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Approved Submission Iemochi Systems Again


Inactive Member
Submission Type: Corporation
Submission URL:
Destination URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=corp:iis

Faction: Independent (working with Yamatai, Nepleslia, USO)
FM Approved Yet? Several nods in VC and PMs but I think I need official approval
Faction requires art? No idea.

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles?
Edit: now added them into the main article, took a long time.

Contains New art? No
Previously Submitted? Yes

*wipes brow*

Alright, here it is. This company provides intricate, hard-to-produce internals for shipyards and other manufacturers that are hard to make economically on a large scale (due to patents, expertise, facilities, time). This includes Yamatai's Ketsurui products as well as civilian ones. They recently moved into the Nepleslian market by warping their home starport into orbit around Fortuna. RP will come soon regarding them also moving into the USO's market.

I feel like I'm missing a few things but I thought I'd best submit it before I end up making things way too elaborate. @Wes, @Gunhand4171 , @Ametheliana and @Zack have pitched in at one point or another though I need official approval in this thread from a few of them. Thanks for the numerous others that helped me in VC and PMs :3

I took a look at this with Etherial's permission and tried to make it more approvable.

A lot of the bombastic language has been removed, and a lot of the text about how the company bought out other companies is also gone. I've also removed all of the locations except the HQ on Yamatai.

A company like this, that mainly focuses on business to business sales, could easily slip under the radar of every player character that isn't intensely involved in ship or electronics design. I think We'll need @Wes to ok that KFY buys components from them, but other than that I think we're good to go.
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This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
I think we should probably alter this to have started in the current year.

All electronics for KFY ships have always been made by Kessaku Systems so the article should not claim that they make parts used in KFY ships. There is no reason for KFY to outsource ship parts outside the KZ.

Basically the approved canon of 50 ship articles outweighs what this article seems to claim.
You're not listening Ame. I said the shipyards have been empty until the last month. Everything else has been running this entire time, hence my donation of food to USO, my purchasing of uranium in a JP and such prior to last month.

The shipyards came online recently, that's been the only change in that department. They've moved into ships as well as everything else. See the various other subsidiary companies I've created and approved way before the last few months.

This change is going to heavily affect at least three ongoing plotlines.

I don't see why people are concerned it's not like they're going to try and invade any planets, the ships they've produced they've all sold like Geshrinari.
I don't actually know how that'd even be retroed because it basically destroys the whole Section 6 canon if IIS were never there.

Ira would never have received any military aid for the Knights and they'd likely be dead in a field also.

Also planned Freespacer, Yamatai, USO and Vekimen RP gets thrown out, which some of these factions desperately need.

"Alright, here it is. This company provides intricate, hard-to-produce internals for shipyards and other manufacturers that are hard to make economically on a large scale (due to patents, expertise, facilities, time). This includes Yamatai's Ketsurui products as well as civilian ones."

I stated this clearly in my original approval thread, where it was given FM Approval. @Wes

We already have huge companies that can do whatever they want like GS, I see no reason why one of the few companies that actually provides RP on a regular basis (3+ JPs in 3 weeks) should be changed when others do nothing and aren't.

I can't protest this enough. The amount of things IIS have been involved in makes this have rippling consequences to the canons of many plots.

Daran, FrostJaeger and Gunhand4171 would never have the support of the company. This would cause the Vekimen a loss of a portion of their economy and more consequences.

The interactions via donations, contracts and purchases between myself, Zack, Primitive Polygon and Bullroarer will all be decanonised. Bullroarer might not have found funds to join Baba Yaga, many Junkers would be out of a job. USO wouldn't have several million tons of extra food. Rizzo would lose a portion of FSC's RP. HarperMadi would never have recovered the Oracle and she would never have gone to Asteria. Oh and some Akemi's RP would go too, but that doesn't really matter apparently.
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How about if you just remove any KFY references?
Can do.
EDIT: Removed the single KFY I could find in the History subarticle. No others exist in the ~10 articles I have for the company's structure.
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Okay. That is a big relief to me. Thank you.
My pleasure Wes, it's a big relief to me also that none of the above are going to be affected and I can continue the planned RP surrounding this exclusively helpful influence on the setting

Edit: Removed tags for people since the matter appears to be closed
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Iโ€™m not sure what S6 cannon would have to be changed. I thought the idea was that youโ€™d be building up IIS rather than retconing a large amount of stuff I to exsistance. Youโ€™re welcome to setup stuff in the USO but Iโ€™d rather not have anything just appear.

Iโ€™m also not sure why IIs needs shipyards when they were approved as a component manufacturer on Yamatai. IIrC they donโ€™t have any starship designs to produce.
Retracting KFY only solve's Yamatai's problem. Other measures are needed but I'm hesitant to go poking around looking at what could be nerfed. That's what this is in the end. Something started out as a pretty simple company is now going to put other setting elements at risk. I know you see the good that is being done, but everyone is wary and is seeing the bad that can come from it, too.
I have no idea how this can put anything "at risk" given its clearly defined as being vetoable at any point in any faction of course. I'm not going to do anything stupid with the company. I'm not going to muscle anyone out of anywhere like some companies in setting are known to do.

I understand some people may feel less than satisfied with the fast progression of the company from an OOC "I don't want this person having this for x reason" perspective. That's unfounded. Please remove your opinions of me from this discussion and try not to go after this element for the benefit of your own companies or companies that serve you.

Companies like this prop up all the time. People find billions of KS from thin air by salvaging something or other in one JP or two from nowhere and make massive companies, I can point to Akemis for that.

People make companies that exclusively serve an entire faction, immediately boosting them way beyond this company, I can point to at least two examples without naming names.

People seem to equate tech articles alone to the value of a settings element. How on earth does this stack up? We have hundreds of ships that perform exactly the same as the next one along that companies churn out for the sake of it. RP potential is the only metric to go by, which I have far exceeded any of those other companies in.

I have two ships in the works, one in approval, a power armor in the works and more. As for actual ship plans through extensive RP I have procured Vek ship plans, created one with Madi for purposes of developing her character and I'm jointly developing a cruiser with FSC, S6 and USO so that point is invalid anyway.

This was all done months before I even started producing ships, which I only did because I had spare production on my station and suddenly ship plans to use. If you want me to not produce ships literally say that because unlike a lot of people I don't care about making my company powerful or influential - I care about facilitating RP.

I think Wes realises this from his response and some of you are now out for your own ends, to quash RP for the sake of boosting the standing of your own elements, which is not what this site is about.
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People make companies that exclusively serve an entire faction, immediately boosting them way beyond this company, I can point to at least two examples without naming names.
There's also the perspective that someone like Fred or I might have, where our companies (MLI and SPRL) have been on a really slow developmental burn for years. I got over such animus a few old-company-made-by-new-players ago, because it has happened more lately, so can totally understand how others might still care a little.

Just watching this thread, there doesn't seem to be a problem with you from anyone. It's just that people (including FMs where your company is like Zack and maybe Wes, I can't if he's satisfied with the changes) want to make sure the FMs know so that they can exercise their regulatory powers if need be. The questions raised and process of addressing them might find nothing wrong at all.
@Gunhand and I will be pulling any NAM involvement. I don't think Nepleslia needs to associate with this company and that if this is the time and place to pull, we're doing so.
Excellent. I did say I never wanted anything to do with you after what you did to me and how callously you've treated me in the past anyway. You can maintain your record of objecting to every single thing I've ever put in for NTSE too regardless of its usefulness ^^. Obviously I'm going to be removing the several million KS donation to Akemi's I made as well as deleting the RP associated with it as well, if your stance is hardline against having anyone on the same level as your company, which jumped to massive influence with less justification than mine glad to know your personal thoughts about me and the good of Nepleslia are synonymous

Since I've made three JPs on my Nepleslia station unfortunately it's no longer Firm Canon and is Hard Canon. According to the wiki that means:
"Hard canon should never be changed unless absolutely necessary, as this could invalidate people's RP. Such a retcon can only be approved by the Setting Manager."

I can move the station but unfortunately what's happened there is canon. I hope Gunhand finds this satisfactory and I'll add Nepleslia to the Past Projects and come up with a reason as to why they withdrew from the market
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Okay, I have a compromise.

Even though Wes has told me that IIS is fine as it is, I want to do my best to make sure as many people as possible are happy with this company's state - as I've said its only reason for being is to facilitate RP and the last thing I want to do is make uneasy the faction managers I'm trying to serve with this element this is all under my own discretion, nobody is forcing me to do this

For that reason, I am going to be removing the produced fleet and all shipyards from IIS.
Instead, what will happen is that production contracts will be available for FMs and possibly players or GMs, of course, counting if they need to for buildup.

This way FMs can use IIS as much or as little as they want to without any potential dissatisfaction about them having a private navy in their space, which I only did because I simply had empty shipyards on my stations, which is totally illogical.

IIS will not hold its own ships or fleet.

I agree that the company has expanded quickly, possibly too quickly, in a short amount of time.
This is because I've been making so many articles surrounding the company so people can use it for as many things as possible. For example, Wes has made the Psych subsidiary company treat

Nekos with PTSD, which he had been meaning to sort for a while but never did. I asked if he wanted me to do that for him to save time and he agreed.

There's nothing to gain from a power standpoint of doing something like that. I created Insurance in case anyone wanted something to be broken or destroyed in an RP for the sake of it without having to justify the cost of its replacement. It may have got a little out of hand and appeared I was expanding for power or such, this was never my intent.

I'll emphasize nobody is forcing me to do this, I could have decided to remain with the state things currently are but I'm not out for my own gain, I just wish to help anyone who wants it and the site as a whole.

I hope this puts some minds at ease and dispels any thoughts people may have had about me, my actions or my intent.
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Insurance and internals stay the same. Production model sounds like it will be changed up but I don't know how. @Ethereal is probably the one to ask, this is just what I gathered from his post.
Having slept on the changes I mentioned above, I'm going to try and clarify them a little bit in the clearest way possible and add a few more changes

As stated in my previous messages, IIS will not have a standing fleet and I will be removing almost all shipyards from their ownership. IIS will not make ships themselves at all.

Now, I have some new changes.

IIS will have no stations other than the Avalon (Minato-Class station). All station articles will be removed other than this one.

This means that IIS are totally fluid as to whether an FM wants to subscribe to their services are not. If an FM decides they don't have a use for the company, there is no easier way to leave than having never owned anything there to begin with.

All the shipyards mentioned inside the Avalon will be repurposed into making things other than ships, such as electronics or products related to their subsidiaries.

R&D, the procurement and creation of new ship designs will continue. I'll clarify why below. The rest of the company's subsidiaries will be unaffected.

Depending on what an FM needs, the designs held by IIS will be produced on a rented third party station in that FM's space, under the premise that IIS have rented the shipbuilders and shipyards there to make their designs. This means the FM has total control over how IIS behaves and how long they stay depending on the FM's wishes. IIS does at no point own these shipyards.

Only the six large shipyards mentioned on the Minato-class station will be maintained and kept in an "owned" status by IIS, aboard the Avalon since they are too big to be repurposed. This is simply to service smaller requests players or GMs such as @HarperMadi have, so that the FM doesn't need to worry about the correspondence regarding making a station to rent etc etc.

Those shipyards will never run unless requested to. If an FM wants to buy some of IIS' ships, they simply need to ask and fluff a station to be rented by IIS of a size to suit the request. Once the contract is complete and however many ships are have been created for that faction, IIS leave the station until another request is asked of them.

To reiterate, nobody is telling me to make these changes and I could not make them at all if I wished. I want everyone to be happy with the element and for it to be of best use to players, GMs and FMs while keeping the power in their hands. Nobody is whispering in my ear, telling me to make these changes or w/e. I genuinely just want to help the site.

If you have any questions feel free to DM me on Discord. If you would like IIS to make anything for you, help with your R&D of new ship plans or provide RP DM me as well
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