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RP: ZHS [Holiday Special 1] Santa Zoia

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Edto Xar'Sivaree

Lizard Freak!
Inactive Member
So! This thread will be filled with JP's of Zoia giving people gifts! If you would like a weird, Vekimen inspired gift from Zoia, just shoot me a PM or catch me on the chat and we ca do a JP. To make the act of the gift a little more authentic, you will have no say in what gift Zoia gives you. It will be purely based on what Zoia knows about you from play. I will try to make the Items generally useful, or reflect strongly of the character.

All JP's are Canon, and happen in order posted
Zoia sat alone in Kunio's room, looking at the various things he had. She sat with two cases, kicking her legs back and forth as she sat on the bed, wearing her school uniform as per usual. She was excited. She heard about this gift giving season, and was excited to see how people reacted to her gifts. She had the requested from the VDTF as a part of her work here, so she was able to get them rather easily.

Kunio had slightly rearranged his room, giving him a little bit more room. A set or chairs stood in place of a sofa or other large chair setup. Kunio himself had been around the courtyard talking with different people and doing different things. He carefully opened the lobby doors and gave a sigh. He shook himself a little before walking towards his dorm room and beginning to open the door.

Zoia looked at the door open and smiled. "Heya Kunio, how're you doing today?" She asked, laying the cases down on the bed and walking over to greet him. "I let myself in, I hope you don't mind" She giggled, wrapping her arms around him in a hug.

Kunio had jumped slightly from the sudden hug before returning it warmly. "Not at all, just don't rearrange the room from out from under me." He gave a quick wink before moving them both over to his bed. He sat down while moving out from her arms and patted beside him next to the cases, "What do you have here?"

"Well, it's your room. Not mine. Otherwise my stuff would be here, wouldn't it?" She asked with a chuckle, getting things ready for the presentation as he asked. "Well, I heard that your kind gives gifts this time of year. So, I thought about things, and decided I would requisition some gifts for people. These are the gifts I got for you" She said, patting the cases. One was long and thin, the other was more like a big box. "I did some study on your culture, and what type of fighting you did. Thought I would get you something worthy of that" She said with a grin.

He smiled and raised an eyebrow, "Hmm. Well let's see what you have." He looked at Zoia with an attentive glance before looking to see to which case her hands would go first.

She picked up the long case, looking it over. "I was iffy on this gift... You already have one, so I didn't know exactly how well you would like it" She explained, opening the case up and showing the contents. It was a sword, which looked to be the exact same dimentions of Kunio's current sword. "I measured out your blade when you were sleeping... I hope you don't mind" She grinned sheepishly.

The sheath had what appeared to be a gold Kojiri with a mother of pearl sheath. The Tsuba and Kishri were also the same golden material of the Kojiri. The Tsuka looked to be made of an ivory coloured material, with an oddly leathery feeling ito.

Kunio's eyes lit up when he saw it, even though he already had a sword. He took hold of the sheath and began to lift, only to about toss it into the ceiling due to it's almost absence of weight. He held onto it though, blinking and muttering, "Whoops."

He eyed over the sheath as well as the Tsuka and Kishri. He put a hand behind the hilt and gave a small tug to expose a small section of the blade for Kunio to gauge the dimension,. something this light had to have a thin blade. The blade itself was the same dimesions of his own sword, but the material seemed strange. The Ha was the same gold as the accents, but the rest of the blade was a cool black with a soft sheen.

Zoia seemed to rock on her toes. "Well?" She asked.

Kunio looked up at her with bright eyes, "It's...beautiful." He was quite speechless as he pushed the sword back into the sheath and set it down next to him on the opposite side of him, that way if she did want to sit, she could.

Zoia nodded. "And it has been tested. Thoroughly. The blade can cut through a Vekimen at least with ease. We have not tried it on anything else" She explained, sitting down. "I really hope you like it.

"I do, it looks much better than my own." He wasn't lying, his old sword was a steel color with a fading edge due to age and constant sharpening. "What is this made of?"

"That is a good question... I personally do not know. At least not the blade. The handle is made of bone... The wrap is sinew. Kiraten specifically. It took some of our sivaro's several days to prepare and put together. To us, we are the best weapon for melee we can think of... So we made it out of a Vekimen" She explained, kicking her legs casually.

Kunio blinked, he looked quite confused. "It's what?"

"It is made from a Vekimen. The handle is bone, and the wrap is sinew" She stated simply, tiling her head as if it was a silly question. "Why do you ask?"

"O-kay." He sounded slightly confused but still accepted the gift. "First weapon I have that's made of bones." He blinked again and regained his smile, "So what's in the other one?"

"The other one... Well that's a bit more interesting" She said, getting up and fiddling with the box. "I felt bad for what I did too you, and felt you don't have anything to wear in a fight. So I got you something to wear in a fight. So I had armour made for you" She said, pulling out what looked to be a helmet. The first though that would come to anyone's head was 'Vekimen' as it looked to be a stylized head. "Sorry... My people are a little vain sometimes" She giggled.

Kunio smiled as he looked around the helmet in her hands, "Let me guess, it's made out of a skeleton or something?" He sounded half sarcastic but had a gut feeling he would be right.

"No, it's legitimate armour, just using scales in certain spots to increase the effectiveness. Most of it is asthetics though. The helmet is made of a wood we found on Komodo, with metal in stress points and the like" She smiled.

"Ah, and I'm guessing there is more than just a helmet?" He raised an eyebrow of curiostiy and he ran his hand across the bone of the sword next to him, getting a feel for it. He began to get comfortable with the texture and noticed that it would feel great and balanced in his hands.

"Oh yes. Full set. I hope you don't mind, but I sorta got William similar gifts... I just didn't know how to make them different..." She said, rubbing the back of her head sheepishly.

"It's fine, and if you mean similar by the exact same, I still appreciate your gifts." Kunio reassured.

"Not exactly the same... Williams sheath is black..." Zoia frowned, hanging her head a little.

"Oh don't do that..." He leaned into her and gave her a hug while kissing her neck to cheer her up a little. "The armor is still pretty imposing, I like it." He continued his lean as he spoke.

Zoia sighed. "I don't know... I just feel I'm not very good at this whole gift giving thing" She said digging her talons into the floor.

"No, you did fine." He began to feel a bit terrible for what he said, and did his best to try and comfort his girlfriend. He rubbed his head against hers, "It's the thought that counts, you wanted to give me a gift and you did. I appreciate that a lot." He kissed her again to help ease the situation.

"I just hope William accepts his... I'm starting to think it's a little over the top..." She said, picking up the helmet and looking at it.

"I'm sure he will, he doesn't have any actual armor to my knowledge." He rubbed her left arm with his left hand, trying to cheer her up.

"But would he accept it and the sword?" She asked.

"I think he will, he would be making a mistake on refusing it. It's a well made sword." He gave her a warm smile. "I think he will add it to his collection of weapons."

"His collection... I hope he uses it... It is not meant to be a display piece..." She signed, leaning against Kunio.

"I believe he will, he's used everything he's had weapon-wise at one point or another." He let his voice reach it's low tone in an attempt to soothe her.

"Oh, be careful with the blade by the way... It looks smooth, but it's acturally serrated. It wasn't completely hand made, in the hopes to make it a highly viable weapon" She said, taking the sword and drawing it. She laid the blade down on the corner of the desk and seemed to push the blade through the wood, drawing the blade as she did. It went halfway through the wood before she stopped.

"Huh." He blinked, "That's...sharp." He hadn't seen a weapon of this calibre in his life, and so well made as well. "Thank you, Zoia!" He hugged her again. He was happy with his gifts, and quite open about it.

Zoia smiled. "Good. Now, I need to go find William... I havent given him his gifts yet..." She said, looking around. "Any idea where he would be?" She asked

He looked into her eyes after she spoke, "Would you mind staying for a little while? I've yet to give you something of mine."

Zoia tilted her head at the comment, sheathing the sword. "You want to give me something? I do not need a gift, I am supposed to give them am I not?" She asked.

"Well, some of us would like to return the favor. I am the same, I want to show my appreciation." He spoke, sounding slightly seductive.

Zoia cocked her eyebrows, her muzzle parting. "Are you sure that's a good idea? Right now?"

"What's wrong with now?" He sounded slightly serious, though the look in his eyes said otherwise.

"Well... You have some presidential things you need to do... I have gifts I need to give... You aren't worried about me are you?" She teased, playfully fixing the collar of his jacket.

"No, my presidential duties can take a little break. I've been walking all day, and if I were worried about you, I would have said so when I walked in." He gave a seductive wink.

"Oh... So you aren't worried someone else might want torepay my gifts in a similar way?" She asked, pressing herself a little closer. "Need to demonstrate dominance or something" She added, pushing him towards the bed.

"I don't know..." he loosened his collar, "I'm tempted to." He kissed at her neck flirtatiously. He had picked up on her teasing and began to copy her style.

"Oh? Well if you don't know then I can't help you I guess" She said, letting go and turning with a flick of her tail. "Shame too..." She sighed, starting to walk away.

"I'm guessing my tease didn't work." He practically thought out loud, though it still did sound flirty.

"Temptation is nothing Kunio" Zoia sighed airily. "Action is what get the blood going" She waved, tail flicking again.

"Then action it is." He floated himself up to her, gently picking her up in his arms, "Though I will need to empty a spot on the bed." He used one arm to pick up his sword and gently sat it down next to his older one on his dresser before gently tossing Zoia to his bed as he floated above her.

Zoia yelped a little, chuckling. "Well, I guess it is... I suppose I can spare some time" She sighed. "But let's try not to take up /too/much time" She winked, wrapping her arms around Kunio
Zoia was absently walking through Williams room, looking at the stuff on the walls. Anything of interest she would examine, keepig i mind the two cases she had in the middle. One was long and thin, and the other was actually rather large over all. Something big to be sure as she waited for William to show up. When he walked in, she turned and smiled "Hi William! Sorry, I let myself in. Hope you don't mind" She said, rubbing her mane.
William had just finished Kendo practice with Rei and was exaushted. He was ready to go crash in his room when he saw Zoia. The normally quiet Nepleslian jumped a bit. "Z...Zoia... How did... why..." He stammered as he tried to collect his thoughts.

"Your door... Was sorta open" She said, pointing at the door. "My arms were tired from bringing this stuff up here to begin with, and I didn't want to stand around outside. So I brought it inside. I hope you don't mind" She said, slowing down a little and tolting her head as if looking for an answer.

He nodded, and after the shell shock had worn off he threw his things on the bed. "Okay, what's up?"

Zoia stood up and gave a slight bow. "Well, I am here to learn about your kinds customs. I have learned that around this time of year your people give gifts to people. I spoke with my government and asked to participate and they agreed" She smiled, splaying out her hands at the cases. "These are my gifts too you" She explained.

He looked back to her. "Well thank you Zoia. I appreciate it." he said looking back down at the boxes.

Zoia quickly picked up the long case. "This is the one I want to show you first. When I asked for these to be made, I sorta... took some measurements..." She said, opening the case and showing the contents within it.

It was a Sword. The sheath had what appeared to be a gold Kojiri with a Black onyx sheath. The Tsuba and Kishri were also the same golden material of the Kojiri. The Tsuka looked to be made of an ivory coloured material, with an oddly leathery feeling ito.

The Alien seemed nervous. "I really hope you like it..." She mumbled, looking down. When William went to take the sword he would notice that is seemed shockingly light, his arm possibly jerking from overcompensating for the weight.

William looked dumbfounded..."Zoia... it's..." He looked at Zoia and smiled broadly. "It is amazing Zoia! Thank you so much!" He said excitedly like a young child. He picked it up and studied the craftsman ship of the sheath and was amazed. "It is beautiful Zoia. Thank you."

Zoia smiled. "Well, you should look at the blade then..." She said, sounding a little more sure of herself.

If he did, he would see immediately that the metal of the blade was an odd mother of pearl like colour. A colour that was not natural to any metal he had probably seen before, with the Ha being the same golden material all the other accents were. "They are for the most part completely hand made and tested. The blade is not one you want to use for practice..." She commented in warning.

He drew the blade and marveled at it's beauty. The blade was an absolute masterpiece. "Zoia... thank you. Really..." He said looking back to her, gratitude plain across his face.

"That isn't all. I noticed you were wearing school armour during the tournament, and felt you would like something of your own... I got some for you" She said, opening up the larger case. "As a warning, my kind is a little... Vain" She said, holding out the helmet. The resemblance to Zoias head was almost uncanny. "We saw your kind put faces on your armour... So they emulated it..." She added, seeming nervous again.

He looked at it and smiled again. "Thank you Zoia. You didn't have to do this." He said smiling softly. If the style of the armor bugged him, he didn't show it. He smiled and studied the armored helmet.

"Are you sure? I know the whole... Vekimen thing could put someone off... I didnt have much of a choice on the asthetics..." She frowned, seeming a little more worried. "I'm not exactly good at this."

He shook his head. "It is great Zoia..." His face changed to one of confusion. "Zoia... how exactly did you get my measurments for this...?"

Zoia would have blushed if the Vekimen could at that question. "Well..." She started, before seemingly rocking on her toes. "You have to sleep sometimes... And I sorta... Made sure you wouldn't... wake... up..." She said, slowly backing away.

He looked at her with a look of suprise, betrayal, embarissment...Well... think of every emotion and throw it all together and you have William's emotions at that moment. "YOU DRUGGED ME?!"He asked stunned.

"Not heavily! It was just an over the counter sleep aid! I didn't want to ruin the surprise!" She responded looking around. "Nothing dangerous! I researched and everything! It was just to keep you from waking up while I took the measurement!"

He looked dumfounded again. "But really... Drugging me!"

"You should really take it as a compliment... I didn't think I could sneak the measurements without the insurance..." She said, grinning hopefully.

William held his composure. "Zoia, drugging someone is still not okay..." He tried to explain. "I understand what you are trying to say, but still... Here that is a crime!"

"Well no one told me that! I just wanted to maintain the surprise! No one even questioned me when I asked what it would do to someone!" She defended, before thinking about something. "Well... They may have thought I was going to use it... But why would I need sleep aid?" She asked.

William rubbed his head. "It would be used to help you sleep if you had a stressful day and couldn't fall asleep..." He tried to explain.

"That would make sense why the lady there seemed to pity me... Well that's just stupid! Sleep is supposed to be a solution to stress" She huffed. "This place is weird... But sorry for doing that. I didn't think it would be that big a deal..." She sighed in defeat.

"It's fine Zoia..." He sighed. "Thank you again for my gifts." he added.

"You're welcome... I hope you get some use outta them... They aren't exactly made to be display pieces..." She said, still seeming down.

"It's alright Zoia." He said genuinely. "Just don't do it again..." He said looking at her sternly.

Zoia held out her arms. "I really am sorry..." She mumbled.

He shook his head and gave her hug. "It's okay Zoia. I forgive you." He said standing back up.

Zoia nodded, her tail flicking happily behind her. "Good. I was worried there" She explained, looking at the sword. "By the way, that sword really isn't to be used against other people unless you fully intend to kill them. No matter what" She warned.

"A samurai never draws his sword, unless he intends to use it." He answered. "I will be careful." He added.

Zoia shook her head and sighed. "Could I see your other sword?" She asked, holding out her hand.

He was hesitant to hand her his prized possession, but slowly drew it from the sheath and handed it to her gingerly.

Zoia took it, then took the one she gave to him. "So this blade is sharp right?" She asked, looking at the black sword. Without waiting for an answer, she placed the blade on the corner of his desk and drew it across. It made a divot, but did little else.

"Not as sharp as this..." She sighed, taking the white blade and doing the exact same thing. It sunk into the wood, and the stroke was exactly the same. "This blade is not to be used against anyone unless you intend to kill them. You used this on me in the tournament. This one cannot be used the same way" She said, sounding as if she were trying to make a serious point.

He nodded. "I understand."

"I need to be sure William... I know you are proud, and you are good at what you do but this isn't just a simple normal steel blade. This blade would cut me in half and you wouldn't even feel it" She frowned, handing the swords back.

William nodded and sheathed the black sword. "I won't use it unless I absolutely have to. I swear." He affirmed.

Zoia sighed in relief. "Thank you... Feel free to use the armour whenever though, that isn't a concern of mine" She smiled. "Anyway, uhm... Just so you know, you and Kunio got similar gifts... I didn't exactly have a choice, and I didn't know what to get either of you based on what I knew other than swords and armour" She explained. "I wasn't trying to be unorigonal, I legitimately think this would help you both"

He smiled and nodded again. "Thank you Zoia, really."

"Now then, given you probably won't thank me the same way Kunio did" She leaned forward, giggling a little. "I should probably leave, hmm?" She said, almost asking.

He blushed. "That would be most inappropriate..." He stammered.

"Depends... I wouldn't find it inappropriate, but I guess." She sighed, seeming to playfully deflate.

William just faked a smile, "I would think that Kunio wouldn't be to appreciative of it..." He commented.

"He knows" Zoia responded, looking at William intently. "I told him about my kind before we started dating." She stated, arching an eyebrow.

William looked back at her. "I still don't think that would be a good idea. That would hurt Kunio greatly..." He added.

Zoia blinked. "So out of curiosity... What if it wouldn't?" She was interested now, curious. She took a slight step forward and tilted her head to the other side.

He looked embarrassed. "Zoia... this is very inappropriate..." he told her as she closed the distance.

"I don't understand how it is? It's a completely normal thing isn't it?" She asked, taking another step. She was really close, her uniform brushing against Williams.

He placed a hand on Zoia's shoulder and gently pushed her back. "Zoia, no. This is not appropriate at ll. You have a boy friend." he tried to explain.

Zoia seemed to furrow her brow. "This boyfriend girlfriend thing is starting to sound like more of a burden than I was originally told" She muttered. "If me having a boyfriend is going to make others decline me, then I may as well not have one. I told Kunio that before," She stated, crossing her arms.

William held out a hand. "No Zoia." He said finally. "That is not right at all... A partner is supposed to be faithful to that one person. That is the norm in society... This isn't right."

"That is the norm in your society. I am a Vekimen, you are a Yamataian. Where I am from, there is none of the exclusive partner nonsense. Why? Because it doesn't matter" She explained.

"Well it matters to me..." He replied back, crossing his own arms.

"Well then consider me not in a relationship anymore..." She sighed, turning around. "I have school work to do" She bit, starting to walk away.

William didn't say anything, awkwardly standing there as she walked out, closing the door behind her.
Zoia sat in Nenna's room, curiously clicking around on the computer to see what she could find. It was handy? having it, as she could look up all sorts of weird things. She found some of it interesting, some of it was pointless, others was... Well it was stuff at the very least. Still, it wasn't exactly uncommon

Said Neko poked her head over the chair, floating in the air as she looked between the Vekimen and screen. "Whatcha doing?" she asked.

"Looking at stuff. So, I hear your kind gives gifts this time of year..." Zoia said, pushing away from the computer and turning around to face the teacher.

"Sure," Nenna replied, settling down to the floor. "You want to go shopping for stuff?"

"Well, actually I already have your gift" Zoia smiled, walking over to the bed and picking up a bag and a case. "Wanna see them?"

"Uhh, sure," the Neko replied, turning the chair around and sitting in it. "You're making me look bad," she continued, smiling.

"Well, I requisitioned the gifts from the VDTF. I gave them my idea's and they sent me the best they could do based on the information I gave them" She said, deciding to open up the large case first. From it, she pulled what was quite obviously a rifle.

"This is the Sivaro Automatic Assault Carbine. I heard you liked guns, so I asked for one. They aren't available for sale, so they are pretty exclusive. The VDTF will honour the gift by assuring it is maintained. You can buy ammo from them if you would like" She grinned, holding it out for the teacher.

Nenna blinked, then took the gun, brought the stock to her shoulder and wrapped her hand around the pistol grip. "Feels good," she finally said.

"It comes with a suppressor, bayonet, flashlight laser set up, and a two times optical scope" She explained, turning the case around to show the accessories. "And a couple magazines. They only take the .460 round developed by my kind" She added.

"Oooh," the soldier said, plucking the silencer out of its spot and screwing it on. "This I like," she continued, bringing the gun to bear and looking down the iron sights. "Could have used this years ago."

Zoia smiled. "I'm glad you like it. That isn't all though. I requisitioned... Well... Formal wear I guess you could say..." Zoia said, picking up the bag. "Though, it's designed for vekimen, it uses your measurements and body type" She explained, pulling a peice out.

It looked like a chest peice, the metal a glittering gold. It was set it with various gems as accents, but there wasn't a lick of cloth on the entire thing, and it was obvious it wouldn't do anything to cover up.

"It... Well again, Vekimen don't really like clothing. I'm alright if you don't want it" She said, looking it over. "I can show you how to put it on if you want"

Nenna cocked her head and put the weapon to the side. "Does that fit over clothing?" she asked, fairly sure of the answer.

Zoia slowly shook her head. "Don't ask how I got such precise measurements... It's a really long story..." She said simply.

"What's so long about you telling me about how you groped me when I was asleep?" the Neko asked with a grin.

"Yeah... Sure... I totally didn't do anything that you would deem inappropriate while I got them..." She mumbled, putting the outfit down. "So... Would you like to try it on?" She asked.

Nenna got up and walked to the Vekimen. She looked at the girl for a moment, then pulled her close. "You know, Nekovalkyria aren't affected by most drugs, right?" she said.

"You sleep like a rock... But sure, let's go with drugs..." Zoia laughed, sounding a little high pitched.

"My point was, I felt the whole thing, Zoia," the Neko replied, nuzzling the student's head. "I'd have helped out, but I don't think the school would appreciate me having sex with a student."

Zoia just gave a blink. "Well that escalated quickly... Are you going to put it on?" She asked, seeming to blush if she could as she held out the chest peice with her tail.

"Sure," Nenna said, letting the lizard free and grabbing the outfit. "Should I go change in the bathroom or are you already familiar with my body already?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Your choice, if you can figure out how it goes on. I got one made too, but mine would be more appropriate for Yamatai. Kunio suggested I not wear an authentic one" She said, sitting down.

"Yeah," the Neko said, stripping out of her uniform and kicking it across the room. "I agree with him, by the way. The vice principal would be scandalized if you wore something like this to a dance," she continued, holding the outfit against her body as she tried to figure out how to put it on. "I'm going to need to take off my underwear, aren't I?" she asked, looking at the Vekimen.

Zoia nodded.

Nenna snorted, slipped out of the rest of her clothes, and experimentally tried to put the wear on. "You really did give them precise measurements," she commented, cicking the shoulder bands into place. "Do they teach how to measure stuff by tail or is that a usual Vekimen trait?"

"Actually we use our tongue to detail work" She said before realizing what she said and freezing. "Well that is... I mean... Usually..." She mumbled, looking down.

The teacher looked at the student for a second, then burst out laughing, bending over and bracing herself against her legs. "Well, that explains certain things," she said a few moments later, still chuckling.

"It's not funny! These scales are suckish for fine detail work!" She whined, holding up her hands. "See?! How do you expect me to get a good measurement with these things! They are used for digging in the first for the blacks sake!"

At that, Nenna's chuckles turned into snickering, necessitating her sitting down herself. "Oh, Kunio doesn't know how good he has it," she said.

"Oh would you just shut up and put it on..." The alien grumbled.

"Give me a second," the Neko said, bringing her breath under control and calming down, before she stood back up, keepiing quiet while she put the wear on. "Well," she said, turning her torso to admire it, "it's very shiny."

"That's just the top... And main harness. There is more" She said, pulling out even more. It almost seemed like she wal pulling out armour that had a bad case of the pointless syndrome. The hip peice of it was again, worthless for any sese of modesty, but had a sheer purple fabric that framed the hips and trailed down to the ankles, with a light purple pair of boots with gold accents.

"You don't have our legs... So we had to improvise..." She said, shrugging. "I think it looks nice at least" She suggested.

"Oh, I like it," Nenna said, grasping the purple cloth and feeling its texture. "I do wonder how modest your outfit is."

"Mine is the same, sort of. They just put some of the cloth to cover my breasts and groin" She said, looking over the teacher.

She seemed to zone out, before shaking her head to come back. "I have to warn you... Your kind might call you a courtesan, but my kind..." She said, trailing off again.

"But your kind...?" the Neko repeated, raising an eyebrow.

"My kind finds you enticing..." She said, seemig to zone out again. Her voice was oddly low.

Nenna chuckled and said, "Ask again in a couple of years, okay?"

"You know I am an adult right?" Zoia asked, still seeming out of it.

The pimped up Neko let go of the fabric and drew closer, putting a hand underneath the Vekimen's chin and looking her in the eyes. "Are you propositioning me, Zoia-chan?" she asked.

Zoia seemed to freeze, her tongue slipping out and tracig the teachers jaw in turn. "M-maybe..." She mumbled.

Nenna smiled at the lick. "Well, if you promise not to tell anyone, then sure." Shaking her head, she continued, "Really don't want to deal with the legal bullcrap that could come out of this."

Zoia seemed to twitch when the teacher seemingly accepted the proposition. She didn't know what to do now. There was this teacher, wearing an outfit based on her kinds fashion, She seemed to be frozen.

"What?" the Neko asked, carefully taking the other piece out of the Vekimen's hands, then sitting on the bed. "You change your mind or do you want me to put the rest of the outfit on?" she asked with a grin.

Zoia nodded at the latter question, handing the rest to Nenna.

After a little giggling, Nenna got off the bed, and put her feet in the purple boots. "Could you help me attach the one around my waist?" she asked, bending over and working at the rings around her legs.

Zoia's mouth opened again, and she started panting as she watched the teacher get into the outfit. "I wonder how I would look in mine... Half as good as this and I would be happy" She muttered, running her nose across Nenna's thigh.

"You'll look great," the bedazzled Neko replied, looking at Zoia between her legs. "You going to help or not? I'm used to taking stuff off, not putting things on," she said, running a finger across the Vekimen's throat.

Zoia gladly pulled all the metal bads and such into place, snapping them all together with a practiced ease. In no time at all it was all put together. The outfit fit shockingly well, none of the bands or connections pinching or pulling in the slightest, moving with her and keeping her movements free and open. She may as well have been wearing nothing with how much she noticed it.

"Huh," Nenna said, twisting around to see the purple cloth trail behind her. "Now I get the appeal to dressing up." Twirling in place, she laughed and said, "I'm really impressed with how you got measurements out of licking me."

"Well... I'm good at math, so it wasn't really that hard" She said, crossig her arms in a formal maner and giving a slight bow. "I hope you like it... Nenna-Sensei..." She added, the hoourifics sounding odd from the alien who usually ignored them.

"I love it, Zoia-chan," the Neko purred, walking forward and pulling the Vekimen into an intimate embrace. "Let me show you my appreciation," she said, slowly walking the lizard towards the bed.

Zoia seemed to get nervous, but was also excited going towards the bed. The odd excitement seemed... Weird for the girl who was normally rather open and confident about such things.

Pausing next to the bed, Nenna looked at her student. "What's up?" she asked, cocking her head in question.

Zoia seemed to look dow at the groud. "Well... You're so pretty... And I'm..."

"Gorgeous? Sexy?" the Neko asked.

"Ugly... I'm not exactly the most, or even remotly good looking for a Vekimen.." She frowned, looking down at herself. "I'm... It's complicated" She sighed, looking at her abnormally thick based tail and gangly frame.

"Zoia-chan," Nenna said, holding the lizard's chin and bringing it up so she was looking at her. "You're beautiful, no matter what anyone else says. You think I'm doing this because I feel sorry for you?" She snorted, pressing her body against the Vekimen, lifting a leg and rubbing her tail with her toe. "I'm doing this because I want to," she whispered, leaning down and kissing the lizard's neck. "It took every ounce of will power I had to not ravish you when you took your, hmm, measurements. Never, ever doubt yourself."

Zoia seemed wide eyed, shuddering at the kiss. "Stop teasing me please then..." She whispered, her tail lashing suddenly as she jerked a little.

"As you wish, princess," the Neko said, pushing the Vekimen onto the bed. "Oh," she continued as she straddled her. "I'm on top."
Koi ponds, before Nenna:
William was sitting alone by the Koi ponds, meditating again. He had both his kendo swords and his Katana on his side as he cross legged on the grass. He cleared his mind and listened to the water, to the fish slowly swimming around the pond. It was so peaceful. Then he heard a set of distentive footsteps. "Hello Zoia." He said softly, his eyes still closed.

"Hello William," the alien responded, walking up to the edge of the pond a few feet away from the nepleslian. "Quite the peaceful place this is. I almost wouldn't have known about it were it not for being able to smell you" She said, looking around. "I take it you come here often?"

"Yes, it is." He said opening his eyes and looking over to her. "I am sorry about attacking you last night, but you must see things from my perspective." he said softly

Zoia just made a chuffing sounds, shaking her head. "If my feelings were hurt by every attack, or every negative responce I have ever gotten, I wouldn't be here anymore. You watched me literally evicerate your roommate. I get it" She stated, sitting down and dipping her talons into the water. "So much so you don't have to apologize," She added.

"Thank you." He said softly as he turned back to the water. "Also sorry you all were out looking for me." He added.

"Eh, it got me off the school property, and got Kunio doing something he saw as productive. Didn't notice you had come and grabbed your stuff even..." Zoia stated, looking at William. "Care to explain?"

He looked away. "I gathered my things and got a new room." He replied.

"Seem like a pretty sudden decision, spurred on from a single fight," Zoia stated, leaning back and slowly swishing her feet through the water.

"You must understand, the samurai code states that you never draw your weapon unless you are going to use it. Kunio drew his sword against me, so..."

"Quick question... Is Kunio a Samurai?" Zoia asked, tilting her head to look at William.

He looked to her. "He is a swordsman our code is close enough."

"Is it really? How old are you William?" Zoia asked, seeming to think about things.

"I am 16. I don't see how this is relevant." He replied.

"It is very relevant. Don't take this the wrong way, but both you and Kunio are young. Year wise I am significantly younger than you both, but development wise we are about the same age. Do these codes legitimately expect ones as young as yourself to have the composure of those who are several times your age?" She asked, before going silent for a bit.

"I was sent to Yamatai to fight at your school, and to learn about your culture, but the more I experince, the more I realize your kind could learn quite a bit from my culture. We aren't mindless animals after all," She chuckled. "It's like your entire culture demands total perfection. It seems stunting" She added, looking at William fully. "Why do you adhere to these rules anyway, with such a... Religious ferver even?"

"I follow those rules because I believe in it. My adoptive mother is a samurai, so I have adopted it as a way of life as well." He explained.

Zoia thought about what William said, before making a chuckling sound. "Why are you sitting, if you believe in their tennants so strongly?" She asked, her tone a little poking, but in a kind way.

"Sitting?" He said looking up at her confused.

"I am not the only Vekimen in Yamatai, and this is not the first time we have encountered a Samurai. Another Vekimen had a mild confrontation with a Samurai, who refused to sit down for a conversation. From her reports, and how I understand it, the moment you knew I was here, you should have stood to be ever vigilant, prepared for attack. Your sword never leaving your hip, so on ad so forth" Zoia explained, looking bac to the water.

He shook his head. "I know you are not going to attack me, so there is no need for that, plus I am not a full fleged Samurai yet. Even so... taking my code out of it, he still drew a deadly weapon on me. Whether he in..." He said before getting cut off.

"Whether or not I am going to attack you doesn't seem to matter to the Samurai, but I see your point. Standing during a conversation to my kind is a sign of aggression if a seat has been offered. She refused, even after saying she was more than sure that not only was this Vekimen not going to attack, but also that she was not a threat. I will admit, from what we have heard of the Samurai, they are not well appreciated by my kind" Zoia stated.

"As for taking your code out of it, you never responded to my answer to the relevency of your age. You and Kunio are both young. Kunio... Over reacted to seeing a weapon drawn on who he sees as his mate. A little much in my eyes, and I have told him that. To him, you attacked my honour and he had to defend it. Stupid, certainly" She explained.

"Yet I was trying to protect him and he attacked me for it!" He replied.

"You expect him to be able to see that? In the heat of that moment, with all the variables in play, you honestly think he should be of such sound and stable mind while he is in school to learn about this stuff?" She asked. "It was the middle of the night, I had just punched him, he was worried he had gotten me sick, and to top it off he was trying to keep me a secret. He was stressed already" The alien explained.

"Well as soon as you all knew I was awake you should gone else where then!!!" He said finally standing. "If you wanted to keep it a secret then it was pretty stupid to go into a room that has no walls between us." He replied.

"You are again placing the mental awareness of one much greater than us, on us. I didn't want to be in my room. Kunio said you were sleeping" She said, standing up in turn. "As much as some would like to think otherwise, we are all still kids. We will all make mistakes, and many of them will be incredibly stupid. Kunio made a mistake, I wasn't thinking straight as it was, this is all just a horrible event that none of us truly tried to negate. Now, you are taking an aggressive stance towards me. In my eyes, you are telling me you want to fight me. Should I hold you to that perception?" She asked. She seemed calm. Her voice said she was just pointing out his actions. "Please... let's sit back down" She suggested, pointing at the bank.

He grumbled and sat back down. "Yet Kunio still drew his weapon. If someone drew a gun on you would you have so easily dismmised it? A sword is just as deadly."

"You are much to broad with that question. Who drew the weapon on me? If Kunio drew a weapon on me in a shouting match, I wouldn't immediately go right to being aggressive back. I would assess the situation, see if he was actually going to use it against me. Tempers flair, people do stupid things, but the cooler head prevails in the fight. Instead of drawing your sword and hitting him with it, you could have taken a step back and waited. The avoidance of unessisary conflict should always be a priority, not the antagonization of it" Zoia explained.

"My kind lives and breaths conflict. Yet we have survived over a thousand years on a rock in space. We have learned to pick and choose what fights we get into with each other, and if the fight is nessisary, we fight it with permission from our officers. No exception" Zoia added, taking a deep breath. "We would have died long ago otherwise..."

"Yeah, well you are a better person than me. Everyonr here is. Because you all didn't grow up in an area where if someone drew a weapon they were going to use it. I GREW UP IN THAT! You don't know what that is like!" He replied.

"That's bullshit and we both know it" Zoia gruffed. "You think the way I fight is because I can? Because I'm just some sadistic monster?" She asked.

"I said nothing about you!" He replied. "I am telling you that I grew up knowing that if someone drew a weapon it is kill or be killed." He explained.

"And that is an excuse?" She asked. "Are we still in that place? No one is a better person than anyone else. If that were the case, everyone here would be a better person than me, because if this were the school I went too, students would die in training. Teachers, would set us to kill each other. Yet here I am, in a place where teachers aren't, and I have almost killed three people. Kunio included. I'm working on it. It's a hard mentality to get over, but you aren't going to get anywhere if you keep using it as an excuse" Zoia explained.

"I'm having enough culture shock as it is, but the point is to try. Who knows, I might actually kill the next person I fight. Things in combat get heated, and instinct takes over and you don't always think what you are doing through. I certainly wasn't when I ripped Kunio open. That doesn't mean break down and accept everything that happens as it is" The lizard sighed.
"Kunio is legitimately sorry for what he did. I have no reason to lie to you about it. His temper got the best of him, he reacted how he was taught to react, just like you reacted the way you were taught. Whether taught by people, or taught by life, that is how both of you were taught and look where it has gotten you both. Both of you upset, you leaving your room, and neither trying to tackle the problem and work it out like the adults you both try to act like" Zoia said, tossing a rock into the water. "Honour should not be how strongly you strike at those who wrong you, but how willing you are to work out your issues with them. I am by far not a perfect example of this, but it's something to think about William" She finished.

William thought about it, then sighed. "I understand Zoia,however this will take time. I don't take such a thing lightly..." He paused. "But I understand that he acted out of passion. I can forgive, but I never forget." He looked up at Zoia. "That being said I will try and imporve things with Kunio. Just give me time. I was hurt by this too..."

"If you forgot... You wouldn't actually be forgiving him, so I can completely understand that. Forgiveness is something that is hard to do, and is possible the hardest lesson anyone can learn. Something even I have a hard time with, despite having to practice so much with things my kind has to go through" She grinned, standing up fully and turning to William, splaying her arms out with a smile.

"Something your kind does?" She asked, giggling a little.

William looked up confused, then realized what she meant. "Oh...um..." He stood and looked around shyly, then walked up to Zoia and gave her a quick hug.

Zoia's giggle gained some strength at the shy hug, and she crossed her arms. "Worried you might be made fun of for hugging the alien or something?" She asked teasingly.

"No it is not that you are an alien." he said standing back up. "Just...don't worry about it." He said talking a step back. "I need to go. I have Kendo practice soon." He said about to step away.

"Wait!" Zoia said, taking Williams arm.

William stopped. "Yes?"

"Friends?" She asked, tilting her head.

William nodded. "Friends."

"Good, but don't think I'll go easy on you! I still got a point to prove" She giggled, her tail waving behind her. "In the ring, all bets are off!"

"Wouldn't have it any other way." He smiled, stepping in the direction of the Kendo training feild.
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