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Approved Submission [I'ee Families] Standard Patrol Craft


Well-Known Member
Submission Type: Starship
Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=iee:patrolcraft

FM Approved Yet? (Yes!; Me!, Just now!)
Faction requires art? (No)

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? (Yes)
Contains New art? (Yes)
Previously Submitted? (No)

Notes: Considering this vessel will be playing a part in the Heartbreaker's latest mission, I've begun writing up an article for it. Note that this page is for a whole class of starships, rather than one single vessel. Most of the page is still just the template, and I'd like some help figuring out what parts I should work on for it and what parts aren't needed.
In short: Most of the lore is written up, I just need help sorting out all the little details.
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For a starship, this submission’s a little bare.

Let’s talk about the tech on the ship first. I notice that much of it is either unapproved, vague or simply not there. It leaves some questions about canon, honestly.

What’s the ship made out of? It doesn’t need to be a special material, but for having so much SP, it must be pretty tough stuff. What’s the actual DR of the coilgun (SDR2, maybe)? How did it get all the way out into SARP’s area of space at the slow speeds it goes? How are the ramming prongs supposed to penetrate anything without destroying the ship?

Are there computer systems with this ship? Life support? Artificial gravity? Why is there space for alien species? How is it powered?

So on. My advice at this point is to look at the other starships recently approved (Sham’s Star Treader is a good one) and draw from them. They will give you a better idea of the things you really need.

Because this is for a plot, the ship might need a faster approval track. If that's so, let me know.
My main problem is that a lot of the stuff that is at fault are things I have no knowledge of. I don't know what kind of armour it should have, how much SP it would have, what the DR should be. I didn't know that its speeds were slow. Etcetera etcetera.
I'm no good with measurements, and can never remember how long a meter is.
In the case of alien accommodation, that's a special modification only present on Ee'ith vessels: The Ee'ith are the I'ee's ambassadors, and have great interest in alien species.

I'm good at coming up with a detailed backstory, which is what I got in almost immediately for this page. I'm just totally lost on all this other stuff; most of it is gibberish to me and the best I can provide is rough approximations. I want it to be a ship that is vastly outmatched by most alien vessels, that has poor construction materials and weak weaponry, but I don't know how to translate that into more precise information.
For SP, reducing it to 20 is good.

For DR, reduce the weapons to ADR4.

For speeds ... it depends. Do you have any idea from how far away they're coming? Even a rough estimate for how long they've traveled to get to where they are in the setting?
Alright, I'll change those.

And as for their origin, I haven't been able to think of a place just yet. Currently, the Heartbreaker is interacting with them in the UX-HB-2 system, and the general role they will be playing is hinting at the direction Uesu's fleet went. I'm not sure where exactly this is on the star map, though, so I can't figure out any distances. Their presence in UX-HB-2 is currently just the Thoot family (nomadic deep space miners who maintain no permanent presence), and my two Ee'ith ambassadors who were on their way to Yamatai space.
I haven't talked to Wes about updating the star map yet, no. All of the UX-HB systems are roughly off the lower left part of the map, further south from the regular UX series. I have a rough picture of the systems leading further S/SW to where Uesu may or may not be, but I'm making up the individual systems as we go. I do not believe any of the I'ee are native to the UX-HB-2 area, they're just poking around. We might run into more settlements of them later, depending on what Wasp wants to do with them.
I figured it was somewhere near the other UX systems. Thanks, Reynolds. If it's off the map, then the I'ee home systems would be much further off the map. They're meant to be quite isolated, and reclusive on top of that, with only younger families like Ee'ith and Thoot having any interest in striking out into alien territory.
We'll handle this a little differently than usual. (What's usual?)

I approve this submission as it stands right now (with the exception of the ramming prongs; those should get reduced to SDR1). Nice updated art too.

However, I'm adding a caveat. I know you and @Reynolds are working on the location through the plot, among other things, and that the speed of this ship will be more set in stone once that's all worked out.

I'm extending my authority here to allow you to update the starship speed without a second formal review, once the above is determined. Just send me a note on it once it's done so I can make sure everything's all good.
Thank you for your leniency, Doshii. You can thank @Zack for that lovely art!

I'll change the ramming SDR now, and I'll give you that note once I've got the speed fully figured out.