Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

  • If you were supposed to get an email from the forum but didn't (e.g. to verify your account for registration), email Wes at [email protected] or talk to me on Discord for help. Sometimes the server hits our limit of emails we can send per hour.
  • Get in our Discord chat!

I exist!


Inactive Member
Hey! So, hi! I'm Natsune, the first sentence of these are always so awkward so let me just stretch it out with a wonderful run on sentence.

So! On to me, I'm currently a third year college student and contracted Air Force ROTC cadet sitting on an RPA slot. So things are sometimes rather hectic for me, but I always find the time to get back to my cathartic pleasure in writing. In reality I'm about half as effusive as I seem in this post, but I pride myself on being approachable so please hit me up whenever you would like!

Wes threatened me with bodily harm to use the intro template, so here it goes!

How'd you find Star Army?
A directory! Interesting yeah?

What interested you in joining?
I love the theme to be wholly honest, I've always been a sucker for space and military based settings and I love imagining the inner workings of not just an original military, but an original society and what have you. And hell, no matter how exotic the locale may be, the characters are still people that grapple with all the same problems we do. You know, even if they do come on a different scale than we are used to. Also, technology is cool, military technology is cooler, and I love seeing how it integrates.

Ever done this text-based roleplaying thing before?
Bunches, I've been Roleplaying in one way or another for the last eleven years. Be they play-by-post forum style RPs, Chat based role playing sites, MU*s, what have you, I've probably done it! I've also done more than my fair share of writing for online text games, to say nothing of the fan fiction trash that I've spent countless hours of my life slaving over.

Any previous experiences you want to share?
I don't kiss an tell! I don't want to die of the sheer embarrassment and I doubt you all want to drown under my trash. Though, I did play a very sweet AI once in my days, which has always been a very fond memory of mine. Who wouldn't want to be an operational level strategic AI who chills out on the bridge of a flagship and coordinates planetary invasions?

Especially when its a sassy-AI.

Now for the questionnaire!

Do you prefer:
  • Playing male or female characters? Female, I have a mental block playing anything but the Y chromosome deficient.
  • Spontaneous or planned RP? Both! No preference! I've had a lot of experience with chat and play by post forum style RPs, so I'm very flexible in this regard. Hit me up with anything!
  • Military or civilian characters? Both, no preference. Though, I'm more likely to play the military type myself. We'll see!
  • Humans, androids, anthros, or aliens? Yes. I love exotic things, I love humans, I can get behind anthros, as long as the character is well-developed and interesting you'll be unlikely to hear a peep out of me.
  • Being on a starship or being on a planet? Starship! Preferably the cool kind, which is redundant I know.
  • Roleplay via forum posts or in real-time? As above, No preference!
On a scale of 1 to 3, what's your preferred level of these in your RP:
  • Language: 2
  • Violence: 2
  • Sexuality: Now that is a loaded question. 3
What's something cool you'd love to RP?

Hhrrrrm, for now? I think I should preoccupy myself with characters. I've always been a sucker for the young woman pushed into the world, grappling with all of the drama that comes with coming into true adulthood and the responsibilities put upon them. Something along the line of a Yamati officer candidate (hey something I know!) or even a Nekovalkyrja (No way I spelled that right) soldier really coming into her own. It should be said I have a fascination with strong, dependable types that still have that warm youthful sparks. Also, maybe get into ship operations in the future, because space ships are cool.

Really stretching my vocab with the cool bit there huh?

Though, for the moment, I'm contenting myself with reading the guides and getting the feel for things. Horizons are limitless at the moment!
Salutations and Welcome! Ya know, I do like that template that @Wes came up with. Almost makes me want to start up another thread just to use it...almost!
I had a great time talking with you in the shoutbox last night! You made a great impression on me. I think you would probably like playing a Nekovalkyrja, since the experience is that of a young woman who arrives in this world already standing in line for basic combat training, and then is thrust into a scary, unstable universe full of complexities and stuff that wants to kill her. It's the story of changing and growing from a weaponized robot of sorts into a more rounded person.

Also they have the site's best uniforms, although I may be biased since I designed them!
Wes is incredibly biased being the faction's manager and creator. :P

In my totally not at all biased opinion though, Nepleslia is full of GRIT and boasts the widest range of species working in their space. They're the place to go if you enjoy big manly supersoldiers around you and ~diversity~
Hey don't forget me. Air Force veteran here as well! ;) Great to have you here @Natsune!

If you want some experiences like @Wes is describing I'm going to be starting up a very action-oriented Open RP plot called Orochi Squadron. It's meant to be easy to jump into and newbie friendly. If it sounds interesting, check it out.. going to be having a holiday-themed opening episode, too.

I also noticed you had a fun time playing an AI in the past, and a future plot I am working on involving a more political storyline in Jiyuu features one as a very main character.
Welcome Natsune, as you can see, we are not lacking for Factions.
The good thing is, you aren't limited to joining only one. So pull up your keyboard, create a character and dive in.
I help Wes with Yamatai, just as Doshii does, and I run the Hidden Sun Clan, aka Poku Saeruo Degonjo
Aahhh! Everyone here is really very nice, thank you a ton, I'll try to live up (Live down?!) to your expectations of my Cadoot nature Nashoba and Paladinrpg, by which I mean thank you for your service as cheesy as it may well sounds. Now, with my awkwardness out of the way, thank you a ton for poking around! I already have an idea or two and I may just hit you all up with some potential character stuff, just happy to know that people are amiable and accepting.

Here's to an awesome future!

And yes, I'm only like-very excited about making a space catgirl intel operative.

And really I'm not cool at all, I wouldn't set yourselves up for disappointment.