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Idea: Copy Pasta Gallery


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I have an idea: What about a wiki page with links to all the productive "copy pasta" available on the wiki?

It could include links to:

--Tech Copypasta
--Article Tags

Et cetera.

As a side note, copy-pasta in ship and armor stats (particularly in the systems descriptions) is strongly discouraged. Stats should instead link to common systems. Instead of having 20 pages each with versions of your shield system, you should have 20 pages that link to the shield system article.
I'm still not too fond of the system-linking inside ship articles. Though it is more convenient for veterans players who have most of the stuff memorized, it's also far more cumbersome to newbies who may be required to juggle 20-some windows in order to read an entire starship article. Also, if you have to juggle that many windows at once, some players may be encouraged to simply "skim" a section briefly rather than taking time to read it in depth (so they can close the excess windows).

We should be making things more friendly for beginner players if we want to keep growing our player-base.
Not only does duplicate content get us penalized by Google (hurting our number of new players), it also takes more wiki space, makes pages longer and full of stuff we've already read, and leads inevitably to having inconsistent and outdated versions of tech descriptions spread through the wiki. We should NOT have to explain Anti-FTL fields, CDD, and the huge myriad of systems and common interiors found on starships on every starship's page and to suggest going back to the old method is a terrible idea. If you ship shares a system with other ships, that system needs to be centralized in its own page, period.
If I may make a suggestion?

We use article links, but filly in flavor text so the person knows what it is at a glance. It's what I tended to use for my designs, and it works fairly well.
I was browsing PA tech yesterday, and I can honestly say, we REALLY need to do this. Searching for what weapons systems were available for PAs, I found myself having to look at each individual PA page to see what was available! The one exception was the Mindy Accessories and other Ketsurui PAs, which all linked to shared interchangeable subsystems. Kudos to whoever did that. This is what we need.

Ideally, the most efficient setup would be having specific pages listing all the subsystems/accessories of a certain type, individual pages for each, and links to those pages on tech that has them.

As a relatively new player, I have to say that the archaic system of having everything repeated on each tech page defeats the purpose and ease of use of a wiki.
I have no real problem with the idea, as long as we can get all the technology into easily linkable pages.

For this to work all systems have to be on Wiki pages and their various components should be anchorable links.

Working on getting a power armor weapons list together. Since most weapons are unique to their specific armor, I'm not 100% sure if I should make individual tech pages. I'll keep it just as a list for now... in the repetition of the effort, I believe there's also a bit of redundancy. Anyone willing to put a bit of time into it would be appreciated. I'll see about putting together similar rough drafts for system lists.

*Edit: Just something I noticed... this page uses ADR instead of DR: DD M1. Is this an old DR system?
ADR is the new system (Armor/Mecha Scale Damage Rating - ADR or MDR). As opposed to SDR, which is Starship Scale Damage Rating.
A lot of older pages don't have the change, because they aren't a certain faction's military tech, so they got overlooked. Also, I believe some of the people doing the switching may have simply left the name as DR, and just changed the value.
"DR 4 (Armor Scale)" or "ADR 4" are both acceptable.
Exhack's idea of putting text instead of only linking seems to have become the norm on the wiki, which is good to see as a reader and difficult as a creator of the wiki articles. I had no problem linking to all of the appropriate specs, but when it came to re-describing everything, that was a little less than easy.
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