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[In Progress] Murf System


SARPiverse Culture Dreamer
Retired Staff

System Information:

System: 485-C
System Name: Murf

Star: Red Dwarf
Star Name: MurfA
Type: M
Mass: 9.95x1029 kg
Diameter: 7.0x105 km
Mean Temperature: 2,800K

Star: Brown Dwarf
Star Name: MurfB
Type: T
Mass: 2.85 x 1028 kg
Diameter: 1.42 x 105 km
Mean Temperature: 1,000K
Orbital Distance from MurfA: 45 AU (Approx. distance from Sol to Pluto)

Number of Planets: 5
Number of Inhabitable Planets: 1** Possible, 2nd Planetoid orbiting MurfA

Regions of Interest:

Galetean Belt: One of the largest known asteroid belts in our galaxy. It spans from the outer orbit of Murf III, to just outside the orbital path of Murf B. The belt consists of primarily Type M asteroids (98.5%), containing high levels of nickel, iron, gold, platinum and other precious metals. The remaining asteroids (2.5%), which are only found in the inner belt, are Type S, which consist primarily of iron and nickel silicates with other precious materials existing in smaller accumulations.

The asteroids located in the central and outer belt are coated with layers of water ice, methane ice, and other volatiles that can sometimes be several hundred meters thick.

The Galetean is a nightmare for even the most experienced starship and armor pilots. Fast moving and colliding asteroids, clouds of crystalline volatiles in the wake of even the smallest bodies, and high levels of radiation cause disruption in operations of sensor and shielding equipment.

Planetary Bodies:

Little is known about the planetary bodies in the Murf system, according to our long range scans there are at least five planets and one of which is in the theoretical close inhabitable zone near Murf A. However due to the levels of disruptive radiations and lack of previous interest we know little to nothing about the planets in this system.
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