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RP: 5th XF [Hotaru] New Year, New Beginnings

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Well-Known Member
CB said:
The door shut behind the pair with a hiss, and Eriko couldn’t help but look back. She loosed her grip on Saito and hummed thoughtfully, fondling her new rank pin both gently and cautiously at the same time. The corridor was silent, not many people needed to come up to the fleet admiral’s quarters. What a curious thing was life…so full of twists and turns, exaltations and pitfalls alike. Eriko fell back and stopped, biting at her lip.

“We have to with this war, Saito…we shouldn’t need people like me commanding our battlegroups…”

Toshiro said:
Saito stopped in the hall, before turning to look at the new Shosho with a soft nd knowing smile.

"You'd be surprised, Eriko-chan, how many feel the same way you do when receiving more responsibility. There are those who set out to attain these ranks, but never attain them...because one must prove themself before attaining such a level. Katsuko has faith in you, I have faith in you, and YOU need to have faith in you."

CB said:
Eriko smiled thinly and just shook her head: “Aye, the faith is something I have. You and me both know I can do the job – that’s not what bothers me. I’m just not sure I trust myself with this sort of power. Advisor is a safe position, Saito-chan…it’s all suggestions. Fleet command is something else. Eh, I guess I’m just asking you to keep an eye on me. I’m too head strong for my good you know…"

"...and I don’t want to let Kat-chan down.”

Toshiro said:
Saito's smile turned into a grin as she looked at the woman, putting a hand on her shoulder.

" needn't worry about yourself at all. That is the single most responsible thing you could have said...I will watch you and help if you wish, but I doubt that your loyalty will let you abuse your power. Just keep in mind why you have it, and the trust which has been placed in you. Ne, Eriko-chan?"

Andrew said:
Katsuko said to Arlid, “It is a lot to absorb at once Bard-san. It took me weeks to regain myself when they brought me back.” Katsuko headed for the door motioning for him to follow. When they entered the corridor several of Misato’s black coats were waiting; the Taisho’s security for the celebration.

Once heading towards the Steakhouse Katsuko said, “Bard-san, you may find things a little different here than you are accustomed to. “ Hotaru at that moment began another transfer to the Shôshô, sharing him with information about the Motoyoshi clan and the Bakafu. She continued, “Since the attack on Taiie, the Fifth has been forced into a compromise; left to care not only about our military objectives, but the needs of the civilian refugees as well.” Katsuko paused, as they entered a lift, the entourage leaving them a moment. “My point is that, here we are a family, a family that I want you to be apart of.”

The lift opened and another group of black coats waited to escort them the rest of the way. Katsuko finished as if never interrupted, “My command staff and I are very close, the balance of protocol and this closeness however may be foreign to you. I have high expectations Bard-san, and I expect professionalism-but I also expect a relaxed friendly atmosphere when time provides for it.”

Katsuko stopped, looking directly at Arlid, “We have an understanding?” The security escorts stopped as well, waiting for the Taisho to move again.

Zakalwe said:
“The crew of every ship has its own understanding and protocol independent of the army’s regulations, it does not surprise me that the same remains true with fleets.” Arild gave a small smile, “I shall try my best to fit in with the collective persona, and to be a productive memory of your family – which I suppose makes you the mother?” His smiled widened, although his face did not lose its haunted look – while it was interesting that Katsuko had shared his experience he doubted her death was as pointless as his.

Toshiro said:
Arriving, Saito issued a telepathic request to the chefs to get ready to bring out the seafood dinner which they'd been preparing especially for Katsuko at a moment's notice. The room which had been reserved was in excellent condition, appetizers and bread out and ready for sampling until the main courses arrived...

"My, my...They've outdone themselves this time, haven't they, Eriko-chan?"

CB said:
Eriko’s only response was a whistle – though more surprising was the actual space they had. Usually the steakhouse was packed. Seeing it this empty was just a testament to the power of rank (in a good way of course). The new admiral took a long whiff of the room’s heady aroma. Everything smelled oh so very tasty. She loved this place…

“That they have. They’ve even managed to make space for the Royal’s attendants – not something I’d planned for when we invited the Loarth. I wonder if they’ll like our food…I’ve no idea what traditional Lor dishes are like.”

Jo Midori said:
Destiny and her brother, along with their two attendents Fate and Obelisk, soon made it into the room. It seemed that the group of royals had left early to make the trip easier on Destiny, and it was apparent why that was. The queen's stomach was rather distended, showing off the signs of her late pregnancy.

Taking small easy steps into the room Destiny held to her brother's hand as if it were her only means of walking, and some would think as such. With a sigh Destiny took her seat as she found their area, making sure to thank any sprites or workers she happened to see. With herself seated, Destiny gave a wave to the two officers already in the room and a friendly smile as well.

"Seems we are early as we had expected brother."

Andrew said:
Internal Communications: Active
All FLAG//Taisa and above.
Be Advised.
DocTomoe said:
Tomoe had gladly helped his sister along to their seat, and as they were seated he went about keeping his attention on his sister in case she needed anything. "Mm, I'm glad our plan worked out to get here ahead of time. I just dislike you having to walk so much, especially right now..." As he finished speaking, he made sure to give a wave of greeting to the Yamataian officers.

Toshiro said:
Saito faced the Lorath royal siblings and gave a bow to them before approaching.

"I have ordered the chefs here to incorporate some of your native cooking into the meal, but there will also be edibles from our own can eat and try what you wish, and we will do the same. I hope it is to your liking..."

Andrew said:
The steakhouse was located just above the dance club, the sound of bass filtered in every time the door opened. Katsuko entered with Arlid close behind, her security team dispersing throughout the restaurant.

The place was packed; there were lines outside clear to the end of the corridor-lines that she of course never had to wait in. The VIP table was on a slightly raised platform, the table itself was “U” shaped, a chef stood in the center tending to a grill, and the seats sat facing him.

Katsuko said to Saito and Eriko, approaching from behind “I think we should go dancing after dinner.” Noticing the Lorath royals she smiled saying to Destiny and her brother “I am glad you could make it.”


Tange Misato was not one for parties; however, tonight was an exception. She had something to show off. Her black paneled uniform had a new shiny rank pin –to her critics this would be their day of reckoning; she was now a Shôshô.

The white uniform was of the past, she would now wear as the rest of her special security detail wore, the famed nickname ‘black coat’ now truly applied. She ran her fingers through her short blue hair, it falling perfectly back into place. A wicked smile reflected back in the mirror as she looked at herself.

Minutes later she was seen entering the steakhouse, nearly every officer turned to look as they were in utter disbelief of her presence. She held herself high, walking with a new bounce of confidence; she approached Katsuko and the other admiralty.

CB said:
Eriko bowed alongside Saito as the Loarth came into view, glancing slyly sideways to her fellow admiral and teased: “Nice save, Saito-chan – I’m sure the cooks will love you for the last minute changes to their carefully prepared menu.” Not moments later, Katsuko and Arlid entered as well, and with the royals and the fleet admiral on scene the highest ranks were now present…though there were still one or two people to arrive.

Then Misato arrived. Eriko noticed her new rank pin as well and couldn’t help but sigh ever so slightly. She had a new rank pin as well, and…well…the way she carried herself should give most a clue as to how much earache half the officers at the Hotaru would be getting over the next few days. The fleet aide’s only consolation was that she had a new badge as well – and you had to be thankful for small mercies if nothing else.

“Ah, Misato-san, you’ve managed a to get a promotion as well. It’s good to see we’ll be working just as closely together despite everything. Congratulations!”

Jo Midori said:
"I have been rather hungry and in the market for different dishes as of late...I t would be nice to try some foreign dishes." Destiny said aloud with a smile, her stomach rumbling in protest. After all, she was nursing twins, so it was to be expected that she would be hungry.

With a small smile she saw the others enter the room, paying attention to the one that seemed to be strutting almost. With a small chuckle, she looked to her brother.

"Do you remember brother, when they promoted Fate? She had that same bounce." Destiny laughed a little more and looked to the woman in question to see her reaction. Obelisk, against her better judgment, couldn't help but laugh behind her hand a little.

DocTomoe said:
"Mm, yes sister, I do remember quite well." Tomoe said in reply as he smiled softly to his sister. "As for the food... as long as it is not synthetic, I'll gladly take part in trying out a new cuisine."

Zakalwe said:
Arild left Katsuko's side so that she might more efficiently mingle and do the various important duties that her rank and position demanded - just while he tried to work out his. He left her with a promise in his traditional voice which seemed to be quiet despite piercing through crowds and hubub, "I will get you a drink, if you have no objections." As he wove through the crowd looking for a place to get a drink - with any luck one with enough strength to at least have a kick - he began to put his Yamataian mind to work, taking in faces in the hope to associate names with them at a later point in time and also looking at what was a new experience for the resurrected soldier - the presence of the Lorath.

Yet another alien species to deal with, and Arild was never one to trust new cultures overly much - different cultures meant different moral systems - different moral systems meant that it was difficult to reason with them. Especially since according to the torrent of information that had been fed into his mind the Lorath were uneasy allies at best. None the less, Arild was not a diplomat but a soldier, and as such would stay out of that arena. The arena he was more familiar with, and more keen to pursue, was the one of finding and drinking something at least 40% proof.

Toshiro said:
Saito grinned at Tange-Shosho as she entered.

"Promoted, ne Misato-chan? Black looks far better on you than white in my opinion..."

Saito got a telepathic communication fron Ionoche-Shoi on the Asuka, and promptly approved the transfer of some items for their defense...this reminded her of what had been going on earlier as well...

Misato-chan, I'm been eyeing Asuka's progress, and it seems that you have a role to play...playing security to transport captured eggs and...a captured Ghost Mishhu of all things...You'll likely be in charge of security, so be sure and wear a chastity belt!

The food began to come into the room, a good amount of it being, of course, Seafood. Some Lorath and Yamataian meals were there, as a pig-like Man in the back began to cook the next part of the meal. Phodians were the best chefs in known space, even outside the 3rd XF sphere of power.

"Oh, Ka-chan? I think you'll be happy to know that the species of awuatic life on Jiyuu are proving quite abundant, and varying in form and may even find a different favorite food here soon. It's a biologist's wet dr--"

She quickly covered her mouth at this particular statement JUST in time, as a blush krept across her face... "It's a biologist's dream."

Andrew said:
Managed to get promoted. Misato wanted to get in Eriko’s face; Eh, I see I am not the only new Admiral this evening... Misato smiled and responded back, “Yes, nice and close and cozy.” Least my feet hanging from Katsuko’s ass. She thought to herself, eyeing the Lorath.

She positioned herself next to Saito, quietly commenting Yes, its far less bright…So how is the new guy? She inquired, overhearing Arlid offer their Taisho a drink.

“Welcome your highness.” She smiled, greeting destiny and giving a nod in the direction of Tomoe.


Katsuko said “Nepleslian whiskey, straight up Bard-san.” She was pleasantly surprised at his offer, content with his new found confidence, watching as he headed towards the bar.

She regarded Saito’s comment regarding the seafood. “I am in the mood for trying something new; I must admit selecting Jiyuu has its benefits when it comes to a fresh supply of seafood. But if our biologists are going to have a wet dream let at least be about this sexy new line up of admiralty.”

Zakalwe said:
>ON Hotaru Star Fortress . New Years Party Continues

Arild finally, with a sufficient amount of easing and flowing through the crowd, managed to get to the bar, and get the attention of the barkeep, "I'll have a Nepleslian whisky, straight up and a half bottle of Yamataian whisky, if you would be so kind."

Saito blushed deeply, before giggling... "In short, no new changes on my end, ne Ka-chan? I had a couple guys ask me to marry them...but they were Juni, so nuh-uh."

Tomoe was mostly quiet as he listened to the Yamataian brass talk. They're a tad vulgar and childish... but at least they seem to be in good spirits, thats what matters. "So, sister, what would you like to start out with?"

Eriko couldn’t help but perk an eyebrow at the sheer amount of venom that seemed to drip from Misato’s every word. Then again, she hardly expected anything else – no doubt Misato had expected to be the only new admiral at tonight’s event. Ah well, was the way of things after all. She glanced around…everyone was here. “Ah, is that true, Saito-chan? It’s been a while since we’ve found any completely new species. Maybe we’ll even get to name some.” As a server passed, Eriko flagged her down and asked for her own drink: a straight vodka.

A bartender would take Arlid's request, grabbing a traditional sized glass and the whiskey types he asked for and began to mix them together with a little flourish. "You sure? those two tend to pack quite the wallop when you combine them." he warned Arlid but soon enough would hand him the drink he wanted.

Destiny smiled as she thought about it and looked through the small menu. After thinking over it for a few moments, she nodded and pointed to a small salad. "I think I will start with a salad." The queen said aloud.

Katsuko glanced at the royals: ready to eat I see…. She clapped her hands a couple of times and motioned for everyone to take their seats. “Now that we’re all here I think it’s time to get down to the main course so to speak.” She cracked a menu, and glanced up at the bar to see with Alrid was on his way back. “And if anyone has any pressing business it can wait until after we’re full. Let’s see if we can enjoy ourselves here.”

Misato was reclined in a chair, looking to the left, and the right...she did NOT approve of the dinner being in a public place, even the VIP section of one. The Admiralty, and Katsuko, should be isolated from the rest...and what was this she'd heard about a 1st XF ship docking here? No, no she was not happy right now... "I'll have some Miso Soup, a Herring if you have any, and some Koi Platter..."

"No no, I meant a Nepleslian whisky and then a separate half bottle of Yamataian whisky," Arild sighed, "I'll keep what you've mixed - but get me a shot of straight Nepleslian." That showed he should always speak with precision, and Arild cursed himself for allowing his language to become sloppy momentarily. While he awaited his drink he looked out upon the organic sea, his eyes drawn yet again to the notable Lorath. Aliens.

Saito smiled, giggling slightly... "I will have some Vodka...and a Halibut with salad."

Tomoe nodded softly to his sister's idea of starting with a salad. "I think I'll start with a salad as well, and a basket of whichever kind of bread your people prefer... along with that, I'll be having uh..." Tomoe glanced at the menu with a sigh, the strange squiggles which comprised the Yamataian language bothered him greatly. "Fu... gu? Yes, fugu and a small cut of steak, rare." As Tomoe finished ordering, he glanced at the Yamataians, curious as to what they'd think of his order, based off of their facial expressions.

Eriko was absorbed in the menu – even having a brain that could calculate thousands of things a second couldn’t solve the problem of too much choice at a restaurant. “Hmm…melon for my starter I think. And a good choice, your Excellency – I’ll have a steak platter as well, preferably well done. Desert comes later I think.”

The bartender blinked and sweatdropped for a moment. "Uh sorry sir, it's my first week here." he admitted in a quieter tone of voice and got Arlid the SEPARATE glasses of whiskey. "Here you go"

Misato Continued to sit there, simply waiting on her meal...she'd ordered already, after all.

The young neko waitress quietly wrote down the orders of the officials and smiled. She had never been in the presence of such high ranking people before and she didn't want to make any mistakes when addressing them so she kept quiet.

Katsuko had arranged a special desert, a cake with the fleet's new logo waited off one of the siderooms behind closed door and under the watch of a few security. The executive chef came out from the kitchen, a datapad in hand he walked up to the VIP table, he stopped in front of Katsuko and said "Motoyoshi-sama, I have prepared an assortment of things for you to try this evening, but I wondered if I could have your requests should you have any." He lowered his head, waiting for the Taisho to speak. Katsuko said "I will have the shrimp scampi to start, some mini seafood newburgs, and a Ta---" she blushed slightly looking down, quietly correcting herself. "I would like a lobster if it is possible." The Chef nodded, and said "I will have someone bring out some bread."

Destiny sighed as she thought over the other items on the menu. "I will have a..Lob-..St...Lobster? Yes, a lobster for my main dish." It was funny how she said it, over pronouncing the word in the wrong spots.

"It's no problem, really." Arild replied, not particularly minding getting a more potent fusion of alcohol anyway, taking the drinks and going to the VIP table, nodding politely to those which it seemed expedient to do so to, and giving Katsuko her drink, "I hope that's alright for you Katsuko-sama." He said in his quietly piercing voice before taking a seat as close to his lord as he could manage.

Eriko nodded in agreement with Saito. “Too much stress and formality just slows things down once you’re comfortable with your colleagues. And, well, when you’re off duty, one should be entitled to an even less stiff atmosphere. Empress knows we deal with too much of it in the day. Hopefully, events like this will allow us to glimpse each other’s culture and dispel a few myths.” She ate her starter quietly and politely – but showed no hesitation nor signs of slowing down. Eriko enjoyed her food after all.

The quiet waitress walked into the room carrying a tray with all the dishes that the royalty and commanders had ordered and gracefully started placing them in front of the Officials She made sure to be as unobtrusive as posible lest she be yelled at or worse.

Misato looked distances away, her mind was elsewhere--The fleet was engaged with the SMX trying to get the Asamoya to safety. She was already upset that the 1st XF had a ship near Hotaru, it was even much for her that they were coming with trouble in tow and with the Taisho's permission at that. She had her people on the highest of alerts, tightening the already tight web she had woven to protect the Taisho. She quietly sipped at the water that had been set down in front of her.

"Goddess knows it is difficult to make friends, I understand what you are all saying. My brother and Fate are truely the only two that I know closely, so it would be a pleasure to be less formal and more relaxed." Destiny smiled a easy smile as she poked at the salad placed in front of her with a fork, and after a moment she took a bite. With a nod she looked to her brother. "It is rather good."

Katsuko said to Destiny, "Lobster is a little different your highness, it is a rather ugly creature but delicious. I think you will leave with a whole new experience--of course the lobster we culture here in the fleet are nothing in comparison to those that were found on Taiie. They had claws as big as my plate." she noted pointing to the empty plate in front of her. One of the chefs emerging from the kitchen again to serve her shrimp scampi starter.

"I'll have a fillet steak, well done." Arild said, going for the rather simplistic option, "Preferably with some roast potatoes. Make the properly roasted and 'crispy'." While Arild enjoyed simple food, he knew how he liked it - however having given his order and having a sufficient amount of alcohol to satisfy his immediate desires he saw no particular reason to force a conversation to begin.

Saito frowned a bit, looking at Katsuko... " is for celebration of the New Year...we are all sad for our respective losses, but this particular day is a time for looking to the future, not the past. Let us focus on what we can, Ka-chan?"

“Indeed…” What Eriko said and thought were somewhat different though. Like Misato, a part of her mind was occupied elsewhere. She wanted desperately to enjoy the dinner without interruption, but the world around their enclave was moving all the while. It bothered her slightly. “…and yes, your Highness – I think I’d like that as well. Though I must admit to being slightly nervous about being around real royalty.”

Misato looked up from her water, raised a brow at Saito and said "If you would all please excuse me. I have some things I need to attend to." She got up from the table and left, a cloud of volumetric screens opening in front of her once she cleared the table. "Hotaru, tell them I am on my way up to the NECTAR." Misato had been waiting for a reason to leave, sighed a breath of relief as she exited the restaurant and headed towards one of the lifts.
Toshiro said:
Saito sighed and rose, before she bowed to the Lorath.

"I apologize again, it's of all people know what it is like to lose a home world..and we lost quite a few innocent people with it. It's a wound on our history which only now begins to heal."

Jo Midori said:
Destiny nodded to the others before she sighed. Looking to her brother for a moment she turned to those from the fifth fleet and spoke softly.

"We have a saying about remembering the past, 'While we must always honor our fallen, we must honor them by looking to the future, to see how their accomplishments have bettered our lives, and how their sacrifices have given us a chance."

Destiny looked around at the others for a moment, letting the small saying sink in as she awaited on her lobster. After a moment she spoke again. "They are words to live by, for it is what we live by. We honor the past, but we look to the future. It is the only way to survive in these times."

Andrew said:
Katsuko was frustrated; suddenly a reference to lobster had turned to this. She finished off her starter and said, “Speaking of our future, I have a few surprises in store for this evening.”

Taking her drink from Arlid she thanked him telepathically. Perfect, thanks Bard-san.

She looked to Destiny and Tomoe, “I wanted you to know that we are working on a new line of ships and modifications to existing designs that have more accommodations for Lorath serving in the fleet. More accessible passageways, better designed chairs and more alternative access points for those without SPINE interfaces. It is my hopes that more of your people will decide to serve in the Star Army by more acceptable conditions being provided.”

She changed the tone and subject of the conversation, hoping to divert the current flow of conversation. She telepathically held another conversation with Eriko. We need to spice things up a little, Any suggestions?

Jo Midori said:
"Oh my yes, that would be wonderful! My people are more then willing to pull their share, and I have heard of some Llamnel and Fyunnen already helping with refitting ships down in the docking areas. Though the larger doors would be helpful, especially to the Fyunnen. Poor girls have to duck every time."

Destiny giggled a little and shook her head, remembering Fate's trial of getting through the doorways to her room. The large bodyguard off to the side made a small hmphing sound, even as she caught her pupil laughing behind her hand.

Andrew said:
The waiters brought out the main dishes to everyone but the Taisho and Lorath Queen, the executive chef emerging again with two large platters with two white speckled lobsters. He set them down before Katsuko and Destiny, "Bon Appetito!" he chimed, some of his subordinates delivering a few other dishes to the two. Some escargot in garlic butter, pan seared bay scallops, and a small seafood newburg-seafood such as lobster, shrimp, scallops and clams baked in a pastry shell with a creamy newburg sauce.

The others present were served and the wait staff and chef disappeared, except one Santo Hei which stood back from the table, awaiting to serve any of their needs.

Fian said:
A casual event, that is the only thing you are ever late for, Nao. The Tange thought to herself as she stepped out of the lifts. However her eyes twitched when she saw Misato coming from the opposite direction... With a black shiny new uniform and rank pin. While both sisters were as close as can be, Tange Nao felt a bit of jelousy welling up inside her.

As soon as they got within speaking distance, Nao wanted to greet Misato like she usually would, but her words came out with a stutter. "C-congratulations on your promotion!"

Toshiro said:
Saito smiled after taking a was an excellent meal.

"Mmm...I believe that this dinner is two-fold now. The New Year's celebration, and our own seems that our last Firstborn, the Yūgumo, has finally been rightfully avenged...oh, do Her Majesty and His Holiness have any particular dishes they wish to try in addition to what have been presented?"

Jo Midori said:
Destiny giggled, waving her hand at the formal title.

"Please dear, call me Destiny okay? I do so grow tired of 'Your highness this, and my Xiaah that'...It is nice to sit around and just be relaxed with friends."

As Destiny finished she eyed her meal before she went wideeyed. "Brother brother! It is a Shezwumn! Ohh I haven't had one in so long!"

With little more, Destiny dug in. Using what seemed like now sharpened fingernails or well really, claws, Destiny tugged at the edge of the claw of the little beast, and tore it off easily. It seemed that Destiny cared little for manners with one of her more favored meal. What was odd though was when the queen bit into the claw, shell and all, and began to chew. As she chewed and swallowed her little mouthful, she looked to her brother.

"Their Shezwumn is a little crunchy, but it is good brother try some!" She held the claw out to her brother to try.

Andrew said:
Katsuko nodded to Saito’s mention, However Destiny had more pull for her attention. The Yūgumo was a difficult subject for her, along with the subject of its former commander; her daughter Kiyoko. The only relief came from the fact that Misato had stepped up to befriend her daughter. “Indeed, the news has reached me as well. Our ships have preformed admirably and have defeated a small SMX force that was pursuing a First Expeditionary Fleet ship en route to Hotaru.” Still…no mention of Kiyoko.

Katsuko perked up; looking to Destiny “Shezwumn?” she was excited to say the least. “You mean you have something like this that you eat?” Katsuko now wanted to try Shezwumn.

Andrew said:
Misato stopped in her tracks, looking to Nao as they passed. “Thanks sis!” she spouted, coming to a stop facing her sister. In warning, if you’re going to that party—the Lorath and all the other Bakafu are in there. You’ll likely end up mind numbingly bored. But I figure it still wise that least you should make an appearance, as I did. Misato disliked the Lorath, but realized at least pretending to like them was important to her career, at least for now.
DocTomoe said:
Tomoe was quite quiet through the duration of the meal, he often found that it was easier to remain silent and let his sister handle speaking for him. When dealing with Yamatai, he was unfortunately at risk to make a number of mistakes in diplomacy.

"Mmm, it does bare a striking resemblance to one of those little beasts, the shell looks thicker though." Tomoe took the claw from his sister and examined it for a moment before he opened his mouth to take a bite of a whole half of the claw. During the bite it was revealed that his teeth took on a rather malicious appearance of those of a dedicated carnivore, at least in relation to the canines and incisors. The shell was easily cracked by his teeth and the meat was extracted quite easily, with some chewing Tomoe finished ingesting the mouth full. "Mm... it is quite delicious, a bit stronger flavored though than Shezwumn."

After wiping his mouth with a napkin Tomoe turned to Katsuko as Destiny was busy mauling the lobster. "Mm, yes, Shezwumn is a look-alike to the 'lobster'. Unfortunately we are lacking any for consumption at this time, but we intend to carry out a large scale cloning and breeding effort to introduce plants and animals from Lor to Nyli III. One day we may be able to serve you a naturally raised Shezwumn... they're quite delicious, their shells are so tender you're able to simply peel them away."

Tomoe smiled softly as he took a drink of his water before taking a bite of his fugu, which was extensively chewed then swallowed. "Delicious... even the hint of the toxin in it is satisfying, just like I read about... hm, I am pleased by the fact that the evening is quiet, could use some minor entertainment, but the relaxed ambiance is welcome in comparison to our previous inter-species meals."

Jo Midori said:
'No brother, the Shezwumn from the eastern seas had a much stronger taste the these, but the shells were just as thick. The Western seas Shezwumn were the softer shelled and softer tasting." Destiny nodded her head as if she were absolutely right in this.

"When we have settled in completely and my little ones try to fly, we will have to have another dinner, but this time in our home, deal?" Destiny smiled, trying to get off the touchy subject of losses in the fleet that seemed to always come up.

"Just as we are trying your cuisine, you will be able to taste ours. I am already begining to enjoy yours. Who knows, maybe you will enjoy ours?"

Fian said:
"Ah." The fact that her sister did not rub it in made Nao feel embarrased at herself for being worked up over nothing. I understand. She then guessed correctly where Misato was headed to. We both have our jobs to do. I won't hold you back any longer, see you later? Nao left the question trailing as she walked past her sister, looking back a moment later to give a wave and a small smile.

Zakalwe said:
Arild left those who were more appraised of the current situation, or at least those who had the information naturally - he was fairly certain that his synthetic knowledge was not as useful as that gained through hard labour - to converse with the foreign rulers. He had no interest in doing so, and with an absence of anyone trying to converse with him he simply began to eat in a nigh-on robotic fashion (while still enjoying the splendor of the roast potatoes) while in his mind he reviewed the various ship classes of the Mishhu scum, their movements and tried to get behind the psychology of their leader. To win a war it was important to know your foe, and while Arild had managed to defeat the Mishhu previously with quick strategic strikes grand strategy required far more ... thought.

Andrew said:
Ya, come by my office when you get a moment. Misato smiled, heading off to get a cup of tea on her way to the NECTAR.

CB said:
Eriko ate quietly; occasionally making the offhand comment but mostly appearing to absorb the atmosphere. The food was great as usual, the Lorath were surprisingly good company; especially, she admitted to herself, the Queen. The fleet-aide hadn’t expected a member of xeno-royalty to be so…so…neko-like(?). It wasn’t something she could place, and Eriko could only guess she’d been expecting a very different stereotype to the real deal sitting at this very table. She popped one of the snails into her mouth whole and practically swallowed it.

She had a reason for her quietness though. Her brown hair swung slightly in its ponytail as she glanced to either side for no immediately visible reason, but a trained observer would notice the slightly distant look to her eyes: Eriko’s mindscape was littered with information that scrolled by at a blinding speed. The Asuka had returned safely, and soon she would need to meet with Sub-Lieutenant Caine on matters concerning the 17th Kasairyuu. Eriko twirled her knife dangerously between her fingers…if the Reaper was been given back his scythe then the Fifth really was going back to war.

But she already knew that didn’t she?

“Katsuko-chan, the Asuka has finished docking procedures. The crew is fine, though a number of rescued patients will be transferred to the Hotaru’s medical facilities. There will also be several shipments to our research division, but you already have the details on that. PANT-IES is already ordered the necessary re-supplying to take place. X5-200 through X5-223 are on standby per my orders. The taskforce should be able to leave anytime.”

Toshiro said:
Saito smiled, relaxing just a hair more than Eriko...true, she was going over Himitsu ship construction queues for Hotaru, but her mind was a little more attentive to the Lorath...after all, she was their liason.

"Perhaps we can make this a regular thing, ne? Also, I'm sure we can find some other relaxing activities for you to enjoy here at Hotaru. It is not a planet, but it has its charms..."

Jo Midori said:
"I have heard of some dance clubs on the station...?" Destiny said in a somewhat hopeful voice, her eyes peering over to her brother and bodyguards. They never really did let her go dance anymore, unless she was in a recital, or if it was in a private area. They were rather boring sometimes.

"Of course, it would have to wait a little while. I am ready to nest yet, they do not come. It is a shame because I wish to bring them into the world yet they will not allow me too. I suppose that is how children are though...I know my mother always said I was a stubborn child, even before I was born. She said that when I finally hatched, I refused to leave the shell for a short while before she finally forced me out."

Destiny giggled a little at the thought, remembering fondly her mother and the stories she used to tell.

Andrew said:
Katsuko looked over to Eriko, nodding. Sadly it was time to move things along; they had a battle to prepare and there was nothing getting done with them sitting at the dinner table. Katsuko said to Destiny, “Once your children are born we will have to go dancing.” She smiled, taking a sip from her whiskey and stood up.

On queue the cake bearing the new fleet logo was rolled out and the nodal system did its job, the patches on their uniforms changed immediately-throughout the entire fleet the new logo was revealed.

The room went quiet and all eyes became locked on Katsuko. “It is my wish that this New Year give us a new beginning. We have begun anew along with our Lorath comrades. We have much to celebrate, but a lot to do. We shall be eternally vigilant, and forever moving forwards.”

The waitstaff emerged again to begin cutting and distributing the cake starting with the VIP table.

Toshiro said:
Saito couldn't help but smile as she was given her slice of cake...

"...It is an excellent one, Ka-chan...I distinctly see some Yūgumo in the new mantra. Fitting it would be part of our new mentality, just as Yūgumo is a core part of our new history."
Tom said:
"However brilliant or ambitious one may be, it is all too often that grand projects fall to ruin. For visionaries are too often blinded by their view of a perfect world, fatally misinterpreting their rising megalomania as justified conviction.

Only when their dreams come crashing down do these leaders realize, too late, that such catastrophe could have been prevented with what they left behind in their shortsightedness: a little tact and diplomacy.

In my dealings with Yamatai, I never forgot this."

-Robert Davis, Memoirs of a Leader, pg 56.


“Estimated arrival time: 3 minutes, 45 seconds, Grand Admiral.”

Grand Admiral Robert Davis nodded in response to the statement by the captain of the NSS Eclipse, a small Nepleslian who went by the name Adam Moore. Captain Moore had been in command of his Hray Stealth Gunship for little more than 3 months when he was suddenly ordered to escort the most powerful man in the Nepleslian empire. It was an immense honor for the captain and a welcome change from the generic routine his ship performed while under NAM designation.

Still, the captain couldn’t shake a sense of uneasiness from his mind. He had been ordered by High Command to escort the Grand Admiral to the Yūgumo Cluster, home of the 5th XF. Yamataian holdings. Neko holdings.

The Eclipse was over 85 light years away from home, having hopped among space debris, nebulas and planets to deliver its cargo undetected. The Mass Mesher Device proved critical in concealing the ship from long range sensors, but it would prove useless when the Eclipse revealed itself to its host.

They would be at the mercy of the nekos, and that realization made the captain uncomfortable. Sure, they all had Cerebral Chips installed, but that didn’t make death any less painful.

But the Grand Admiral: he appeared so calm, staring down at his datapad, going over details that lesser officers, like him, would never see. He envied the aging man, his nonchalant demeanor bringing a feeling of shame to the Captain, but the swelling of pride in his chest was noticeable as well.

Adam cleared his throat with a cough and continued to monitor his sensors as his ship neared its destination.


Three Minutes and 45 Seconds Later…

Without a sound, the Eclipse made its presence known, emitting a signal, care to Shosho Miyamae Eriko.

On the bridge, Robert Davis made sure everything was in order. He wore his officer’s cap, an undecorated military jacket that bore only his ranking patches on the shoulders and standard-issue brown pants with green boots. On his left hip rested a sheathed sword, more for decoration than anything else, and he held his walking cane in his right hand. He stood patiently, issuing orders for his gifts to be prepared for delivery as he waited for a response.

CB said:
“Oho, the chefs seem to have outdone themselves with this one I think. That certainly looks very delicious – I just hope our guests have a sweet tooth as bad as the rest of us?” Eriko smiled lightly and graciously accepted the piece she was given. “Also, Katsuko – it seems Admiral Davis is inbound. We may have to cut the after dinner chitchat regrettably short.” She stood.

“Come, come everyone. I think the end of our meal deserves a bit of a toast and perhaps a cheer to both the Fifth and its new allies!”

DocTomoe said:
Tomoe nibbled on the baked treat which he was presented, it was a tad too sweet for his tastes, but it was indeed something which was good. Unfortunately, he felt a sudden nagging of nerves as he looked to his sister. I wonder...if so, this may be bad. he silently thought to himself as he assessed his sister's situation.

Jo Midori said:
Destiny licked her lips once seeing the cake, her eyes wide at the intricately designed confection as she couldn't wait to dig in. Such a shame that it was at that moment that her stubborn children decided to be less stubborn. Seemed that they actually wanted a piece of the cake actually. Jerking once, Destiny's eyes went from being wide with excitement, to wide with shock. Gripping her brother's arm in a vice grip, she looked to him.

"Brother...I think it is time..."

Trying to get to wobbly feet, a small pulse of pain pressed outwards from Destiny due to her skill in rapport, before a second more stronger pulse pressed outwards. She was having trouble controlling it as Fate, her bodyguard, was beside her in a second. Instantly knowing what was going on, Fate swept the queen up in her arms and left without another word, leaving Velor and Obelisk behind.

Obelisk, looking confused now and awkwardly out of place, bowed once to the assembled group. "I am very sorry for the abrupt leave but I think the Xiaah has gone into labor!" The last half of the girl's sentence was spoken as she was leaving, running past various tables to catch up to her queen and mentor.

DocTomoe said:
"I share the same sentiments as Obelisk, sorry to have to go, it was a pleasure to sit with you all this evening, please give departure clearance to our vessel." Tomoe was backing away while bowing his farewell. After the bow, he sharply turned around and pulled a communication device from his robes. "High Priest to Zahl-Talon, cycle the airlock, we are making an emergency departure. The Xiaah's clutch is due."

Even as Tomoe's words left his lips he was leaving the steakhouse and was already breaking into a hurried dash in the direction of the docked Zahl which was used to travel to the station.

Toshiro said:
Saito quickly went into action, going after the Lorath delegation. She decided that her physical presence in addition to granting clearance would make things move much more swiftly for them.

"Ka-chan, I'll go to expedite their departure. I'll be back as soon as they've managed to leave Hotaru."

This is Mitsuya Saito-Shujo. The Lorath transport is cleared for emergency departure. Blackcoats need not be alarmed. The swift departure is because of the Queen's physical condition. Everything is under control at this point, but the Lorath delegation MUST NOT be delayed!

The normal checkpoints which would stop the delegation for security and assorted other functions let them pass without incident, due to Saito's presence and the clearance she'd granted.

Andrew said:
Katsuko nearly choked on her first bite of cake when Destiny decided to announce her impending delivery. Oh no, eww, eww… Katsuko was disgusted to say the least, yet she managed a shocked look instead. Something about birth had always bothered her; her choice to create Kiyoko in a tank reflected that.

“Then we must excuse you, your royal highness; with our blessings for your impending clutch.” She managed, recovering from the initial shock.

Destiny was swept away, and Saito followed; Katsuko acknowledged the Chujo; Go with them as our representative, be respectful of their traditions and I will communicate the details of a gift in celebration of the births to their Queen to you once it has occurred.

Katsuko looked down at her cake; she no longer felt she had the appetite to finish it. She said to Eriko, “I suggest you go make your arrangements for the Grand Admiral, see to his needs; I will meet you both for a night cap in a few hours.”

CB said:
Eriko showed the mandatory concern required of her before sitting down again and finishing off her cake. “Aye, and I’ll need to meet both him and Caine-kun in short order. That said…I could manage both at the same time.” She dabbed at the corners of her mouth with a napkin before draining the dregs of her second glass.

“So, since everyone seems to be leaving on business now as it is, I’m going to push off early and do a little thing we like to call diplomacy. With the most powerful man in Nepleslia. Urgh. Empress guide me, and you lot wish me luck and pray I don’t do anything too stupid. The fate of our little corner of the universe may very well be resting on my shoulders. And I’ll see you in a few hours then, Kat-chan.”
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