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FM Approved Yet? No @Wes
Faction requires art? ???
For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? No
Contains New art? Yes
Previously Submitted? No
So this uses spacial compression technology already approved in setting with actual science and calculations behind how much material it can decompress.
"Continuum Distortion Drive: 18,750c (~2.14 ly/h)" (This is fast for very advanced technology in the speed standards and is made possible by a CFS, only utilized by SAoY at this time. Please find a new propulsion method such as a CDD or create a propulsion system article that mimics the CFS, but do not use this specific SAoY tech. Once done, find a speed that is more appropriate.)
Propulsion needs expanding, please.
Why are these sections missing? Some are pertinent to this specific ship but they're not there, despite being on the starship template, as well:
Armored Hull and Hull Integrated Systems
Emergency Systems
Life Support Systems
Shield Systems
Vehicle Complement
Thanks for giving this a look over Ame, I've just done a few hotfixes but I'll finish up tomorrow on the changes you pointed out.
I've changed the various speed restrictions to the "Advanced" catagory to make things easier, I hope this is correct.
Emergency Systems
Life Support Systems
Shield Systems
Vehicle Complement
are missing as they are not applicable, the ship has no life support as there are no living occupants and there is no standing vehicle complement. Emergency systems are detailed elsewhere but I can move them into a seperate section
I'll expand propulsion and add a hull section.
Also now I think about it this ship is pretty underpowered lol, if only there were any premade guns I could put on it.. Originally it was going to be unshielded too but I might change that but once again it's very hard to find premade shield systems.