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RP: 5th XF [Hotaru] Prelude: Restablishing Command


Six Months Earlier

“Shoot me, damn it!!” Katsuko cried, tears streaming down her face, she closed her eyes resting her head against the back of the chair. Her makeup smeared from crying, she just wanted this over with.

Izumi stood on the other side of the desk, “But, Taisho…There must be some other way.” Her NSP raised, and pointed at the Taisho, tears wetting her own cheeks.

“Do it….That is an order!”

Izumi pulled the trigger.

The alert sounded from the Taisho’s quarters at four in the morning.



Taisa Nakamoto Sumi sat in the command chair of the Akuro II-her usual disgruntled look on her face. She observed the sensor readouts from the former Taiie no Iori-now named Himitsu. The Iori was to undergo refurbishment, and remain in the Katsuko Nebula; Akina no Iori had long since taken its place at Taiie.

“Technicians report they have the package ma’am.” Nakamoto straightened in the chair as her communications officer updated her. “Alright, tell them to get back here-once they are away from the Iori you can transmit to the KFY team that it is safe to proceed.”

“Good work Taisa, Thank you for having your technicians retrieve those personal files.” Mayumi said, standing to the left of the command chair. Nakamoto smiled, “My pleasure. I hope those files bring us all some peace”

Taisho Koyanagi to MedBay One…I am on my way.



The modified Cougar T5 Tactical Aeroshuttle ‘Xun Zi’ left the Seijin no Umi’s shuttle bay with two pilots on board and the Taisho Koyanagi and Taisa Igarashi as passengers. The Xun Zi’s passenger compartment was specifically modified to carry the Taisho; the passenger area was carpeted, the seats upgraded to a much more comfortable leather material with extra padding.

“Xun Zi to Hotaru Flight Con-We are inbound with the Taisho aboard.” The pilot sent the communication as he waited for the update from the Iori for approach. “Xun Zi... you are clear to land, bay twelve slot sixty-three.” A cheery neko responded, the updated clearances transmitted to the shuttle’s computers. “Thank you, Hotaru- see you in a few minutes...”

Few words had been passed between Yuka and Mayumi as they sat side by side, Yuka drifted into a sleep, her head resting on the Taisho’s shoulder. Mayumi meanwhile updated her log.

Confidential Personal Log.
Update 5084-A-01

Operational status of the fleet is severely compromised. Our ships are playing hide and seek in the Katsuko Nebula-at least in here the playing field is somewhat leveled. The entire staging area commits to location movement every 3.2 hours.

Production at both Star Fortresses has been limited by a decrease in flow of materials from command. But at least some ships are being produced at a steady but diminished rate.

Morale continues to improve, the arrival of the Seijin no Umi and the Yūgumo has raised the spirits of the soldiers and officers. Off-duty personnel have been flocking to the Yūgumo’s launch party, having attended myself I see it as a beneficial event to turn things around.

I am currently on-route for a meeting with ‘the twelve’ to discuss important matters-the decisions made today will impact this fleet forever.

The shuttle landed on the Iori, and after a series of intense scans to verify the shuttle was clear of anything harmful, deck hands and other crew filtered into the bay.

"Wake up…" Mayumi nudged Yuka and kissed her lightly.

A wide smile on Yuka’s face as her eyes fluttered open. “Oh! Sorry. Must have been tired.” The two made their way out of the shuttle and into the bay, their boots clicking on the polished black floor as they made their way to one of the main corridors and caught a lift up to the conference room.


4 Months Prior
YSS Einoku

Taisa Igarashi Yuka
Personal Log Update

My darling Mazu and I are off to a wonderful start-I never knew love until now. I can’t help but feel special, he knows who I really am; what I did to Motoyoshi-sama but he doesn’t care.

The Einoku and the Sheridan crews are enjoying what could be their last leave together. We ship out to the front at Talori in the morning. May Yui watch over us-I want to come home to enjoy my Mazu again.


4 Months Prior
Akina no Iori

ShoSho Hanabusa Miho
Personal Log

Mayumi-Taisho's plan was set into motion today. The Koyanagi Initiative, a push to reclaim those systems lost to those vile aliens. The others should be very please with its beginnings, with hope we will be able to return what was lost soon enough.

I remain optimistic in the face of these times, the others do too. I certainly hope we will see the end of this war soon enough. For all our sakes.


The now Chujo, Hanabusa Miho, was walking the central core of the Hotaru no Iori. She and her adjuncts were observing the activity following the retreat from Valaad. From her point of view everything needed work, but she had already work the crews so hard.

"Chujo, the Taisho and her escort have arrived. They will be arriving in the conferance room shortly," The Hotaru announced to her telepathically.

"Good to hear. Inform anyone else to move there now,"
the star fortress commander responded.

"Yes Chujo, Shosho Ieyasu and Taru are already present. Taisa Nosaka is currently undergoing dock procedures," the AI responded back before returning to silence.

Miho smiled to herself and nodded to her escorts. Together they all made their way towards the closest lift.


7 Months Prior

The inner airlock hissed closed. Her hand reached for the panel. She tapped the sequence in and the outer airlock door slid open.

She whispered lowly "Hopefully... If there’s something you believe in. It will be more forgiving than I..."



Mitsuya Saito, Miyamae Kahori, and Kotoku Sui arrived within moments of each other taking the lift up to the conference room. Not a word passed between them-they were all engulfed in downloading the latest news from the ships returning from patrols at the edges of the nebula.


Mayumi and Yuka entered the Hotaru Star Fortress’ conference room; the room square and was dimly lit with blue lighting around the room’s exterior edges. It had twelve high-backed comfortable dark blue padded chairs around a circular table; the head chair sat slightly raised and had larger armrests than the others. The floor was polished black, giving little comfort reminding the Taisho of an armor bay.

Behind the head chair was a massive volumetric projection of the fleet logo, with the flags of Yamatai and Taiie on either side. Each chair had a purple cloth over the top with the logo and the name of its intended occupant-save for the larger chair. Each placement had a glass of water, a datapad. The table was a cold ceramic-the symbol of the fleet in the center, but the hummingbird was not engraved, it reflected down onto the table from the window above, the view into space showing the pinkish swirls of the nebula which surrounded them.

As Saito, Kahori and Sui filtered in, along with the others Mayumi took the seat to the right of the central chair, and Yuka beside her.



Katsuko walked down the corridor, her eyes ahead of her, almost as if to ignore the remains of several of her finest outside of her former office doors. An investigation into the incident was underway; once again the bureaucrats back home would require their answers—want to know what happened to their hardware. The emotional toll of a Taisho was but trivial in such matters, as that the tears held back within her gaze didn’t matter to SARA or Command—only to her.



SAINT had questioned Corro following the incident on the Iori, as well as several of her other most trusted officers, each of which reported the nature of the questions back to Katsuko. The Taisho read the data pad carefully, her tongue held in her cheek.

"Izumi-Chui, Koyanagi-Chujo, please join me in my quarters immediately."



“They have questioned Corro and Kazuhiko, yet they didn’t have the guts to walk in here and face me themselves.” Katsuko slammed the datapad down on the desk. Mayumi dodging out of the way from one of the flying fragments.

“In other words, they must think you’re unfit for duty.” Mayumi looked down, a sad look coming upon her as she considered the impact of what is going on.

Katsuko whispered lowly; “Right now I am unfit…I have not had a moments rest since Akina’s death-do I not deserve time to grieve? Rather than be labeled as crazy? This is all Yoshike's fault, she put worms in this fleet and now we have SAINT digging around thinking I am at the cause of it.”

“You’re not crazy Kat-not in the least. You just need to get away from all of this.” Mayumi said looking back towards her best friend.

“There are too many people who would just rather me dead, no doubt that will be the next move.” Katsuko added.

Mayumi thought for a moment and said, “We could give them what they want.”

Izumi raised a brow; “You’re not suggesting we kill our Taisho?” she looked to Katsuko.

Katsuko’s eyes shut, “I am no good as I am now-stricken by grief-I am a risk to this fleet, a risk to the people on Taiie.”

Mayumi, “We can have a soul backup transferred to the computer on the smashed up Iori, then before the technicians from KFY get here we can retrieve it, and bring you back, we just need someone to kill you.” Her grey eyes falling on Izumi.

“Wh-oh-um no way! They will kill me if they think I killed Taisho!” Izumi looked worriedly, afraid for her own future.

“We can have you transferred to a new body, Once I they install me as Taisho I will bring you both back. Of course, you Izumi-Chui-will need a new name.” Mayumi said, picking up some of the pieces of the smashed datapad.

The three then headed down to the Med Bay.


Taisa Nakamoto Sumi sat in the command chair of the Akuro II-her usual disgruntled look on her face. She observed the sensor readouts from the former Taiie no Iori-now named Himitsu. The Iori was to undergo refurbishment, and remain in the Katsuko Nebula; Akina no Iori had long since taken its place at Taiie.

“Technicians report they have the package ma’am.” Nakamoto straightened in the chair as her communications officer updated her. “Alright, tell them to get back here-once they are away from the Iori you can transmit to the KFY team that it is safe to proceed.”

“Good work Taisa, Thank you for having your technicians retrieve those personal files.” Mayumi said, standing to the left of the command chair. Nakamoto smiled, “My pleasure. I hope those files bring us all some peace”

"Taisho Koyanagi to Med Bay One…I am on my way."

“Doctor, I assume you we can trust you.” Katsuko said putting on the white bathrobe. The doctor smiled, “For you Katsuko anything, but won’t Taisho Yui know? I mean the moment you were brought back to life PANTHEON recorded it.”

Katsuko said, “We just have to hope that the years of friendship, devotion-my love for her -and hers for me will keep this quiet.


The door to the conference room slid open two security nekos entered first carrying Nekovalkyrja Burst Automatic Rifles, the door remained open as Katsuko entered, the whisking bellow of her purple leather trench rushing behind her as her brisk walk to her towards the head chair. Her bright blue hair pulled back tight into a high sitting ponytail, the symbol of the Star Army, and the fleet proudly displayed on the jacket.

Kahori’s jaw dropped, “Oh my…it can’t”

Saito rested her hand on Kahori’s shoulder. It is her, and sorry no one below Chujo was authorized. We had to be sure she was ready.

Sui reclined slightly in her chair, a smirk on her face, as she said lowly. “Welcome back, Motoyoshi-sama.”

No doubt those entering shortly with Hanabusa Miho-Chujo were in for a shock.


The lift ride was swift and uneventful. Ieyasu Taro and Taru Kuniko, joined up with Miho partway through the ride up. The two commanders bowed deeply to the Hotaru's commanding officer. Miho gave them a smile and a short bow in return. The Chujo's adjuncts left at this stop, leaving the three officers to themselves.

"You two must be tired. I've read the recent reports you both made, quite long winded I must say." Miho quipped to the two battle group commanders.

"Oh it is nothing. I had to do something to keep myself occupied." Kuniko responded with a smile. The NH-29 was beaming as usual.

Taro only responded with a long, "Hmmmm."


Just outside the conference room, Taisa Nosaka Mamami and Bando Ayako chatted with Shosho Nonomura Eri. The three of them just missed seeing their beloved leader enter the conference chambers. All were caught up in Ayako's recent tale of her scouting group.

As the three officers turned the corner and walked through the sliding door, Eri was the first to see Katsuko at the head table. She let out a small gasp of shock, like someone who had just seen a ghost. The other two, startled by their companion looked at her puzzled and then to Katsuko. They too gave a gasp of shock.

"Well this... unexpected." Eri was finally able to formulate. She was smiling, both on the outside and inside. This is unexpectedly good.

The three newcomers entered and bowed deeply in reverence to Katsuko. Further down the hall the main lift opened up and let Miho, Kuniko, and Taro out. The three heard murmuring from down the hall. Kuniko and Taro looked at each other curiously and then to Miho whose eyes were focused forward. Together they moved down the hall in silence, trying to listen to the talking from the conference room.

As the rounded the bend, they too had a similar reaction to Katsuko's living, breathing form in front of them. Taro swallowed a large lump in his throat as he blinked wide eyed. Only Miho remained controlled, but the watering in her eyes told a different story.

"Welcome home, Taisho."

Katsuko lowered herself into the chair after removing her coat-she wore a white paneled command uniform without a rank on it-as that she had yet to be reinstated. Her cool silver gaze looked around the table, the corners of her lips raised in a warm smile. It had all been done within her absence-the twelve had elevated to the highest ranks in the fleet, her gaze shifted to Mayumi and Yuka, a slight nod spoke a thousand words of thanks, then she addressed them all.

“Due to military regulations, each fleet may only have a single Taisho-until I am officially reinstated I am nothing but a consultant at this table. Your welcoming words can be saved for an environment of more comfort-but I thank you all none the less. We have a lot of work to do-I left you with a whole fleet, and I return to something that resembles cargo escort wing- blame be mostly on the SMX however, it is up to all of us to own what has happened-and move on.”

Mayumi spoke next, “The first item of business up for discussion is the current state of refugees within the fleet and spread throughout the empire-Kotoku Chujo you have the floor.”

Kotoku Sui unfolded her arms, and straightened within the chair, “As the representative of this fleet, and the former colony of Taiie to the senate; my responsibility now is to ensure that the surviving members of that population are in good hands. And to be frank; they are facing horrid conditions.”

Igarashi Yuka spoke in support of Sui, “I witnessed it first hand myself on Pisces Station-they are situated in the most inappropriate living conditions-the Taisa of the station even had them in a communications blackout for an extensive period of time; denying the ability to find out if their families had survived or not.”

Katsuko’s smile faded, she said “Absolutely unacceptable, the people of the former colony of Taiie deserve the same respect as any citizen of the empire. What about officers and soliders that were displaced there?”

Mayumi offered, “Happier now that communications are restored-but they want to come home, and get back to work. We also have several displaced soldiers and citizens scattered throughout the fleet-I know the situation on Himitsu is not much better.”

Mitsuya Saito, Chujo swept her dark strands out of her eyes, “As the current commanding officer of Himitsu-I do admit we don’t exactly have the facilities to accommodate citizens who are used to being planet-side. A colony ship would accommodate their requirements.”

Katsuko looked to Miho and inquired, “What is your take on this-and is the situation on Hotaru, the same?”

Miho and the others took their respective seats quietly. They listened intently to Katsuko, and the others who spoke out. All of them regard each member as they spoke out with the utmost respect.

When Miho received her question she sighed lightly at the start and began. "Well everything since our fall back from Valaad is working correctly. But I'm understaffed and peak capacity is nowhere close to being reached. The refugees from Taiie could find room aboard the Hotaru for a short time. But I am in agreement with Saito-Chujo, we need a colony ship for them."

"More importantly we need a planet for them." In a rare showing of speech Shosho Ieyasu Taro spoke up as Miho finished. "As I've said before, our efforts should be redoubled on the colonization mission. That was the intended purpose of this fleet." After finishing he folded his hands in his lap and went silent again.

"Yes, but our first concern has to be those left behind, Taro." Taisa Taru Kuniko began. "The refugees have suffered under this. Isn't it enough pain that they had to bear witness to their planet being lost? We need to return them to our protective wing." As Kuniko finished she looked to the Sui and nodded affirmatively.

"Agreed." Taisa Nosaka Mamami interjected after Kuniko spoke. "But the question of how to go about this remains. While I believe many use are for a full scale action to reel in all of our wayward comrades, we need to realize the sensitive nature of the Star Army's position." She paused to look around the group. "We have been pushed back, but we are rebounding. We need to take that into account when we go digging into other fleets for our own."

After Kuniko finished, Miho nodded. "Taisho, any thoughts?" She looked first to Mayumi, and then her eyes strayed to Katsuko.

Katsuko opened her mouth as if to speak, but shut it quickly catching herself. She smiled slightly embarrassed, and looked to Mayumi.

Mayumi offered, “Last I heard Hummingbird CDC’s weren’t on the production list at Yamatai, maybe we can convince Luna Bianca to begin production, and Two CDCs equipped with Katsuko Colony Outposts would likely fill the role. It could be a few weeks before we would see delivery.” She paused a moment and continued, “But Nosaka-san is right, we must be careful to go about this in a manner that firstly we have the facilities to accommodate but be conscious of the rest of the fleets as well..”

Katsuko offered when Mayumi had finished, “Why put a strain on Luna Bianca? Why not have KFY send one of the mobile dry-docks to us, surely Hotaru or Himitsu could benefit from having an exterior expansion so they could build larger ships like the Hummingbird or the Takumi?”

Mayumi following with Katsuko’s thought said, “Taro, why don’t you contact KFY, see what they can do for us-we need some way to manufacture ships that we can’t build in an Iori?” Knowing his support for the Yūgumo project, she added, “We could add the two ordered colony ships to the Yūgumo’s attached group. Course I don’t want to hold up the Yūgumo, we can arrange for infield delivery of the craft when they are done.”

Katsuko said, “Sui, since you’re the political one, why don’t you contact Pisces and other fleets that have our refugees and start arranging transport for military personnel back to the staging area. While you are at it, you can mention that we intend to have colony vessels ready in the coming months to come pick up the civilians.”

Sui nodded, “As long as it stops the massive amount of complaints coming in-you got it boss.”

Mayumi said to Miho, “In the meantime, why not coordinate with Himitsu, and have Hotaru house do whatever they can to relieve the pressure on Himitsu?”

Saito looked to Miho in expectation.

The Hotaru's commanding officer nodded slowly. "I will accommodate anyone for the fleet's benefit. The quarters will be less than Spartan but they should suffice for a short time. With those empty spaces the station will be able to hold quite a bit."

Taro nodded to Mayumi. "I will comply." With that said he returned to his quiet reflection of the group before him.

Mamami looked to Sui. "If you need assistance, I would be happy to provide my assistance. I'm certain word of the Sheridan will hearten the refugees." She then looked to Mayumi. "That is if I can be spared the time."

Kuniko nodded forward at no one in particular. "How long do you think it will be before we are able to find a new planet for them, Mayumi? I would think the Hotaru couldn't last that long at max capacity."

"You underestimate my abilities, Kuniko." Miho chuckled. "I will make sure everything is fine. But I must also ask Kuniko's question myself, Mayumi. How long do we have?"

Mayumi said, “That falls on the Yūgumo. Their departure is tomorrow morning. I have stressed to Motoyoshi-Shosa the importance of their mission to find a new headquarters for this fleet.”

Saito interrupted, glancing up from a volumetric readout; “I think we should consider moving the fleet. The nebula provides us avoidance to detection from a lot of sensors-but most of our ships can’t fold in here. If that flagship decides it was to finish off the fleet we are sitting ducks.”

Katsuko leaned back in the chair, resting her head back on the cloth cover. “I think it’s about time we started holding our own. There will be no more retreating. We have to face this head on. Those slimy bastards blew up Taiie and have had this fleet on the run ever since. It is time to start rebuilding, so that we can become offensive-rather than defensive.”

Kahori spouted, “I agree completely Motoyoshi-sama. But either for our Iori’s to start producing ships again we need supply lines restored.”

Mayumi said, “What about mine fields? We could have mines placed along the western, southern and eastern edges of the nebula, and try and restore cargo lines through the north.”

Hooking some of her loose blue hair behind her ear, Kuniko let out a small sigh at the mention of the mine fields around the nebula.

"You have to remember, the problem with this nebula is we still don't have the full details about it. While it could be a blessing, it could be a death trap too."

She looked to the others with her brown eyes, taking a second to let them mull it over before she went on to explain.

"We have no fold drive capability on most of our ships. Like stated before it leaves us like sitting ducks if they should decide to get blood thirsty. What we need now is to get out of this nebula. I suggest we head towards the Creepy Passage along with the Yūgumo. We should stay there for a while, at least until the KYF can send us some supplies."

After giving them another moment or so, she continued.

"Either that, or we move out and north, just to the east of Jaspis. From there, we will have a easier path for supplies." She looked around the room to see the criticism, before she rested back in her chair as well, watching Katsuko closely.

Miho watched the volumetric display with keen interest. She had seen enough tactical maps in her time to make some sound judgments. "I would suggest the minefields to our west and south. Mining the north would prove problematic to our supply lines."

"Unless we were to leave specific corridors open for travel." Ayako interjected. "That way we'd only be exposing ourselves to the rear. Which is whatever lies beyond the passage." Ayako formed a display of the nebula in greater detail. "If we could create a way-point system we may be able to keep ourselves organized in this situation."

Taro watched his comrades in silence. He already was turning over thoughts of the current situation in his mind, as well as formulating his correspondence with KFY.

"While I would agree with Kuniko-san. Moving north to Jaspis would open us up to another massive attack. Besides, completely abandoning the nebula would be giving up an excellent field position." Ayako continued. "We can use its natural concealment to set up guerrilla warfare against any vessels entering it. This would be especially useful given the current fleet size and dispersion."

Miho nodded at Ayako, though unsure of her plan. "But that would require we put more vessels in harms way. Losing anymore personnel would be unacceptable at this stage. And I believe we can all agree to that." Miho looked back around the group gathered.

Katsuko listened to each of the suggestions; as much as she hated the idea of moving the fleet, fearing that it could be seen as a sign of retreat she had come to the realization that perhaps Kuniko and Saito was right. She looked to Mayumi. "We can’t afford to look weak, nor can we afford to look strong and attract the enemy until we are ready for them.. Either to have our revenge; we have to rebuild-away from here."

Mayumi observed the volumetric maps for both locations recommended by Kuniko. She nodded, “Kuniko, I think the point near the Creepy Passage would give us enough clearance to avoid further harassment from SMX and also allow us to be ready to move as soon as the Yūgumo and her escorts have cleared a system for our permanent position.”

Sui folded her arms, the usual disgusted look on her face, “I suppose that means I should return to the senate. See what new alien scum we have befriended this week.”

Saito offered, “That location is ideal, Himitsu can be ready in a few hours. Kuniko just transmit those coordinates to the rest of the fleet.”

Katsuko suggested to Miho, “We can utilize the mines to ensure the protection of the new staging area once we arrive. As suggested by Ayako-we need however, to keep routes open for supplies.”

Mayumi added, to reassure Ayako; “The Yūgumo will be going thru the passage, and will keep us alert onto any threats that remain beyond it. Intel so far suggests the SMX have no operations in the region-thus its selection for our new base of operations. Yūgumo will confirm this hopefully.”

"Understood ma'am, I will have the coordinates transfered and ready for each ship by the time we are finished here."

Already Kuniko had sent a message to her communications officers to send out the coordinates to each ship through a encrypted channel.

After the orders had been given, Kuniko rested back in her chair to watch the others, looking around as she thought over the other points given as she began to think over somethings.

As she began to mull things over like positioning and defenses needed, Kuniko caught something out of the corner of her eye. A little head of green hair shot from under the table. Kuniko's eyes went wider as she saw the little NH-12 run off to a small area in the room designated for the smaller nekos. A soft blush rose to her cheeks, coloring them a light red as she turned her gaze back to the table, trying to forget the little nekos were there.

So cute.... She thought to herself though.

Ayako nodded to Mayumi. But she then hesitated, "Are we still certain we can trust the intelligence provided? It would be catastrophic if we were to lose the Yūgumo out-"

"They will not fail." Taro interjected forcefully. "They have a strong crew and an even stronger captain. There is nothing they won't stand against and find victory."

Ayako silenced herself and nodded respectfully to Taro, seemingly reassured. Touchy...

"I will see to it that the mining detail is carried out effectively to the south and west of our new positions." Miho commented as she looked at the datapad she held in front of her. "I'll await the Logistics Group's word before mining the north." As she finished she looked to Mayumi, but remained silent.

Mamami had remained silent for some time. Seeing that the others had spoken their minds, she raised her question. "Since we are discussing the outlines of what's to come. I must ask just how we are going to divide this fleet to fulfill its roles. Are we to remain at our current states and wait for the groups to replenish, or are we going to undergo a fleet reorganization?" Mamami finished and looked around those gathered especially the group commanders present.

The communications office put the Taisa on hold, patching herself thru to the conference room where the twelve were meeting. “Excuse the interruption Koyanagi-sama, there is a Taisa on the line for you. She is calling to question your orders reassigning Ionoche-Chui and Sarri-Chui. She mentioned something about court martial or something to that effect; I am sending you my notes”

Chujo Kotoku said. “Sounds like one of Irim’s dogs need to be put down.”

Mayumi said to the rest of the twelve gathered, “Excuse me a moment.” Then back over communications system she said, “okay patch her through.”

“Koyanagi Taisho here.” Koyanagi paused-she had no intention of letting some nobody Taisa mouth off to her, or a member of her crew, “My communications officer mentioned that you are accusing two of my officers of abandoning their post. Taisa, I remind you that I am firstly a Taisho, and my orders supersede yours- Sarri-Chui and Ionoche-Chui were reassigned to a high priority mission that is critical to the security of this fleet under my authorization. If you had not denied your crew the right to communicate freely with command you would know that. It is you who are violation Taisa, not only are you questioning my orders directly-but you denied officers of my fleet access to vital communications including orders. As much I would like to strip you of your rank for questioning my authority; I remind you we are at war and need whatever officers we can get, but while I have you on the line…”

The screen switched, ensuring the Taisa did not get even a word-the visage of Chujo Kotoku Sui, the representative of the Fifth Expeditionary Fleet and the citizens of what was formerly Taiie on the senate.

“Ahhh, Taisa you saved me the call. It appears I have a few hundred complaints to go over with you filed by members of the former colony of Taiie. As the person responsible for each and every refugee, I must remind you that you denied them communications during a longer than reasonable period following their escape-denying them the right to confirm if their kin had survived. I will be dispatching ships shortly to ensure they are no longer mistreated under your care-and unlike Koyanagi Taisho I have more than enough time on my hands to ensure that you answer to each and ever single item within their list of grievances. I was going to leave such to one of my aids-however, seeing your insolence first hand I will be ensuring this is dealt with myself.”

(This is a copy of the communications with Pisces. Those in the room are welcome to show reaction. Just don't do anything that would show up over the comm unless you post it on Pisces too. Ill try to c/p whatever FM's replies are into here.)

Katsuko remained silent as the communication between Pisces and the other involved members of the twelve continued. Something cold was reflected in her eyes-a deep disgust welled within her. And that…used to be one of our own. I swear if I ever see that Taisa with one of this fleet’s rank pins on. I will use it to dig out her heart. She thought to herself, we have more important issues to deal with than this meddling fool. So help me, when I am reinstated as Taisho of this fleet, I will have her rank-just for wasting our time.

Mamami sighed as the conversation being started. She knew it was a cut and dry argument, commander versus high commander. But from just the introductions she knew that this would not be over quickly or quietly. Mamami was pragmatic, she wished that both sides would calm themselves and issues would be resolved quickly.

Miho on the other hand had her eyes narrowed ahead. She listened intently to Sui and what was spoken about the refugees. She considered most of those refugees casualties of the conflict, and by being stranded they were suffering. That was something the Miho would not accept.

Ayako played with one of her braids of hair. She realized this wasn't something she should be too concerned with. Though the refugee situation warranted concern, she knew that Sui-san was on top of everything. She gave a half-hearted smile at the sternness of Sui and Mayumi.

Taro blinked a few times at the conversation at hand. He grimaced at some of the words spoken, but said nothing. He wasn't the diplomatic type, or so he thought. He watched the rest of the group's reactions, shivering a bit at Katsuko's cold glare. His eyes then came to rest on Eri, to whom he made an apologetic frown and shrug.

Off-screen from the discussion between Chujo Kotoku and the Taisa from Pisces another communication had been received from Taisho Yui. Mayumi loosened the Taisho pin from her uniform and with a smile handed it to Katsuko. Everything is set Taisho.

Katsuko picked up the pin and put it on, getting up from her chair she walked up behind Chujo Kotoku and tapped the small control panel next to the Chujo’s water glass terminating the communication with Pisces.

~Communication Terminated~

“If that Taisa tries to cause any more problems, please contact personnel and ensure the next command she receives is a garbage hauler. You do not question a Taisho, you do what you’re told-this is the military not a public forum. Sui, get your things together, you’re going to Pisces dear, file the appropriate motions with Irim. I will ensure there sufficient ships to take on our resources by the time you arrive.”

She walked around the table and sat back in the lead chair, “Now, that the disruption has been taken care of, it is half past one in the morning-I want this fleet ready to move to the new Staging Area by the time the Yūgumo leaves in the morning. We will reconvene in NECTAR at Oh-Five-Hundred-Hours, meeting adjourned.”

Kuniko smirked a little at her Taisho's response, glad for the fact that she had taken care of the upstart Taisa. With a small yawn she perked her ear to Sui's communications. Silently she sent the woman a message, smiling a little.

"I can take you. I have more then enough space in my ships and they will be helpful for all the refugees."

With a wink to Sui, if she would turn to her, Kuniko leaned back in her chair and simply waited for the others to leave, to wait for Sui to speak with her as well if she cared too.

Ayako, Mamami, Taro, and Miho all bowed in their seats towards Katsuko as she called the meeting to a close. With various ad-libbed affirmatives those present concluded the formalities of the meeting atmosphere.

The first to rise was Taro. The Lorrheim was hailing him and reporting major developments. The Shosho bowed quickly to those present and quietly began moving from the room. There was much for him to do, and he was aware he wouldn't be sleeping until far in the future.

Miho sat back in her chair. As she began to relax she brushed some stray strands of hair from her face and then smiled to Katsuko. "Your quarters are primed and ready. I think they'll need your personal touch, as I haven't had much time for decorating."

Eyeing Taro carefully, Mamami shifted in her seat. And odd one he is... She thought off hand. Turning to Eri she asked out loud, "Has he been under much stress? His demeanor seems tempered."

The good times are returning. With this plan we should be- No, will be able to stand for this fight. Ayako thought as she smiled to the group around. She paid little attention to any eyes looking about. She only cared that the Fifth's command was returning to the way it was.

Eri turned to look to Mamami, sighing a little as she heard the question. "We have all been pressed into trying times. He is just taking it tougher then most of us..." She sighed as she watched Taro leave the room, worry in her eyes for her friend.

"He has been in constant contact with his ships and working tirelessly to help the fleet. I worry for him though, he works himself to hard at times. If you will excuse me." With the bow of her head to the others in the room, Eri stood from her chair and followed Taro.

"Taro! Taro wait up." She jogged out of the room after him. "Taro wait up, let me come with you."

Taro had just reached the lift at the end of the hallway when Eri called out to him. He waved off the pending message that the Lorrheim was sending him as he turned to his friend. He gave her a warm smile.

"Of course. Better in company I would say." The Yamataian keyed up the lift for the shuttle bay. As the lift began to move to pick them up, Taro sighed and shook his head. "I can't help but think of this as a surreal dream. A hot drink should clear the senses a bit, would you care to join me?" Taro looked to Eri and with a small smile.

Mayumi was quick to excuse herself; she took leave of the others and headed out of the conference room and down the corridor past Taro and Eri and into the lift. Yuka rushed after her, in silence they rushed back to the Seijin no Umi, knowing Mayumi was going to have to explain all of this-knowing that Kiyoko was not going to take the current state of affairs well.

Katsuko said to Miho, “Well then, you lead the way-I could use a drink and some company. Not much use sleeping when we have to be back in NECTAR in three and a half hours.” She picked up her purple trench and folded it over her arms and waited for Miho to lead the way.

Saito and Kahori headed out the opposite way than Taro and Eri, headed towards the lift to return to the Himitsu Star Fortress. The two chatted along the way, exchanging details about intelligence reports they had been reading about a growing worry that the SMX were going to attack Lor.

Sui smiled slightly, for the first time since the twelve had convened, she said to Kuniko; “I wouldn’t have it any other way, lets get to the Fujin and prepare for our trip to Pisces.”

Eri smiled sweetly and nodded, slipping her arms around Taro's as she followed with him. "Of course, I would love to join you." She nodded again, the same smile on her face as they rode the lift. Idly she listened to their company on the lift. As they reached the floor, Eri all but dragged him along, eager to get something to drink and hopefully get Taro to relax.

"So how have you been lately Taro? You really need to relax more...Everyone can see your really tense." There was a general tone of worry for him as she pulled him to where they could get a drink. "You know I worry for you, and the way you've been pushing yourself..you really need to get some rest."

Kuniko on the other hand had a small grin on her face. It would be great to shoot this Taisa down some.They always got uppity when they thought that they had some kind of sway with higher ups. "Let's get goin then, I have the Fujin warming up so it will be ready when we get there." She stood up now and gathered her things as she eyed the multi-colored group of NH-12s on the table top, cleaning things up and reorganizing other things such as papers. With a sigh, a blush came to her face again, the soft red coloring slightly noticeable.

So cute... I can't wait to get back...