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How do shields work in the DR rules?


Inactive Member
So...this just occurred to me. Shields used to have a DR value, but now that we've changed the way the DR system works I'm inclined to ask how they work?

Do they have a certain amount of SP? If so how do you determine how much?

For those of you out there who are thinking "Gawsh, Yoroko is such a numbers guy." Sorry, but it's what I am. As a player I wouldn't care too much, but since I GM a few things right now and might GM another plot that involves much more combat in the future I kinda want to get a feel for how much protection and how much of a beating these beasts of burden can provide.

I do have recommendations, but that's only if there isn't something already in place. Of course they are only recommendations.
Basically, the shield system is a protective system that, through one mean or another, intercepts an incoming attack and tries to mitigate or nullify it to protect the beneficient installation or vehicle.

The shield's blocking ability or endurance are not absolutes, however.

Within a certain span of time, there is a limit to the amount of punishment the shield can take without it being optimized under said stress.

In the same veins, there is only so much damage a shield system can take. Hits that deal punishment beyond the protective threshold of the shield will bleed through to a degree.
I should elaborate, I meant physical shields like the one used by the DAISY has. I'm asking because I'm developing a riot shield that can be used by used armors as well as unarmored personnel.
For the time being, sense they are 'part' of the armor I would assume that their effectiveness is reflected in the SP of the armor itself.

Or if they have their own entry in the wiki, they could have their own SP value.

Ultimately though the DR system is just a guideline, and isn't good at handling things like this.
Since I developed the Daisy before the current (and changing) DR system was developed, I never assigned a number to the shield. But it doesn't count toward the SP value of the armor itself; it should stand alone (or the armor's going to have unreasonably high SP).

The thing's also made of Zesuaium, a layer of it at least, so maybe it's time to replace it for a similar shield of different material?

I personally tend to think of those shields as... ah, a way to make direct hits 'miss'. I think the protection value would be grade-based (it's unlikely that an anti-personnel weapon will ever put a good dent in a mecha's portable shield).

As for the resistance of the said shield... frankly, I just fudge it depending on the situation and my judgment call at the time.

If you want hard numbers, I figure the Daisy's shield would at least have 5... but I see the grade as a more important defining trait. I don't suggest 'stating' shields beyond that.
I figure the Daisy's shield would at least have 5
No way. An entire Mindy 2 has only 6 SP. The Daisy's shield should only give something like an additional 2 SP worth of protection.
Aggressors and Hostiles have quasi-shields running along the upper left arm. I assigned them DR ratings consistent with the material they are made of, but overall they are mostly for aesthetic; if an attack would normally take off the arm, it will still take off the arm, shield and all.
I don't consider the SP cummulative, Wes. I also thought about how much a shield can take in my plot... and the only thing a shield can't seem to take is a blow from an energy sword made out of aether. The rest it can usually take a few hits from, even if it'll eventually turn into an effective, mangled mess.

If you don't want to follow that figure, fine. But your difference of opinion to mine is especially why I do not believe they should be given elaborate stats. It's something that's left way too much to interpretation.
That's over-quantifying something which has mostly a roleplay impact.

It's wholly related to why we use power armor instead of fightercraft for the most part on SARP. Because they carry about a more human factor, the capacity for emotes that a tank or a plane cannot achieve.

It's usually downgraded in other mediums (such as D&D), but arm-worn shields usually are a very effective personal defense. As far as I'm concerned, I only need to know what sort of weapon the shield is designed to take the hits from. A riot shield should be able to take most of what anti-personnel weaponry would throw its way. That's likely the same for mecha-grade shields.

This is an issue I do not feel we need to break our heads on overmuch. The damage rating system, aside from the grade value, can't really capture the function of a shield so it's best left to GM interpretation.