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Approved Submission [Horizon] Sensory Smart Coating


Everything Is Magical
Submission Type: Material?
Template Used: None

FM Approved Yet? Yes
Faction requires art? No

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? No
Contains New art? No
Previously Submitted? No

@Ametheliana this is the material thingo i mentioned in the other thread for the suit. I'm not sure if you want to take it or not but I thought i'd draw your attention to it at least so you knew that the suit thread would be starting up again soon.

General note about the uh, materiel, thing. It uses nanos yes, however they are just to form part of the coating, they can't fly around and eat metal or anything like that, its on the open market yes because I said so and I don't really want to see anyone critisising that or the listed price unless they can give me a concrete number or range at least to work with.
It's nothing personal and I'm not trying to be rough but it does get annoying when every submission I get told the price is both too high and low and i need to look at simialr products in the setting, half the time there is less that 2 similar things in the setting to compare with so unless the price is quite dangerously in either category I would appreciate it being left out of the crossfire, not saying to ignore it since its part of the article and that wouldn't be allowed anyway but yeah.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Wouldn't it make sense to organize the chart like


That way it reads from best to worst?
I mean, to me? I prefer things to read worst to best.

Maybe base it off how other charts are done for similar submissions; that way we can establish a standard.
Okay, well either works. I just want it to be like, 3210123 with plus or minuses either above or below. Not 2310231. Does that make sense?
ok, I realised when i was looking back over the suit i missed something from the smart coating, i have added it to the about section of the article and also posting it here to make sure its approved

"Additionally this coating can modify its heat signature slightly with a range of 15 degrees Celsius either direction from the current room temperature. This tactic is useful for evading thermal imaging and sensors but is not perfect like the chameleon ability, it can be seen if someone is specifically looking for an anomaly."

basically just saying it can *slightly* hide its thermal presence
I’d suggest changing that to say ‘a few degrees’ rather than explicitly saying 15 degrees. You don’t need to include hard numbers here and I think that also gives you a little more wiggle room. When you use numbers players tend to take that as ‘it can do this much exactly in any situation’.
before either of you start debating numbers, i chose that value to ensure the ability was not abused in RP, this coating is not a magic cape of invisibility- well kinda.

Point is, a cape wont hide your 32 degree body heat in a steel corridor that clocks in at just under 20, so the ability to shift 15 either way means you can blend with the traditional range of room temperatures.

Also i do have to agree with frost I've notice many people have different interpretations when things aren't stated explicit so, i think ill go for explicit, means if its approved like that no one can call it out for being op either.