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Approved Character Hong "Chime" Mei-Ling

Standard issue items can be cut and pasted from here: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=st ... dard_issue

If she's a neko, she could naturally have purple hair instead of a hair color dyed purple.

Personality: Why is her personality interesting? I'd like to know a little bit more about how her personality is rather than just take the notion that it is interesting at face value. How does she act? How does she think?

Is the bipolar a result of something? Sometimes personality disorders in Nekos stem from psychological trauma seen in combat or something that happened in training.

She also has an odd dislike, what the story behind her dislike of mixing blue and white? The incident could add some more depth to her, as would the explaination behind her nickname of "Chime".

History: Nothing outstanding here, just fairly cookie cutter manufactured neko pre-anti-slavery Yamatai laws. Did anything happen in training to make her more aware of her surroundings?

Skills: Again, fairly basic stuff. No real issue here, in Yamatai mech like giant robots (i.e Gundams) aren't really used. She'd be better training on how to repair Mindy; Daisy or Lamia power armors which she'd have been trained in how to use. I'd also like to point out that if she is a neko, she also have anti-gravity capabilities built in which... would make her more able to do crazy acrobatics.

This character is in progress as a very good start. This reviewer's recommendation is to spend a little more time into developing a back story for the character's personality to make them a little more unique than the usual off the assembly line neko.
This character is approved for IC-usage. Please place your in-character request for orders in the Star Army of Yamatai Communications forum. Welcome to SARPG, enjoy your time here and I look forward to seeing your character grow more through roleplay as time progresses.