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How is rank structure in the Star Army?


Retired Staff
Toshiro, Doshii Jun, Wes and I sort of had this piecemeal conversation over YIM and the content felt too good to not post over the boards:

Kotori: Wes?​
Wes Davis:
Kotori: hello​
Kotori: Toshiro's been asking me questions. I'll paste our conversation so you can verify.​
Toshiro: I was wondering...how many ships can one be in command of before they cease to be a commodore and become an Admiral?​
Kotori: ...no clue ~_~​
Kotori: why do I get all those questions? Do I look that dependable??​
Toshiro: Yes.​
Kotori: *takes a deep breath* okay. Apparently, from the point where you are an officer above cadet, you can command a ship.​
Arguably, a Shoi only has a small command, or a command where not too much is expected. That's why the Goban's captain is a Shoi. However, officer ranks between Shoi to Taii are usually found in the leading staff of a ship. Non-capital vessels like Sakura gunships and Nozomi scoutship typically end up being commanded by officers around the Taii rank.​
Kotori: The -sa ranks then follow, which generally involve the command of a spaceship or overseeing manhy underlings.​
For example, The Azalea's communication officer is a Shosa because she not only is part of Shosho Minato's bridge staff, but also relays Minato's orders to the rest of the Azalea squadron.​
It's really all linked to how many people you'll command. The -sa ranks makes it more likely that you'll either command a squadron of small vessels, or one powerful/big starship​
Kotori: powerful^​
Toshiro: I see...​
Kotori: -sho ranks would defenitely qualify you to command capital vessels, and probably many of them​
Toshiro: Wow.​
Kotori: Shosho might be leading a battleship squadron, while Chujo would lead multiple squadrons and Taisho would pretty much direct the whole fleet.​
Only one master Taisho exists, whom manages the movements of all the fleets​
Toshiro: So Shoho and Chujo are like Commodores.​
Kotori: somewhat​
Kotori: you have to consider how it looks from the top​
Yui: "You, send our fleets strategic pool to attack the mishhu at Arzank."​
Chujo: "Shosho Minato, you will be leading the strategic pool in leading the assault on Arzank."​
Shosho Minato: "Squadron 2, and 5 will be hitting the shipyards. Squadron 3 and 4 will occupy mishhu warships to leave Squadron 1 and 2 free to act. Squadron 1 will go after the battleships and cut off the head."​
Taisa Hanako: "Helm, join the squadron 1's formation."​
Shoi Metea: "Yes Taisa."​
Kotori: Hanako is too high ranked for the job she's doing, though.​
Toshiro: yeah, I noticed. Even Yaichiro even controls more people than her, though they are just faceless minions. He has control over about 20 technical sentries and engineers​
doshii_jun: Hanako's actually just right.​
doshii_jun: She's in charge of one of the more industrious and legendary gunships. Those aren't left to lower-ranked officers.​
Kotori: Kotori commands with the same load of responsability and is a Taii ~_~​
doshii_jun: She's a special case.​
doshii_jun: Arguably, she's definitely too low-ranked to be in charge of the ship she has.​
doshii_jun: I think she should be at least a Shosa, which is a sub-Lieutenant Commander, I think.​
Wes Davis: Think of Taisa as the highest line rank there is -- the admiral ranks are all administrative. Shosho command groups of ships while Chujo control large organizations. A Taisho is the Chujo who heads a fleet.​
Kotori: highest line rank?​
Wes Davis: As in, line of battle or line of duty - that's the frontline officers commanding ships.​
Kotori: but t Taisa rank, shouldn't Hanako have a squadron of her own to command?​
Kotori: at^​
Wes Davis: Anything higher than a Taisa will be in charge of an organization (eg squadron) rather than a ship.​
Wes Davis: No, Taisa just get bigger ships, usually.​
Kotori: so battleship CO's can be commanded by light gunship squadron leaders?​
Wes Davis: So, a Shosa might command a Yui, but a Taisa has a Yuumi.​
Wes Davis: Battleships are almost always going to be Taisa.​
Wes Davis: Smaller ships will typically be lower ranked.​
Kotori: so in comparison, where does this make Kotori and Hanako sit?​
Kotori: or higher ranked officers whom still don't have command positions?​
Kotori: take, for example, Eikan's comm officer... whom is a Shosa.​
Wes Davis: Well, Hanako's rank is a little high for a gunship, but hey, it's the Sakura.​
Kotori: ...which makes Doshii more or less right on the issue... just like in Star Fleet serving on the Enterprise ought to be prestigious, right?​
Wes Davis: And, any CO will have officers under them.​
Wes Davis: If the ship commander is a Taisa, they'll typically have Taii as bridge crew.​
Wes Davis: ( one or two)​
Wes Davis: If the CO is a Shosa, then Shoi, etc​

Felt too good to pass up, even if this is a chat transcript. This ought to be material for a good wiki article, methinks.
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Which is why, if you look at the Celia's crew roster, no one besides Henry has rank above Chusa:


Anyone ranked Shosho or above is at Anisa or Yamatai, administering the fleet for Henry. The Celia is basically a regular ship carrying a VIP Taisho for diplomatic missions.

For GMs in Yamataian plot-ships, this is a very good thing to keep in mind as your characters climb the hierarchy beyond Taisa. Your underling NPCs will most likely hit a glass ceiling at Taisa, unless you want them transferred to administrative duties.
Reminds me of the 'demotion' that got Kirk his ship back. Unfortunate it was only used for 2 movies, one of which was utter trash...
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