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I have returned!


Insane Story Writer Foxy
Inactive Member
So I've been gone for... what.. two years now? Maybe longer, memory ain't exactly what it used to be (been hit with to many aether rifles!) but yes, I have returned to the site. For those do not know:

I joined this site quite a long time ago, making my first character known as Takeyu for the YSS Eucharis, after I was there for awhile I decided to create the Neshaten, to which I began to dabble between both Yamatai and Neshaten.

About two years ago though I had to go on a hiatus, mostly due to matters I'd rather not to get into but also due to my health. Things have settled, although my health is still an issue (seems like it'll be something I'll have to deal with for a long tiem to come.. bleh.. I want a cyborg body darn it)

But yes, I am back.. ready to cause more mayhem and destruction! And ready to eat any potential newbies that come along
Hey Kyle, welcome back!

As we discussed on Discord, unfortunately the Neshaten faction you worked on building up has fallen into disuse in the RP, and I was wondering if you're thinking about starting a plot for them at some point, but I don't want to rush you on that or anything, we have plenty of playable factions open already right now, and you're free to take some time to settle in again.
It won't be a problem with em thinking up of a plot, heck when I was creating the Gam'trosha I ran through at least twenty other plot idea's before I settled on the one for that so I'll hunt through those and see what I can find!
Welcome back! ^^/

....Though I don't really know - who are the Neshaten again? I've seen the name thrown around occassionaly but never like, actually figured out what it was o .o
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