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Approved Submission [Imperium of Nepleslia] Specter Escort Carrier


The Gunman
Submission Type: Escort Carrier
Submission URL: Link

Faction: Nepleslia
FM Approved Yet? (No) @Lamb and @Koenig808
Faction requires art? (Not sure) Have art anyway

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? (No)
Contains New art? (Yes)
Previously Submitted? (No)

Notes: Please don't kill me. It is my first time doing this so be gentle. Please?
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
I've seen this, and I know you've been showing it to Kampfer and I for a while but I haven't really sat down and gone over the whole thing. Give me some time, and now that it's actually up for submission I'll sit down and actually review it. Between me and Kampfer, we'll talk about it and one of us will come on here and approve it or provide feedback or something. I'm sure it'll be fine, though, so if the tech reviewer wants to come and go ahead reviewing it I don't see any reason to hold it up at the moment. Their feedback might be different from ours.

Anyhow, I'll get back to this in time and we'll move on from there.
Foxtrot is going to do some art for this, and he's done art for everything else we've put through this year so we're going to keep using his art for uniformity's sake. And so, this is approved pending Foxtrot's art.
The missile launchers borrowed from the fighter need an updated DR. Likewise -- and I'm not sure this is right -- you need an SP count for the vessel itself. I see there was one for the modular armor system, but that didn't tell me what the ship's value was.

Otherwise, it's one hell of a craft!
SDR, ADR, whatever applies. I just saw that it was "DR 8-9 depending on ordnance," which means it hasn't been flipped to the current DR.
The fluff text, as well as the page you link back to, also need to be changed. You're pre-approved to make those changes, and I think those missiles are more angled to SDR3 than 4.
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