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How big is the Sylph Wing Pack?


Well-Known Member
M4 Sylph Light Mecha Link
Wing Pack Link

In my efforts to update the Mindy Accessories I have found the Sylph Wing Pack to still be in service. Here I find though that there is not data about its dimensions. They M4 Sylph is 4'9", tiny. The Wing Pack serves as a sort of interstellar vehicular attachment to the Sylph enabling it to be able to travel between planets... How big or small is this thing?
considering the suit wing pack is specifically meant for space combat it wouldn't need to be all that big, I would assume it would likely only measure a foot on ether side coming from the anchor port on the back for it (so one foot sticking out ether way) for each of the "wings" as they wouldn't need to be large to create lift or anything, and really just need to stick out far enough to give them enough room to do a pivot and burn for maneuvering likely around the same thickness on the wings/thruster end with the body of the unit being somewhat slimmer due to it not really bringing its own power source as it taps into the Sylph's unless of course there is a power source added for additional thrust/emergency output