of Yamatai and its past relationships with other countries.

Survival and Military: Natsuko underwent a two weak survival training course that taught her survival techniques for most hostile environments.

Mathematics: Natsuko character received basic mathematics training, to including up to algebra and trigonometry.
Nice bio, Yoroko. ^_^ Nekovalkyrja are typically created by Ketsurui Zaibatsu, or by a certain ship, but those are usually considered sprites, I think. From her small stature, could she be a youngling? Either way, she still needs some sort of history. She does have a year of life in her, so she should have at least a little experience in life, right? <3 Anywho, good luck on this character!
fixed the creators bit. /me slaps self in face for forgeting that, ty fay. Now about the history, i just need to figure out what I could do for a year...

edit: added some dislikes
Pretty good, yoroko, theres a few small typos and the like, which isn't uncommon for a first draft.

First off, how would her eyes change colors? does she do that holographically when sad, or does she do something else? they won't naturally change color from emotions, anyhow.

Second, in the fighting skill, you wrote "He" at the beginning of a sentence.

Also what kind of measurements does she have? these show her body shape, which will be useful if you want art in the future. It goes Bust/Waist/Hips, just so you know. If you caan't figure it out, ask Kim if you catch her on, she's a great help with that.
Hello and welcome. :D

You'll need the "Mathematics" skill, which is required for all Star Army of Yamatai (SAY) soldiers. Of course, you'll have to remove another skill to make room for it.

For the history section, you can just say that she was undergoing training. It's okay to have a very tiny history section if your PC has only been born (okay, bred out of a vat) a month ago.

You're making good progress so far. Don't give up! ^_^
... There's really nothing to critique that hasn't been said.

This is a very, very blank character. I don't know where or what you're going for.
i knew i was missing something....ty for reminding me about the math skill....i totally must have missed it in the copy/pasta action. as for the blankness...working on it.
If you want I can flesh her out some more, but she will be on either the Asuka or in the 17th Armor Wing. However, if you want me to flesh her out some more I can do it.
No no, you're cool. I just wasn't sure where she was going; I prefer players have that in mind before I give the green stamp. Also, you're going to be the test subject for a new line I'm putting in to keep track of how many characters people have. Thank you for your cooperation. *adjusts black tie, shuffles in his black suit*

This character is approved for IC usage. Please add the bio to the wiki.

This is mizunoyoroko's second character out of two available slots.