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Approved Character (Horizon) Hacker Phreak 674-404-3953

concept looks good I like the non combat direction it's quite refreshing, the character overall I like but there is a couple things to help polish off the article, I'm aware your still pretty new so don't feel bad about having missed any of them.

first off you'll want to link his species aka freespacer to the freespacer article on the wiki in the same way the calendar year is done,

seconds, technically the organization would be Galactic Horizon since thats the group running the whole thing, for placement use this text [[plot:galactic_horizon]] which will link to the plot page for ya ^^

for the rank, since there wont be any real established positions I'd say list his rank as technical crew or you can leave it blank for now too, I'll be posting a rank guide soon in the Interest check thread for those who join with characters who dont already work for the company

aside from that i dont see any major issues with the history and description and such as they can always be expanded on later if needed, so unless any of the other mods have an issue or an important note to bring up the rest of the character is fine

as always if you need help let me know and i'd be happy to fix him up for you ^^
Well since ploygon is good i see no other issues to bring up, sorry to mess with your sheet but i took the liberty of slightly changing up the organization and placement part for you and i dont have any further issues so consider it

afaik characters always have gone in the characters section ^^ either way it doesn't matter too much, won't affect the rp ovob
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