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How long does it take to make the following bodies?


Inactive Member
Out of curiosity I wonder this. If you're creating a neko what's the expected amount of time it takes?

In the Type 30 Mass Cloning Facility Wiki it says 250 nekos can be made in an hour. Are they all created simultaneously (and thus taking a full hour for each body) or is it handled differently?

Also, how long would it take to make Yamataian, Geshrin bodies?

Now shifting it a little bit more for the purposes of my plot: Given that the hemosynth tanks in medlabs aren't the ideal machines to create bodies, how much longer (percentage maybe?) would it take for them to create bodies?

Question about the cloning facility wiki entry

It says it can make 500 humans. We don't have humans.....what does it mean(geshrin?)?
Wherever you see 'Human' just assume it means Geshrin to be safe unless the creator says otherwise is the rule I've always gone with.
In the Type 30 Mass Cloning Facility Wiki it says 250 nekos can be made in an hour. Are they all created simultaneously (and thus taking a full hour for each body)
Yes, it takes an hour per body and they are created simultaneously.

Also, how long would it take to make Yamataian
Yamataians take the same amount of time as NH-29 Nekovalkyrja, since they're basically the same.

Geshrin bodies
Geshrin bodies fall under the "humans" category (Nepleslians and Elysian Plebeians do too).

Now shifting it a little bit more for the purposes of my plot: Given that the hemosynth tanks in medlabs aren't the ideal machines to create bodies, how much longer (percentage maybe?) would it take for them to create bodies?
Medical bay tanks normally take between 1 to three 3 hours.

It says it can make 500 humans. We don't have humans.....what does it mean(geshrin?)?
Humans means humans, or any of the human-based variants like Geshrins, Nepleslians, Elysian Plebeians, and such.
My own take is one hour to half-a-day on the Miharu plotship, depending on the amount of care which is taken to generate a brand new body, apply custom settings, assign intrinsic skills and generate better-rounded up personalities (Hinoto, on Miharu, took a long time to develop in her hemosynthetic tank for such reasons).

Respawning, the act of generating a new body with already stored settings, is quite faster.
Fred's got a good point. There's more to bringing back an existing person than there is to making a new one from a generic template. Think of computers: Formatting and reloading the basic OEM software is easy. Configuring a computer to be like the well-used, finely tweaked version you had before is much more difficult.
What I actually meant was the opposite Wes.

If you have a ST backup already on hand and body specifications in your ship's record, you skip the conceptual "this body and mind have to make sense" stage. you just have to form the body with a ready to go recipe.

However, designing something brand new is another thing entirely. Sure, you could take the cookie-cutter approach, but in the case of Hinoto, Miharu was trying to make something unique, well-rounded, and well adapted to its role while being capable of easily expanding as an individual beyond that, physically and mentally. You're in effect trying your recipe as you go, trying to nail it right and trying to anticipate mistakes and avoid them while getting the best traits possible. That, my friend, takes longer.
That's what he was saying, that reloading a comp from the backups is a lot easier and faster than completely rewriting the programming you had to get it exactly the way you liked it.
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