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How Black is Xiulurium?


Well-Known Member
Not all black paint is the same. Some have a glossy finish while some are matte. Then you got paints like Vanta Black and Black 2.0 which EAT ALL LIGHT. What does Xuilurium look like and maybe even feel like?
I am not even sure that it is black by default. Xiulurium is often used as a stealth coating on top of other materials. This post says it's close in composition to Zanarium, but doesn't provide a color.

Only Wes can probably tell us. In default, I'd assume it just looks like a silver metallic color as dark or as light as it needs to be for narrative purposes depending on its alloy composition. Most Star Army equipment's final coloring isn't a result of the metal itself but the painted-on livery.
Tbh color might not even matter. In our current age we've already found ways through static oxidation methods to change steel shades of blue, we can now make gold purple, and with a bit of science change the structure of coke to make cart-steel come out white. Im sure in the kikyo sector they can make zesu come out pink straight from the elf without it being any different at all or Nermimum an appetite-ruining particular shade of brown and have them identical to however they normally are down to the atom.

Plus the setting has ships that can detect a can of soda floating half the system away and likely tell what flavor it is so light reflection is likely very low on the list of what makes meta-materials like Zan and Xil stealthy. Tho it does make sense in more ways to have stealth meta-materials black for other reasons beyond light reflection and refracting.

If you are within view of a station or the rare port hole on a ship. Planetside, underwater, or just out in space you reflect less visible light for the layman to see you and identify a clear warship and a much more concerning stealth one with all its smooth angled surfaces much like how you or I couldn't mistake a submarine for what it was if we saw one.
I think it would be the blackest black you ever seen, blacker then the blackest black times infinity, we are talking NO reflection... Uncanny valley levels of black that causes the brain to subtly go "nope that's not right" the kind of darkness that causes The call of the void (also known as high place phenomenon) to the point people more susceptible to it have STARED at it for a bit longer then is normal (causing quite a few HR issues were Female Pilots of PA were concerned and the gaze happened to be fixated at chest height when it happened)

as for feel.. I would think relatively smooth would be neat o3o
I conceive of it as a smart metamaterial that changes its characteristics as needed for what it's trying to accomplish, which is why it is so good at stealthing. It's whatever color, across all spectra, that it needs to be to do the job at hand, differing with the job.