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Year-End Festival Holiday Salvage Gift Grab Bags!

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Hey, it's your friends at Second Chance Salvage Company! It's kugatsu, the last month of the year, and that means it's time for the year-end festival! To get things going in the holiday spirit, we're doing another giveaway of the random stuff we've accumulated through salvaging the spacelanes.

To claim items, reply with the name(s) of whoever you would like to gift with salvage. We'll put them on our list! Each person on the list will receive 5 random items on gift day (OOC: Christmas).
To: Second Chance Salvage Company
From: Ketsurui Hanako

Thank you for this. Here are the persons I wish to sign up for a gift:

Yamashiro Natsumi
Nicholas Saiga
Sakura Cherry
Candon Howard Suites
Victory Kuroki
Sakura Lime
Sakura Mango
Jackson Howard
Tsuguka, Toyoe
Daniel Becker
Oshiro Masumi
Yuuki, Freyja
Shiho Ishii
Junko Hasegawa
Mehitabel Calidius
Tan Ann Pan
Heram J. Wazu
Jalen Sune
Sakura Blueberry
Sakura Cherry
Sakura Pineapple
Ketsurui Yui
To: Second Chance Salvage Company
From: Koga Akemi

Please tell them I put their names on the list and if they're already on it please mention that I tried to add them too.
Koga Akemi (I love free stuff almost as much as I love myself)
Ketsurui Hanako
Nakaide Shida
Ketsurui Kotori
Reika Tachihara
Ketsurui Asuka Miharu
Ketsurui Yuumi
Ketsurui Koyama
Van Banning
Ash, Kiri, Lili and Daniels (Employees of Van Banning. I'm sure she has a place to drop all their gifts.)
Druidic Six Six and Big Marlx. (Big Marlx is a Graxlat that works with Druidic. Druidic is the representative of the Freespacer Grand Bizarre)
Melisson (If she's even alive in Yammy prison)

(People Akemi doesn't know are already on the list and would like to put on it)
Candon Suites
Nicholas Saiga
Shiho Ishii
Mehitabel Calidius
Tsuguka, Toyoe
Oshiro Masumi
Sakura Cherry
Sakura Lime
Sakura Mango
Sakura Pineapple
Victory Kuroki

Please send gifts for the following people to one of my places or Van Banning if you think I'm just trying to get myself more gifts:
Codebreaker Arccos Two Three 52-9683-7587
Steelrender Lycosidae Nine Two 92-4561-8893
LargeGear Cloudy Truffleclub M447-8-09
Olena Sands
Smithee Tabernacle
Sadie (She's a bartender of mine)
Aashi Nath
Uso Tasuki
Vier (Uso's friend with like four bodies)
Sammy and Gut-Stripe (They're I'ee)
Jason and Alex (They're clones hence no last names)
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To: Second Chance Salvage Company
From: Alex
Could you please give some gifts to the following people on planet 188604?
Codebreaker Arccos Two Three 52-9683-7587
Aashi Nath
Uso Tasuki
From: Khelena Het'Laderen
To: Second Chance Salvage

We are intrigued by this month of giving! We would like to see what it would be that will be offered.

Khelena Het'Laderen
Edtoto Nar'Sivaro
Daran Ist'Laderen
Thame Sra'Kiraten
Gowen Laderen
Zoia Sivaro
Zahen Lak'Sivaro
Uram Lak'Sivaro

Zoia has made a special request for:
Hashimoto Nenna

She would like to have receivers notified of her requests.

Edtoto has made a special reequest for:
Hasewega Sara
Blesi Ingrid
Skade Mashiagi

Daran has made a special request for:
Joshua Bates
Cleo O'Conner
Hidetsugu Mizuki
Tobias Carrik
Brittany MacMillan
Ava Riggs

Gowen has made a special request for:

Zahen and Uram have made a special request for:

We apologize for incomplete names.
To: Second Chance Salvage Company
From: Koizumi Aratani

Hiya! I'd like these people to get free salvage:

Tokuko (A SAMURAI!!)
Yoshi Katai (A super sweet heart!)
Yamazaki Yuka (Wowee! Super cuddly)
Ise Momoka (She's smol)

Bye now!
小泉 ζ–°θ°·

To: Second Chance Salvage Company
From: Nath Ash (Alias of Aashi Nath)

Thank you for offering another giveaway. It means the world, it really does. I would like to know if you can give presents away to these people:

Ulysses Werner
Raphael Castiel
Uso Tasuki
Koga Akemi
Takimori Ronin

All the best,
Nath Ash
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To: Second Chance Salvage Company
From: Skade Masashiga

Hi, I’d like to send these people gifts:
Edtoto Nar Sivaro
Takeshi Saba

Thanks for everything!

To: Second Chance Salvage Company
From: Joshua Bates

Hello, Second Chance Salvage,
I’d like to get stuff for my crew that weren’t on a previous list:
Vitalia Pavone
Daran Ist'Laderen
Thame Sra'Kiraten

Thank you for your time,

Joshua Bates

To: Second Chance Salvage Company
From: Hashimoto Nenna

Hello, SCS,
I’d like to get my students gift bags:
Zoia Sivaro

Happy kugatsu!
To: Second Chance Salvage Company
From: Koga Akemi

Ooh! Ooh!
Add Ichirou Daniels to the grab bag list. He's one of Van Banning's people. He's a real pal.
To: Second Chance Salvage Company
From: Bithut Palmatar Tam

Hiya! I'd like these people to get free salvage:

Myself of course, and then
Miharu Nao
Miharu Yuzuki
Ichiko Shiro
Raphael Kallias
Viras Mortanes Dies
To: Second Chance Salvage Company
From: Jason Argo

Please send free stuff too

Alex Nolastname
Uso Tasuki
Codebreaker Arccos Two Three 52-9683-7587
Aashi Nath
Akemi Koga
Ichirou Daniels
Jolie Daniels
Vier Haram
Corgan Garrett
To: Second Chance Salvage Company
From: [REDACTED] Ayla Sozon

I'd like the following people to receive gifts:
J.J. Newhouse
Brigid Piper
Nicky Hate
Alec Corbin

To: Second Chance Salvage Company
From: Hasewega Sara

Thank you for this offer. Service in the Star Army doesn't afford me a lot of time for gift shopping. Please ensure gifts are delivered to the following:
Edtoto Nar'Sivaro
Blesi Ingrid
Skade Mashiagi

To: Second Chance Salvage Company
From: Major Rubi Kalan of USO

If possible, please deliver these 'gift packages' to the following individuals on the established date:
Raphael Castiel
Uso Tasuki
Codebreaker Arccos Two Three 52-9683-7587
Corgan Garrett
Zahen Lak'Sivaro
Takimori Ronin
To: Second Chance Salvage Company
From: Corgan Garret

The season of giving is here. I'm usually more into taking things from people, but I guess I'll try out this giving people stuff thing.

Here's my list of people to send free stuff to:

Cyrus Marshall
Rosemary W. Kato
Aashi Nath
Rip D. Torr
Errowyn Yumeobito
Codebreaker Arccos Two Three 52-9683-7587
LargeGear Cloudy Truffleclub M447-8-09
Jason Argo

Raphael Castiel
Uso Tasuki
Akemi Koga
Ulysses Werner
Smithee Tabernacle
Olena Sands
Penelope Dantratten
Amana Dantratten
Field Unit 46
Takimori Ronin
Vier Haram
Zahen Lak'sivaro
Groundbreaker 'Queenie' Eight-Four 4242-4286
Spacecase Sync Seven Two 72-9823-1064

To: Second Chance Salvage Company
From: Freyja Yuuki

Ohayou! Please send gifts of salvage to these wonderful people:

Ketsurui Hanako
Junko Hasegawa
Candon Howard Suites
Tsuguka, Toyoe
Oshiro Masumi
Shiho Ishii
Mehitabel Calidius
Tan Ann Pan
Heram J. Wazu
Yamashiro Natsumi
Sakura Lime
Nicholas Saiga
Sakura Cherry
Victory Kuroki
Sakura Mango
Jackson Howard
Daniel Becker
Hitoshi Takao

To: Second Chance Salvage Company
From: Brigid Piper

I would be in your debt if you send gifts to these people. I might allow you to do anything you want to me. I've enclosed some enticing pictures of myself so you know what I look like and how persuasive I can be.

Jacob Miller
J.J. Newhouse
Alistair Thorn
Ayla Sozon
Nicky Hate
Heidleberg Elizabeth "Squeakies"

To: Second Chance Salvage Company
From: Takeshi Saba

I have been informed that it is customary to give your friends and acquaintances something called gifts. As I possess no currency, this is the best option for me. The list of those who I would like to receive gifts will follow this sentence.

Edtoto Nar'Sivaro
Skade Masahiga
Hasewega Sara
Blesi Ingrid
Sunny Linn
Tsukisaki Valesti
Hoshitomo Rin
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We're currently experiencing some delays due to the large volume of orders, but you should have your gifts by the new year.

Current list of gift recipients (no more will be accepted as the deadline has passed):
  1. 46
  2. Aashi Nath
  3. Ace
  4. Akemi Koga
  5. Alec Corbin
  6. Alex
  7. Alistair Thorn
  8. Amana Dantratten
  9. Arccos
  10. Ava Riggs
  11. Ayla Sozon
  12. Bithut Palmatar Tam
  13. Blackberry
  14. Blesi Ingrid
  15. Brigid Piper
  16. Brittany MacMillan
  17. Brynhildr Nishizaki
  18. Candon Howard Suites
  19. Candon Suites
  20. Cleo O'Conner
  21. Codebreaker Arccos Two Three 52-9683-7587
  22. Corgan Garrett
  23. Cyrus
  24. Cyrus Marshall
  25. Daniel Becker
  26. Daran Ist'Laderen
  27. Edtoto Nar Sivaro
  28. Edtoto Nar'Sivaro
  29. Errowyn Yumeobito
  30. Field Unit 46
  31. Freyja Yuuki
  32. Gowen Laderen
  33. Groundbreaker 'Queenie' Eight-Four 4242-4286
  34. Gut-Stripe
  35. Hasewega Sara
  36. Hashimoto Nenna
  37. Heidleberg Elizabeth "Squeakies"
  38. Heram J. Wazu
  39. Hidetsugu Mizuki
  40. Hitoshi Takao
  41. Hoshitomo Rin
  42. Ichiko Shiro
  43. Ichirou Daniels
  44. Ise Momoka (She's smol)
  45. J.J. Newhouse
  46. Jackson Howard
  47. Jacob Miller
  48. Jalen Sune
  49. Jason
  50. Jason Argo
  51. Jason and Alex (They're clones hence no last names)
  52. Jolie Daniels
  53. Joshua Bates
  54. Junko Hasegawa
  55. Ketsurui Asuka Miharu
  56. Ketsurui Hanako
  57. Ketsurui Kotori
  58. Ketsurui Koyama
  59. Ketsurui Yui
  60. Ketsurui Yuumi
  61. Khelena Het'Laderen
  62. Koga Akemi
  63. Kunio
  64. LargeGear Cloudy Truffleclub M447-8-09
  65. Maki Takara
  66. Mehitabel Calidius
  67. Miharu Nao
  68. Miharu Yuzuki
  69. Momoko
  70. Murakami Mitsuko
  71. Naida
  72. Nakaide Shida
  73. Nicholas Saiga
  74. Nicky Hate
  75. Olena Sands
  76. Oshiro Masumi
  77. Penelope Dantratten
  78. Raphael Castiel
  79. Raphael Kallias
  80. Rei the Samurai
  81. Reika Tachihara
  82. Rip D. Torr
  83. Ronin
  84. Rosemary W. Kato
  85. Rubi
  86. Sadie the Brtender
  87. Sakura Blueberry
  88. Sakura Cherry
  89. Sakura Lime
  90. Sakura Mango
  91. Sakura Pineapple
  92. Sammy
  93. Gut-Stripe
  94. Sarena
  95. Shayla McBelle
  96. Shiho Ishii
  97. Skade Masahiga
  98. Smithee Tabernacle
  99. Spacecase Sync Seven Two 72-9823-1064
  100. Steelrender Lycosidae Nine Two 92-4561-8893
  101. Sunny Linn
  102. Takeshi Saba
  103. Takimori Ronin
  104. Tan Ann Pan
  105. Tavigo Ymy
  106. Thame Sra'Kiraten
  107. Tobias Carrik
  108. Tokuko (A SAMURAI!!)
  109. Toyoe Tsuguka
  110. Tsukisaki Valesti
  111. Ulysses Werner
  112. Uram Lak'Sivaro
  113. Uso Tasuki
  114. Van Banning
  115. Victory Kuroki
  116. Vier Haram
  117. Viras Mortanes Dies
  118. Vitalia Pavone
  119. William (Rei's son)
  120. Yamashiro Natsumi
  121. Yamazaki Yuka
  122. Yoshi Katai
  123. Yuu Sakaki
  124. Zahen Lak'Sivaro
  125. Zoia Sivaro
The following items are available for pickup on Yiqucibu I. You can also have them shipped for 500 KS. You must specify a known starport to have them shipped to.

1. 46

* Shipment of Cornmeal grain, 5 Huge bags (NMX War, TC: 12-54, IC: 705-24033-65)
* NMX Type 31 Sidearm (NMX War, TC: 74-78, IC: 5829-53955-144)
* Ammunition Crate, 155mm Tank (NMX War, TC: 68-25, IC: 1757-13257-85)
* Padded case of 18 fine Yamataian Wine bottles (NMX War, TC: 7-8, IC: 106-2649-15)
* 3 Type 29 Field Rations C-Type (30 KS each) (NMX War, TC: 74-6, IC: 427-3633-72)

2. Aashi Nath

* Audio Equipment (NMX War, TC: 47-98, IC: 4663-57877-140)
* 352 x Sets of Thieves' Tools (1 lb)
* Large Liquid Oxygen Tank (truck trailer size) (Pirating YE 34, TC: 50-33, IC: 1657-4413-78)
* 568 x Barrel (2 gp, 30 lb)
* Large Hydrogen Cell (Pirating YE 34, TC: 95-54, IC: 5187-18039-138)

3. Ace

* TA-13 Medical Kit (NMX War, TC: 87-72, IC: 6321-40305-149)
* 541 x Leather Backpacks (2 lb)
* 18 x Sack of Animal Feed (2 sp, 50 lb)
* Exo-Skeleton Arm Parts (NMX War, TC: 55-46, IC: 2532-9349-95)
* 3 crates Banger Lubricant (Pirating YE 34, TC: 39-58, IC: 2319-6843-93

4. Akemi Koga

See 62

5. Alec Corbin

* Oxygen Tank (NMX War, TC: 47-49, IC: 2313-22107-91)
* Sperion Mini-Grenade (NMX War, TC: 60-94, IC: 5697-35589-147)
* 84 x Pouch of Tobacco (1 lb)
* Elysian Bola (NMX War, TC: 65-39, IC: 2592-28605-97)
* 153 x Altars

6. Alex

* Extremely good looking tuxedo (NMX War, TC: 17-98, IC: 1723-70421-114)
* Star Army Backpack (NMX War, TC: 72-83, IC: 6033-77828-147)
* Box of rubbers (Pirating Nepleslia, TC: 23-22, IC: 540-3951-43)
* 6-liter bar-tap bottle of Nepleslian "bodily fluids" (Pirating, TC: 66-25, IC: 1641-1832-84)
* Ship's bridge (Pirating YE 34, TC: 99-97, IC: 9660-38372-185)

7. Alistair Thorn

* 646 x Tent (10 gp, 20 lb)
* SSCC-XL containing lead (Pirating YE 34, TC: 13-48, IC: 681-19689-60)
* Black Box (covert mission?) (Pirating YE 34, TC: 73-6, IC: 422-1497-71)
* 6-liter bar-tap bottle of Nepleslian "bodily fluids" (Pirating, TC: 55-25, IC: 1377-1382-74)
* NovaCorp Xaser Assault Rifle (XAR) (NMX War, TC: 38-8, IC: 323-3049-42)

8. Amana Dantratten

* SSCC-XL containing Chromium (Pirating YE 34, TC: 3-18, IC: 111-7401-21)
* Computer Components (Pirating YE 34, TC: 83-13, IC: 1053-3229-87)
* 3 crates Banger Lubricant (Pirating YE 34, TC: 50-59, IC: 2957-12093-104)
* SSCC-XL containing butter (Pirating YE 34, TC: 20-10, IC: 237-1607-28)
* 381 x Anvil (5 gp, 200 lb)

9. Arccos

See 21

10. Ava Riggs

* Crate of Gun Parts (Salvaging Ultra Variety, TC: 77-49, IC: 3830-10641-117)
* Absolutely gorgeous wedding dress (Pirating YE 34, TC: 62-97, IC: 6071-4713-152)
* Lorath hand-cannon (Pirating YE 34, TC: 91-35, IC: 3151-2857-116)
* Type 30 35mm Machine Gun (NMX War, TC: 85-82, IC: 7027-51635-157)
* A case of precision lenses (Pirating YE 34, TC: 72-31, IC: 2289-6939-95)

11. Ayla Sozon

* Ferryman Shuttle - A Basic STL Shuttle (NMX War, TC: 79-94, IC: 7483-71967-164)
* Men's Work Clothing (Pirating Nepleslia, TC: 5-27, IC: 187-5025-32)
* Paint Sprayer, Industrial (Pirating YE 34, TC: 82-75, IC: 6207-582-148)
* Various shipments of musical instruments (Pirating YE 34, TC: 60-69, IC: 4197-30003-122)
* Elysian Religious Artifact (NMX War, TC: 63-43, IC: 2703-40090-99)

12. Bithut Palmatar Tam

* 2 small cases of porn (Pirating YE 34, TC: 50-54, IC: 2757-25221-98)
* Nepleslian Automotive Tool Chest and Tool Set (Pirating YE 34, TC: 50-63, IC: 3207-27273-107)
* Optical sensor, intact (Pirating Nepleslia, TC: 82-74, IC: 6125-11823-147)
* 3 NMX Type 31 Field Rations (NMX War, TC: 74-3, IC: 205-1338-69)
* Clay Pitcher (2 cp, 5 lb)

13. Blackberry

* Fine silks for tailoring (Pirating YE 34, TC: 46-22, IC: 1023-9957-63)
* Starship controls from pilot station (NMX War, TC: 56-62, IC: 3473-32049-112)
* New laptop navigational computer with interface cable (Pirating YE 34, TC: 53-52, IC: 2813-9053-99)
* 515 x Wheel of Cheese (80 lb)
* Emrys Industries Pheromone (Salvaging Ultra Variety, TC: 84-36, IC: 2997-10785-110)

14. Blesi Ingrid

* "Mobile Spanner" Drone (repair bot) (NMX War, TC: 94-1, IC: 57-1025-84)
* NMX Type 31 Ration Making Kit (NMX War, TC: 71-4, IC: 270-1125-67)
* Covert Operative Sunglasses - SACOS (NMX War, TC: 86-43, IC: 3669-32565-119)
* Antimatter Munitions Launcher (Pirating the UOC, TC: 46-31, IC: 1483-8892-72)
* Elaborate golden desk lamp (Pirating YE 34, TC: 44-76, IC: 3357-11685-115

15. Brigid Piper

* Heavy-Class QNC Engine (Pirating YE 34, TC: 78-33, IC: 2631-750-102)
* Empty envelope (NMX War, TC: 20-99, IC: 2037-57873-117)
* 188 x Large Cage
* Various shipments of musical instruments (Salvaging, TC: 81-70, IC: 5646-5657-142)
* Baggy Nepleslian pants (Pirating, TC: 39-49, IC: 1929-1723-84)

16. Brittany MacMillan

* 2 crates various ?marital aids? (Pirating YE 34, TC: 57-60, IC: 3420-8637-111)
* Bolt of Canvas (1 gp, 10 lb)
* Ammunition Crate, 10x25mm/.40 Caliber KZ (NMX War, TC: 67-20, IC: 1330-10197-79)
* Expensive Pair of Shoes (Pirating the UOC, TC: 18-15, IC: 309-3507-31)
* SSCC-XL containing cotton (Pirating YE 34, TC: 16-24, IC: 441-1881-39)

17. Brynhildr Nishizaki

* Box of Prescription Drugs - Common (Salvaging Ultra Variety, TC: 74-51, IC: 3757-15306-117)
* 3220 x Small Magnet (10 KS, 1 lb)
* Fresh water, 500 Liter Tank (Pirating YE 34, TC: 34-24, IC: 839-3849-54)
* Sack of Potatos (Pirating, TC: 55-30, IC: 1707-957-79)
* 74 x Small Cask of Oil (8 sp, 5 lb)

18. Candon Howard Suites

* SSCC-XL containing cocoa beans (Salvaging Commodites, TC: 35-16, IC: 617-2009-47)
* Heavily Damaged Evangelist Cruiser (NMX War, TC: 66-56, IC: 3687-36345-115)
* Collection of various exotic spices and herbs (Pirating YE 34, TC: 54-25, IC: 1353-7107-73)
* Small crate of NAM pharmecuticals (Sedatives) (NMX War, TC: 40-67, IC: 2737-34160-103)
* Heavy-Class QNC Engine (Pirating YE 34, TC: 60-33, IC: 2037-2037-86)

19. Candon Suites

See 18

20. Cleo O'Conner

* 128 x Small Glass Rod (1 sp)
* Bunch of Backpacks and Bags (Salvaging Commodites, TC: 44-29, IC: 1289-5074-68)
* Crate of NAM Fragmentation Grenades (NMX War, TC: 24-75, IC: 1857-72582-97)
* Crate of Telescopic rifle sights (Pirating YE 34, TC: 84-38, IC: 3165-11609-112)
* 10 Civilian Space Suits (a little bulky; 6 hour air supply) (Pirating YE 34, TC: 56-32, IC: 1793-14297-82)

21. Codebreaker Arccos Two Three 52-9683-7587

* Crate of Lorath Ammunition - Needle-Type (NMX War, TC: 76-62, IC: 4693-32607-129)
* 152 x Leather Armchair
* 3 NMX Type 31 Field Rations (NMX War, TC: 70-1, IC: 57-956-63)
* Barrel of Peppermint Oil (Salvaging Ultra Variety, TC: 63-57, IC: 3648-11685-113)
* 1233 x Noble's Outfit (750 KS, 10 lb)

22. Corgan Garrett

* Sex Droid (Pirating YE 34, TC: 97-95, IC: 9272-8702-181)
* Large Liquid Hydrogen Tank (truck trailer size) (Pirating YE 34, TC: 35-34, IC: 1212-1281-65)
* QNC Engine parts (Pirating, TC: 57-18, IC: 1026-543-69)
* Ammunition Crate, 25x100mm Grenade (LASR-SLAG) (NMX War, TC: 69-20, IC: 1437-6677-81)
* 7 x Hemp Rope (50') (1 gp, 10 lb)

23. Cyrus

* Motor-Assisted Bicycle (NMX War, TC: 80-44, IC: 3497-26281-115)
* Baggy Nepleslian pants (Pirating YE 34, TC: 49-48, IC: 2409-11913-92)\
* SSCC-XL containing Strontium (Salvaging Commodites, TC: 3-81, IC: 297-14313-84)
* Ammunition Crate, 50mm Mortar (NMX War, TC: 83-20, IC: 1634-18417-93)
* Pack of Purified medical-grade water bottles (Pirating YE 34, TC: 67-27, IC: 1866-12801-86)

24. Cyrus Marshall

See 23

25. Daniel Becker

* Mid-size portable fan (Salvaging, TC: 89-88, IC: 7889-6745-167)
* Lorath hand-cannon (Salvaging, TC: 76-35, IC: 2641-232-102)
* SSCC-XL containing coal (Salvaging Commodites, TC: 85-15, IC: 1247-2772-90)
* 1 crate Constriction Bands (Salvaging, TC: 48-60, IC: 2937-4557-103)
* Box of taco shells and taco spice (Pirating YE 34, TC: 41-85, IC: 3542-18842-122)
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So, two questions!

#1: Can we say we paid for the shipping ad be done with it?
#2: I notice that you put in things that character as individuals would actually use, as well as little jokes that have been made. This bring me to ask. Did you deliberately give the Convicted Serial Killer a crate of fragmentation grenades NO TAKE BACKS! This is going to be amazing!
26. Daran Ist'Laderen

* Paint Sprayer, Industrial (NMX War, TC: 16-75, IC: 1257-74307-90)
* Star Army Backpack (Salvaging Ultra Variety, TC: 20-59, IC: 1217-13568-77)
* Mint-condition decorative Nepleslian Flag (NMX War, TC: 28-69, IC: 1961-11235-94)
* SSCC-XL containing clothing (Salvaging Commodites, TC: 31-14, IC: 460-2857-42)
* PRISM Volatile RAM (Pirating YE 34, TC: 98-74, IC: 7211-35429-161)

27. Edtoto Nar Sivaro

See 28

28. Edtoto Nar'Sivaro

* Barrel of Pine Tree Seeds (Pirating YE 34, TC: 44-68, IC: 3005-5293-107)
* Decorative/Ceremonial Swords (NMX War, TC: 2-84, IC: 225-43233-86)
* Electric fan (NMX War, TC: 9-48, IC: 480-26361-56)
* Handful of small gears (Pirating Nepleslia, TC: 37-28, IC: 1056-3501-61)
* 340 x Small Hunting Trap (4 gp, 5 lb)

29. Errowyn Yumeobito

* 52 x Low Boots (1 KS, 2 lb)
* SSCC-XL containing Indium (Pirating YE 34, TC: 4-36, IC: 201-9381-40)
* Pornographic Holo-Vid by Flash Bang Entertainment (Yummy Yamatai series) (NMX War, TC: 34-19, IC: 669-14858-49)
* SSCC-XL containing Palladium (Salvaging Commodites, TC: 90-60, IC: 5367-9117-140)
* Sersis Variable Pistol (NMX War, TC: 65-84, IC: 5517-48945-142)

30. Field Unit 46

* 286 x Artisan's Tools (5 gp, 5 lb)
* Box of garden vegetable seeds (Pirating YE 34, TC: 39-77, IC: 3021-27469-112)
* SSCC-XL containing Gold (Pirating YE 34, TC: 1-31, IC: 87-2165-32)
* Ks-G2-E3100 Isolated Computer Pad (NMX War, TC: 88-46, IC: 4105-32395-124)
* Coolers (NMX War, TC: 6-86, IC: 573-80553-92)

31. Freyja Yuuki

* Crate of NAM Fragmentation Grenades (NMX War, TC: 24-75, IC: 1857-48507-97)
* ECN Combined Sensors Array (NMX War, TC: 62-32, IC: 1979-23513-87)
* 20lb chocolate bunny (Pirating YE 34, TC: 55-92, IC: 5117-333-141)
* Pestris Pistol (NMX War, TC: 62-76, IC: 4707-55841-131)
* Large refrigerated container of fish from Hanako's World (Pirating YE 34, TC: 32-18, IC: 601-8895-47)

32. Gowen Laderen

* Box of bottled cleaning chemicals (Salvaging, TC: 12-70, IC: 897-3907-81)
* Box of 20 Type 30 Fragmentation Grenade (Black stripe) (NMX War, TC: 89-32, IC: 2816-22809-111)
* Crate of Anti-matter-Os (NMX War, TC: 47-95, IC: 4475-17727-137)
* Heavily Damaged Avenger-Class Carrier (NMX War, TC: 64-52, IC: 3385-27721-109)
* Barrel of Yamataian Brandy (Salvaging, TC: 40-7, IC: 297-554-43)

33. Groundbreaker 'Queenie' Eight-Four 4242-4286

* Rail Gun Artillery (intact) (Salvaging Ultra Variety, TC: 27-70, IC: 1947-18957-94)
* 553 x Merchant's Scale (2 gp, 1 lb)
* SSCC-XL containing Sodium (Salvaging Ultra Variety, TC: 5-79, IC: 452-21940-84)
* Freight compartment of liquor (seven hundred thousand bottles) (NMX War, TC: 33-15, IC: 519-13437-45)
* Ke-M2-W3000 General Equipment Pack (NMX War, TC: 93-51, IC: 4800-27138-133)

34. Gut-Stripe

* SSCC-XL containing viral agents (Pirating YE 34, TC: 14-95, IC: 1387-25422-108)
* Nepleslian Automotive Tool Chest and Tool Set (Pirating YE 34, TC: 48-63, IC: 3081-28785-106)
* Car Parts (Pirating YE 34, TC: 38-66, IC: 2527-24543-100)
* 331 x Small Cask of Sausages (1 gp, 5 lb)
* SMX Whifgurflumik Battle Pod (NMX War, TC: 69-83, IC: 5715-16989-144)

35. Hasewega Sara

* 10 Civilian Space Suits (a little bulky; 6 hour air supply) (Pirating YE 34, TC: 48-32, IC: 1545-15097-75)
* Frozen food from a ship's galley (Pirating YE 34, TC: 99-39, IC: 3918-11874-127)
* Padded wooden crate full of mangoes, papayas, starfruit, and kiwis (Salvaging Ultra Variety, TC: 58-89, IC: 5219-19993-141)
* Various shipments of musical instruments (Pirating YE 34, TC: 86-69, IC: 5991-6957-145)
* Container with small group of armed Nepleslian thugs inside. (NMX War, TC: 6-38, IC: 285-22363-44)

36. Hashimoto Nenna

* Small crate of NAM pharmecuticals (Antibiotics) (NMX War, TC: 39-66, IC: 2592-39987-101)
* 3589 x Signet Ring (5 KS)
* Chilled nuclear-materials container containing Uranium (Pirating YE 34, TC: 77-43, IC: 3291-12441-111)
* Anti-Insect Remote (Pirating YE 34, TC: 99-37, IC: 3720-7457-125)
* 134 x Box of 20 Arrowheads (1 lb)

37. Heidleberg Elizabeth "Squeakies"

* Box of brand-new airfilters (Civilian and Starship) (Pirating YE 34, TC: 82-71, IC: 5879-4246-144)
* 194 x Canopy Bed (500 KS value)
* Box of 20 Type 30 Concussion Grenade (White stripe) (NMX War, TC: 69-28, IC: 1920-20665-89)
* 1 crate Constriction Bands (Pirating YE 34, TC: 56-61, IC: 3417-29642-111)
* Chunk of powered armorsuit (FIRE, Head)

38. Heram J. Wazu

* Paint Sprayer, Industrial (NMX War, TC: 14-75, IC: 1107-957-88)
* 78 x Sack of Animal Feed (2 sp, 50 lb)
* Box of Precious Gemstones (NMX War, TC: 4-20, IC: 137-11577-24)
* SSCC-XL containing Antimony (Pirating YE 34, TC: 5-4, IC: 72-169-9)
* Mnemosyne (NMX War, TC: 66-69, IC: 4611-56085-128)

39. Hidetsugu Mizuki

* Wall insulation foam (Pirating YE 34, TC: 68-93, IC: 6381-13821-153)
* Telephone line and outlets (Pirating YE 34, TC: 79-95, IC: 7483-4427-165)
* Enclosed Surface Terrain Vehicle (NMX War, TC: 94-10, IC: 903-4677-93)
* 1227 x Vial of Exotic Ink (40 gp)
* Pack of Purified medical-grade water bottles (NMX War, TC: 16-27, IC: 489-9210-42)

40. Hitoshi Takao

* Collection of various exotic spices and herbs (NMX War, TC: 6-25, IC: 201-20882-31)
* Large Liquid Hydrogen Tank (truck trailer size) (Pirating YE 34, TC: 53-33, IC: 1806-1938-80)
* 5 x Loaf of Bread (1/2 lb)
* 2869 x Tent (100 KS, 20 lb)
* Various shipments of musical instruments (NMX War, TC: 15-70, IC: 1092-44437-84)

41. Hoshitomo Rin

* 184 x Spade (8 lb)
* Crate of Medical Supplies (NMX War, TC: 5-98, IC: 547-49743-103)
* Meat grinder and sausage making kit (Pirating YE 34, TC: 76-77, IC: 5909-37171-144)
* Control panel, cracked (NMX War, TC: 55-19, IC: 1047-15979-68)
* 20 x Sledge (10 lb)

42. Ichiko Shiro

* Box of 20 Type 30 Signal Smoke (Purple Colored) Grenade (Thick gray stripe with purple colored inner band) (NMX War, TC: 86-34, IC: 2981-12025-110)
* 130 x Shrine (50 gp)
* Sawn off shotgun (Pirating YE 34, TC: 63-19, IC: 1254-4199-75)
* Star Army Butt Pack (NMX War, TC: 83-60, IC: 4954-26817-133)
* 163 x Room Screens (furniture)

43. Ichirou Daniels

* SSCC-XL containing Osmium (Pirating YE 34, TC: 6-58, IC: 399-17457-64)
* PRISM Software (NMX War, TC: 53-69, IC: 3714-64365-116)
* 552 x Handsaw (5 lb)
* 17 x Cheap Wigs
* SSCC-XL containing Cobalt (Salvaging Commodites, TC: 2-19, IC: 95-2052-21)

44. Ise Momoka

* 195 x Spinning Wheels
* 106 x Iron Bars (5 lbs)
* 52 x Bottle of Honey (4 lb each)
* 116 x Sarcophagus
* 153 x Round Table

45. J.J. Newhouse

* 14 x Chisel (5 sp, 2 lb)
* Stack of Data Disks (NMX War, TC: 42-97, IC: 4131-52534-134)
* Iron Bar (1 sp, 5 lb)
* 1 crate Constriction Bands (Pirating YE 34, TC: 31-61, IC: 1917-12867-89)
* Large chunk of a warship, mostly intact (NMX War, TC: 53-97, IC: 5198-87454-144) - NMX Scout Ship, just needs engine repair

46. Jackson Howard

* SSCC-XL containing potassium chloride (Pirating YE 34, TC: 20-68, IC: 1397-6993-86)
* Metal floor panel (Pirating Nepleslia, TC: 41-65, IC: 2722-7727-102)
* 2389 x Small Cask of Tobacco ( 8 lb)
* Medtech MED kit (NMX War, TC: 31-63, IC: 2010-24942-91)
* Box of brand-new airfilters (Civilian and Starship) (NMX War, TC: 11-71, IC: 838-30232-81)

47. Jacob Miller

* Crate of NAM "ARROW" miniature-missiles (NMX War, TC: 25-65, IC: 1682-33207-88)
* SSCC-XL containing synthetic oil (Pirating YE 34, TC: 17-89, IC: 1570-9847-105)
* SSCC-XL containing electronics (Pirating YE 34, TC: 21-32, IC: 708-11097-51)
* 1621 x Tongs (2 lb)
* Barrel of Motor Oil (Pirating, TC: 5-66, IC: 387-189-71)

48. Jalen Sune

* Bacterial Charge Pack - Small (Pirating the UOC, TC: 38-99, IC: 3819-24609-133)
* 58 x Hemp Rope (50') (1 KS, 10 lb)
* 16 x Small Cask of Wax (2 sp, 5 lb)
* Something special! Contact your GM! (Pirating YE 34, TC: 93-99, IC: 9264-25599-181)
* Water pistol (Pirating Nepleslia, TC: 55-93, IC: 5172-15216-142)

49. Jason

See 50

50. Jason Argo

* Big drum (Pirating Nepleslia, TC: 96-39, IC: 2649-4425-124)
* Baggy Nepleslian pants (NMX War, TC: 4-49, IC: 249-14953-53)
* Star Army Tool Locker (NMX War, TC: 86-64, IC: 5561-61689-140)
* Box of handheld radio sets (Pirating the UOC, TC: 95-77, IC: 7277-21155-161)
* SSCC-XL containing lamb meat (Salvaging Commodites, TC: 25-47, IC: 1232-5274-70)

1. Yes, but you need to say where it is going to be shipped to and it needs to be a port Second Chance will know about.

2. No, it was entirely random.
51. Jason and Alex

See 50 and 6

52. Jolie Daniels

* 1977 x Crowbar (2 KS, 5 lb)
* Crate of NAM Scalar Pulse Grenades (Pirating Nepleslia, TC: 20-80, IC: 1657-8617-98)
* 552 x Backpack (2 gp, 2 lb)
* SSCC-XL containing energy cells (Pirating YE 34, TC: 23-33, IC: 793-2433-54)
* Heavily Damaged SMX Ghullfrashirv Escort (NMX War, TC: 71-54, IC: 3820-29865-117)

53. Joshua Bates

* Box of Data Storage Devices - Contains Useless Novels (Pirating the UOC, TC: 12-81, IC: 1029-16419-92)
* Small air purifying unit (Pirating Nepleslia, TC: 65-57, IC: 3697-7638-115)
* Bag of Common Spice (1 gp, 1 lb)
* Army Multi-Species Environmental Suit (NMX War, TC: 68-26, IC: 1825-15995-86)
* SSCC-XL containing sorghum (Salvaging Commodites, TC: 90-81, IC: 7347-12126-161)

54. Junko Hasegawa

* 5 Crates of exotic liquor (Pirating YE 34, TC: 84-52, IC: 4425-6037-126)
* Medium Jewelry Box (Modest Jewelry) (Pirating the UOC, TC: 3-62, IC: 240-12767-65)
* 409 x Small Cask of Dried Figs (3 gp, 8 lb)
* Stack of College Textbooks (Pirating YE 34, TC: 88-75, IC: 6569-22257-153)
* 194 x Sewing Needle (5 sp)

55. Ketsurui Asuka Miharu

* SSCC-XL containing Tin (Pirating YE 34, TC: 5-89, IC: 502-17056-94)
* Box of handheld radio sets (Pirating, TC: 90-76, IC: 6897-1957-156)
* 316 x Mortar and Pestle (5 gp, 2 lb)
* Bacterial Charge Pack - Vehicle Grade (NMX War, TC: 76-3, IC: 209-1359-70)
* Sensor-shielded compartment kit (easy smuggling!) (Pirating YE 34, TC: 76-89, IC: 6821-12339-156)

56. Ketsurui Hanako

* 729 x Riding Saddle
* Barrel of Yamataian Brandy (NMX War, TC: 8-7, IC: 105-5832-15)
* Hydrogen/Oxygen Distiller Machine (just add water!) (Pirating, TC: 44-69, IC: 3049-4128-108)
* 136 x Small Cage (10 gp)
* Subspace transceiver, ship (Pirating Nepleslia, TC: 76-80, IC: 6061-13577-147)

57. Ketsurui Kotori

* Chunk of powered armorsuit (EARTH, Head)
* Large box of blankets (Pirating YE 34, TC: 49-78, IC: 3830-29931-122)
* Barrel of Nepleslian Beer (NMX War, TC: 8-3, IC: 73-1683-11)
* 133 x Leather Couches
* Various Medicines (NMX War, TC: 6-26, IC: 207-15683-32)

58. Ketsurui Koyama

* Polished Marble Statuette (Pirating YE 34, TC: 65-57, IC: 3697-5358-115)
* Barrel of Yamataian Wine (Pirating YE 34, TC: 28-5, IC: 169-1092-30)
* 829 x Bookcase (30 KS)
* 2447 x Amphora of Vinegar (2 KS, 80 lb)
* 60 x Box of Firewood (1 cp, 20 lb)

59. Ketsurui Yui

* SLAM Missile Launcher (NMX War, TC: 85-56, IC: 4732-11033-131)
* SSCC-XL containing rapeseed oil (canola) (Salvaging Commodites, TC: 91-73, IC: 6609-13854-154)
* Crate of Hover Vehicle Parts (Salvaging Ultra Variety, TC: 77-47, IC: 3599-9880-115)
* 1722 x Pitchfork (2 KS, 5 lb)
* Poster of Jon-Jon Rocketass, of Aethersperm Fame (NMX War, TC: 35-28, IC: 1002-16605-59)

60. Ketsurui Yuumi

* 409 x Tongs (3 gp, 2 lb)
* Handful of bolts (Pirating Nepleslia, TC: 36-21, IC: 777-3795-53)
* 3 x Small Wooden Chest (1 KS, 10 lb)
* Yamataian Photobook of Hanako and Yui wearing swimsuits or less (hot!) (Pirating YE 34, TC: 53-46, IC: 2442-3691-93)
* Ship Enviromental Systems (NMX War, TC: 43-15, IC: 659-9102-53)

61. Khelena Het'Laderen

* Padded wooden crate full of mangoes, papayas, starfruit, and kiwis (Pirating YE 34, TC: 42-89, IC: 3795-36992-126)
* 56 x Tiny Wooden Box (5 sp, 1 lb)
* SSCC-XL containing softwood logs (Pirating YE 34, TC: 13-80, IC: 1097-9737-92)
* SSCC-XL containing Cerium (Salvaging Ultra Variety, TC: 7-16, IC: 162-3433-23)
* Small chest of Platinum (Pirating YE 34, TC: 46-95, IC: 4427-41667-136)

62. Akemi Koga

* Case of 30,000 condoms (Pirating YE 34, TC: 86-39, IC: 3325-12108-115)
* Escape Pod, Ke-S3-X2900 (NMX War, TC: 96-11, IC: 1017-9759-96)
* 1 shipment of IWI FL-10 "Porcupine" Flechette Rifles (NMX War, TC: 12-50, IC: 657-50007-61)
* Pneumatic Nailgun (Salvaging Ultra Variety, TC: 99-85, IC: 5997-20372-173)
* Hydrogen/Oxygen Distiller Machine (just add water!) (Pirating YE 34, TC: 43-68, IC: 2981-12365-106)

63. Kunio

* 3 x Flint and Steel
* 82 x Chair
* SSCC-XL containing Carbon (Pirating YE 34, TC: 1-15, IC: 71-2487-16)
* 6695 x Sled (300 lb)
* 488 x Thieves' Tools (1 lb)

64. LargeGear Cloudy Truffleclub M447-8-09

* Box of heavy duty trash bags (Pirating Nepleslia, TC: 4-69, IC: 333-11856-73)
* Ammunition Crate, 10x25mm/.40 Caliber KZ (NMX War, TC: 84-15, IC: 1317-13587-89)
* Poster of Dizzy Dinkaid, of Aethersperm Fame (NMX War, TC: 38-27, IC: 1045-10695-61)
* Air Compressor (Pirating Nepleslia, TC: 98-86, IC: 6035-12011-173)
* 251 x Barrel of Ale (6 gp, 240 lb)

65. Maki Takara

* Bucket of Paint (NMX War, TC: 57-14, IC: 798-6063-65)
* 312 x Bag of Rare Spice (10 gp, 1 lb)
* 108 x Armchair (10 gp)
* Chilled nuclear-materials container containing six cans of Nepleslian beer (Pirating YE 34, TC: 86-44, IC: 3841-18713-120)
* Oven (NMX War, TC: 51-64, IC: 3321-27769-109)

66. Mehitabel Calidius

* Starship-grade sensor array (Pirating YE 34, TC: 64-12, IC: 761-1857-69)
* A case of precision lenses (Pirating YE 34, TC: 82-31, IC: 2599-9078-104)
* Poster of MOE 17, of Aethersperm Fame (NMX War, TC: 35-28, IC: 1037-14169-59)
* 141 x Chest (10 gp)
* Type 30 Accelerated Charged Plasma Scatter Gun (NMX War, TC: 70-95, IC: 6707-41572-157)

67. Miharu Nao

* Shipment of hair products (Salvaging Ultra Variety, TC: 56-45, IC: 2521-9687-95)
* Sheet of Carbon Fiber (Salvaging Ultra Variety, TC: 27-44, IC: 1218-11497-68)
* Lamp (Pirating YE 34, TC: 93-47, IC: 4335-9692-129)
* 24 x Bag of 20 Marbles (2 sp, 1 lb)
* 406 x Small Cask of Pickled Fish (2 gp, 5 lb)

68. Miharu Yuzuki

* Padded wooden crate full of mangoes, papayas, starfruit, and kiwis (Pirating YE 34, TC: 52-89, IC: 4685-15988-135)
* Several Mattresses (NMX War, TC: 6-42, IC: 303-6189-48)
* Large Crate of Nepleslian "SPEED" Energy/Anti-Sleep Soda! (Pirating YE 34, TC: 87-64, IC: 5625-27577-141)
* 892 x Snowshoes (8 gp, 8 lb)
* Large box full of blankets, sheets, and pillowcases (Pirating YE 34, TC: 45-41, IC: 1857-18261-81)

69. Momoko

* Bacterial Charge Pack - Large (NMX War, TC: 78-2, IC: 135-1989-71)
* SSCC-XL containing lamb (Pirating YE 34, TC: 17-47, IC: 856-997-62)
* Heavily Damaged Lilaea-class Gunship (NMX War, TC: 66-58, IC: 3819-57709-117)
* SSCC-XL containing heating oil (Pirating YE 34, TC: 11-43, IC: 530-17386-53)
* Type 30 Helmet (NMX War, TC: 91-88, IC: 8065-74241-169)

70. Murakami Mitsuko

* Crate of exotic spices (insert planet here) (Pirating YE 34, TC: 73-66, IC: 4802-24939-131)
* Pristine light fixture (NMX War, TC: 41-41, IC: 1738-33964-78)
* SSCC-XL containing Dysprosium (Salvaging Commodites, TC: 8-23, IC: 233-4128-31)
* Star Army Duffle Bag (NMX War, TC: 67-85, IC: 5752-84717-144)
* Coffee Machine (NMX War, TC: 50-34, IC: 1707-13861-78)

71. Naida

* 82 x Table (30 gp)
* Starship-grade sensor array (Pirating YE 34, TC: 64-12, IC: 761-5097-69)
* Roofing shingles (Pirating YE 34, TC: 60-80, IC: 4857-33417-133)
* SSCC-XL containing water (Salvaging Ultra Variety, TC: 17-96, IC: 1689-27801-112)
* Autonomous Nurse Unit (NMX War, TC: 89-26, IC: 2282-15579-105)

72. Nakaide Shida

* Bag of Chestnuts (1 lb)
* Oven (NMX War, TC: 55-64, IC: 3577-41913-113)
* Padded case of 18 Various Lorath Wine bottles (Pirating YE 34, TC: 33-9, IC: 321-1533-39)
* 1829 x Rake (10 lb)
* SSCC-XL containing fish (Pirating YE 34, TC: 25-36, IC: 957-7761-59)

73. Nicholas Saiga

* 3170 x Explorer's Outfit (8 lb)
* Chrome Egg (Pirating YE 34, TC: 93-20, IC: 1824-8597-102)
* Brand new starship viewscreens (NMX War, TC: 8-42, IC: 393-39747-50)
* Small Artillery Piece (Pirating YE 34, TC: 96-23, IC: 2265-8360-108)
* 9 x Pair of Dice

74. Nicky Hate

* Strudy wooden bedroom furniture, Yamataian manufacture (NMX War, TC: 6-62, IC: 429-33103-68)
* 26 x Small Cask of Ale (2 sp, 8 lb)
* 1240 x Chariots
* Box of bottled cleaning chemicals (NMX War, TC: 3-70, IC: 267-5167-73)
* Variable Configuration Mission Adaptive Drone - Aerial (NMX War, TC: 97-95, IC: 9272-53067-181)

75. Olena Sands

* Panther T6 Combat Aeroshuttle (NMX War, TC: 96-70, IC: 6777-25257-155)
* Anti-Insect Remote (Pirating YE 34, TC: 92-38, IC: 3461-14687-119)
* 15 x Bottle of Vinegar (4 lb)
* Small crate of NAM pharmecuticals (Pain Killers) (NMX War, TC: 36-66, IC: 2433-64539-98)
* 13 x Pair of Dice
76. Oshiro Masumi

* Lumber (NMX War, TC: 10-79, IC: 847-78188-88)
* 410 x Salted Ham (2 gp, 4 lb)
* Cushioned massage table (Pirating YE 34, TC: 87-90, IC: 7887-12027-167)
* SSCC-XL containing palm oil (Pirating YE 34, TC: 25-61, IC: 1557-11037-84)
* NAM Briefcase (NMX War, TC: 48-63, IC: 3081-34707-106)

77. Penelope Dantratten

* Box of Various Recreational Substances (Pirating YE 34, TC: 47-51, IC: 2454-18774-93)
* 2824 x Manacles (15 KS, 2 lb)
* Pelphrys Particle Pulse Autocannon (NMX War, TC: 62-71, IC: 4459-63176-126)
* 117 x Large Chest (30 gp)
* Single Instruction Book ("Birds, Bees, and Tentacles" - Learn Basic Biology Concepts!) (Salvaging Ultra Variety, TC: 69-27, IC: 1851-5781-88)

78. Raphael Castiel

* SSCC-XL containing Strontium (Pirating YE 34, TC: 7-81, IC: 617-1191-88)
* Civilian Truck (Pirating YE 34, TC: 55-31, IC: 1707-8024-80)
* Shipment of Whisky flasks (Pirating YE 34, TC: 80-29, IC: 2297-10903-100)
* Armor plating (Pirating YE 34, TC: 82-10, IC: 795-307-83)
* Hydrogen/Oxygen Distiller Machine (just add water!) (Pirating YE 34, TC: 33-68, IC: 2301-29501-98)

79. Raphael Kallias

* Crate of Ammunition, 10mm KZ (NMX War, TC: 1-15, IC: 71-13017-16)
* Shatera (NMX War, TC: 58-90, IC: 5277-28047-141)
* SSCC-XL containing rice (Pirating YE 34, TC: 19-73, IC: 1444-2977-90)
* SSCC-XL containing sunflower oil (Pirating YE 34, TC: 21-86, IC: 1863-20525-105)
* 82 x Sickle (1 KS, 2 lb)

80. Rei the Samurai

* Box of heavy duty trash bags (Pirating, TC: 7-69, IC: 540-6267-76)
* Generic Data Pads (Pirating YE 34, TC: 44-27, IC: 1245-13044-66)
* Sawn off shotgun (Salvaging, TC: 73-19, IC: 1444-1311-84)
* Six-pack of cheap, warm, flat beer (NMX War, TC: 37-54, IC: 2018-16527-87)
* Starship Environmental Systems Installation Kit (Pirating YE 34, TC: 41-37, IC: 1533-8752-74)

81. Reika Tachihara

* 42 x Wooden Holy Symbol
* New laptop navigational computer with interface cable (Pirating the UOC, TC: 88-52, IC: 4633-14721-130)
* NMX Battlepod (Type 30A), fair condition (NMX War, TC: 69-65, IC: 4542-38732-126)
* SSCC-XL containing polyaramids (Pirating YE 34, TC: 23-66, IC: 1575-9231-87)
* 2 x Wedge of Cheese (4 lb wach)

82. Rip D. Torr

* SSCC-XL containing lead (Pirating YE 34, TC: 10-48, IC: 537-585-57)
* Jar of Delsaurian pickled beets (NMX War, TC: 27-41, IC: 1137-27568-65)
* Mysterious Robot - It Seems To Be Straddling A Torpedo And Laughing... (NMX War, TC: 76-55, IC: 4161-42682-122)
* 945 x Grindstone
* 34 x Bag of Dried Mushrooms (1 lb)

83. Ronin

* Pestris Pistol (NMX War, TC: 63-75, IC: 4719-26157-131)
* 881 x Small Carpet (10 KS)
* Stasis-Cage full of Delsaurian Pea-chicks (NMX War, TC: 40-77, IC: 3097-30472-113)
* Small Iron Box (1 gp, 20 lb)
* Padded case of 18 fine Yamataian Wine bottles (Pirating YE 34, TC: 38-8, IC: 323-1545-42)

84. Rosemary W. Kato

* SSCC-XL containing synthetic oil (Salvaging Commodites, TC: 60-89, IC: 5397-9224-142)
* 36 x Small Cask of Ale (8 lb)
* 20 x Piton (1/2 lb)
* 2141 x Glasscutter (2 KS)
* Na-G2-01a Medtech/Terratech TEK (NMX War, TC: 30-88, IC: 2697-78993-115)

85. Rubi

* Water pump and filtration system (NMX War, TC: 55-56, IC: 3082-36513-105)
* Polished Marble Statuette (Pirating YE 34, TC: 86-57, IC: 4873-8436-133)
* Ammunition Crate, 7.62 x 51 mm Ketsurui Zaibatsu (GP-1) (NMX War, TC: 85-14, IC: 1162-9339-89)
* 28 x Box of 20 Arrowheads (5 sp, 1 lb)
* Monoeyes (NMX War, TC: 42-31, IC: 1317-30840-68)

86. Sadie the Bartender

* Padded case of 18 Various Lorath Wine bottles (Pirating YE 34, TC: 43-9, IC: 401-3288-47)
* Plasma Compressor (Pirating Nepleslia, TC: 14-14, IC: 239-1737-27)
* SSCC-XL containing urea (Pirating YE 34, TC: 12-93, IC: 1173-6288-104)
* Pants that fit (NMX War, TC: 15-49, IC: 777-32201-63)
* Truck size shipment of eggs (Salvaging, TC: 7-13, IC: 141-837-20)

87. Sakura Blueberry

* Box of 20 Type 30 Tear Gas Grenade (Yellow stripe) (NMX War, TC: 74-36, IC: 2721-26589-102)
* Heavy-Class QNC Engine (Pirating, TC: 83-34, IC: 2796-1553-107)
* 12 x Small Iron Box (1 gp, 20 lb)
* Box of Awareness Altering Gum (NMX War, TC: 80-35, IC: 2777-17592-106)
* Refined metal (NMX War, TC: 15-8, IC: 162-6505-22)

88. Sakura Cherry

* 381 x Bottle of Fine Wine (10 gp, 4 lb)
* Rack of Firewood (1 sp, 200 lb)
* Gopher T1 Short Range Shuttle (NMX War, TC: 92-18, IC: 1621-13953-99)
* 1 small crate of unidentified unlabeled liquor (Morant Moonshine) (Pirating YE 34, TC: 56-55, IC: 3137-26677-105)
* Mass detector system (NMX War, TC: 56-77, IC: 4369-60117-127)

89. Sakura Lime

* 124 x Large Chest (30 gp)
* Large box full of towels (NMX War, TC: 3-40, IC: 174-38537-43)
* SSCC-XL containing water (Pirating YE 34, TC: 25-96, IC: 2457-12249-119)
* Hydrogen/Oxygen Distiller Machine (just add water!) (Pirating YE 34, TC: 45-68, IC: 3117-25897-108)
* Lorath hand-cannon (Salvaging, TC: 87-35, IC: 3015-1737-112)

90. Sakura Mango

* SSCC-XL containing uranium (Pirating YE 34, TC: 23-92, IC: 2173-1529-113)
* Lorath datapads (NMX War, TC: 11-3, IC: 79-2673-13)
* 914 x Weapon Rack (30 KS)
* Enormous chunk of unprocessed emerald (tagged with the Vinross Yu-Cranker emblem) (NMX War, TC: 30-3, IC: 117-2178-30)
* Crate of Ammunition, 10mm KZ (Salvaging, TC: 17-15, IC: 295-1287-31)

91. Sakura Pineapple

* SSCC-XL containing water (Pirating YE 34, TC: 20-96, IC: 1977-12057-114)
* 158 x Cabinet
* Coffee Machine (NMX War, TC: 52-34, IC: 1773-18553-80)
* 355 x Bottle of Olive Oil (4 lb)
* 151 x Bed

92. Sammy

* 1 small crate of unidentified unlabeled liquor (Morant Moonshine) (Salvaging Ultra Variety, TC: 56-56, IC: 3137-13497-106)
* Ammunition Crate, 8x20mm KZ Caseless (Battle Rifle) (NMX War, TC: 74-19, IC: 1389-16055-85)
* Large Crate of Nepleslian "SPEED" Energy/Anti-Sleep Soda! (Pirating, TC: 73-64, IC: 4729-3385-129)
* 169 x Hammer (2 lb)
* Pristine Captain's chair, worked leather (NMX War, TC: 34-33, IC: 1145-27414-63)

93. Gut-Stripe

See 34

94. Sarena

* Sack of Potatos (Salvaging, TC: 72-30, IC: 2217-237-94)
* 376 x Small Cask of Sausages (1 gp, 5 lb)
* Air Compressor (Pirating YE 34, TC: 72-82, IC: 5961-13423-146)
* Nutritional Supply Pack (Functional) (Pirating the UOC, TC: 54-12, IC: 651-3177-60)
* Can of Cannon Cola, warm and flat (NMX War, TC: 21-42, IC: 918-5601-61)

95. Shayla McBelle

* Crate of NAM 12mm RPB pistols (Pirating Nepleslia, TC: 18-70, IC: 1317-9437-86)
* Pants that fit (NMX War, TC: 13-49, IC: 681-3291-61)
* Scalar Mine (NMX War, TC: 87-56, IC: 4929-55049-133)
* 2595 x Barrel of Ale (6 KS, 240 lb)
* Mattress from starship bunk (NMX War, TC: 51-90, IC: 4647-67737-135)

96. Shiho Ishii

* Stack of Car Tires (Pirating YE 34, TC: 44-65, IC: 2873-12667-104)
* SSCC-XL containing Chromium (Pirating YE 34, TC: 4-19, IC: 129-9158-23)
* Crate of Lorath Missile Warheads - Training (Pirating the UOC, TC: 63-75, IC: 4782-20532-131)
* 445 x Small Magnet (1 lb)
* 467 x Bow Saw (5 lb)

97. Skade Masahiga

* SSCC-XL containing synthetic oil (Salvaging Commodites, TC: 42-89, IC: 3795-10025-127)
* Lion T3 Transport Shuttle (NMX War, TC: 92-66, IC: 6129-28305-147)
* Wedge of Cheese (4 lb)
* 2 x Basket
* 2 small cases of porn (Pirating YE 34, TC: 50-54, IC: 2757-16689-98)

98. Smithee Tabernacle

* 3 Type 29 Field Rations SV-Type (10 KS each) (NMX War, TC: 71-11, IC: 767-5689-74)
* 3 x Cheap Wig
* Old Funky City Newspapers (NMX War, TC: 50-11, IC: 557-2323-55)
* NAM Universal Mass Driver shell, Red (Pirating Nepleslia, TC: 46-84, IC: 3921-12489-125)
* 968 x Horse-Drawn Carriages (600 lb)

99. Spacecase Sync Seven Two 72-9823-1064

* Large refrigerated container of fish from Hanako's World (NMX War, TC: 7-18, IC: 176-17751-25)
* 2 x Buckets
* SSCC-XL containing Tantalum (Pirating YE 34, TC: 8-82, IC: 713-38351-90)
* 832 x Wooden Drum (5 gp, 3 lb)
* Large chunk of a warship, mostly intact (NMX War, TC: 52-97, IC: 5101-31388-143)

100. Steelrender Lycosidae Nine Two 92-4561-8893

* Civilian Shoes, Common (Pirating YE 34, TC: 52-82, IC: 4321-6453-128)
* Bags of Flour (NMX War, TC: 7-23, IC: 211-22413-30)
* SSCC-XL containing Potassium (Pirating YE 34, TC: 5-65, IC: 377-20272-70)
* SSCC-XL containing hardwood logs (Pirating YE 34, TC: 17-42, IC: 771-18075-57)
* 5 Crates of exotic liquor (Pirating YE 34, TC: 60-52, IC: 3177-7909-105)
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