Star Army

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RP In for Repairs


Inactive Member
RP Date
YE 40 Two months after landfall
RP Location
Obsidian City/ Anvil Armory
The seconds just ticked past. Finalising the report on a certain rifle that really just needed some thorough cleaning, the Jane clone let out a soft breath. Singing off the paper and attaching it to the rifle with a small cord, before picking it up and sauntering over to one of the gun racks, placing it down there. She glanced at what still remained, the workload, before something caught her purple, galaxy-specked eyes. Pushing the glasses up slightly, she picked the odd shaped helmet out, inspecting it briefly, before fishing out her phone.

Dialing the contact details, she moved over to her workbench, pushing the device to her ear as the age old ring resounded. Turning around and half leaning - half sitting against the workbench. She waited for whoever this odd helmet belonged to, to answer.

Aztec exhaled, clearing his lungs, then holding his breath, his eye focused on the distant target through the scope, as he squeezed the trigger, sending the round downrange. Glanced at the target display. “Finally” he utters. He’d had a time of it trying to re- zero this particular rifle, wherever it’d been, it’d taken one nasty shock, which had required a replacement and re-zeroing of its scope, something Aztec has been working on for the past hour. Cycling the bolt, his pad chimed. Seeing a number he didn’t recognize, he left the bolt open, answering on the third ring. “Hello?”

"Heya - this is Lynn, armory & recquisition, I'm speaking with a certain-... Aztec?" The feminine voice from the other side asked. Lynn glanced at the damaged helmet as she spoke, letting out a soft hum under her breath. "Yeah, sorry for bothering, I'm holding your helmet right here and, well. I'd much rather have you down here so you can walk me through it. It's a custom model, so better safe than sorry~" She concluded, laying the helmet down on her workbench. "Is that alright with you?"

”Yeah that’s me. Sure, I’m nearby anyway, been rebuilding rifles for most of today. Give me a couple minutes to get this one squared away and I’ll meet you there, Lynn.” Aztec replied, before hanging up. Taking another shot or two, he verified the scope was now holding zero, before clearing and cleaning the rifle, stacking it alongside a few others in the armory’s weapon racks. Making his way to the other side of the armory, Aztec saw his helmet on the workbench behind what could have only been one of the Jane clones of Fenrir Division, though judging by her voice and her looks, as well as the color of her eyes as she looked up at the sound of his hooves on the deck, she wasn’t like most of them. “Suppose you’d be Lynn, right? Aztec, nice meeting you in person” he said, offering the surprised looking clone his hand.

"Alrighty, I'll see you then," Lynn retorted happily, before Aztec hung up. Tossing her phone on the desk, Lynn put the helmet aside, flicking out a small pistol from the pile. Starting to take it apart with a soft humming.

Though, when the soft clunking of hooves upon metal flooring approached, Lynn glanced up with an eyebrow. Before both brilliant eyes widened in surprise. "Oh-... Ehrm." She needed a moment to recover. Her eyes passing over the large form before her. Clearing her throat, she scratched the back of her neck. "Apologies, you're far more-... Equine than I imagined." Clearing from her workbench, the Jane clone approached and offer a soft shake of Aztec's hand. "Well, guess I've seen it all. Though I need to admit, that's mighty cool," she added with a smirk. "Yeah, Lynn," she added with an awkward chuckle.

“Yeah, I tend to get that a lot, lately. Hell of an icebreaker isn’t it?” Aztec chuckled. “Took a bit to get used to, but yeah, there are a lot of things I’ve come to like about being this way” He indicated his helmet “That’s one of the downsides though, some of my equipment is rather specialized. And don’t get me started on finding boots...” he sighed, shaking his large head. “’s just easier to walk around like this, frankly.” He finished, raising a hoof from the floor.

"One of grand magnitude, most certainly," Lynn answered with smirk. Pressing the helmet down, hands resting ontop of it. A soft laughter cracked from Lynn as Aztec prattled on about the cons of his rather unusual body. Though a silence descended after he was done, causing Lynn to softly drum her hands on the table. "Right," she concluded. "Fixing up your helmet. I'd love to chat more, but I'm pretty sure I'll have my superior bearing down on my ass if I do turn this into a social call." She offered with a gentle smile. "Though we can talk when I get off? I'm pretty sure there's a lot to tell about-... Well, you," she added.

”Isn’t that always the way of things? Sure, I’d think you’ve got a bit to tell as well.” Aztec replied, with a wink. “Anyway, yes, what were you concerned about with it?

"Fair enough," Lynn chimed with a chuckle, before shaking her head. Leaning back to lift the helmet up for Aztec ease. "It took several solid hits - I was under the impression you're supposed to duck away from gunfire," she added with a chuckle. "But - yeah, just in general. It needs hotfixes and some rewiring, but I'm hard pressed to do rewiring if I don't have your measurements," she bit her lip and exhaled a soft sigh. "Which I, before you ask, don't have. No access to medical files."

Aztec shrugged. “Well, that’s the idea, yes. Not everything around here uses bullets though. Or cares that you do. Got in a bit of a scrap with one of the local alpha predators and well, let’s just say I’m glad for our armor. Though, as you can see, it being used as a chew toy doesn’t do it any favors!” He finished, grinning sheepishly. “Measurements, huh? Which do you need?”

"Fair enough, I haven't really left the base much at all, gotta fix guns for people that don't really take care of 'em." She muttered, scratching at one of the shaved sides of her head. "Ehrm... Head, cranium and neck," she added.

“Trust me, right now you don’t really want to...” Aztec replied, indicating his damaged helmet. “...that’s a rather common occurrence, unpleasant too. That particular one is the reason I’m on light duty, even with my armor I came out of that with a concussion and a pulled neck muscle. Like I said, unpleasant” he said, taking a seat...and twisting sharply, emitting a suprised whinny. “Ow! Damn tail...” Aztec readjusted himself so he wasn’t sitting on the offending appendage, the hairs making a swishing sound as it twitched few times behind him. “Sorry, still getting used to this body” he offered sheepishly. “So, measurements then?”

"You'd be surprised how much I'd love to get into the field and blow some shit kingdom come," Lynn answered with a soft breath, offering up a soft grin. Flicking out a tape measure from her desk as Aztec took a seat. Though arching an eyebrow as he let out a whinny. "Hey - relax, take your time," she chimed happily. Pushing the round framed glasses slightly up, before sauntering over. "Don't push yourself - yeah. Measurements," she retorted moving over gingerly, placing a gentle hand on the horse-man's shoulder. Beginning to meticulously, as well as with surprising gentleness, measure around his head and neck. Her deodorant a soft hint of cherries and lavender when she was in such close proximity.

“Then pack more grenades, or even a launcher. Some of the local wildlife has this downright rude ability to eat a few bullets, then just demand more. Why haven’t you gotten outside the wire yet? Even with the repair demands, id’ve thought you’d at least pull sentry duty sometime, if not overwatch on the construction crews.” Aztec replied, holding his head steady as Lynn set about measuring his head and, with his sense of smell being what it was now, he easily picked up Lynn’s deodorant. It was rather pleasant, but he didn’t think there was any way of saying that without it just sounding weird....

"Nope - sadly, nothing," Lynn answered with a soft breath as she measured. Mayhaps just a little bit too close for comfort, but she had to, after all. It seemed the Jane clone wasn't exceptionally comfortable either, telltale by the soft tinge of pink that appeared as she busied herself with getting the correct sizes. Making literal mental notes with her Geist. Before pushing herself up again. "I'd offer you a lollipop or any sweet that'd be a proper substitute if I had one," Lynn jested with a chuckle as she moved to her workbench again. Picking up the helmet and flicking it around. "I've read the damage reports - didn't think it'd look like this, though." She stated, glancing up to Aztec. "You know, the squads that return, the shit I need to fix and what it's like." She began, whilst screwing loose several of the armoured plating. Humming to herself as one was too damaged to be properly extracted, she grabbed a drill and started to destroy the screw that had broken off. "So - when did you join the military?"

Aztec felt her heat, and a slight change in her scent told him she was...what? Uncomfortable? Wait, he could tell moods by scent now? How? He’d have to revisit that later, as Lynn finished the measurements she needed. “Like the dentist?” He jested at her joke. “You know what they say about looking a horse in the mouth, though!” He finished with a chuckle before sobering. “Yeah, no shortage of repair work is there? Weapons are mostly the same story, though more rebarreling and rezeroing is the order of the day. The predators tend to think we taste better than our guns do. Can’t claim they’re wrong in thinking that way, though. I assume you mean overall, not just joining up with section 6, right? Hmm, about a little more than fifteen years ago, I’d left the police force not long before...”

"Yeah," Lynn answered with a huff, before tossing aside the powertool. "It's a dang shitstorm we have to swallow down here. I'd love to get in the field and see just how people fuck up guns that bad." She ranted whilst gathering a set of large pincers, placing it on the helmet, before ripping the plating loose completely and tossing it to the side. Efficient and swift movements. Seemed pretty routine, even though the helmet in and of itself wasn't standard issue. She busied herself with a soft sigh. Before nodding at Aztec. "Fifteen years ago, damn - I haven't been awake for that long yet."

“So you are a clone then. I don’t mean that in a rude way, but you’re a lot different than almost all the others, Lynn.”

"Huh - oh, yeah," Lynn answered with a thoughtful hum. "Project Fenrir, sure you've heard of it," the Jane clone answered with a gentle breath. Rewiring and measuring for a moment as to not compromise the sizes noted in her Geist. "Woke up a bit ago, but yeah. Clone programming is a grade-a bitch of a headacje~" she added. Before frowning. "Wait - you said you aren't accostumed to that body yet. Like - what's the deal there?"

“What? Oh!” Aztec laughed. “Yeah, that’s true. Only been in this body about a month and a half. The day I had signed up with section 6, I had an accident that trashed my old body. Spent two months in cryo to acclimatize to this body, but it was one hell of a suprise, thawing out in this! Didn’t have time to think about it much, as I came out right during Hade’s boarding of the Anvil, mainly spent that defending the Medbay. Learned later we lost quite a few good soldiers then, not to mention some of the civilians with us...” he finished, frowning for a moment before giving Lynn a grin and a wink. “If you ever get the chance to get a pair of hooves, don’t! They are a pain to learn to balance on!”

"Huh, wow," she answered, blowing a stray strain of hair out of her face before scritching her forehead with a screwdriver. "I'm... Erh- my condolences for your old body," she concluded, using a pincer to rip out some charred and snapped wiring, before taking several spools and going back to work. "Yeah, I can't imagine it being easy - y'know, added weight, the hooves, fur - other unmentionable stuff."

“Hey, I didn’t go out with it, so no complaints here! Also, it’s not all bad. Sharper hearing, much better sense of smell, i’m stronger than I was before, and yes, other things” Aztec replied. “Still get occasionally tripped up by things, like my aforementioned tail. Least the hands are essentially the same, imagine trying to splice in a bypass on a bomb with only three fingers? Or almost no dexterity? I’d have to get a new hobby!” He joked, leaning back into the seat.

"Fair enough - still being here, matters a damn lot more," Lynn added with a gentle smile. "And well, got some advantages with the package deal, that's always a good thing." She agreed with Aztec as she continued to fix up the helmet. Though when he mentioned three fingers, Lynn lifted her misfingered hand and twiddle the stumps. "What's that about bombs and three fingers? Easy." She cooed with a grin.

“That’s one way of putting it, yeah” Aztec started, then saw Lynn’s disfigured hand. “Oh. Well, don’t I feel like an ass. My apologies, I meant that as a joke, but it seems that was in rather poor taste. Out of curiosity, why haven’t you gotten the fingers replaced?”

"Nah - don't worry about it," Lynn answered with a soft chuckle as she proceeded to work, stripping down some wires, flicking out a small welding machine before torching it over. "I'm used to it - it reminds me to take care when handling vicarious and explosive substances." The Jane clone added with a shrug. "If I'd lost my hand, yeah, sure. But losing two fingers? Not really that big a deal, you know?"

“Well, that’s certainly a positive way of looking at it!” Aztec replied. “I guess I can see that, either way, if it doesn’t bother you, then who else’s opinion matters? So, took an interest in explosives, huh? Glad to know there’s at least one other closet pyromaniac around!”

"Yeah - that and I'd have to chop my hand off for a proper replacement. Fuck that noise," Lynn chimed with a faint chuckle, before letting out a thoughtful hum. "Closet pyro? Not at all. My love for... Fireworks is widely known," she added with a grin.

“Heh. Been there before” Aztec replied, holding up his right arm. “Got it taken off just above the elbow with my last body. Been long enough it feels strange it being organic again. So, well known, huh? Haven’t been in S6 long enough to have heard that before. You mix your own powder too? Quite a few solid manufacturers around, but part of the real fun is wildcatting a mix yourself.”

"Only in the field, if I run out of the standard issue stuff," she added with a soft shrug. "It is fun, yeah. But it also takes a tidbit of concentration, because, y'know," Lynn wriggled her disfigured fingers again. "Might lose some bits if you don't focus."

“More than a couple, I’d wager. Still, keep the mix small and the worse that might happen is you lose an eyebrow and set off a smoke detector or two!” Aztec replied, grinning. “In the field though, yeah I tend to try to stick with the issued stuff, or failing that, commonly found house or shipheld liquids and the like. Might sound strange coming from a sniper, but even a non lethal popping a baking soda pressure container rupturing makes can serve as an early warning device. Might even deafen the other guy too. Never can have too many advantages downrange, after all”

"Oh, I'm lucky I made a mistake in my calculations and only lost a little bit of fingers," she answered with a chuckle. "What I wanted to make would've easily taken my arm, shoulder and half my chest off, so ehrm... Got extremely lucky by being an idiot." She stated, before nodding. "Yeah - couldn't agree more."

“Yikes. Yeah, now you know why you keep an unknown mix small, otherwise you may end up with some unwanted bodily modifications!” Aztec chuckled. “You know Lynn, for one of the Fenrir Division clones, you’re a lot more eloquent than most I’ve worked with. Major Talos and Sergeant Spark being the only other ones that can carry on a conversation without sounding rather...hollow. No offense.”

"Huh, well-... None taken," Lynn answered with a shrug. Before huffing out a breath. "Some of us just haven't really broken through their original programming and indoctrination, y'know. It's not that they're desinterested," she bit her lip. "Well, rather, they can't help acting that way."

“So, they’ve no choice, then?” Aztec questioned, his head turning to a side as he thought about what Lynn was implying. “That just doesn’t sound right to me, to be honest. I hope more of them have success in breaking thier programming. I don’t think I can be of much help in that area, though we can’t all do everything, can we?”

"Nah - not really. I was-... Pretty aggressive when they broke me out," she added with a shrug. "It isn't, but well, that's who we are," the Fenrir clone offered a gentle smile. "Can't change the past - can change the future”

“True story” Aztec agreed, nodding. “Seems like you mellowed out a bit since then, or at least channeled it into something else, so good on you”

Lynn exhaled a soft breath, before giving Aztec the same gentle smile. "It was mostly due to confusion. I had no clue who those people were - who I was nor what was going on."

“Yeah, I can see how that could lead to a problem. Nothing like stumbling out into some unknown place with no idea what’s happened to bring out the best in someone, right?” Aztec joked. “Still, seems like that got sorted quickly at least.”

"Yeah," Lynn answered, before offering a faint smirk. "Several of the scientists are still scared of me - I don't blame them. I remember exactly how it went down," she shrugged. "I've offered to take them to dinner as a way of apologising, but they still look at me kinda weird, y'know."

Aztec laughed. “I can imagine! Trying to beat the hell out of someone can make them a little wary, as unintentioned as it was. I guess look at it this way, at least they could skip the reflex part of the medical test, right?” The golden horseman joked, rather amused by the whole incident so far.

"Well - not as much trying as much as succeeding," she answered with a faint chuckle. "I gotta admit, I still feel somewhat bad about it, y'know." Lynn added with a shrug. "Those poor sods were only trying to help me out."

“True. Though it sounds like you’ll just have to wait until they’re ready, I’m sure one of them will come around eventually. Anyway, you’ve got what you need from me, right? Don’t want to sound rude, but I’m betting the quartermaster will have both our asses in a sling if we keep talking instead of getting this equipment fixed!” Aztec joked.

"I hope so," Lynn answered with a faint grin. "Yeah-... Uhm, yeah. Got all I need. Sorry, kind of a chatterbox, I usually don't really talk much with the people that need their stuff fixed," she added with a faint chuckle. "So this is a nice change of pace."

“That makes two of us Lynn. Always have been one myself. Also, I’d bet most everyone that needed their helmet repaired has a head like mine!” Aztec grinned. “Hopefully, we’ll be able to talk more later?”

Lynn offered a small giggle in response, before moving to stash her tools properly. "Uh - yeah, sure. I'd love to," she answered with a faint smile. "If not today, well, I'm sure we'll see eachother a lot."

“I expect we will, barring one of the local wildlife deciding that both me and my armor are tasty, anyway!” Aztec replied, getting to his hooves. “Well, back to the rifles, then. Here’s hoping the next one won’t take as long. See you later, Lynn” he finished with a wave, his long, pale haired tail swishing idly behind him, the sound of his hooves on the deck fading among all the other background noise.
