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How does one go about making 'Old' Ship classes?


Inactive Member
Retired Staff
I noticed that our universe has a distinct lack of cool old ships, especially anything older than YE 1. Seeing as we've had space travel for millennia, there's obviously ships older than that, but it seems that currently we aren't allowed to make 'old' ships.

I propose that we allow 'old' ship classes, with the properly depreciated stats, to be created, to add flavor, to give a market of old ships PC's can buy, and to allow for more flavor for our pirates.

I myself am looking at writing some stuff about pirates in very old ships doing piratey things, and really don't think any of the ship classes we have currently fit the bill.

Anyway, If I were to make an 'old' ship class, what kind of parameters would I need for it? the same as new ships? More? Less? Obviously, a page of available 'old' civilian ships would need to be made, and I am willing to do that.

Any help I can get would be great on this issue.
If they are for PC's then you would need to follow the current template. Providing the details that the PC's need to visualize and use the ships properly.
Well, for starters, older ships would only have hyperspace fold drives...no CDD. I'm not sure how much of a "market" there is for these old ships, but I would be willing to approve old junkers if they're reasonable.
There could actually be a very wide use for these. Maybe a PC is obsessed with collecting vintage spaceships. An old ship's interior could easily be redone to transform the "old junker" into a "classic-looking luxury yacht". Or, someone could go Star Wars Mos Espa on SARP and decide to land one of these old ships near a major city and refurbish it into a bar/danceclub/inn/etc.
Junkers would be good for PC's to purchase to try an eke out a living as tramp freighter, or for PC's wanting to try their hand at piracy. And of course for NPC's in both roles. A little color is good.
What, per say, would SARP consider a "junker"? I know the term was once used for ships around Japan and the Far East since they seemed to be held together with nothing more then rope and prayers from the crew. Would it be a similar situation, if not modernized a bit?
And a junker in this environment would be a ship that has been patched together, a variety of components jury-rigged to work. Think the Millenium Falcon.
Sorry i've left this kinda alone since I asked it, but i've been busy with work. It seems silly to me that a 12 year old ship is obsolete when most ships boast service lives of 50 years or more. but, that's the way of things here, I guess.

So ships made before YE 20 are considered Obsolete. I was thinking about making ships made before YE 0. These would be 'antiques' by the current reasoning.

Is anyone against me making some old technologies to go along with this old ships, such as old power sources, old weapon types, crude antimatter power sources, and crude forms of FTL besides Fold?
kai said:
Sorry i've left this kinda alone since I asked it, but i've been busy with work. It seems silly to me that a 12 year old ship is obsolete when most ships boast service lives of 50 years or more. but, that's the way of things here, I guess.

Well, a lot of WWII Navy ships lived a normal lifespan of around 16 years (unless they were sunk, of course!).