Star Army

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RP: Section 6 [Horizon/S6] Adrenaline Rush


Everything Is Magical
R&D Labs, S6

Kryss moved towards the S6 labs with her PDA in hand dressed in her suit for official business and coffee in the other hand, taking a sip as she rounded a corner she passed one of the Galactic Horizon secondary design members and stopped him.
"Is it ready for testing?"
"Yes Miss Black, no issues with fabrication and assembly the post design team is still in there making some final adjustments, did you want me to call them out?"
"No Brin leave them be, wouldn't want anything to go wrong after all, only thing I'm really worried about is that backpack... On second thoughts have most of the team retire to the viewing room with me."
"Will do Ma'am."

Mark watched from the viewing room as finalization of Horizon's newest project. He wore his usual outfits minus the sword. Things had been good since his arrival two weeks ago, and enjoyed his work. He'd even saw a vast potential in this new corporation, for other was local companies like these were the ones who would build the future. The fact he'd grown to like the liaison acting as CEO was also a source of his high spirits. He looked forward to seeing her again.

Kryss purposefully strode into the room with several of her colleagues in tow checking through various items of interest on their own datapads and comparing notes for the product that was now being worn by two of the S6 facility guards as the last two Horizon members suited them up and did final checks. Reaching to his ear one of the men inside the lab signaled that they were ready to start and he pulled out a pad while his partner checked the cameras were capturing it from several angles.

"Sorry to keep you waiting Mark, had to make a quick detour. Looks like they are ready to start now anywho so what would you like us to show off first, I'm assuming the room was outfitted with the specifications I sent you earlier?"

"Engineering took care of it. As far as features, I'm excited to see what it does as a whole, so order doesn't have to be specific. Surprise me, I'm sure it will impress." Mark said giving a slight grin.

Nodding she turned to the window and switched on comms with her team prompting them to have the two guards activate the winches in the Spelunkers Pack, "Well then director Pine allow me to demonstrate the main attraction of the AUG. Within the pack there is two high torque winches capable of lifting a load of up to 500kg however it also depends on the cable used, for this show we have standard high-tensile rappelling cable."

As if to make a point of her words two lengths of wire began to emerge from each pack, one on the top and one on the bottom and each of the Horizon members took the high strength magnet attachment from within the pack at attached it it the top cable via the carabiner. Each taking a compressed air cannon designed for testing on smaller and fragile items, they fired the magnets towards the ceiling with the length of cable trailing off them and back to the packs.

Kryss watched nervously, they had run hundreds of theoretical simulations of this exact situation and all of them had checked out but, something about the real thing set her on edge. You can't simulate fear or irrational reactions and although she had asked for two of the least likely to do such things, and volunteers at that, she couldn't help but worry that something would go wrong

"Oaklen, and you okay? You seem worried. My guys will keep their cool, they've been through more extreme circumstances. They've made combat drops into areas of AA fire with only their armor, and not even a parachute." Mark said a little irritated inwardly at him being referred to as Jack, but wanted to reassure Kryss as if sensing her fears.

"Sorry, sorry. Just with the pressure and the whole clone thing and, yeah." She seemed to deflate a little even with his confident words about the men, Kryss stared down at the floor for a moment before looking back up through the window. "Begin the test, have them walk up the wall keeping pace." Moving her hand away from the ear piece she watched on very conscious of the blunder she had just made, inwardly punching herself for letting it happen.

Through the window the techs could be seen explaining the basic controls for using the winch before having them move next to the wall directly below where the cables at magnetized to the ceiling. Slowly each of the men got used to the controls and began to slowly walk up the wall easily keeping pace with the winch, however as each of them lost their footing on the wall and slipped into a dangling position Kryss didn't seem to be phased by it at all, expecting it in fact and wrote down the results before signaling to have them lower themselves down.

"It's not a problem, we all have our busy days, it's just learning to have faith. Everything works out one way, or another. Your company is doing great work, your people know their science.", Mark said watching the test passively while trying to show it hadn't bothered him.

"I appreciate your forgiveness, it's certainly not something I expect to find much of in this line of work. Anyhow you said the engineers had outfitted this place, so I assume that means somehow you were able to at least simulate a rock wall for us?" The blonde turned to face Mark, her eyes serious, almost cold when contrasted with her blue lipstick and outfit, she expected he would have found a way with the kind of facility they had.

"Well rocks aren't hard to find in a desert, so it was easy gathering enough rock to put one together. With scan graphing of local rock faces, we used the data to create a replica of the joroma rock face just north east one klick from here. It's actually a very challenging, yet enjoyable climb.", Mark said looking over the engineering department's handy work, the rock wall almost unable to be told apart from the actual thing.

Kryss looked at him for another moment noting the conviction in his words, a good quality for a leader which she respected and had been raised with thanks to her father the Galactic Horizon CEO. "Well you're resourcefulness is not something to scoff at it would seem, then let the test begin." The last line while signaling to Mark they were about to start was also the signal for the team in the room. "As planned have them use the greaves and gauntlets without the help of the winch, and inform them to keep the top cable with the claw attachment in their main hand."

The plan which had been devised was to test how applicable the pack would be in the case of uncontrolled descent as though they slipped on a climb, using one of the hooks to climb would allow them to make it to the top and then simulate falling and attempting to find grip with the hook and becoming suspended from the pack. "Alright have them extend the shoe studs and send them up, and don't forget to move that mat underneath them in case of a fall."

Rorik looked to Casdan, "Got all that LT.?"

"Button it Sergeant.", Casdan passively bit back.

The two activated the shoes with a 'shink' before planting them in the wall one foot at a time until they were gripped to the wall. They began their ascent towards the top, using the hooks and shoes to climb at the same place as they progressed upwards.

It did not take them long to reach the top, and after climbing up looked back over the edge, the ten foot drop that would be daunting to most, was treated with neutrality by the pair.

"So what now? Climb over the edge and let go?", Rorik asked checking his cabled gauntlet.

"Yep.", Was all Casdan said as the large cushioned mat was moved into place.

Climbing back down just over the edge, they counted to three in unison before letting go. They had already fell a few feet as they fired the clawed cabled, the blades hitting rock.

Kryss winced as the claw belonging to Rorik dislodged itself from the small crack it had found and he hit the mat with a muffled thud, the cable trailing behind him and landing off to one side, Casdan's however had bit into the rocky surface and held firm as the winch allowed some slack to run through before bringing the woman to a slightly less bone jarring halt. "Hmm, well I guess there's no way to tell if the claw will actually hold in some of the tricky areas but the fact that one did so successfully is a good result."

Kryss moved as though to leave the room and called over her shoulder, "I'm heading into the room to check over the equipment and consult with the team feel free to join me. I'm afraid that's the only thing that really needs stress testing as the UV protection on the visor, the light and the comms are all easy enough to test ourselves and have been done many times to check consistency."

Mark followed after as she spoke, "That's very prudent, and a practice I wished more companies did. It's good to see that my people can be of help. Casdan is good at keeping her cool, and Rorik never leaves his job half finished." He said idly as they walked.

"Well they're probably a far better example of the people who would be using this product rather than the system techs and designers we have on site, although we are looking to expand into some more hands on areas in the future. But S6 and its people are the reason we were able to start in the first place so you have definitely been of help."

"Then that means our goal of building a better home is getting closer to being a reality. It's gear like that, that will help the people tame such hostile lands such as this planet. One day we'll be able to stop calling it a frontier, and call it home." Mark said with a smile.

"Well it will be a public product once testing is done but creating a better future and providing tools to do the job, that is a goal we definitely share." Swiping her card on the scanner outside the lab Kryss unlocked the door and entered moving to where the two members of S6 had been unsuited and were getting checked for any unseen physical damage, Casden in particular as she had been the one who successfully stopped.

"So how did she do?"
"No physical damage to her body and no abnormal internal pains that she can feel, looks like the winch does its job well."
"Indeed, well thanks you two for being the test dummies for the new gear hope we haven't put you off rock climbing for life now. Oh and Brin make a note to make up some sort of hand-held launcher for the cables I have a feeling it will help extend the usage capability of the AUG exponentially if they can go up as well as down."

"Back to your stations. Tell Jay you have the rest of the day off. Dismissed." Mark said getting a salute from the two before they strode away.

Kryss watched them leave before turning back to her team, they had already packed up the gear and were moving out, she turned back to Mark after briefly checking her PDA. "Well that's the end of the test, thanks again for making the prototypes and letting us use your facility for testing, we'll be sure sure to send to completed version blueprints when we finish it. If you don't have anything else you need to talk to me for I'll be on my way back to the Horizon building."

"Do you have any free time in the near future? I like to know the people I work with, and it doesn't have to be now, just whenever your free next time." Mark said casually.

"Hmm, I can't say for certain as I'm always getting roped in to help assess ideas and designs but feel free to call me anytime, generally I can take a call while at work." She looked back at him as she reached to door with a slightly questioning look as though asking if he was ok with that.

"Understood, well I should get out of your hair and make sure my brother is handling things okay.", Mark said before heading his own way.
