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Hyperspace Fold

Itkatsu Kiyoko

Inactive Member
Righto, so with my need to point the way the Yugumo is to go I went searching for some details on hyperspace fold travel and could find only scattered bits of information, none of it really what I would consider as being 'solid'. So here I am to get some questions answered on the fastest way of zapping around our fine universe...

What hyperfold drive? Despite nearly all ships having a hyperfold speed and listing a hyperfold drive in their SRP table, very few of them have it listed in their systems descriptions. (the Takumi-class was the only one out of my random sampling, and only contained a one-liner description).

Wiki it There is a link for hyperfold drives in the wiki on starship systems, but it goes nowhere, not a great deal of help.

Straight? Curve? I'm relatively sure that hyperfolds can only be done in a straight line (based on a Wes comment in the speed nerfing thread from a while back), is this an unbreakable fact? Is it possible to change the direction of travel at all during a fold (say at the expense of structural/engine stress, etc)?

Spin-up and cool-down? From the Mindy hyperfold backpack I'm guessing that larger ships also have limitations on how quickly / how long after a fold the drive can be used. Would it change between ships or be constant? Request some numbers.

Interdiction As per Fred's suggestion in the current interdiction thread, is hyperfold stopped completely by interdiction fields?

Area of Effect Only just noticed this glancing over an SRP table, but the hyperfold is actually a bubble that takes anything inside it along for the ride? Sidenote: can this bubble be reduced in size? (For in circumstances where you don't want to take everything close to you with you when you jump.)

Notes For the sake of reference (since I'm aiming to get as much info about folding in this thread as possible), hyperfolding through a nebula is no-go, because Bad Things (tm) happen. Sidenote: what exactly does happen?

That's all I can think of at the moment, if anyone else has questions please chip in so we can gather everything together for the sake of the wiki and our lessened ignorance :)
I have a couple questions myself:

Does hyperfold travel occur inside the universe or is it a "jump drive"? Does a ship using a hyperfold drive actually travel through the intervening space to get from point A and point B, or does it simply vanish into "hyperspace" or something like that at point A and reappear at point B after a (short) time proportional to the distance between points A and B? In other words, if C is the midpoint of line segment AB, will a ship starting from point A using its hyperfold drive reach point B if I leave The Mother of All Space Mines(tm) at point C?

Is the inside of the hyperfold bubble causally isolated from the outside? Is combat (even theoretically, under the most contrived and unlikely of circumstances), for example, between ships not in the same hyperfold bubble possible during hyperfold travel, and if so would aether guns and STL projectiles be involved or only FTL projectiles/torpedoes?

Most of the available descriptions of fold drives suggest that fold travel occurs through normal space (i.e. ship tries to hyperfold from A to B = score one for the person who mined point C), but most of its uses in RP are along the lines of "The YSS OMG Oerpowered Ship disappears in flash/swirl/ball of light, and reappeared a few moments later on the other side of the galaxy", which would suggest otherwise.
This may be helpful

Hyperspace Wiki
The Science Fiction section may shed some light on your inquiries.

Also this thread:

David as for my thoughts behind the Yugumo's upcoming series of hyperspace folds is this:

Three hyperspace folds, emerging into real space twice to check communications, sensors etc, then emerging into real space at the edge of the nebula and proceeding into the Staging Area.

Hope that helps :)
Star Army Wiki: Hyperspace Travel said:
Often, crew may spend hours in transit, but arrive at the time they departed.

So the more one spends in hyperspace the faster one will age in real-time? i.e. I am a hyperspace commuter, spending five hours in hyperspace each day. Yet every time I use hyperspace I arrive at the same real-space time that I left while also being five hours older each time I arrive ("Tired of being a kid? Use the NEW Hyperspace Aging Chamber (tm) and grow up in an instant! Sure, it'll feel like ten years to you, but no one else around you will have aged a day!")

I'm sure with some math that I am not willing to do right now that will amount to a large number of years off my life, if it is something done often.

Or does hyperspace place everyone in a no-age zone despite the perceived passage of time by those in hyperspace?