Star Army

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[HNMS Eidolon] Grasping at StarDust...

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ON> Nataria Fleet Depot, Docking Bay 13

The civilian captain of the Eidolon stood in the docking bay of the Nataria Fleet Depot where she received her orders and the necessary supplies to take to the YSS Stardust that was exploring at star system 80 Light years to the north east of Essia.

Captain Morya Scott was rather confident that her first run as a starship captain would go well, the HnM operating charter was fairly cut and dry- “get in and get out”. She had never been concerned about someone defaming her name as she had through the company’s rigorous background investigation. She wondered if even SAINT went through such an intensive process.

She understood the cause for concern, after all, these were ships currently deployed to parts unknown; uncharted or simply classified. They needed these supplies to maintain a comfortable standard of functionality. Her ship would be bringing these soldiers some hope of fresh food, new entertainment and various other supplies. And for their hard work, she’d be getting a fairly decent sum of money for what she felt was a relatively simply job.

“Get in and get out. No heroics, no stunts, just deliver the goods and come home,” was what the owner and founder, Sirin had told her when she had pressed the neko for even more information about how to proceed. Morya was a little concerned about the part of the operating procedures that encouraged them to destroy the ship and supplies if they should ever get compromised and had no hope of escaping.

She was not one for mass suicide but she had entered into a contract that she hoped to never have to fully honor. The nation was important but so was her crew! Maybe she could find an escape route if it ever came to that. She hoped it wouldn’t.

She looked over her crew manifest and examined the six faces and the names that went with them. She hoped to commit them all to memory by the time they launched. She remembered briefly watching their interviews before their placement onto her ship from behind a two-way mirror in a sound proof room. Some of the more inexperienced crew seemed just a little too eager to help but they were young, some old by the standards of the Yamataian culture.

“Captain Scott, please sign here,” a crew hand offered a digitalized tablet clipboard to the tall, thin Nepleslian woman. The crew hand’s height palled beside the almost 6 foot tall woman at her own even 5 feet. But, she was a neko while this leggy captain was a Nepleslian woman. The neko wondered if all Nepleslian females were really that tall.

“Thank you, sweetie, if ya’ll do all the work, what the heck are my crew supposed to do?” Morya asked curiously, staring down at the much shorter green eyed neko as she took the clipboard and started initially it as she was needed.

“They should off-load it when they get to wherever you might be going, ma’am. Hopefully, the Ke-F8s won’t need to be repaired too much as soon as you launch,” the neko commented politely with a shrug as the captain returned the clipboard.

“I hope not, the bloody thing just got refitted! Thanks, sweetie. I think we can take it from here,” Morya gently patted the neko crew hand on the head, ruffling the girl’s short green hair.

The neko blushed and gave the Nepleslian woman an awkward reassuring smile, “May Chiharu guide you home safe again.” She backed away with a quick bow before hurrying off with her clipboard.

Morya watched her go with a soft smirk before looking back to her matte black ship. Their were no painted on hull designations or logos, Sirin had insisted that the ships be unmarked on the outside to keep them more easily hidden when the cloaking devices were not active.

“If nothing else,” Morya commented softly to herself, “Miss Hakunestu is an extremely paranoid minded woman. Let’s hope that this is simply just… overkill and unnecessary for our survival.” She walked onto the HNMS Eidolon (HF-07) with a grin of her face to meet up with her crew that had been setting themselves up in the few crew quarters that the ship had….
Re: [HMNS Eidolon] Grasping at StarDust...

Lieutenant Junior Grade Nathan Worfield reclined in the Yamataian bed. There wasn't much space to do much else in there. The bottom bunk, at least, had a mattress above it, as opposed to a ceiling. The Nepleslian FIO paged through the small book he had brought with him, some random romance novel he had pulled off the rack at a convenience store on his way to the ship. He wasn't actually reading it, of course. He was pretty sure it would endear him to the locals, however. Such things generally weren't in the interest of Nepleslian men, especially ones born and raised in downtown Funky City. Instead, his cybernetic eye flickered through floor plans of the ship, systems descriptions, and hiding spots.

Even that was a bit much. The Nepleslian wasn't a Nepleslian, and his name wasn't Nathan Worfield. Today, he was Kamatsu Shinteroga, and he was a Geshrin from Tatiana. He had never worked in any government agency, but he had always showed devotion and love for the Star Empire. The only reason he hadn't gone to war with the Mishhuvurthyar was his ever-loving parents refusing to let him go.

All fabrications, of course. It had taken the SecureNET about four hours to put it all together, not too long after he had come too from the surgeries done on his new body. They still let him have time to become accustomed to the new body. Ever generous was the Grand Veles.

He closed the book over his chest, and looked up at the mattress above as his orders scrolled through his eye once more before continuing on to the floor plan once more.
Re: [HMNS Eidolon] Grasping at StarDust...

The floor plan of the Eidolon was extremely dated despite its recent refit and fresh paint job. The ship's floor plan had yet to be updated to reflect the modifications that HnM had done to it: All weapons systems had been removed; the torpedo tubes had been sealed and modified to be able to hold more cargo; the lab and intensive care unit had been modified to be able to again- hold more cargo and was in essence turned into a large cold storage room to preserve some of the more perishable cargo; and the one modification that attracted a lot of controversy was the removal of the escape pods from the Eidolon.

Truly, the only way to escape the ship during flight was at the conclusion of the journey. Whatever the HnM was really after, they meant to follow their very strict operating procedures to the letter.

Interestingly enough, the weapons storage area marked on the ship still existed but no weapons had been loaded into it for crew use. It was, instead, left to store more valuable cargo. But if it was actually in use this mission- was unknown to the crew outside of the captain.

The crew manifest contained only 7 names and the captain was the only one that knew their end destination. The others were there to help unload the ship onto the their client's ship and make sure the ship didn't fall apart in transit. But they did have the sense to hire a cook and some sort of doctor type to round out the roster.
Re: [HMNS Eidolon] Grasping at StarDust...

Worfield mentally marked down the locations of the weapons lockers and the torpedo bays, thinking of the fastest way possible to any of them. He didn't know, unfortunately, that they had been "renovated". It didn't matter too much, luckily. He still had the KZ 40 cal. in his bag under the bed, the hidden quickly-fitting silencer, and, of course, plenty of ammo.

The disguised FIO turned sideways, kicking his feet out into the room and lowering them to the floor. He pulled forward and sat up, hunched forward so as not to bang his head on the bed frame.

He looked around the room for a moment, wondering what this crew would be like. How they would fit into the plans set for them by Grand Veles in his Infinite Wisdom.
A young girl could be heard giggling in the corridor outside the bunkroom. The giggles were accompanied by the loud thudding of boots against the metal grating along with the light scraping of heavy canvas across the wall.

"This is the place?" A very soft, feminine voice asked politely.

"You bet! Momma Morya wants you and the others to be good friends since you'll be sleeping together!" A very bubbly, high pitched little girl's voice of maybe 6 or 7 stated very happily.

"Sleep... sleeping together?!" The other feminine voice protested at the suggestion of the little girl.

"Of course, silly, there's only one room to sleep in!" The little girl's voice giggled again before the sound of soft, pattering footsteps could be heard running down the corridor.

A loud sigh of relief could be heard as the booted footsteps approached the bunkroom and the door slid open to reveal a Geshrin woman of about 5 feet 7 inches tall and 120lbs wearing what could have been a well worn Nepleslian Military uniform with the uniform shirt tied around her waist and a white t-shirt covering her torso. A double set of "silenced' blackened dog tags hung from a beaded chain around her neck that dangled between her breasts. She adjusted the strap of her duffelbag on her right shoulder before she ran her left hand lightly through her shoulder length blonde hair.

"Not much to look at, is it?" The blonde woman muttered with a sigh and then a sudden look of recognition as she noticed Kamatsu. Her sky blue eyes betrayed a hint of embarrassment. "Oh! I hope I'm not intruding or anything! I was just hoping to get myself settled in before we launch towards mysterious parts unknown."
Tsukino Masami entered the barracks, somewhat caught off-guard by the people already there.

"Ohayo gozaimasu... watashi..." Masami fumbled quietly, bowing slight with her hands clutched together in front of her body, holding a leather travel bag. Despite a preference for the way Yamataian rolled off the tongue, she remembered to use Trade since it would prevent any communication problems with crewmembers that were Nepleslian, or Yamataian but not familiar with the language.

"...I'm Dr Tsukino Masami, your civilian contractor medical care personnel. I'll be taking care of you, should anything happen." She said, with the thin lines of a shy smile gracing her lips.
'Kamatsu' quickly noted the Nepleslian uniform on the woman. The cybernetic eye silently snapped a series of photos (two of her full body, and an extra for the dogtags, the Nepleslian shirt, and a final close-up of her face) as the transplanted Geshrin smiled back and waved.

“Hello. I’m Kamatsu.” He stood up and moved forward to shake her hand. He was about to inquire about the uniform top when the doctor entered. “Ah, hello to you, as well. Kamatsu Shinteroga. I’m just another crew member.” He spoke congenially, and his face showed general warmth and enthusiasm. On the inside, the Lieutenant was just hoping more of the Yamataian Language wasn’t spoken. He had never been good in it.
The Geshrin woman looked absolutely startled by the sound of the neko behind her, she half turned and offered the neko an almost distrusting smile for a few moments before she regained herself. She looked back to the man firmly shook his hand. "Nice to meet you, Kamatsu. I'm Ceres Hamilton, I get to feed you guys for the duration of the mission."

She looked towards the neko, "Nice to meet you too, Doc. Hopefully, no one will find my cooking so offensive that they'll have to see you." She grinned with a small wink, hoping that no one actually thought she was a bad cook.

Ceres looked around the bunkroom and just tossed her duffelbag on one of the bottom bunks. "Wow, this berthing is tiny! I hope no one has issues with tight spaces or we might be having an issue," she let out a low whistle. "Hope no one is shy!"

Ceres's train of thought jumped again and she asked them both, "So what are you two in the mood for for dinner tonight? I'm not sure if I'm making one thing for everybody or individual meals but from the look of it, we have some nice options for our meals."
As the chef was otherwise preoccupied with finding a bed, the IPG operative had taken the chance to get some quick photos of the doctor, as well. She didn't have the same 'points of interest' Ceres had, so he settled simply for a picture of her bag.

"Well, I'm a little homesick. My first time really 'away'," Worfield replied as the woman asked about dinner. "You ever been taught to cook like they do on Tatiana?" He silently prayed that she didn't, seeing as he knew next to nothing about Yamataian cuisine.
"No, not really. Most Nepleslian marines don't ask for Yamataian dishes. I'd have to ask one of the other crew if they have any idea, but, if you could tell me what the ingredients are and how it tasted, I could try to come up with something similar. It wouldn't be like home, but hopefully, something close?" Ceres replied reassuringly. When she turned away, a large scar could be seen on the back of her left arm running from her elbow up beneath the top of her sleeve.

"Doc, do you happen to know what the dishes there are served?" She glanced over her shoulder at the doctor again with a curious smile before turning to face Kamatsu again. "But wow, homesick... maybe Miss Scott will let you hang up pictures from home on the bulkheads to make you feel more at ease."
"Ano... gomen. I've never been to the Warmaster Worlds. Though, I would think they don't eat much different from the rest of Yamatai, with almost all the food in the central planets coming from the same place." Masami replied quietly to the best of her abilities. For the 4 years of her life, she had been on Yamatai, and occasionally traveled to the recently settled Yugumo cluster.

The doctor threw her bag to the top of an empty bunk and hopped to the top, giving a little sigh of relief. Neither the bed or the sheets were fantastic, but it would be livable for a few weeks. As long as she'd be able to stay warm and sink a little into the mattress.

"And Kamatasu-san, Ceres-san, if you do need anything, I brought the equivalent of a small pharmacy onboard." Masami offered shyly, resting her head against the pillow. "Just remember to ask."
Ceres looked at the doctor appraisingly for a moment at the mention of a drug supply. She wondered idly if she was being tested but she smiled at neko anyway. " Like... 'go girl'?" She asked curiously. She had never taken the time to learn Yamataian so she was unfamiliar with their common phrases.

"So you guys eat rice and..." Ceres paused for a long moment before finishing her sentence, "Fish? We might have something along those lines set up in our galley."
"Gomen... it's right around the same as saying sorry, usually in passing." Masami said, frowning a little. The language barrier might be an issue, especially if she repeatedly used Yamataian in her speech.

"As for food, I'll eat anything with meat and vegetables. I don't mind staples like potatoes or rice, but they've always seemed more like filler than food." The neko said to Ceres, smiling. "You won't find me to be a finicky eater. But fish sounds nice."
Ceres grinned, "Oh, I see. I think they gave us some variety in our food supplies. Any particular way you like your fish? We might even have some of that... kimiki stuff and some curry too."

Those sky blue eyes shifted back to Kamatsu for a moment, "How about you, Kam? How do you like it?"
Worfield had been spending the time the two women had used to converse to let his head spin.

Nepleslian marines? Did she peg me? "Uhm, how about," Something Yamataian "Sushi?"

After he answered, he fought the impulse to grab his bag and pull the gun within. Instead he simply stood, trying not to fidget, and doing a pretty good job of it. "Oh, uh, Ceres, what was that about Nepleslians? Marines or something? They don't eat our food or something?"
Ceres smiled sweetly at Kamatsu, batting her eyelashes as she spoke, "Oh! I was trained as a Chef by the Star Army of Nepleslia when I went through their caretaker program. Most of the Marines I encountered weren't fond of Yamataian dishes so I never learned how to cook it I think I can swing sushi; depending on what you wanted in it. I've made hot dog sushi as well as stim burger sushi before that seemed to be fairly well received."

If she was calling the FIO's bluff she didn't seem to notice. She toyed with her dogtags with her left hand, smiling at the memory and looking past Kamatsu for a moment before actually looking at him again.
"So, what prior work have you two done? I don't want to pry, but I always prefer to know who I'm working with when I'm working on a ship." Masami turned in her bunk to look at the other two curiously. There wasn't any malice or secondary motivation in her voices, just a bit of tiredness and plenty of curiosity. Despite having been born a good four years ago, Masami had never been able to shake an innate sense of curiosity about the world.
Ceres looked back at the doc again, she didn't seem to be bothered by the constantly shifting topics. "I just left the Star Army of Nepleslia, I was a caretaker there for a couple of years. I was just kicking around for a few months before I remembered that I liked eating and needed a new job. You always been a doc, Doc? "
"You could say it's been what I've been doing for more than half of my life." She answered slightly wistfully, fully aware of her relatively short life so far.

"It'll about 3 years of being licensed practitioner now in about a month. But I suppose I was lucky... I didn't have to be a soldier because my mother retired after a full term of service... and she was able to put me through school with a small part of her savings." She sighed, unsure whether she should sound grateful or guilty about the care of her parent. Her mother had rather hoped she would enlist herself sometime after Masami had matured from a youngling, but the blue-haired Neko had opted for a career in civilian medicine. It was her passion, and she thought that there would never be a shortage of medical personnel and supplies in the military.

More than anything, I wanted to help anyone I could and see the universe. Going with the SAoY wouldn't be the same as doing it like this. From port to port and ship to ship. This is the life I wanted.
"It's great you got a chance to know your mom! I didn't really get a chance to know mine, I spent a part of my childhood in foster homes," Ceres smiled wistfully. "But to not have to work your way through school and be able to focus on your studies is great as well. I thought nekos could just install programming or remotely access years of study by logging in or something?"

She leaned against her bunk as she watched both the doctor and the FIO. Her ignorance in nekos was showing. "Oh, is it true you guys can holographically project your clothing? It'd be handy if not a little nippy."
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