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Homosexuality and Nepleslia


Inactive Member
Now, as I understand it, pretty much everyone in Yamatai swings like a saloon door, but I'm curious what the story is in Nepleslia. On one hand, there's the fact that the men outnumber the women by, what, five to three? Seems to me that men, horny buggers that we are, would sooner or later come round to the idea that a pair of knockers aren't strictly necessary for enjoying the act.

On the other, I seem to recall sodomy was a punishable offense in the first draft of the Universal Code of Military Law, though it was removed. That seems to me that at least some people find it to be inappropriate.

So, I'd like to know where the popular opinion falls.
Remember that Nep was once Yam. And Yam was once Nep. Oddly confusing, innit?

Everyone in Yam land does NOT swing both ways. The Neko do, but they're pretty much genderless so it doesn't count.

Today I do believe bi-sexual and homosexual things are on the rise, so I don't think it wouldn't be too uncommon in both of the space societies.

Certainly not as much prejudice for it, either.
While it would be evident that a large population of the Nepleslian men would be homosexual- the female population on Nepleslia proper is mostly Geshrin with a handful of actual Nepleslian women. I think of the population of Nepleslia like I would that of a Marine Base- there are some women there but they have to shop outside of the base for tail.

I can imagine that lovebots and hookers are good business on Nep. =)
While it would be evident that a large population of the Nepleslian men would be homosexual
Most Nepleslian dudes are straight, IIRC.
On the other, I seem to recall sodomy was a punishable offense in the first draft of the Universal Code of Military Law, though it was removed. That seems to me that at least some people find it to be inappropriate.

The UCMJ lists Sodomy as a punishable offense. ICly, it made sense to have a somewhat American style military also include that as punishable offense. OOCly, it was an effort on my part to dispel the stereotype that Nepleslians were gay. But it just made them look like repressed butt pirates.

Lilly wrote:
~laughs at the google ads this page has made~

Now just try not to think of Ran x Rico, everyone! ^.~

Why do you make everything horrible? >:I
Despite some people's discomfort with the area, I would say that homosexuality, while not exactly dominant, is most likely commonly acceptable in Nepleslia, for many of the reasons already stated. I have always played Rico to be a ladies man, for instance, but when we did in fact have a homosexual on the ship (a while ago), Rico played it off fairly well because I believed long beforehand that homosexuality was about as common as heterosexuality in this setting. When you can switch you gender (or hell, become both genders) with a single pill/spray/injections/snort/hand gesture, people will tend to overlook sexual orientation for that of actual bond, or banging a friend for the hell of it.

Also, it is true that love robots and other quasi-masturbation items are very popular since actual marriage and lasting relationships are not actually something Nepleslia holds in hugely high regard. Getting hitched and such is great and all, good on those Neps who do find that special someone...but let us also not forget that most of Nepleslia and her population are driven to seek out the pleasures of life freely, including sensual pleasure.

Also, Nepleslia's have the strongest arms in the setting. This is accomplished in a number of methods. :D
My personal position has always been that everyone in the future is at least a little bi. While that doesn't necessarily mean that everyone swings both ways, people would be more open to it in general.

Certainly I've tried to play all my characaters that way. The only people who I've played straight in my history are either stodgy in general (for the women) or overly obsessed with some archaic concept of manliness (for the men).

Not everyone will agree with this, but behind it all I like my sci-fi at least a bit optimistic.
When I see this, I have to ask people if they didn't notice the large guy-to-girl ratio, the love for manliness, and just the sheer bro-love that already makes Nepleslia a force for bi/homosexual activity. Not to mention that there must be non-manly boys who want a strong man like the Nepleslian dream, right? It's pretty clear atop all this with the space-age acceptance (more or less) that comes with sexual roles/pairings, it's safe to say that Nepleslia is probably half-and-half... and half... whatever. It's got doods banging doods and doods banging girlz. I don't know how to make it less straight-forward.
The problem in Sodom wasn't that men were banging men, strictly speaking. It was that the society was run by men, but social status was determined by who was banging whom. Homosexuality wasn't the problem, the problem was that their entire political structure was based on sexual favours and dominance, instead of at least vaguely sensible things like strength, wealth, or merit.

So, if the word 'sodomy' is used to describe 'what brought about the downfall of Sodom' rather than overgeneralized to include all sex between men, regardless of whether their relationship is ethical or not, then it is necessary for Neplesia to forbid it, for the same reason why corporations need to make sure that hiring decisions and promotions aren't based on sexual relations around the office. It doesn't matter whether members of an organization are male, female, both, or neither; using sex to decide how to run a group runs that group into the ground... and not in a fun way, either!

I think they're capable of getting over the assumption that only men should be in power, so that they can look at the ethics of it, instead of making the huge 'correlation = causality' mistake we're all too familiar with.