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[Horizon's Key] Job 01: Shakedown (Chapter 1)

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"Whoa, what the hell?" Eliot said, looking around the room he was currently in. It was large, and packed with space station personnel and visitors alike. Most, if not all, of the people Eliot saw were Kohanian by birth, and the cargo manager felt like a fish out of water.

Nevertheless, he did his best to find his way around the station on his own.
As Eliot wandered, he would be greeted by many interesting sights. The station seemed to be a mix of the old world, and the new. There were the usual shoppes selling Nepleslian goodies, but then right next door to them might have been a blacksmithing shoppe with working forge and the loud Tink, Tink, Tink, of the smith hammering on a piece of metal, shaping it into a new sword.

Also, there seemed to be an ever present aroma of foods, some that the male would know, others would be foreign to him. He had gotten a slight course in Kohanian manners from the welcoming committee before he wandered off, so he would at least understand some of what some of what was being said around him.

The actual language, however, would be totally unrecognizable, some speaking with deep gutteral tones, while others' speech was more lilting and musical. All in all, it was a total sensory extravaganza.


When Nicholai turned back towards them, the two mares grinned at each other, and then each one moved to stand beside him, taking one of his arms in hopes of wrapping it around their waists, so that the large ID-SOL looked to have the two mares as arm candy. Whether this worked or not, they would begin to lead the large male away from the others, Blazing Sky trying to teach him a bit of Yaree, the language of the warriors and fighters, while Mud just rambled on and on about random things that her mind found necessary to voice.


Gem's message was quickly transferred to the office of the Station Administrator. Night took the parchment, and then waved the messenger off. No matter what happened, she would not be the one to return the response to whatever it was that Gem had written. With a curt nod, the tigress disappeared back through the doorway, and headed back toward where she had left the Key's crew.

Once she was gone, Night Watches Over unrolled the parchment and put on a pair of wire rimmed spectacles. Licking his lips, he began to read the note in muttered tones, canting his head first one direction, then the other.

"So, you wish to know more of what it is that I have asked you, Commander? I suppose that is a fair request. I don't begrudge you a little wariness, as this is a very new and different situation, and I just hope that my show of bravado has not scared you away...For if it hasn't, I fear that what I have to ask you just might..." He thought aloud, before pulling a small datapad from a drawer in his desk.

He was still not used to writing without pen and parchment, but the datapad would show that he was willing to meet her on her own terms, just as she had shown by sending the message on parchment.

"To: Commander Tabier

I have recieved your note, and am happy to see that ties have not been too hastily severed. I am willing to put the misunderstandings in the past, if you are.

What I am asking your crew to do is a simple mission to the surface of the planet to investigate why the shipments meant for the Imhotep, have been coming up missing lately, as well as to eliminate the problem is you see fit. I will include a manifest of the usual supplies sent up to the station, and from which villiages they are coming. This will, I hope, give you some leads on where to start.

Also, if you decide to accept this mission, I will do my best to provide you with everything you will need to 'fit in' among my people. We will, no matter what, have to make sure that your ship and crew arrive at night, so there will be no confusion of your crew being mistaken from messengers from the gods...The last group that that happened to did not find the results so very pleasing.

I will do everything within my power to keep you safe on your journey to the surface, but once there, I unfortunately have little say in how things are run. However, I do have ties to someone who does have power down there, and I am sure he would be more than willing to lend any aid you may require, be it weapons, armor, or information and transportation.

I do warn you now, however, that this mission will not be an easy one. There are things on the surface that you will not have ever faced. It is because of these, that I must ask you and your crew to follow any suggestions my crew and staff may offer you. That is, of course, if you accept this. I have included the manifests you have asked for, and hope to hear back from you soon."

He then tapped into the stations information grid and pulled up the listings of all the missing shipments, and what each of them contained, attatching it to his message, before handing the pad to one of the huge guardians that followed him around.

Waving a paw towards the door, the massive beast moved out of the office, and back to deliver the message to Gem.
"Wow, this place is a total sensory extravaganza!" Eliot deadpanned. Eventually, he managed to bumble into one of the smithies that were scattered around the station, positioned (ironically) next door to a Nepleslian weapons and armor shop.
Nicholai took the arm candy and ran with it, though as he walked with the Mares he spoke. "Thankyou ladies. I think I should warn you though, I already got me a girl back home." Nicholai laughed lightly as he walked with the mares. It felt awkward for the ID-SOL of course, to be dwarfed by two of anything, usually ID-SOLs were the biggest there was. Yet Nicholai found himself between two very much larger, and probably stronger, female aliens. "Where to first?" the ID-SOL said with a grin.
Ironically, Mud, Blazing Sky, and the (more familiar) Nicholai wandered past the smithy where Eliot was currently browsing. Though he was currently interested more in the merchandise that the blacksmith was working on, he decided that his fellow shipmate needed a bit of help.

So, he fell into formation with Nicholai and the mares.

"Hello Mud, Nicholai... Other mare I've never seen before."
The two mares looked at each other, Mud giving a look that said she didn't understand, to which Blazing Sky would answer in that gutteral language until her companion nodded with a grin.

"No worry, Big strong man. We can beat her up if you want, it won't be that much of a problem." Mud laughed, leaning her head down to rest on Nicholai's shoulder, while the other Mare looked over to Eliot with a bit of a scowl to his greeting.

"Blazing Sky is my name, and I would appreciate it if you showed just a little more respect." She replied with an emotionless drawl, then turned to look at Mud.

"No, you fool, he means that he will enjoy walking with us, but he will not be taking us as mates. Sometimes I wonder how you made it through your Quest." Shaking her head, she would look to Nicholai to answer his question.

"That all depends on where you would like to go first. We could get something more filling than sandwichs to eat, or the four of us could head to the combat zone on the station, or we could just walk and I could tell you about the history and customs of our race."
Nicholai laughed at Mud's comment before speaking, "You probably could, but then you'd have to deal with me." Nicholai said jokingly.

Nicholai looked like he was about to speak when is stomach suddenly growled loudly, "Well," the ID-SOL chuckled as he spoke, still feeling a bit buzzed from the vodka, "I think maybe getting some food might be good. I'm all for all 3 of those options personally." the ID-SOL looked around before he found an amusingly familiar sight, "I'll be damned..." Nicholai's mouth was wide open, "You guys have a Neppies?!?! Man, I love this place already." Nicholai suddenly remembered where he was, "Of course, if you ladies want to go elsewhere I'm open to suggestions. Maybe while we eat you can teach me more about your culture and stuff, and some more" Nicholai paused as he scraped his brains for the word he was looking for, "Yaree?"
Gem tried a few of the foods while she waited for Night's reply. Most of it was quite palatable, she found only a couple things that her taste refused to like. And then there was one dish that struck her as being one of the best things she had ever tasted. She would have to ask what that particular fruit was before they left, without a doubt...

The large bodyguard arrived with the station administrator's datapad, holding it out to Gem as he approached. She took it with a nod, almost smiling but refraining only because she wasn't sure how he would take it and turned her attention to the message instead.

After reading it over, and reviewing the attached documents, Gem looked up at the bodyguard. "Ah don' s'ppose 'e'll b' wantin' an answer righ' away?" she asked, half-rhetorical. The large man-beast probably didn't understand her, so she wasn't really expecting an answer. "I think ah'm gonna need t' think this over...an' take a look aroun'. Wanna join me?" The commander of the Key smiled friendly-like at the leonian Kohanian and raised both eyebrows with the question. She took a step toward the corridor, in the general direction that the other two members of the Key's crew had gone. It seemed that Kassiopea had slipped away without Gem's notice because the small Freespacer was nowhere to be seen.

"Mister Watches sounded like 'e'd prefer we 'ad escorts w' us while we took a lookin' aroun'." She waited a moment for the guard before starting off on a self-guided tour. Yeah, she definitely needed to think this one over...
As soon as Eliott walked up, Mud let go of Nicholai's arm and moved over to try and pick up the other nepleslian and nuzzle herself against him.

"Friend! Friend come back to Mud!" She announced exuberantly to anyone who walked by. This, of course, got many stares from those passing.

Blazing Sky just smiled and turned back to the IDSOL as they thought about what to do for a meal. she had never dined at one of the restaurants that was already on the station when her people came aboard, the places that catered to those who had a heavy predatory appitite, something Sky never indulged in.

"Why don't you get what it is that you would enjoy, I will find a place that serves something I like, and then we will meet up in the indoor gardens, dine there, and I will answer any and all questions that you may have? Agreed?" She offered, holding out her large hand.


The lioness just smiled at finally being acknowledged, adding a curt nod as she followed just behind Gem's right side, like some sort of bodyguard. She remained silent until something was asked of her, a small smile always present on her muzzle.
Eliot was turning towards the armor shop again when Mud suddenly glomped him.

"AGH I'VE BEEN ATTACKED-" Eliot shouted just before he turned around to see the mare who had taught him about the food in Kohana.

"Oh, hello Mud."
"Alright," Nicholai nodded as he spoke, understanding the mares desire to eat more familiar food. "I'll meet you there." Smiling the ID-SOL motioned for Elliot to follow him as he wandered over to the Neppies.

Moments later, Nicholai emerged with the trademark white back with green borders that came from Neppies, and a small little plastic pouch in his left hand. Had to get the toy for Whisper. Nicholai thought as he walked toward the gardens to wait for the pair of mares and Ellliot.
Blazing Sky nodded her large head with a hint of a smile, and as Nicholai disappeared into the Neppie's, she walked further down towards the gardens, looking to merely be meandering head and shoulders taller than the others in the walkway. That is, until she ducked into another area, an area that was full with the sounds of sizzling food, metal on metal clinking, and the smell of veggies.

She too would not be in there for very long before she came out with a large staff with two metal pots on each end of the stick, which sat on her shoulders like a yoke. Once again she meandered through the crowds, until she got to a wine shoppe, and yelled something in Yaree, to which was replied, and a male ox leaned out a little window and handed her a bottle which she took from him after dropping actual gold coins onto the sill of the window.

Now that her lunch was secured, she smiled and began to plod her way through the station until she reached the Atrium, a wide open spot that had three levels. The ground level was like walking from the cold harsh reality, back in time to a more fantastical time. It was like a true forest, with a path created to mimic that of a dirt trail, leading off into forests of firs, pines, and many little shrubs and brush, including salmonberry, black raspberry, and of course blackberry bushes.

Sky hummed softly to herself, a lulliby she had been sung as a little one, and wandered down the path, until she came upon a small hill overlooking a pond. Here she set down her meal, looking up to those walking the pathways that weaved through the treetops like the bridges that connected the villages of the Sha'Nai, not that Sky knew anything of those, mind you...


"Howdy Mr. Man!" Mud greeted, actually licking Eliot's cheek with her thick, slimey equine tongue. "Does Mister El Ee Oat, like our station? Mud likes it lots, and is very happy that she has friends like El Ee Oat to share with it...It with."

She grinned, and tried to put Eliot up on her shoulder before turning to follow Burning Sky, though at a much more leisured pace. With this stride, she would point out the smithies that specialized in swords, those that specialized in armors, and then the different restaurants, some that served food much like chinese food, but more heavy on meats. Those were the canine eateries, specializing in the meals they were given back at the temples and monestaries. The place Sky had gone into was a Tikbalang eatery, they cooked all of their foods on fire heated slabs of metal, stirring the veggies and oils together with three foot long flat poles, much like Mongolians used.

All of this was explained in Mud's childish way, so full of wonder, like everything, even the most mundane, was the greatest discovery EVER.

When Mud attempted to lift the cargo manager-turned-mercenary onto her shoulder, Eliot could feel his shoulders slowly popping out of their sockets from the awkward angle and the sheer force which Mud was exerting on his arms. Between the glomping, the excitement and the cheek-licking, Eliot was beginning to feel that he wouldn't survive back to the Key if things kept up at this rate.

Eliot smelled the Tikbalang eatery as he passed it, still half-slung over Mud's shoulder and half hanging in open air behind his mare guide.

"Wait, stop here. This food smells good, and I feel like a sampler could benefit my little tour. Of course a sword and armor would be pretty cool, but I don't have anything but KS and I doubt your blacksmiths accept plastic."
Gem didn't go toward the shopping section as her crew did, but instead stayed to the docking section, walking past empty ports that at any other station would have had ships attached to them. This side of the Imhotep looked toward space, so Gem was unable to see the planet, but if she kept walking she might.

The station was typical Nepleslian design, she noticed, built solid and sturdy. Gem briefly wondered if the Kohanians purchased the station, or was it on loan.

"D' you like bein' up 'ere?" asked the Commander, glancing back at her Kohanian shadow. "...Flaming Sky", was i'?"
Eliot would find that he hadn't been slung over her shoulder like a sack of potatoes, but rather he was sitting on the wide expanse, with Mud's arm over his hips like a seatbelt to keep him there. When he expressed interest in a place she would stop and head for a closer look, but his interest seemed more than passing at the Tikbalang eatery, and therefore as they neared, she helped him to the ground, and then followed him like a caffenated puppy.


Gem's companion on the other hand was much less talkative. The only response she really gave to the Key's commanding officer was a shrug to the question asked, and then a softly growled statement.

"My name is Early Ice Melt. Big black mare Blazing Sky."

Then she fell back into silence until again she was pressed for information. Seems she was not really selected for her talkative nature, but rather something else, which judging by her physique, might have been her prowess in combat and protection.
Eliot thanked Mud for the lift (literally) and then wandered over to where they were serving the food.

The smells of the food being moved about on the large metal slabs with poles permeated the room with a beautiful scent that filled the cargo manager's nostrils and seemed to lift him off his feet like a cartoon character as he moved towards where-ever he would purchase the food.
Eventually Nicholai found the Gardens and began wandering around inside. Damn, this area's huge. the ID-SOL thought as he walked down a path. After a few minutes of wandering and taking in the sites Nicholai eventually found himself approaching a familiar Kohanian.

Nicholai was about to speak when he heard the Kohanian humming her lullaby. Instead he opted to just be silent and listen, it seemed she hadn't noticed him it seemed, and for the time being he wasn't going to change that.

It didn't take Nicholai's stomach long to remind him about food though. "That's a pretty tune." Nicholai said as he sat down and began to unwrap his StimBurger. "Is it a common one?"
Mud followed behind Eliot as they both went into the Tikbalang eatery. She guided him to the end of the line, where there stood heaps of sliced and diced veggies. Broccoli, carrots, sprouts, peppers of all colors and spicinesses, and then at the end of the line were smaller tubs with frozen meats, beef, pork, chicken, mutton, venison, it was all laid out for someone to make a plate with.

Speaking of that, Mud handed Eliot a bowl about a foot in diameter, and grabbed a second one for herself, filling it with noodles, green peppers, onions, pineapples, sliced Fenapples, and then began to ladel up large amounts of Kohanian cooking wine, teriyaki type sauce, and some ginsing oil. She then moved towards the cooks, massive beasts as they were that towered over even Mud, and handed the bowl to them.

Dumping the bowl onto the heated metal, the food began to sizzle and pop, the air filling with steam as the sauces and water instantly turned to a gas, and wafted towards the ceiling in thick clouds. The cooks talked back and forth to each other as they slid the food back and forth, like a hockey player would with a puck, then turned to say something in the language of their people, to which Mud shook her head, getting a nod from the two chefs before they slid the food expertly off the metal, and onto a large plate. They then handed the steaming hill of food to the tall brown mare, who sniffed it with a happy murr before turning to wait for Eliot to get his meal.


Blazing sky had been waiting patiently, not even lifting the lid off of her food until Nicholai got there. When he did arrive, and complimented her tune, she smiled almost embarrassed.

"No, it's not common. Every family has a different tune that they teach to their offspring. It is passed down through the generations and held with the highest regard."

She motioned for him to have a seat near her, and then began to prepare her meal, mixing the steaming vegetables with the rice from another little pot. She then uncorked the bottle of wine that she had bought, and poured a small amount into two cups that looked to have been carved from black marble. One she kept for herself, the other was offered to her companion.

"This is a Kohanian delicacy, Mr. Nicholai. It is made from a mixture of grapes, and the juice of fenapples. It is very rare, since the actual brewing process has been lost. Rumors say there is an undiscovered tribe who live in the mountains of the northern continent," She pulled a rolled up scroll from a pouch on her right hip, and began to unroll it, showing a crude, but amazingly detailed map of the continents of Neo Kohana.

On the Eastern continent were many mountain ranges and forests, with small squares marked to show where towns and villiages were located. The same was true for the Western continent, but it was much more flat, with great plains stretching over most of the continent. To the south was a large area that was darkly colored, marked with lettering that was impossible to read. But the northern continent was just an outline, with nothing within it, and even the shape seemed to be of debate as there were many different patterns for the outskirts.

"No one has ever been willing to go on an investigation of what the Northern Wastes hide. It is winter almost all the time, and when it is not, the snows and ice melt to make the land nothing but a soupy mudbog, and on top of that, it rains whenever the snows are not present...It's much to dangerous for anyone to investigate..." She repeated the last part for emphasis, and then rolled up the map, and with a grin and a small bow, she held the map out to him.

"For you. If I know The Administrator, it will not be long before he has convinced your queen to accept his mission. He is a very good negotiator, so I have no doubt that your people will be going down to the surface soon. And if that is true, you will need this. Please, do not mention where you got this, or even that you have it. This was given to me to protect because I served in the Grand Library of the Scibes, and this map shows many things that no off worlder should ever know about. For instance..."

She pulled the map back, unrolling it and pointing to three squares on the Eastern Continent.

"These are the Holy Cities. All three of them hold the treasures of our predecessors in vaults beneath the temples. No one is allowed into the vaults except the Avatar, who dwells here," She pointed to a large square in the mountains to the north. "This is the Seat of the Avatar. A temple heavily guarded by his hand selected warriors, the Templar. It is believed that each of these fighters has been imbued with everlasting life, as none have ever fallen in battle. Some believe it is because they serve the Avatar, that they have trancended the boundries of life itself..."

Blushing softly, she rolled the map back up and rested it on the ground, looking away to begin eating without facing him. She just knew that she had said too much, she was like a little foal on the plains agian, talking incessantly and boring her friends...She scooped up a bite of rice and vegetables, and put it into her mouth with a pair of finely crafted chopstick like utensils and just stared off into nothingness, berating herself in silence.
"Sorry. Early Ice Melt, then. Been up 'ere long?"

Gem continued to follow the gentle curve of the dock corridor, watching the stars outside. Early wasn't very talkative, it seemed. The commander wondered how Nicolai and Eliot were doing and especially how Kassiopea was doing. She hadn't seen the small Freespacer girl since a little after the introductions had been finished. Hopefully she wasn't in any sort of trouble.

Before Early could answer Gem's first question, Gem added to it, slowing and turning to look at Early, her back to the viewport. "Do you have a fav'rite spot ya like t' go?
Nicholai drank the wine as the Kohanian explained the map to him, though what picqued his interest the most was when she emphasized the danger of going to the norther wastes. When the Kohanian was done Nicholai slid the map away, "I don't know what you're talking about." Nicholai said with a smirk on his face. "So, who's this Avatar?" Nicholai asked not quite wanting to end the conversation, but trying to shift it to a new topic so as not to embarrass the mare further.

As Nicholai spoke he reached into his Nep Burger bag and pulled out his loaded stimburger, with extra stims unwrapped the sandwich and took a bite out of it. Briefly Nicholai considered asking another question, but felt that it would be rude to not allow the mare to speak first.
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