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Approved Submission Implant, Mk VII. C "Spinal Centipede"


Well-Known Member
Submission Type: Symbiotic Implant
Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=royal_defense_initiative:spinal_centipede

FM Approval: Yes
Faction Art Requirement: No

For Reviewers:
Unapproved Sub-Articles: Yes
New Art: No
Previously Submitted: No


The only unapproved sub-articles present would be for the faction itself and its military force - for now, I'd like those left alone until I feel they're up to par. This symbiote basically acts as the 'key' to a large potion of their technology. Without it, things such as their armor, vehicles and ships are either inoperable or inaccessible, since it serves as the basis of a hard-connection/interface, as well as a source of energy needed to 'jumpstart' things. This is meant to make accessing their technology much more difficult, but not impossible.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Cadet Why do I imagine the harness from that alien invasion show "falling skies?" either way I like it
Yet another show I need to watch. Having simply googled it, it's like that, but more compact and 'sanitized' - the boundaries between hardware and living creature are completely blurred in that when installed, it looks like equipment. When it's off, then it starts snapping at people.
cool beans... and yes watch the show... it's a bit slow like most modern shows but i like it!

as for your deal I love the idea.
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