Star Army

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RP [IIS] Spreading the Net

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Banned Member
Inactive Member
IIS Wanderer
Prior to the events of the ISS Brimstone

Iemochi Yakena pouted as he swung her booted feet up onto the console she was frowing at, spinning her seat a little. The crew of the itinerant woman's ship seemed not to notice - they were paid our of her pocket to travel the universe - not a bad deal.

The cat-eared girl's candyfloss-toned hair tousled with the movement of leaning forwards for a better look. A message from her nerdy as fuck brother.. It must be an occasion, since generally she was left to do whatever the hell she wanted.

"Yakena, I know you don't normally care for family business but we need you to finalise the expansion of the IIS NET. Simple enough, we've done the heavy lifing. We just need you to do a sweep through the broadcasting stations we've bought out and plug in the encryption. Or, get one of your 'friends' to do it. Thanks sis."

The message blinked out from the monitor, blowing a lock of neon pink hair from her eyesight lazily. 'What a drag..' The playgirl hated work, why should she have to when her old man could lose a hundred thousand every timed he breathed and still live as he was.

Rolling her head back so she gazed across at the other crew upside-down, Yakena's signature Iemochi emerald eyes blinking as she drew the effort to command. "Alright my beautiful boys and girls, grab Nagamura's coordinates and let's make the rounds so we can get back to whatever the hell I want."

This was her castle and while normally she was much less self-fallating, the others tended to get a bit uppety when their eternal holiday was interrupted, despite the fact they never paid a penny. Best put them in their place.


In no time they were on their way out of USO space, Yakena's current favorite place to base her excursions out from. Of course, they were always on the move so 'base' would be a generous term.

First stop, an ex-communications array that had been built just outside USO's claimed territory by a startup company that had managed to bankrupt itself from ambitious and failed colonisation nearby. Obviously, by liquidating their assets for anyone to buy, IIS had sent a representative to buy up whatever they could use. This time, it was a bunch of colonisation gear on the cheap and a wide-band comms array they had set up prior to bankrupcy.

Yakena's Ookami cruiser sidled closer and closer to the singular docking tube protruding from the side of the structure, the clamps finally locking with a 'clunk'. "One of you sons of bitches take this." She tossed the prepared data-block over her shoulder like it was nothing, an "oof" sprouting from somewhere over her shoulder as someone just about caught it.

"Good job, you just volunteered to plug it in! Have fun!"


With the array now live for the first time since its previous owners had turned it off to save cash, blinking in solitude as resilience as they had left it, the Ookami's next destination was soon to be made upon.
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