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Implemented Implement A Personnel Database System for the SMODION


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This suggestion is to see, based on the upvotes, if I should create a database system for the Nepleslian military personnel similar to the one currently in use by the Star Army of Yamatai Personnel Command and the NDC. What this entails is:
  • Create a struct schema for Nepleslian personnel with fields like rank, career status, assignment, etc.
  • Assign the schema to character pages
  • Optionally create support schemas to use for dropdown menus (for example, there's a stararmy_occupations schema and stararmy_ranks one)
  • Assist Nepleslia's FMs and GMs with the implementation of struct tables to do things like automated personnel lists and automated plot rosters.
Notes: Some fields my already be covered by general characters schema for general use by all factions (such as occupation).

Do you guys want this and what fields do you request?

@Charmaylarg Dufrain
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Not gonna lie. I know you've posted guides and explained it all a few times but all this struct stuff is really flying over my head.

It sounds helpful though. But before i give it a ye/ne I'm curious; Im planning on re-working the occupations which are currently a mess and still only half-finished after Ligma and what not, and fixing them with krimson in the future into a more uniform and consistent format. Will this struct data affect that or be affected by that?

Also is this entirely reliant on you to implement such things or is it something that can be done by anyone (like i said its all kind of beyond me right now, i haven't even tried to mess around with it and have done my stuff on the wiki ignorant of it)? Because I'm planning on re-working some of neps ranks for the NSN/NSMC and stuff in the future too so if i need to pester you to add every small thing after the fact it might get grating.
Wes and I have volunteered ourselves to provide as much help to FMs/creators to get things into the system as we can. So we will always take the lead of course on implementation - will let him answer the rest.
Will this struct data affect that or be affected by that?
No, and we can actually set it up in a way so that, for example, occupations automatically add themselves to the personnel dropdown when they're added.
Also is this entirely reliant on you to implement such things
I have to set up the schema (the fields for the database) but once it's set up you guys control the data going into them. Updates (like if you want to add something) are easy for me. The hard part is taking all these old pages and putting them on the new system.

What's wrong with Nepleslian ranks? I did a lot of work overhauling them in 2015.
Nothing wrong with them.

I meant that I'm updating the pay scales right now and will be adding a rank in the future for an occupation.
Plus krimson and i will be overhauling the NSN a bit to make it more playable since plotships don't really have much flexibility or reasoning to have NSN personnel do stuff with the marines so we will be tweaking things a bit to make the NSN more playable for future players.

But what you outlined sounds fine to me. I have this Thursday off if you need my help in any way in regards to it and will help where i can if you need a specific day for it. Otherwise feel free to act as you see fit and i wont get in the way~
Maybe you can give me a list of fields you'd like. Some suggestions I have are:
  • Branch (NSMC, NSN, Common Corps)
  • Orders Thread URL
  • MOS Qualifications (multiple occupations can be selected)
  • Current Assignment
  • Year of last promotion
  • Career Status (Active, retired, etc)
Even though i got an @ it never notified me...

Its late now and im very busy tomorrow so ill raincheck for tonight and have a list for ye on sunday, probably, wesman~
I've started on this.

I need someone to immediately go through all Nepleslian rank pages and add struct data. The nep_personnel schema talks to the nep_ranks schema to get its list of ranks so any rank without struct is not going to show as an option on the character page dropdown.

The same applies to Nepleslian occupations but I already took care of those.
Thanks, @Wes thanks that reminded me.
The list you proposed is pretty solid, sans the orders thread as nep doesn't really have one and its not something ill likely impliment in the near future.

Branches (NSMC, NSN, Central corps, IPG, Wardens, NPF).
Multi-qual MOS.
Current assignment.
Year of last promotion.
And Career status are pretty good.

And even though i have recently done some formatting on our medals page ill likely separate medals into their own pages for stuff like this and will prob hit you up if/when we can implement that when i do~