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Laz Public Network If you thought you loved the NepRib, think again: this chick channels her passion to a new level!!!


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Standing before the Lorath city counsel was a small woman. White hair jaw length messy hair, rounded silvery spectacles and a suit that wasn’t quite as professional as it could be. The thin ropes hanging between her glasses and her skittish manner suggested she was some sort of academic. Her expression said whatever she was speaking for was important.

“M-My name is Ayetseu Karoupshea, one of the head researchers at the Auaeta Institute with a double specialization in neural research and artificial intelligence and… I have a matter of um… T-The upmost importance I’d like to discuss…”

She thumbed several pages through a book - gazing from the vast counsel back to her notes and back again before clearing her throat.

“I’ll just get into it um… In… On Lor in YE-29, a boneless pork barbecue sandwich was introduced that um… It was available only for a limited time during the winter season, called the NepRib?”

She waited, referring back to her notes.

“This year NeppyBurger decided that they would allow regional managers the power to decide whether to sell the NepRib at their locations? And only 55% of NepBurger franchises nationwide on Lor have decided to sell it meaning 45% have chosen to skip it in the Auaeta area? And.. There are uhm… 10 NepBurgers here in Auaeta and none of them sell it.”

She seemed genuinely upset.

“Specifically the one on Shauena lane next to the ShakeItAllAbout and Wanda? Is not selling it and its been replaced with an all day breakfast which I think is a really poor substitute? And… “

Deep breath.

“Consumers have had to resort to the NepRibLocator.Lor which gives disappointing results because the nearest sandwich was seen at the northern starport which is nearly five hundred miles away. And.. To be honest, like, the removal of the NepRib from the menu has affected my family at the University because every NewYear my family would order a 50-piece chicken nuggets and 20 NepRibs? It was like a tradition in our family, that made us double down and really get lots of work done and… Now its like, well.”

The croak in her voice suggested she was going to burst into tears at any second, visibly intimidated by her audience.

“M-My family’s holiday spirit is kind of messed up and broken? None of us are productive or useful and its really… On our salary, we don’t get much as researchers. I basically live on ramen. We’re all bread-line. This is the one thing we have to look forward to every year and n-now its just fucking gone??”

The small pale woman was trembling now.

“In your own time, miss… Your name again?

“K-K…” she sniffled. “Karoupshea.”

“In your own time, miss Karoupshea.”

“What I’m basically trying to say is that I come to you in this matter in that you the members of the counsel hoping you can help because I tried calling the hotline and they don’t take me seriously. I don’t know. To me, newyear without the NepRib is like your winter solace without snow. Thank-you for your time and listening and happy season.”

Awkward clapping was her only reward.

Comments: Highest rated to lowest:

Yet another reason why Lor needs to sink

NepRibatarians are passionate people…


Reminder of how unfortunate some people are this time of year

If she put this much energy into things going on in the world, the universec would be a much nicer place to live. I can think of so many worth while causes that need attention over a frigging NepBurger sandwich.

Not sure if this person know? But every time she stops speakikng? I envision there’s supposed to be a period? But it sounds like a questionmark? If she really loves the Nehrib? So it seems rather disappointing? That she can’t have them on Lor?

Holyshit this person fucking votes

Looks like media likes to mix shit up, don't believe everything people put down unless you done your full homework about your so called " facts "...she probably just doing it for a school project bullshit she’s old enough to be a professor fucking bullshit she’s flat as a board lmao

Everybody has their thing her’s just happens to be the NepRib which is weirder than some and doesn’t come close to others

There are people getting shot with rubber bullets in the face, there are children dying because of a war, etc, etc.. this is why the world laughs and does not respect Lor anymore. Good thing we got big freaking bombs. Yes, this girl is the reason why the Lor will drop bombs on people. Think about it.


She’s Lorath so she blames the Patriarchy



Wow really?!?���� They're good but damn you're eating NepRibs and chicken nuggets for newyears!?! Hahahahahaha that is weak as fuck for real. Learn how to pronounce it as well lol nehrib!!! Internep is gonna kill me!! I can't, I just can't right now hahahahahaha!!!!

First of all it aint no NepRib.and her dumb ass needs to stick to her heritage.nobody could care less whats on the f menu on newyears..they need to go cook a f vagloaf and call it a day f lorath bullshit #Nepnumber1

Okay so she’s upset that a NepBurg doesn’t sell NepRibs and she’s using a holiday she doesn’t have to work on and she’s complaining some poor bastard has to work at a NepBurg and offer her ass a NepRib on newyears so she can have a good holiday and then she uses the winter solace analogy so she can have a good analogy???? I doubt it even snows where you are get a real job you ungreatful stupid piece of shit researcher I bet you’d be homeless without tenure

Why does this idiot keep saying nehrib does she have a lisp

Don’t be a NepAsshole

Did you see those fucking teeth zoom in at her smile at the end hwat the fuck happened

LOL what the fuck my head hurts

Shit really bitcvh can’t have hger nasty ass sandwich boo hoo she should channe lher passion into something useful you’re an AI researcher why don’t you make an AI to do all of your dirty shit for you you stupid albino Lorath bitch​