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Good to meet you Lawrence. What faction are you interested in?
Wes isn't online right now, he should be able to respond within a day or two (this is a busy time of year, I imagine.) I think the Orochi Squadron entry on the Characters Wanted page might be out of date, it doesn't seem to be running right now and PaladinRPG hasn't been around since August.

Soyokaze also seems to be looking for fighter pilots, though it's not running right now, either. Once a new GM takes over you might be able to join, otherwise it might take some time for a new plot or position to open up the role. You might also be able to find someone to run an RP for you, directly. Is there anything else you'd like to do in the meantime?
I can always run an RP that's one on one. I'd like to do a Yamataian one if that's what you want, Lawrence.
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