Star Army

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Ignorance is Not Bliss

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Banned Member
To those of you who are telling others to ignore certain members of the community:

Please stop.

I am not saying this for personal reasons or to incite drama. I’m saying it because - as @Kyle can confirm - it is creating the false impression that Star Army is not friendly to newbies, which simply isn’t true.

The community of Star Army is supposed to be a family, not a group of individuals who happen to roleplay on the same site - and telling Person A to ignore Person B because of your dislike for Person B is quite literally what’s tearing this family apart.

So please, just stop.

Family members don’t ignore other family members.
(Apologies if this got a bit rambly at the end - I wrote it at 1:57 in the morning. >.<)
I don't agree that anything is tearing us apart. I do believe that we need to continue to respect one another's differing opinions on what we want our setting to look like in the future.

As for answering questions of the past, there is an extensive wiki and a search feature on the forums, so we should be able to find out how something both was and should be now through those means. When we can't, we should go ask Wes. When we rely on each other to make up answers, we can run into issues.

It is my advice that if you don't have an objectively correct answer, don't make something up. Search out the right answer or ask Wes. If someone besides Wes has done something you don't agree with, it's okay to question it and wonder if it's right. It's even okay to stop listening to that person if they exceed your threshold of answering questions with falsehoods. Ignoring people is a part of life. Telling other people to ignore those people, too, is crossing a line that you don't need to cross.

We're all just trying our best. When someone's best isn't up to your standards, it's not okay to belittle them or put them down to other people. Ignoring them is sometimes healthy. But, again, telling other people how to treat them is not healthy for anyone.

Ame metaphor: Perfumes and colognes react to everyone differently. Just because one smells bad on you does not mean it will smell bad on someone else, so be sure to avoid telling other people to stay away from perfumes or colognes that react to you poorly when they could be perfect for them!

Just my thoughts. Nobody is right, including me.
Confirmed here, Ame is a bad smelling perfume. She's an acquired taste, 100%.

I'm in the boat that ignoring them can be healthy, but not entirely. There's been a long-standing problem that people want to shut ALL communication down with someone and it's not healthy in the slightest. Even if I dislike/disagree with someone, I still end up talking with them at points so that there's at least some channel there.

But the idea that people should be silenced or that people are telling other members to not listen to X is definitely bad. People should have the right to interact and not be told who to talk to and who not to. There was a time where I was told someone wasn't such a great person, but then I spoke with them and actively enjoy working with them quite often (it's not Frost, since I don't have to talk to him to get him to do my wiki stuff, hyuck hyuck). This has been a very unhealthy habit that was around when I joined and still persists to this day. Even I was guilty of it in two instances and it still happens today.
Hm, post deleted again.

The next question would be why report problems? We've had previous problems where staff would just delete reports without responding to them, or being non-responsive to problems like members being threatened with being Dox'd.

We have a full thread here about some of the players most responsible for inciting drama talking about how great it would be if we stopped trying to ignore them. The reason they are being ignored is because the staff doesn't do anything about the problems we bring up, so the solution is to setup our own area of the site and then just exclude troublemakers by pushing them off to their own factions. This works fine in most cases, but it breaks down when some players don't get the hint and keep trying to insert themselves where they've been repeatedly told they aren't wanted.

Does this make players happier? Promote less drama? help grow the community? I think all you need to do is look at which plots people are playing in and how active they are to make that call.
So kaiyo then, and yeah I'm fairly sure its caused little to no drama and all the players are happy
Kaiyo is kinda ridiculous. Not just because of the amount of activity, but also because of the amount of activity all in one single plot. It is single-handily the majority of activity in Yamatai.
When you claimed this was a full thread of players that liked to incite drama, i do hope you looked at some of those players were

You and frost have a personal dispute, other than that he occasionally pops in where he may not have been needed and makes a couple comments but nothing malicious or war starting

Ame is Ame, I haven't ever heard of her starting drama in the past and she's incredibly helpful within the community from my own personal experience from characters to tech submissions

Legix is down to earth and recently got himself a babber, a lot of his time is taken up by that now and whenever i see him post or chat with him on discord its always helpful and relevant, or an awesome joke

Doshi I haven't had the opportunity to really talk to much so i cant say, but I don't see them post too often and it's usually never anything to start drama

Alex/Mecha like legix is reasonably down to earth and often helps to end disputes rather than start them, he's given input into several of my ntse submissions which as helped greatly

Ethereal, is almost always busy with his own coursework and exams, i see him post in rp threads here and there but generally stays away from the big heated debates unless its to add one little extra thing

Charlaymarg has recently become involved in potentially joining my horizon plot and I've never seen them say something disrespectful to another player, they were helpful during the design stage of the plot and will continue to be i imagine

Zack i know your a pretty straightforward guy from talking to you in the past, you may not go out and make drama for dramas sake but looking at some of your recent submission posts you can have a tendency to disagree with staff through your personal reasons. I'm not advocating they are always right but generally listening as much as talking helps issues get solved faster than everyone talking which seems to happen here a lot

And building on from that i think this thread is a little pointless, from talking to many people on this site i am willing to say i don't believe anyone here goes out and makes drama for the sake of it, rather it arises from communication errors or disagreements which is actually kinda normal. I agree that telling others to ignore another player simply because you have a personal vendetta with them is wrong, i myself was recommended by several people to ignore several other people when i first joined and ironically i ignored that advice.

So lets not go and start arguments in a thread like this, where the goal is to try and talk about stopping alienating people. People's have grudges, or past history i get that, but it happens all the time in situations with a lot more at stake irl than in sarp and they manage to put it behind them and be professional so why don't we do the same?

We're all adults or in my case very soon to be, im sure we all know how to use words properly, so its just a case of not bringing old issues into new discussions. You don't need to like everyone but its simply childish when you want to force that on others.
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