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How do aether generators work?


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Miyu Ayana said:
I've got a few questions about Aether technology, that I hoped you could help me with. The questions are as follows.

The Aetheric energy is drawn from space, (as best as I can figure) so on that principle, would it be possable to create a small exposive device, slightly larger than a (conventional) hand grenade, or about as large as a claymore mine, that collects, and condenses a large amount of aetheric energy and then releses it all at once? If so, about how long would it take for such a device to harness enough energy for a half megaton blast?

Would aether beams be distorted by magnetic fields?

How exactly are the relitive effective ranges of Aether beam weapons calculated?

I now have a few questions about the gravimetric propulsion system.

I'm not fully sure i understand how it works, But would it be posable (with a little modification) for the gravimetric drive to create a Kind of "gravity pulse" (essentially a kind of gravity shockwave, if that makes any more sense) that would in theory knock away objects with large mass, (i.e. Mechas, fighters, drones, etc.) and crush or detonate objects of smaller mass, most specificly, Missiles.

Maby this question should have come 1st but.. How exactly do the Gravimetric and Combined Distortion Drives work?

And one last question, or more accuratly a request. If possable, could you provide me with links on where I could find the data on the various armors used by the mecha's in the fleet?
By the way, please don't send me these sort of questions (ones that belong in this forum) over PM. I'm going to post them here and then reply to them.
The Aetheric energy is drawn from space, (as best as I can figure) so on that principle, would it be possable to create a small exposive device, slightly larger than a (conventional) hand grenade, or about as large as a claymore mine, that collects, and condenses a large amount of aetheric energy and then releses it all at once? If so, about how long would it take for such a device to harness enough energy for a half megaton blast?
This is how aether weapons in the Star Army RP work. A good example would be an aether torpedo, such as the AS-5 or AS-7 series fired by Star Army ships (24" diameter x 24' 8" long). Aether weapons and generators act by harness the dimensional energy that exists everywhere in our universe and uses scalar energetics to cause that energy to bleed out into the "normal" dimensions. The equipment used determines the power and efficiency that a device can harness that power. Basically, it doesn't take "charge time" if you have a big enough flow of energy for what you want. Think of aether devices as faucets that pierce the dimensional branes and deliver energy on tap. You can get much energy as you can ask for, up until the point your device can't take anymore. With a bomb, you just open a bigger channel than the device could possibly handle, causing a brief but devasting dump of energy into regular spacetime.

Would aether beams be distorted by magnetic fields?
Yes. Aether is considered to be an electrostatic rather than electromagnetic (I think) so to what extent I don't know.

How exactly are the relitive effective ranges of Aether beam weapons calculated?
By the targeting systems used on the firing weapon.

I'm not fully sure i understand how it works, But would it be posable (with a little modification) for the gravimetric drive to create a Kind of "gravity pulse" (essentially a kind of gravity shockwave, if that makes any more sense) that would in theory knock away objects with large mass, (i.e. Mechas, fighters, drones, etc.) and crush or detonate objects of smaller mass, most specificly, Missiles.
Gravimetric drives are Derran's field. I'll let him answer this one.

Maby this question should have come 1st but.. How exactly do the Gravimetric and Combined Distortion Drives work?
CDD drives are basically like Star Trek's warp drive...same deal. Asymmetric nested peristatic subspace fields.

And one last question, or more accuratly a request. If possable, could you provide me with links on where I could find the data on the various armors used by the mecha's in the fleet?
Sure. Here. I also added the link to the Military Designer's Thread for future reference.
One of the key problems for spaceship construction, perhaps the key problem, is that of propulsion. The simple axiom, "Every action requires an equal, but opposite, reaction" has limited spaceship designers to traditional (but highly efficient) variations of rockets. While the efficiency might vary from species to species throughout known space, for the most part and with only a few rare exceptions, rockets in some form are the only means of propulsion available.

However, in the universe of the Second Draconian War there are some exceptions to this rule: the Altarans and to a lesser extent, the Humans, have all found a way to bypass the exclusive use of rocket based propulsion. Their ships accelerate and maneuver to a far greater degree than other traditional ships and the key to this superior performance is their ability to manipulate, on a macro as opposed to quantum level, the special characteristics of the Zero Point Field (ZPF, also known as a Lorentz Field).

ZPF has been explained as being a three dimensional representation of the dimensional objects known as superstrings, believed to be the key building blocks of both matter and energy in our universe. Zero Point Energy is essentially a 'leakage', on the quantum scale, of energy in process of being translated into this reality. Normally, this leakage involves the creation and dissipation of energy such that the result is an almost zero increase of energy. However, it is possible to use the potential of the ZPF as a power source of enormous implications. As Cal Tech physicist Richard Feynman once noted, the energy inherent in the space defined by a single coffee cup - anywhere in the universe - is enough to boil all of the oceans on planet Earth.

There are other implications of the ZPF fields and superstrings, in addition to that of an enormous power source. It has been discovered that inertia - the propensity of an object when at rest to stay at rest, and when in motion to in motion - is a manifestation of that objects electromagnetic interaction with the ZPF. Thus gravity and a lowering of inertia are both capable of being manipulated through the use of controlled electric interaction with the ZPF produced by superstrings.

By manipulating and "bending" these superstrings, advanced ships are able to create distortions in space/time that can be used to push and pull a ship in any given direction. It is via the manipulation of superstrings that allow ships constructed by the Atarans and, to a lesser extent, the Humans, to accelerate and outmaneuver those vessels used by the Gr'andal and the Jaaq'tah Alliance. An important byproduct of this means of propulsion is that the effect of inertia is also negated, allowing ships to accelerate, stop and maneuver at velocities that would crush a person using conventional ion propulsion.
Ermm... Hehehe sorry Wes. ^_^ I promise I won't bother you with questions again.

Anyway I appreciate the Aether explanation, and esspecially the armor link, This should really help out my Little project. Now I sould porbably look for that Military designer thread when I have a chance >.>;

And thank you Derran for explaining the gravametric drive. Admitedly I'm not a quantum physicist but it hink I understood enough of that ot get a good feel for the concept.

I thank you both for taking time to explain the concepts to me.

EDIT: *Palms forehead* And of course the Military Designer thread is in the last place I'd look for it.. Plain sight!
I promise I won't bother you with questions again.
It's not that I dislike questions (I don't mind them at all and I encourage them!), but rather I don't like them sent over PM because the rest of the players can't see them and the responses to them.
Think of aether devices as faucets that pierce the dimensional branes and deliver energy on tap. You can get much energy as you can ask for, up until the point your device can't take anymore. With a bomb, you just open a bigger channel than the device could possibly handle, causing a brief but devasting dump of energy into regular spacetime.

That is damned awesome.
I like. ^^
This is a neat read. Makes me wish the aether generators/Aether itself was accessible to those non-SAoY factions. It's been something I've considered while analyzing tech and possible sources for creating new craft. Seems like the Aether being... kinda... everywhere (I think) would mean more than just one faction/group would have learned to tap into it. Unless more have. Not really sure on the spread of Aether-tech.