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Approved Submission Iemochi Systems Again


Inactive Member
Submission Type: Corporation
Submission URL:
Destination URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=corp:iis

Faction: Independent (working with Yamatai, Nepleslia, USO)
FM Approved Yet? Several nods in VC and PMs but I think I need official approval
Faction requires art? No idea.

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles?
Edit: now added them into the main article, took a long time.

Contains New art? No
Previously Submitted? Yes

*wipes brow*

Alright, here it is. This company provides intricate, hard-to-produce internals for shipyards and other manufacturers that are hard to make economically on a large scale (due to patents, expertise, facilities, time). This includes Yamatai's Ketsurui products as well as civilian ones. They recently moved into the Nepleslian market by warping their home starport into orbit around Fortuna. RP will come soon regarding them also moving into the USO's market.

I feel like I'm missing a few things but I thought I'd best submit it before I end up making things way too elaborate. @Wes, @Gunhand4171 , @Ametheliana and @Zack have pitched in at one point or another though I need official approval in this thread from a few of them. Thanks for the numerous others that helped me in VC and PMs :3

I took a look at this with Etherial's permission and tried to make it more approvable.

A lot of the bombastic language has been removed, and a lot of the text about how the company bought out other companies is also gone. I've also removed all of the locations except the HQ on Yamatai.

A company like this, that mainly focuses on business to business sales, could easily slip under the radar of every player character that isn't intensely involved in ship or electronics design. I think We'll need @Wes to ok that KFY buys components from them, but other than that I think we're good to go.
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Since the numbers are large they are, such a change has no bearing on anything given those characters are NPCs.
Furthermore, employee count is not a stat that counts for anything, much like the name of a department does not count for anything.
This is not any sort of play and I can revert it easily, I'm just editing a meaningless statistic to make more sense for recent events.

As for "real" changes, much like Akemi's has been aggressively expanding, IIS has gained a few heads as well.
Clubbo and Horizon are bunking on the Avalon as well as their support structure and all others necessary to accommodate such a change.

Secondarily, as more and more RP is being written, various things are changing this figure. For example, I've talked to Bullroarer about hiring MECHA for VIP retrieval, I can imagine the expansion taking place before that RP to facilitate it also adds to this number.

I'm also gearing up with the help of Legix to RP the Avalon's return to Nepleslian space, which he allowed a while ago but we haven't had the time to RP. This is likely to need a new support structure as the Avalon's previous location was likely less connected than its new positioning, requiring more freighters etc.

Various other going ons are happening, with the Eye III line and Mercian production starting, many more hands will be taking part in one way or another to inflate this number. As it stood when the company last was cleared through approval there was no mass ship production taking place in the company to the extent it is now with the Mercian, as it is IIS's first signature craft which is mainstream as opposed to specialised. This would require the employment or involvement of many more people to mobilise. Especially given the shipyards on the Avalon have been busy making civillian products for the longest time and it's unlikely they'd cut one down for the sake of another.

Horizon's own production is currently being done on their behalf by IIS, again requiring the opening of new production lines to accommodate another company, including support and logistical staff around that.

Finally, I have plans in the works to work with Section 6, as well as likely MECHA and others to train a security wing for IIS for areas outside of Yamatai. It's been in planning for a long time, starting when FSC intercepted a fleet of IIS ships. Given I'll be opening this up at some point in the future, the training and employment of these new people have been incorporated into the figure, with my RP with Jack discussing this any time now.

I'm also looking to purchase additional stations to accommodate the new production lines in the works, it's likely many people are being drafted and signed to fulfil this.

Additionally, I talked to Polygon during the construction of the Mercian and we agreed on Junkers and their Freespacer handlers from the Wire Guided being employed by IIS as the main workforce for the Mercians, as they are in the specifications the main means of construction. These have been incorporated.

In time since the original approval, as it stands IIS has expanded from not only Yamatai. I've had dealings with Freespacers, Elysia, various companies in USO, Nepleslia to some extent and more. There are imminent plans involving the Neshashen, MECHA, more Section 6, Baba Yaga, more I can't think of currently.

I can reduce the number easily if you don't like the aesthetic change, this was more a pre-emptive change to accommodate for these large expansions that have been going on atop many planets scattered across the Sector. After all, the original 15 million employees was the amount the Avalon alone as a station was designed for and since then they've done a lot of other things. There are branches on many of these worlds not accounted for, there would have to be given the distance between the Avalon and any given place in the Kikyo sector from it's clients.

It's very large, I just doubled it to make up for the fact they likely have enough extra facilities since original approval from extensive RP to make up for their station size smushed down into a pancake and chopped up across its client worlds. I can always revert if Wes thinks I'm being too hasty or have the numbers wrong, it's not like it's a statistic that particularly matters, given it has no bearing on buildup even.
@HarperMadi or @Wes as in the OOC of the corp page it lists you two, I was just having a stroll through the wiki and noticed that essentially all of Horizon's equipment is listed as products of IIS, now some of these products, the really old first gen horizon stuff was manufactured by Horizon for a period of time however a large majority of the articles listed were never agreed to be made by IIS.

My only guess is that the page hasn't been updated since Horizon left the USO, OSO whatever its called now at which time they essentially moved in with IIS for a short time before moving off to Neshaten space, and during that time all construction of their products would have been handled by IIS.

I'm not getting angry about this or anything was just wondering if one of you would like to update the page and remove the Horizon equipment from it as they now manufacture everything themselves and I didn't want to go in and mess with the page myself for obvious reasons.

PS: apologies to everyone else who might get a notification from this
Since there's no mention of Horizon in IIS's history, and no mention of IIS in Horizon's history, the relationship between the two is unclear.

You have my permission remove Horizon products from IIS's page if there's no reason for them to be there.

Also I noticed a page called Product Agreement that was linked on some GH pages that had some "terms" about using GH products. These terms went against the Star Army Terms of Use, and were not authorized or approved by staff and have thus been removed.
i spoke to you about those terms in another thread a while ago but yeah they weren't my brightest idea and i think i wrote them when there was a lot of wiki misuse happening a while back but i'll make sure to remove any more of them if they exist

as for the history between IIS and GH it was all done through RP, so yeah it wasn't really put on their pages cause i guess eth and I forgot to actually add it but essentially when Horizon was created they had a couple deals with IIS where the larger company was allowed to construct their products and sell them in space where Horizon as a small company back then could not reach.
Okay, just update the history page to say whatever happened if you can so people looking at the page have up-to-date info about what's happening/happened with the company.
I had a thing written up before seeing there were two new posts on this thread but yeah basically IIS helped GH during its infancy - nothing more to add.
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