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[Horizon's Key] Job 01: Shakedown (Chapter 1)

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Inactive Member
The Horizon's Key glided through space with grace far belying its blocky appearance, having just minutes before left Pisces Station behind to truly begin its journey.

All of the unused quarters on Deck One were loaded with provisions; mostly food but also spare parts, spare tools, and spare clothing A majority of the budget had gone to these. The med-bay had been stocked with only the essentials and the science lab was nearly bare. The mess hall was stocked with the food that they would most likely be eating first. And the armories were...quite empty. Only a few guns were in the budget, with the rest of the weapon allowance going toward ammo. But, hopefully, that would be enough.

The Upper Hold was bare and the cavern of the Lower Hold was also empty aside from a two-tier stack of standard cargo crates and the lone Jilanth-class shuttle that had come with the ship.

The primary fusion reactor hummed steadily in the depths of engineering on deck three, and all readouts read optimal. On the bridge, the Ship Operations station was ready for Eliot's perusal with engineering and system assignment readouts. The Security/Tactical station was ready for Nicholai, listing out the current weapon manifest along with a general readiness report on ship-mounted weapons and shields. The Pilot's station was in use by Kassiopea, who had just finished the exit from Pisces without a hitch. And the panels mounted on the command chair monitored communications and everything else of importance.

Course was set and, once they cleared the edge of the Albini system, the crew of the Key would be on their way to New Kohana.

Gem finished reviewing the supply manifest and entering the costs into her own budget file. After issuing a money card to Kassiopea, the crew had dispersed into Pisces to gather their supplies, which had gone well. However...

She sighed, reattaching her datapad to the clip on her belt. They hadn't been able to buy as much as she had wanted, even with her resources, but it should be enough. Their destination held least, she would have liked to think so. A practically isolated race had to have _some_ desire to trade with the stars, shouldn't it?

"Nothin' is a sure deal," she murmured to herself. She would have to get used to that idea and not put everything on any one job if they were to keep this ship spaceborne and the crew fed and supplied.

Standing from the command chair, Gem walked over to Kassiopea at the Flight Control station in the front-center of the bridge. "Gettin' th' hang o' it?" she asked. It was half-rhetorical question; Gem wanted to hear Kassi's response to find out the 'Spacer's confidence in her piloting. Technically, the exit from Pisces had gone without any damage done, the new pilot seemed to have taken to the new craft like a natural.
The PA system on the bridge crackled to life, and Eliot's voice bumbled through the startup static.

"Bridge, this is Engineering. Engines are running good, and I think I have the hang of things down here." At this point, there was a loud clunk as something dropped off Eliot's belt. "Crap. I'll get back with the detailed stats later. Eliot out."
Kassiopea smiled as Gem asked the question, but as she was still new at piloting the ship, she kept concentrated on the readouts and all of the other particulars while answering, "Yes, I should think so. It's actually quite like piloting a Phantasm gunship, but without the solar sails and instant reactions. I don't know, it just seems to have the same sort of feel to it. I've never really asked you though, where exactly are we headed?"
"Copy. I'll be down in a minute, you c'n fill me in then," Gem said in answer to Eliot's message. Then she listened to Kassiopea's reply and smiled.

Solar sails? Gem thought in surprise. She can get instant reactions outta solar sails? "Good ta 'ear it," she said, putting a hand on Kassi's shoulder and squeezing it. "We're 'eaded to New Kohana, down south a ways an' ten hours by spacial distortion. The computer can 'elp ya prepare the route if y' aren't sure how." The commander smiled at the Freespacer and turned to exit through one of the side-doors to the bridge. "Get ev'rything ready for CDD activation, we'll be usin' it once we're outta th' Albini system."
Kassi, realizing that things would be a lot easier for the long flight if she jacked herself into the controls, reclined the chair, and interfaced with the ship. She plotted a course, using the maps and charts as a reference. "Just give me the order, and we'll power out of here."
"A'right, lemme know when we clear the system then," said Gem nodding to Kassi before leaving the bridge. She strode to the doors that opened to the stairway and jogged down the stairs to Engineering, on Deck Three.

Engineering was the only section of the ship that made Gem worried. First of all, it held three of the primary energy sources of the vessel (and, by extension, highly explosive)...and it was right against the bottom of the ship. Sure, the hull was rather well armored, but still...

Second, the arrangement of Engineering itself was strange, too. The fusion engine was a self-contained "Flare" unit set on its side with a small footbridge over the main disk. Consoles and computer terminals lined the walls of the two (relatively) large engineering rooms. Aside from the traditional conduits leaving the main unit, Main Engineering was rather...clean-looking. Well, this _was_ a NovaCorp vessel, so that was to be expected.

Gem arrived at the aft entrance to Engineering and glanced around for Eliot by sticking her head briefly into each of the two engineering rooms. "How're things goin' down 'ere?" she asked when she finally found him.
"Fuck this NovaCorp shit, smells like someone acid-bathed the place, then sterilized it with cleaning alcohol..." Eliot was fumbling around the occupied engine room, looking for his dropped tool. His belt was stuffed with various handtools and repair equipment, and over that was his leather jacket. His head was covered by a green hard-hat and a pair of orange cords dangled out from the sides; making him look really goofy. Earplugs. When Gem spoke, Eliot cut short his string of explitives and turned to face the woman.

"Pretty well, Gem. I think I've actually figured everything out down here. Engines are running 100%, and I'll keep you updated on any changes down here- Oh, there it is." The former cargo manager said, then knelt and retrieved a socket wrench, stuffing it back into his belt.

"We're all good. How's Kassi doing learning how the ship handles?"
At that moment, Kassi's voice sounded over the loudspeakers, "Hey, Gem, we've just cleared the system and are ready to go to CDD any time. Shall we? The course is all plotted out and we should arrive there within about 9 hours or so."
"Guess that answers my question. Well, my job down here's done for a while," Eliot said, stepping out of the engine room, "So shall I join the illustrious Captain Tabier and her pilot on the bridge?" He said, layering sarcasm over the word 'illustrious'. He punctuated his statement with a short bout of one-sided laughter.
"Sounds good, Kassi," said Gem, smirking at Eliot. "Initiate th' CDD an' I'll be back up once I'm done 'ere." Closing the comm channel, she motioned to Eliot to follow her and walked back to the stairway she'd just come down. "What'd you think? Seems pretty easy to keep up...not much to look o'r until it decides t' be ornery," Gem said, glancing back at the cargo specialist.
"You'd be surprised. I just hope the thing doesn't get too confounded too quickly; otherwise I'll be in a shitload of trouble trying to dig us out of it." Eliot said, adjusting his toolbelt.

"So, I suppose the rest of the ship is pretty much as bare as the engine room?"
"Yep. Bought this girl new from NovaCorp factory. Haven't quite had a chance t' dirty 'er up yet." Gem hopped up to the first landing and looked down at Eliot as she started up the first of the next set of steps to the second deck. "I jus' hope we don' need to find out what we don' know about this before we get a proper engineer, eh?" She smiled and jogged up the last few steps to Deck Two and headed for the bridge.
"Oh, like I wasn't a good enough engineer?" Eliot said, using a mock-sad tone. He made the distance to Deck 2 shortly after Gem arrived there.

"Or are you already planning on replacing me this early into our little trip?"
"Y're th' cargo manager. Y're irreplaceable already," said Gem, smirking. "Ah'm just wantin' someone w'formal trainin' handling the delicates. You can 'elp 'im if you want. I won' stop ya unless you really break things." They reached the bridge and Gem entered, leaving Eliot to either follow or find something else...which at the moment there was nothing else. "Anyone seen Mister Vandherson?" she asked, looking around.
Nicholai was in fact on his way to the bridge as Gem spoke. After the quick shopping trip Nicholai had went through and stocked each armory with the ammunition and weapondry that had been purchased, assembling and dissassembling each weapon individually so that he could check it for damage before putting it away, luckily there was none.

"Sorry I'm late." Nicholai said as he walked onto the bridge, noticing only Kassi. "Everythings checked out and stored away." Nicholai said as he glanced around the bridge, noting Kassi reclined in the pilot's chair. "She asleep or sumthin'?" Nicholai asked.
"You want my guess?" Droning ahead without saying anything else, Eliot continued with his "mad" theory.

"I read in this comic book when I was a kid about people who can interface with machinery and pilot it with their minds. I think this might be some version of that."
Nicholai shook his head. "You sure tha's what she's doin'? I thought only nekos could do stuff like that." Nicholai said as he walked over to an empty station and sat down. "So, where we off to?" Nicholai asked trying to start up a different conversation.
Still wired to the ship, Kassi said to the two talking about her, "Yeah, I'm controlling the ship through my brain. It's far more efficient this way, and hey, I can still talk to you guys, but if things happen to get hairy, don't expect me to give you more than a rude gesture. Plus, it's a lot more fun this way." She smiled at the last bit.

"We'll be at New Kohana soon enough. Everything is in order with the rest of the ship I assume?"
"Main drive at 100%, Kassi." Eliot said, then quickly slapped himself with his palm, right on his forehead.

"But you're still moving; so we should know that."
"The rest o' th' ship is runnin' fine," said Gem. "Now for th' hard part: Waitin' to get there." She smiled.
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