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[I'ee-USO] Private Communication to Uso Tasuki


Well-Known Member
Message broadcast by Ee'thie communication relay, Antipode orbit.
Authored by Thi-Thi family members.
Message follows

Greetings, Uso.

I am not certain you would remember me. You would have known me by the moniker 'Gut-Stripe'. I understand that Sammy of the Ee'ith family is still working alongside you and your people, but it has been some time since we last spoke. Since our victory against the repulsive Mishhuvarthyar within the Outer Graveyard, our Home has been quiet and peaceful for the most part. I have been placed in charge of a patrol which flies from Ee'ee to Oo'oo, passing Kebrenasse in the process. Five ships under my command.

I admit... as much as I enjoy being home... I do miss working alongside aliens such as yourself. Your bizarre behaviour and activities are... entertaining, and fighting alongside you and your kind was exhilarating. If you ever need to visit Ee'ee again, be sure to come and see me, would you? Be sure to relay my thoughts to Sammy and his siblings. I am sure he would enjoy it, and I lack the stomach to tell him myself.

I hope our paths cross again soon, alien.

I did not expect a reply so soon. I am not certain as to what you mean by a 'one plus'. What is this 'wedding' you speak of? I am confused.


I assume that means yes.

You'll need a suit.

Or a dress.

What do you wear that's Combat-Formal?

...I have a cloak- I think that's what you would call it- but I will need to ask my mother to allow me time to visit. I am sure she will allow me to. When do I need to be with you for this 'wedding'?

Invisibility? What? That is impossible, Uso. I have a cloak. That I wear on my bridge when I am commanding. I have a hat too.

Omg I bet the hat is adorable. Bring it too!

I don’t know when the wedding is though, let me hit up my people and see if I can get a date.

Very well. I will contact my mother and seek her permission for temporary leave. Tell me when I need to be with you, Uso.

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