Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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OOC Historical Nonsense and Alt-History


Inactive Member
So I said in chat I had some ideas, I'm putting this here to get a clearer feel/opinion from those that expressed an opinion on what they want. Below are a few of the outlines I've got for some RP ideas that I'd be willing to GM. Feel free to ask questions, comment, express interest, disinterest, or disgust.

Idea #1
It's 1933 in the United States just now hitting the stride of the Depression. Farm conditions are horrifying with droughts, crop failures, animals starving, and prices at an all time low. Life in the city isn't much better as crime is on the rise and employment continues to be difficult if not impossible to find, even then rarely at a living wage. In this time of turmoil the rule of law has collapsed in northwest Iowa, parts of Wisconsin and Minnesota, while threatening to do so nationwide.

An innovative class of criminals is capitalizing on the disorder, easy availability of firearms, fast cars, and targets to wreak havoc across the landscape.

Into this chaos President Franklin D. Roosevelt is struggling to get the nation back to work. Deciding in late summer to call out parts of the National Guard and fill out select reserve units with CMTC trainees, he plans to enforce the laws of the United States in a way not seen since 1865.

Idea #2
Lewis and Clark, Bonneville, Pike,‎ Frémont‎, and others. People forget that both in private and public ventures, the US Army was heavily involved in exploring the western bounds of the United States throughout the early 1800s. A party has been dispatched west out of the Arkansas territory on a two-fold mission; if possible, recover a fugitive for the Territorial government and whatever you do, keep an eye out for good trapping grounds...

Idea #3
Things have gone wrong. What opened as a decade of promising improvements in relations with the Soviet Union has quickly turned very dark, as the "embargo" of Cuba continues to ratchet tensions up. Luckily, the United States has been preparing. In the late 1950s as a hot war in Korea was threatened, the Navy managed to wiggle through an appropriations bill to increase their number of guided missile cruisers.

It is now November of 1962 and open war threatens at any time as the nation hovers on the brink. The US Navy has sortied all available forces in the Atlantic and Pacific to sea. The USS Spokane (CLG-13) is one element of Carrier Task Group 708.1, centered on the carriers Bennington and Prince William. Their primary mission, if war does break out, is to prevent Soviet Pacific Fleet submarines from successfully getting to the open sea and to contain or monitor known subs already at sea.

My personal preference is towards #1 or #2 to start with since #3 is a little intense to manage as a GM.
I would want to read three but would want to be a part of writing one. If that makes any sense.
All of the ideas are really cool. I actually prefer the first two, since they're kind of more mysterious and I feel like I'd learn more, but the Cold War is 10/10.
Then make the call and do one of those. From what I read most of the people who have sounded off here would be okay with (or would even prefer) #1. I already had an half-Hopi Native American tracker if you went with #2 and a young and impressionable Nasty Girl officer if you wanted to do #1 and you allow us to play as members of the Guard.
Yeah, let's go with #1.

It's what I have the most setting stuff developed for, easier to manage things on land, etc.

I'll have character creation guidelines and such within the next couple days. You'll be Guard, or Organized Reserve, infantry, cavalry, or field artillery.
I did the thing. OOC guidelines are at the bottom; as far as I'm aware sense this is a freeform RP we can't put it in the 18+ section, which concerns me to a degree since the level of violence as a GM I'd feel appropriate probably isn't okay for general forum posting.

Local Situation

As it stands today, most of Northwest Iowa and western Minnesota is in open rebellion. While it started as a rural, populist campaign in Iowa it quickly took a turn for the worst when they began hanging judges and murdered several Deputy Sheriffs. When the National Guard was called to duty by Governor Herring the 3rd Battalion of the 133rd Infantry Regiment did not report to Des Moines.

What exists now in western Iowa is essentially a free state, run by the Farmers' Holiday Association, supported by Farmer Militias organized around the former National Guard companies in the region. Their effect on the rest of the state is mostly the fear of what they might do. Most of the Army forces in the state have been tied down securing major population centers and lines of communication. Widespread unrest has prevented the states from combining their forces against the centers of rebellion thus far, with offensive action nonexistent. There have been raids on Mason City, but most of the trouble in the cities come from the criminal elements taking advantage of the unrest to make money off anyone that has it.

The Army has finally had the time to organize, equip, and train enough troops to send in to take offensive action against the rebels in Plymouth County and the surrounding area.

In New England, labor and "anarchist" trouble keeps the situation troubled. Without the central organization, however, no real safe areas have emerged outside of some neighborhoods in the city.

California and the Pacific Northwest are largely dominated by labor strife, though calling what has essentially become a running guerrilla war in the interior "strife" is definitely understating the matter. However, the situation isn't nearly as dire as it seems. A large part of the Regular Army is concentrated on the west coast, plus the entire United States Navy's Pacific Fleet.

Throughout the Midwest, farmers' feelings towards an often corrupt and ineffectual government have only solidified during the hard years of Depression, followed by drought and crop failure. In Minnesota, Nebraska, the Dakotas, and Wisconsin Communists have emerged to lead many beneath the Red Flag. The Farmers' Holiday Association that leads the fight in Iowa, supporting other agrarian efforts throughout the midwest as well. News of many "Farmer's and Worker's Republics" that were declared months ago on the remote plains are only now reaching state capitals.

Metro Chicago and Minneapolis are the seats of power for not only influential organized crime families, but more important to the day to day life of the average citizen they provide home bases to the numerous robbers and thieves that roam the highways in these troubled times. Corrupt police forces and state governments paralyzed by too many crisis (plus a healthy dose of cronyism) have failed to stop the use of their cities as criminal dens.

While not friends, the President has advised Senator Long of Lousiana that his continued empire building will run him into trouble before too long if unchecked.... While the Texas state government is hitting the airwaves with a recruitment campaign for the National Guard.

Sources for Officers
The National Guard has, practically, no barrier to entrance as an officer other then showing up for drill most of the time. More likely some sort of state or local stature plays a part in the high ranks, but the company grades (Captains and Lieutenants) are usually middle-class business men, clerks, or farmers. Many Captains and Majors are World War I veterans. In the 1930s, Guard units drilled one day a week and one week of maneuvers at "summer camp" a year. Weekly drill usually focused, or was supposed to focus, on individual marksmanship, classroom instruction, and tactical theory. Officers had many of the same educational opportunities as Organized Reserve Corps officers to attend Regular Army courses and instructional programs.

The Organized Reserve Corps members are mainly graduates of the various ROTC programs across the country, or WWI veteran officers not needed in the smaller peacetime army. Typically they are, in theory, assigned a post in one of the ORC Divisions that are regionally located across multiple states. There are almost no enlisted men in Organized Reserve Corps formations, although their officer positions are often full, meaning most of their field training is performed with the Regular Army or National Guard, or as command post exercise teams.

The Citizens' Military Training Camps, while not a separate component themselves, do provide another method of entry into the Organized Reserves. After a successful completion of four summers of instruction (Basic, White, Red and Blue), candidates may be offered a commission in the Reserve branch they have received instruction in (typically Infantry or Field Artillery). With the sudden surge in demand for officers, almost all of the potential candidates in the 1933 CMTC "Blue" final year course were offered commissions while Red and the top White course attendees have been made NCOs.

Sources for Enlisted Men
Unsurprisingly, in the Depression blighted 1930s most National Guard units were under strength, usually only 1/4 or 1/2, also lacking material and practical training. There was no real stigma attached to Guard enlistment, and many enlistees were middle or working class youths without much in the way of employment prospect, or merely looking for a fun place to hang out every week with friends and sometimes do some target shooting.

As mentioned above, the Organized Reserve Corps has practically no enlisted men. There may be a few dozen in a supposed Division, mainly NCOs with World War I experience, the intent being to form a cadre for a wartime formation. While the US Army is partly following this strategy, at the moment the ORC has received a massive influx of enlisted personnel thanks to the extension of enlistments to CMTC camp attendees.

The Unit(s)
In the early 1930s, the US Army was in the midst of reinventing itself following the Great War. Lacking budget, but not brainpower or time, many ideas were bandied about in service schools and journals. The organization the Army has decided to field as their offensive force in Iowa closely follows some of those new ideas recently formulated at the Infantry School for a more flexible, adaptable, and capable field formation.

The 183rd Regimental Combat Team is not solely an infantry, artillery, or cavalry unit. According to the latest thinking from the Army's best brains, rather then large infantry formations supported by heavy artillery concentrations, each regiment should be able to function as a separate unit with all the necessities of combat in one flexible formation. Ideally, it should have an infantry regiment, supported by attached engineers, artillery, cavalry (or "scout cars"), tanks, and perhaps even aviation. The 183rd RCT falls short of that ideal.

At the "core" is the 1st Battalion, 183rd Infantry Regiment. Technically a National Guard unit, it is a product of a compromise wherein the President agreed to not (as of yet) call existing National Guard units on state duty into Federal service. Instead, units that either existed in paper or allocation rolls would be called up to add manpower to the Army. The 183rd Infantry was allocated to Virginia, active in the 1920s, then re-flagged to be the 1st Virginia Infantry. The new 183rd is being recruited in all corners of that state, but the 1st Battalion comes mostly from the western and northern parts of the state. Quite a few of the officers are National Guard, but some, especially junior officers, are Organized Reserve Corps. CMTC or ROTC graduates caught up in the demand for personnel. Enlisted men are mostly new enlistees with some CMTC Infantry course attendees, and a strong force of CMTC senior course NCOs.

Also hailing from Virginia is the 3rd Squadron, 118th Cavalry Regiment, providing the reconnaissance and mounted component of the RCT. Mostly recruited among the rural farm populations of Southside Virginia, many of its officers are CMTC graduates that trained with the 308th Cavalry of the ORC at Ft. Meyers this past summer and only recently received commissions. The balance of enlisted and NCO personnel are from the lower level courses at the Ft. Meyers Cavalry CMTC camp.

Rounding out the combat power of the Regimental Combat Team is the 1st Battalion, 571st Field Artillery Regiment (Portee). An ORC unit based in Kentucky and West Virginia, most of its officer corps were part of the pre-activation cadre and are graduates of Eastern Kentucky State Teacher's College. Enlisted personnel come predominantly from the CMTC Field Artillery course at Fort Knox, which also provided a few Lieutenants. The battalion's main weapon is the 75mm M1916 gun, transported en portee, or in the back of trucks. Usually White or Federals with the bare minimum of modifications.

Basic Equipment Load


Issued Per Enlisted Character
-1x Pair Shoes
-2x Pairs canvas leggings
-2x Uniforms, shirts, trousers, undergarments, tie, belt, insignia
-1x Overcoat
-1x Campaign hat
-1x M1917 helmet
-1x M1923 Dismounted Cartridge Belt (100 rounds of ammunition)
-1z M1910 canteen and carrier
-1x M1928 Haversack
-1x Set pack straps
-1x Shelter half
-1x Entrenching Tool
-1x M1905 Bayonet and scabbard
-1x M1933 White rifle (10 rounds, semi-automatic)

Issued Per Officer Character
-1x web pistol belt
-1x M1911/M1911A1 Colt Automatic OR M1917 Smith & Wesson revolver
-1x M1910 canteen and carrier
-1x Magazine Pouch OR clip pouch
-Uniform private purchase to Army standards

Optional Per Character
-1x Extra M1910 canteen
-1x M1908/M1913 Warner & Swasey Telescopic Sight (GM Permission)
-Replace M1933 White rifle with M1918 BAR (GM Permission)
-Replace M1933 White rifle with M1928 Thompson (GM Permission)
-Add pistol or revolver (GM Permission)

Platoon Organization
1 Platoon Leader (Lieutenant)
1 Platoon Sergeant
4 Runners
2x Sections
-Section Leader (Sergeant)
-Section Guide (Corporal)
--3x Squads
--1 Squad Leader (Corporal)
--4x Riflemen
--1x Automatic Rifle Gunner
--1x Automatic Rifle Assistant Gunner
--1x Rifle Grenadier


Issued Per Enlisted Character
-1x Pair Shoes
-2x Pairs canvas leggings
-2x Uniforms, shirts, trousers, undergarments, tie, belt, insignia
-1x Overcoat
-1x Campaign hat
-1x M1917 helmet
-1x M1923 Mounted Cartridge Belt (90 rounds of ammunition)
-1x Magazine Pouch (two magazines)
-1z M1910 canteen and carrier
-1x M1928 Haversack
-1x Set pack straps
-1x Shelter half
-1x Entrenching Tool
-1x M1905 Bayonet and scabbard
-1x M1933 White rifle (10 rounds, semi-automatic)
-1x M1911A1

Issued Per Officer Character
-1x web pistol belt
-1x M1911/M1911A1 Colt Automatic OR M1917 Smith & Wesson revolver
-1x M1910 canteen and carrier
-1x Magazine Pouch (two magazines) OR clip pouch
-Uniform private purchase to Army standards

Optional Per Character
-1x Extra M1910 canteen
-Replace M1933 White rifle with M1928 Thompson (GM Permission)
-Replace M1933 White rifle with private purchase rifle (GM Permission)

-1x Pair Shoes
-2x Pairs canvas leggings
-2x Uniforms, shirts, trousers, undergarments, tie, belt, insignia
-1x Overcoat
-1x Campaign hat
-1x M1917 helmet
-1x M1923 Mounted Cartridge Belt (90 rounds of ammunition)
-1x Magazine Pouch (two magazines)
-1z M1910 canteen and carrier
-1x M1928 Haversack
-1x Set pack straps
-1x Shelter half
-1x Entrenching Tool
-1x M1905 Bayonet and scabbard
-1x M1933 White rifle (10 rounds, semi-automatic)
-1x M1911A1

OOC Guidelines
-This is alternate history; I don't care if you make a male or female character for any particular role.
-Use a format that makes sense to present your character outline. Shouldn't be on the wiki for a freeform RP. It should outline your character's history, how they entered the Army, and something on their personality.
-You're free to make infantry, cavalry, or artillery characters. Don't worry about how you'll get together, that's my job. Keep in mind that at this time tanks are the responsibility of the infantry, while the Cavalry experiments with armored cars and other workarounds. Infantry also includes machine guns and "howitzers", in reality 37mm anti-tank guns used as close support weapons.
-Feel free to message or hit me up on chat if you need/want help.
Zelda Zelinda Zoller
183rd Regimental Combat Team National Guard 1st Battallion
Infantry Officer

Physical Description
Zelda has a speckling of freckles along the ridge of her nose that become enveloped in the paleness of her skin. She has soft and sky blue eyes with pale blonde eyebrows crowning them and long, waist-length golden straw blonde hair that is most often in a long fishtail braid. She has side-swept bangs that go just past one eyebrow and when exerting herself, she can usually slick them back and her bangs will stay off of her face. She has amenorrhea which means she does not experience menstruation, giving her the ability to live without disruption. Atypically strong for her stature and weight, she is composed of mostly muscle and little fat. She has no chest and no scars, with very little in the way of hips or backside, but with sturdy legs and a gap between them at the top when she stands. She has thin, but strong arms and an unusually large head for her frame and wide eyes to match.

Zelda was born in 1913 to German parents, making her 20, in a small town in West Virginia named Elizabeth, fittingly as the state was named after the "Virgin" Queen Elizabeth. She was raised by a photographer and librarian there, where she developed quickly mentally and physically. As a preteen Sophia was involved in tennis and rigorously trained into her teen years, at which point she made the decision to start competitively playing. She rose to a nationwide stardom status and was nicknamed "The Dream Girl" for her Z.Z.Z initials and ability to put her opponents to bed.

Attended Regular Army courses after the disruption in the states and started showing up to every drill, finding a home within the National Guard. Capable of paying for her family for a time with her winnings, she decided to retire early and knew she could always come back to tennis after serving her great country, America.

Stern and serious except when she's scored a point, won the game, or hit her target. When those things happen, a wide smile splashes across her pale face, pink lips spread over ivory white teeth. She likes being listened to and carrying out commands. She moves her head quickly when speaking to multiple people, like she's watching a ball bounce around a court. Her tone is clipped and neutral except when sleepy or in the morning. When she is tired she is dopey and happy to show her emotions and when she wakes up she is rightfully cranky and easy to upset.

  • Marksmanship- Learned to point and shoot any number of guns used by the National Guard and does it quite well.
  • Tactical Theory- Learned the general principles of defense, offense, and everything in between, such as governing troops, use of terrain, strategy, and application of these principles.
  • Tennis- More than good. Great. One of the greatest examples of prowess and mastery over the game of her time.
  • Horseback riding- Knowing some farmhands growing up, she has saddled horses and can ride trails, jump obstacles, plowing and towing, can ride Western and English, and knows general good horsemanship and a few veterinary applications for moderate ailments.
  • Close combat- Capable and committed to close combat, she can be capricious in movement and can carry out complex drills and assaults.
  • Gambling- She has an attuned eye and keen sense for card games, dice, and betting.

-1x Pair Shoes
-2x Pairs canvas leggings
-2x Uniforms, shirts, trousers, undergarments, tie, belt, insignia
-1x Overcoat
-1x Campaign hat
-1x M1917 helmet
-1x M1923 Dismounted Cartridge Belt (100 rounds of ammunition)
-1z M1910 canteen and carrier
-1x Set pack straps
-1x Shelter half
-1x Entrenching Tool
-1x M1905 Bayonet and scabbard
-1x web pistol belt
-1x M1911/M1911A1 Colt Automatic
-1x M1910 canteen and carrier
-1x Magazine Pouch
-2x Wrap Front Bra
-1x black tennis shoes
-Uniform private purchase to Army standards
  • 3x black stockings
  • 2x knee-length olive drab skirts
  • 2x knee-length black skirts
  • 1x olive drab mid-hip-length all-purpose service coat
  • 1x black mid-hip-length all-purpose service coat
  • 5x white wool shirts
  • 1x olive drab tie
  • 1x black tie
  • 1x olive drab Garrison hat
  • 1x black Garrison hat
-1x Mess uniform private purchase to Army standards

OOC Information:
Can this character be used as an NPC by a GM or FM or otherwise: YES
Can this character be adopted: YES, at any time, not just after one year
This character cannot die on the battlefield or elsewhere as she is immortal

[Edited: Took rifle and haversack out of inventory upon @HotelKilo request]
Last edited:
Looks good to me, Ame. Although your character doesn't get issued a rifle, being an officer and all, or a haversack. Everything else meets my specifications.
This took way too long.

Chelsea Aida Burke
118th Cavalry Regiment

Physical Description
Chelsea has a slightly tanned skin from living out in rural Virginia. Her black hair is cut back to her shoulder and occasionally held back in a bun to keep it out of her emerald green eyes when she's working on something. Her face seems to have a permanent look of displeasure along with a small diagonal across the right side of her lips quite a light shading of bags under eyes. Her body seems slims but what skin is there shows a bit of muscle and lacks the curvy frame.

Born in 1915 as the one daughter to the family of three brothers, a Virginian farmer, a former waitress who died giving birth to her, Chelsa didn't have an easy life. Her brothers were interested in farming and fighting, she was more interested in mechanics. While everyone else knew how to work the tractor, she was the only one who knew how to fix it. Despite this, her father had some disdain for her mother's death but her brother still had some respect for her, treating her as if she a brother herself. Still, her father continued to look down on her, convincing her she was worthless and that no one wanted her. When she was 15, she ran away from and started working around the county as a sort of on call mechanic to support herself.

After graduating from high school, she found that not of lot of places were hiring female mechanics so she joined up with the National Guard and take part in the new modernized cavalry.

Quiet, somewhat timid, and slightly distrustful towards people. She's not one for unnecessary chatter, mostly keeping to herself in between down times and being more emotive than verbal with her expressions. In combat she's still stoically quiet but much more aggressive in her movements, somewhat like animal stalking her prey. She prefers to follow more than lead, not wanting to deal with the pressure of leading others. Does not like being touched and is paranoid that most people she meets are untrustworthy.

  • Mechanics- Learned to how to disassemble, reassemble, and repair most automotive she gets near. Has taken apart an entire Ford Model-T in her spare time.
  • Shooting- Learned how to shoot from brothers, who'd occasionally take her out to go hunting, and from the National Guard training. Isn't exactly a deadeye shot, but can hit targets pretty well.
  • Driving-
  • Boxing- Learned how to box from her brothers, who'd occasionally spar with her to help themselves.
  • Stealth- Learned how to hide when occasionally her father would try to berate her.
  • Brewing- Dad totally wasn't a making moonshine or anything...
-1x Pair Shoes
-2x Pairs canvas leggings
-2x Uniforms, shirts, trousers, undergarments, tie, belt, insignia
-1x Overcoat
-1x Campaign hat
-1x M1917 helmet
-1x M1923 Mounted Cartridge Belt (90 rounds of ammunition)
-1x Magazine Pouch (two magazines)
-1z M1910 canteen and carrier
-1x M1928 Haversack
-1x Set pack straps
-1x Shelter half
-1x Entrenching Tool
-1x M1905 Bayonet and scabbard
-1x M1933 White rifle (10 rounds, semi-automatic)
-1x M1911A1
Sounds good to me! Someone's going to have to figure out the wheeled abominations the locals have cobbled together.

And explain to them why the whole suspension just isn't there anymore after loading a car with armor and a machine gun.
I'll jump on this if ya don't mind Hotel. Bit wordier than I expected. 44 years is a long time to explain :P

Sir John Young
Age: 44
Rank: First Sergeant
183rd Regimental Combat Unit, National Guard
Infantry NCO

Sir John Young is a well worn, battle heardened Veteran of two conflicts. He is strong, built with the physique of a career soldier and the personality to match. His face is drawn and thin, eyes sunken in with a rough, dark complexion looking as if cut from stone. He stands at 6'6", with a broad stance. His expression is that of a perpetual stern scowl. Despite this all, his voice is still smooth and composed, projecting his voice rather than screaming to issue orders. His composure is as sturdy as a mountain, with an uncanny ability to remain calm in even the most hectic of situations.

Sir John Young had an unorthodox history by ay means. Born an American from a wealthy Canadian Politician out of wedlock, he was not one who lived in the highest of standards growing up. His life was always a bumbling chaos of poverty as his mother tried desperately to make ends meet for them. She sent a letter to his Father, asking him for any help he could provide. His decision was to send John to a Military Academy. This would allow John to have everything he needed to survive, plus an honourable education in Military arts, as well as give his mother time to save for his summer returns to visit her, and keep herself properly fed.

So, John went to Fishburne Military Academy. Opened as a Military Academy only a decade and a half before, he had something he never had before. Stability. He loved every minute of it. Knew when Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner was. He knew where his room was, and where his bed was. Where all his belongings were, and most importantly, he knew they would stay there. He knew he would always go back to that same building, to the same room, and sleep on that same bed every night aside from when he went to stay with his Mother. He was so glad to just have a foundation he could rely on, he was able to excel much faster than other cadets who still had worries.

He still loved his mother, though, knowing it wasn't her fault he didn't have these things before going to school. He would write her letters every day telling her all about his day. Things he learned, tips ad tricks he thought would save her money and make her life easier. Foods he did and didn't like, what he was good at, and what he was bad at. He continued this tradition even after his mother's death in 1906. This was not to be the only death in his family during this time. He received a letter from a man who was his fathers lawyer, informing him that Sir Ambrose Young had made him an inheritor. Being his only living blood descendant, by right everything his father had owned was now his, including his title of Sir, ad his Lee Enfield rifle. It was always technically his, but his Father kept his existence quiet out of fear of blackmail.

So, from then on he was always known as "Sir" John Young. His tuition was paid in full and then quite a bit more by his inheritance, and the rest he invested. He could have easily lived a comfortable life if it were not for his love of the Military. He participated in the tail end of the Moro Rebellion, receiving the Philipines Congressional Medal, and the Purple Heart after being shot in the side during a Rebel Ambush. He was fixed up and healed, back on the patrol within a couple weeks.

Once the war had come to an end, he had reached the rank of Battallion Sargeant Major. After the Moro Rebellion, his life became a droll existence of administration work, until WWI broke out. Since his time in Moro, John oddly missed the combat zone. In peace he did not know what to do with himself, slipping into a depression where he only just barely managed to maintain the level of professionalism required of his work. Alcohol was a big player in johns life during this time. WWI, however, gave him the chance he needed. All but forgetting about his addiction, he became addicted to learning of the fronts. Whatever he could learn he did, trying very hard to stay put where he was.

Eventually, he volunteered to go overseas to assist the allies in 1915. While not exactly smiled upon by the American Military, John broke no laws, and he fired no guns despite being an Ambulance Driver. Just being near the combat was enough for him to feel at home, where he belonged. Come 1917, John was brought home to train the massive umber of American soldiers who were preparing to go overseas. His rank making him a valuable asset to the training of these soldiers, coupled with his experience with the war already.

Right before shipping out for the true American intervention of WWI, John was promoted to Regimental Sargeant Major, which was all that allowed him to survive the battles America fought in. Still, getting his fix for war, John was able to recover from his Alcoholism.

Once the war ended, he returned home and continued his life. The next decade or so would be rough, but soon he was given the opportuity to be back in the ranks once more. At the age of 44, John requested a transfer to the 183rd. His belief that anyone who was considered an enemy of the country, was an enemy to him.

Never marrying, no children, and a rather lonely life deticated to his work, the only thing that had remained consistent to him were the letters he wrote ever day.

  • Marksmanship - After so long in the military, you have a knack for shooting. Typically in combat situations, where training is often put aside for instincts.
  • Leadership - With Military School and two separate wars under his belt, John has learned that a god leader needs only have one job. Be the support for those under his command.
  • Composure - It takes a lot more than bullets flying by, grazing his trench post to get him to crack. John can always be looked upon as the rock for those around them when times get terrifying.
  • Caligraphy - John doesn't half ass his letters. His writing is remarkable, rivalling that of a scholar. He is even skilled at artistic penmanship, and will often handwrite those dreaded letters home. His personal touch to the families who must suffer for their lost children's sacrifice.

-1x Pair Shoes
-2x Pairs canvas leggings
-2x Uniforms, shirts, trousers, undergarments, tie, belt, insignia
-1x Overcoat
-1x Campaign hat
-1x M1917 helmet
-1x M1923 Dismounted Cartridge Belt (100 rounds of ammunition)
-1z M1910 canteen and carrier
-1x M1928 Haversack
-1x Set pack straps
-1x Shelter half
-1x Entrenching Tool
-1x 1888 MkI Bayonet and scabbard
-1x Lee–Enfield Cavalry Carbine Mk I 10 round integrated magazine loaded with 5 round stripper clips
-1x M1911 Colt
Looks fine, Edto. He'll get along great with his battalion commander. Probably.

Only two quick things; the Army didn't introduce the Purple Heart until 1917, and the rank of Sergeant Major was done away with in 1920, making his rank Master Sergeant and his job title Battalion Sergeant Major.