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How does the SaoY handle their non-restricted weapons invent


Okay, this came to mind in response to Wes's comment about hoping the IPG didn't have any of the SAoY issue only NSPs. How DOES the SAoY handle their standard issue items once the soldier retires from the SAoY or leaves service under good terms? Do soldiers have to turn in all their non-uniform equiment (holsters, knives, guns) or do they get to keep those items as a reward for their service? Can soldiers still in service to the SAoY BUY their own SAoY logo pistols to keep past their enlistment?

If it's like how the USA was during the World Wars, then it is very likely that retired Nepleslians and Geshrins that left the SAoY due to the species restriction act might have possibly kept their issue NSPs and maybe pawned them off somewhere on Nepleslia for extra cash. (Even now in our military standard issue equipment goes missing and ends up in pawn shops and consignment shops outside of military bases or on... eBay.) It really depends on how well the SAoY monitors their inventories and deal with old equipment.

Do they just throw away their old NSPs? Recall them and melt them down? Resell them to civilians for whatever reason?
Reactions: Wes
All standard-issue (uniforms, pistol) and duty-issued items (tactical gear, Mindy armor) must be returned if the soldier leaves the SAoY except for undergarments and toiletries. Failure to return items could lead to fines or criminal charges (especially if the item was high-tech or secret).

The KZ 10mm MPP is a notable exception, though...it was given to soldiers to keep as a gift of sorts to those who requested during the give away program.

Privately-owned military grade weapons which were bought during military service are kind of in a gray area right now...people are allowed to keep them (although they're not in the military) but not to sell or give them to non-military people.
I'll answer this more in-depth in an hour or so, but the straight answer now:

Military-issue NSPs have the grenade-like function on them, as well as automatic fire. The SAoY takes the NSP from the soldier when they retire/leave the service/whatever and can either reissue it (common with Type 28As and Cs) or modify it for a civilian-grade version (remove the grips from the Cs, but keep the military finish, along with the remove of auto-fire and grenade).

Since the SAoY owns the equipment given to the soldier, they get to take it back at the end. If shit goes missing, there's probably a consequence of some sort, though whether it's anything serious or not is hard to gauge.

Some military-grade NSPs probably made it to Nepleslia, but they're likely to be the old Type 28s, not the 28As or Cs. It's also theoretically possible to modify a civilian-grade NSP with the right know-how and parts. The Type 27s, oddly enough, are harder to find, as many older Nekovalkyrja keep them.

The older weapons are be sold by shops on Yamatai, but military-grade is for military only.
All standard-issue (uniforms, pistol) and duty-issued items (tactical gear, Mindy armor) must be returned if the soldier leaves the SAoY except for undergarments and toiletries. Failure to return items could lead to fines or criminal charges (especially if the item was high-tech or secret).

The KZ 10mm MPP is a notable exception, though...it was given to soldiers to keep as a gift of sorts to those who requested during the give away program.

Privately-owned military grade weapons which were bought during military service are kind of in a gray area right now...people are allowed to keep them (although they're not in the military) but not to sell or give them to non-military people.
There's also the problem of the much older weapons, such as the WickedArms GP-13 and -16 pistols that were more and less common as sidearms, respectively. The GP-13 is a frighteningly powerful weapon when left as military-grade, but most of the weapons are no longer supported by Yamataian companies -- Nepleslian arms makers would have to support them with third-party modifications and parts. Most left WA and KZ civilianized (far less power, extremely shortened range).

Older WickedArms weapons, such as the GP-1 battle rifle and other cartridge-based weapons, are fully available to the public in their original military manufacture. Newer cartridge-based weapons, such as the .40-caliber General Service Pistol, are also freely available to the public (though only original military models carry the KZ-etched slide).

The Type 29 Compact NSP is the most contentious weapon right now from KZ -- it has full-auto fire, but no grenade function and a lower capacity. Civilian models are supposedly sold with the full-auto intact.

Note that medals are allowed to be kept by the person who earned them.

There's some grey area as well around parts of uniforms, such as belts, boots and gloves. Those items can and have been purchased by civilians, whether through military surplus or knock-offs from third-party manufacturers.
Cool. =) I was curious since there's very little information about this sort of thing but honestly, for the IPG I doubt they'd have any military grade KZ weapons unless the SAoN can buy these weapons from KZ for whatever reason or they've looted them from a fallen SAoY personnel.
Looting is possible, as is salvage. After all, KZ advertises its guns can survive a lot of bad happenings -- finding one floating in space is actually possible, especially the Type 28X series.
I would have to say the general rule of thumb is:

If the weapon is sold to the general public or there is some IC deal in place to supply the SAoN with it, then mass deployment is okay.

Otherwise, you may find the odd one here and there, due to the weapon being looted / salvaged / leaked to the black market, etc. But mass deployment is not realistic and therefore not okay.

Of course, whether each weapon falls into which category could use further clarification. Maybe a chart or something.

(Edit: the above only applies to hand-held weapons, NOT starships. It's a lot harder to keep track of small pieces of equipment than gigantic pieces of flying metal.)
I have wiki'd the start of it. Shown below.

====== Military/Civilian Arms Table ======

//This is an attempt to codify what arms are military-issue, civilian-issue and who can own what. Many of the weapons on this list don't have art and aren't very common, so keep that in mind as you peruse them. Note that these weapons all have prices, and they are also weapons your character is likely to see -- meaning some race-specific stuff is left out. The ultimate guide to weapons available on SARP is still [[the list of firearms and gear|list_of_firearms_and_combat_gear]].//

=== Terms ===

Original (Or.) Issue: What area the weapon was "issued" to.
* Market: Available for militaries and civilians.
* Civilian (Civ): Directed at civilians specifically. Military likely cannot buy it.
* Military (Mil): A military weapon.
No active service: You will not encounter this weapon in the military of its original manufacture.
Rare active service: You might possibly see this weapon in its original military.
Occasional active service: It's likely you'll catch a glimpse of this weapon in its original military.
Active service: This weapon is still seen commonly in its original military, but probably not at the front lines.
Standard issue: This weapon is a standard-issue piece of equipment.
Milman: Military manufacture. The military version is on the market.
Civman: Civilian manufacture. The civilian version is on the market.

^ Weapon ^ Or. issue ^ Who can buy ^ Notes ^
| | | | |
| [[EMP-P1A Projectile Weapon]] | Market | | |
| [[Emrys Industries Flechette Gauss Rifle]] | Market | | |
| [[Emrys Industries Sniper Rifle]] | Market | | |
| [[GP-1 Assault Rifle]] | Mil | Civ, Mil | No active service. |
| [[GP-5 Maser Pulse Rifle]] | Mil | Civ, Mil | Rare active service. Milman civ'd for market. |
| [[GP-12 Pulse Rifle]] | Mil | Civ, Mil | Occasional active service. Milman civ'd for market. |
| [[GP-13 Pulse Pistol]] | Mil | Civ, Mil | Rare active service. Milman civ'd for market. |
| [[GP-16 Plasma Pistol]] | Civ | Civ | |
| [[LG-23 EM Wave Pistol]] | Market | | |
| [[MK-4/5uS|Maschinen-Karbine 4/5 uS]] | Mil | Civ, Mil | No suppressor on civman. Parts infrequent. |

Does this need anything else for the table?
I was under the impression that if Kotori kept her first NSP28 all her 8 years of service and then got pointed out that she needed to return it, she'd go: "Well, after 8 years I sort of got attached to it. Can I just buy it off your hands?" to which I'd just expect Logistics to nod along and say "Sure."
Privately-owned military grade weapons which were bought during military service are kind of in a gray area right now...people are allowed to keep them (although they're not in the military) but not to sell or give them to non-military people.

I'm going with Wes on this one. Kotori could buy it, but she couldn't sell it to civilians with no history of military service.
Did this table ever make it to the wiki?
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