Star Army

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP In the Business of the Mining Guild


Staff Member
🎨 Media Gallery
RP Date
YE 45
RP Location
Mining Guild Locations

Upper Level of the Mining Guild’s Headquarters​

CEO’s Office​

Astrid Kurosaki, the non-combatant form of Nekovalkyrja sat at her red oak desk with her large comfortable red chair. Her eyes were on the screen of her terminal as she looked through the important reports, and requests that had come through for her approval. Her right hand lifted, and she pressed the button of her intercom. “June, Have the reports from, the Heads of Medical, Mine Affairs, Public Relations, and Community Moral, come through yet?” she asked her Secretary. “I don’t see them on my terminal, and also have you heard from my twin sister, Aeta? I think by now she’s supposed to be observing things in the Draco Eridanus Star System, correct?” Astrid asked.

Upper Level of the Mining Guild’s Headquarters​

CEO’s Office​

June, Astrid's loyal secretary, nodded as answered he intercom. "Yes, Miss Kurosaki, I have all the reports from the Heads of Medical, Mine Affairs, Public Relations, and Community Moral. They are in your inbox and ready for your review," she replied, her tone professional and efficient.

"As for your twin sister, Aeta, she hasn't contacted us yet regarding her observations in the Draco Eridanus Star System. However, I'm sure she will provide an update soon. Shall I notify you immediately when I receive any word from her?" June inquired, making a quick note on her notepad. Astrid paused for a moment, considering the question. "No need, June. I trust Aeta to keep us informed. Let's focus on the reports for now. I'll review them and get back to you if I have any specific instructions or questions," she replied, offering a small smile of gratitude.

June nodded and took a step back. "Of course, Miss Kurosaki. If there's anything else you need, don't hesitate to let me know," she said, always ready to assist her boss in any way she could. With that, June ended the intercom, leaving Astrid to dive into the reports, her mind already buzzing with plans and decisions to be made for the Mining Guild. From the bustling headquarters to the vast mining operations, Astrid Kurosaki was determined to continue leading the guild to even greater success.
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Astrid leaned back in her red oak chair, taking a moment to reflect on the reports before her. The Mining Guild was a thriving organization, and it was her responsibility to ensure its continued prosperity. As she pored over the reports, her mind raced with ideas and strategies to improve various aspects of the guild's operations.After reviewing the reports, Astrid picked up her intercom and pressed the button. "June, please schedule meetings for tomorrow with the Heads of Medical, Mine Affairs, Public Relations, and Community Moral. I have some questions and ideas that I would like to discuss with them," she instructed, her voice filled with determination.

"Also, let's reach out to my sister Aeta and ask for an update on her observations in the Draco Eridanus Star System. It's important to stay connected and informed," Astrid added, emphasizing the value of communication and collaboration within the guild. With her instructions relayed, Astrid leaned forward, ready to tackle the challenges and opportunities that lay ahead. The Mining Guild's success was not just about mining resources; it was about fostering a strong community, maintaining the well-being of its members, and building positive relationships with the public. As Astrid immersed herself in her work, she knew that her decisions and actions would shape the future of the Mining Guild. With determination in her eyes, she was ready to lead the guild towards even greater achievements, ensuring its legacy as a force to be reckoned with in the mining industry.


Emerald Wings​

During the space shuttle ride, Aeta lounged on the couch, sipping apple juice and rubbing her forehead. “heh, I must say the Mining Guild’s friendship with Yugumo Corporation has benefited us hasn’t it” she said herself. as she lounged on the luxuriously comfy couch, she glanced to the screens that served as windows to the vast emptiness of space, all she could see was the lights of Lightspeed travel from the Sanctum system, to the Draco Eridanus system.

Aeta let out a soft sigh, contemplating the immense journey she had undertaken. The Mining Guild's alliance with the Yugumo Corporation had indeed provided them with advanced technology and luxurious accommodations aboard the Emerald Wings, the space shuttle they were currently traveling on. As she watched the screens, the lights of Lightspeed travel illuminating the darkness of space, Aeta couldn't help but feel a sense of awe. She knew that her mission in the Draco Eridanus Star System was of utmost importance. Aeta had been tasked with observing the mining operations in the system and gathering information on potential resources and opportunities for the Mining Guild. It was a heavy responsibility, but she was determined to carry it out diligently.

As the screens shifted, indicating their arrival in a new system, Aeta braced herself for what lay ahead. She knew that the Draco Eridanus Star System held immense potential, and it was her role to uncover it. With renewed determination, she put down her glass of apple juice and prepared to immerse herself in the work ahead, ready to contribute to the continued success of the Mining Guild.
Aeta shifted the positions of her feet, as she prepared herself to get up. The Chief Operations Operator knew what she had to do here, she had to check on the DracoTown’s branch of the Mining Guild, and check to see that the work was going smoothly. She waited for her guide to buzz on the door, to the room she’d been sitting in, alerting her to their arrival, though she’d already seen that they had. Aeta heard a soft buzz, indicating that her guide had arrived. She got up from the couch and straightened her uniform, making sure she looked presentable before opening the door. Standing before her was a mining engineer named Marcus, who had been assigned to assist her during her visit to DracoTown.

"Ma'am" Marcus said with a friendly smile. "I'll be your guide while you're here. Let me show you around and introduce you to the key personnel involved in the mining operations." Aeta nodded, acknowledging Marcus's presence. "Thank you, Marcus. I look forward to working closely with you," she replied, her tone professional yet warm. She followed him out of the lounge and through the corridors of the Emerald Wings, heading towards the docking bay, where their lift awaited them.

As they made their way to DracoTown, Aeta couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation. She was eager to see firsthand how the Mining Guild's operations were running in this star system and to connect with the people who were instrumental in its success. With Marcus by her side, she knew she was in good hands. Together, they would ensure that the Mining Guild maintained its reputation as a leader in the industry and continued to thrive in the Draco Eridanus Star System.
The lift began lowering, and soon from the windows, she could see the massive city, the capital of Draco Eridanus, a city built inside an asteroid. She couldn’t help but smile beside Marcus, as the city became larger and larger as the lift lowered the two of them to the main city level. “As I recall, the mining operations are in the massive asteroid fields outside Dracotown, and Station Omacron in particular, correct?” She asked her guide.

“Yes, that’s correct, ma’am,” Marcus replied, his voice filled with enthusiasm. “Draco Eridanus is known for its vast asteroid fields, and the Mining Guild has established its operations within those fields. Station Omacron is one of the key facilities where mining activity takes place. It serves as a hub for the extraction, processing, and transportation of resources. also where we live.” As the lift reached the main city level, Aeta's excitement grew. The view from the windows showcased the grandeur of Dracotown, a city thriving within the confines of an asteroid. The bustling streets, the towering structures, and the hum of activity all made it clear that this was a place where the Mining Guild's influence was felt.

As they stepped out of the lift, Aeta took a moment to immerse herself in the surroundings. The air was filled with a mix of anticipation and industry, sparking her curiosity and dedication even further. She turned to Marcus and nodded, a determined expression on her face. "Lead the way, Marcus. Let's begin our tour and meet the key personnel at The Branch Headquarters. I want to see firsthand how the mining operations are progressing and ensure that everything is in order." With that, Aeta and Marcus set off, navigating the busy streets of Dracotown, ready to dive into the heart of the Mining Guild's operations in the Draco Eridanus Star System.
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The transportation arrived at the Mining guild branch headquarters, where a group of people were waiting for the Nekovalkyrja and Nepleslian Male. “They are the higher ups in the the Draco Eridanus branch?” she asked Marcus as they did not appear to be members of a criminal organization, and she recognized a few faces from her notes on the personnel like the branch head of the systems branch of the Mining Guild.

"Yes, ma'am," Marcus replied, glancing at the group of people waiting for them. "Those are indeed the higher-ups of the Draco Eridanus branch. You have a sharp eye for faces."

As they left the car, and approached the group, Aeta focused on maintaining a professional demeanor while still acknowledging the importance of building good relationships with the key personnel. She extended her hand in greeting to the branch head, a middle-aged man with a stern but approachable demeanor. "Good day. I am Aeta Kurosaki, the Chief Operations Operator from the Mining Guild's Main headquarters. It's a pleasure to meet you all," she introduced herself, her tone confident and respectful.

The branch head responded with a firm handshake and a warm smile. "Welcome, Miss Kurosaki. I am Michael Reynolds, the branch head of the Draco Eridanus branch. We're honored to have you here. We've heard a lot about your achievements and dedication to the Mining Guild." Aeta acknowledged the compliment with a nod and took a moment to greet the rest of the higher-ups, remembering their names and positions from her research. She recognized the head of operations, the chief engineer, and the head of logistics among the group. Each interaction was professional and polite, as Aeta made a conscious effort to establish a positive rapport with her new colleagues.

Once introductions were complete, Michael Reynolds gestured towards the branch headquarters building. "Shall we proceed inside? We have prepared a meeting room for your briefing, Miss Kurosaki. We're eager to discuss the progress of our operations and hear any insights or recommendations you may have." Aeta nodded, pleased with the warm reception and the enthusiasm of the Draco Eridanus branch's higher-ups. With the first round of introductions complete, she followed them into the headquarters building, eager to dive into the details of the mining operations and contribute her expertise towards the Mining Guild's continued success in the Draco Eridanus Star System.

Back at Astrid’s Office​

While Aeta delved into the operations of the Draco Eridanus branch, Astrid remained in her office, diligently reviewing the reports and making notes for the upcoming meetings. The Mining Guild was a complex organization, and it was crucial for Astrid to stay informed and make informed decisions.

As she flipped through the pages, a thought crossed her mind regarding the Public Relations report. With her intercom at the ready, she called June. "June, could you please arrange a meeting with our Public Relations team? I'd like to discuss some ideas for improving our external communication strategies and enhancing our reputation," Astrid requested. "Of course, Miss Kurosaki. I'll schedule the meeting right away," June replied, her voice efficient as always. Astrid appreciated June's organizational skills and commitment to her role as her secretary.

As she continued her review, Astrid couldn't help but feel a sense of pride for the Mining Guild and its accomplishments. Under her leadership, the guild had grown to new heights, with branches and operations spanning across multiple star systems. However, she also recognized the need for continuous improvement and adaptation in the ever-changing business landscape. With each report she read, Astrid made mental notes of areas where the guild could excel even further and brainstormed strategies to achieve those goals.

The sound of her intercom buzzed once again, indicating a message from Aeta. Astrid smiled, glad to receive an update from her twin sister. She listened eagerly as Aeta discussed her observations in the Draco Eridanus Star System and the progress being made at the branch headquarters. Astrid took mental notes, considering how these findings could potentially shape the overall strategy of the Mining Guild.

With the reports reviewed and meetings scheduled, Astrid closed her terminal, satisfied with the progress being made. The Mining Guild was indeed in good hands, with both herself and Aeta dedicated to its success and growth. As the CEO, Astrid knew the importance of maintaining a strong presence both within the guild and in the broader community. With her plans and ideas taking shape, she was ready to lead the Mining Guild towards an even brighter future.

In-System Communications Hub​

Inside the bustling communications hub of the Mining Guild, technicians diligently worked to ensure smooth and efficient communication between the guild's various branches and personnel. The hub was filled with screens displaying data streams, signals, and messages originating from different sectors of the Draco Eridanus Star System and beyond.

One technician, named Jack, sat in front of a control panel, typing away with focused concentration. Suddenly, an incoming message from the CEO's office appeared on Jack's screen. It was a request from Astrid Kurosaki, the CEO of the Mining Guild, to establish a secure line for direct communication between herself and Aeta in the Draco Eridanus Star System.

Jack quickly acknowledged the message and initiated the necessary protocols to establish the secure line. As the connection was established, he sent a notification to Astrid's office, indicating that the line was ready for use. "Secure line established, CEO Kurosaki," Jack typed, keeping his response concise and professional. Astrid, appreciating Jack's prompt response, picked up her intercom and pressed the button. "Thank you, Jack. Patch me through to Aeta in the Draco Eridanus Star System," she instructed, her voice conveying a sense of urgency tempered with confidence.

With a few deft keystrokes, Jack connected Astrid to the secure line, linking her to Aeta on the other side of the star system. The line opened, and Aeta's voice came through, clear and focused. "Hello, Astrid. I've completed my observations of the Asteroid Mining Operations here in Draco Eridanus. The branch is running smoothly, and there are some exciting opportunities for expansion and resource acquisition," Aeta reported, her tone filled with enthusiasm and satisfaction.

Astrid listened intently, absorbing the details of Aeta's findings. As the CEO, it was crucial for her to stay informed and make informed decisions based on the latest information. She took mental notes, asking pertinent questions, and providing feedback when necessary. The conversation flowed, each sister sharing valuable insights and ideas, united in their dedication to the Mining Guild's success.

After a fruitful discussion, Astrid thanked Aeta for her report and feedback, expressing her confidence in Aeta's abilities as an observer and operator. With the secure line still active, the sisters used the opportunity to catch up on personal matters, sharing tidbits of their lives beyond the Mining Guild. As the conversation came to a close, Astrid ended the secure line, her mind buzzing with the information exchanged. She leaned back in her chair, reflecting on the powerful bond she shared with Aeta and the unique strengths they brought to their roles within the guild.

With a renewed sense of purpose, Astrid turned her attention back to the reports on her desk, armed with the knowledge and insights from her conversation with Aeta. The Mining Guild's future was bright, fueled by the vision and determination of the Kurosaki sisters and the dedicated individuals working tirelessly to ensure the guild's success. As Astrid delved back into her work, she knew that together, they would lead the Mining Guild to even greater heights in the vast reaches of the Draco Eridanus Star System. Which they have been.

The Newcomer​

When Rebekah awoke that morning, the 21-year-old was full of excitement and nervousness. She’d graduated from Cyber Academy, a higher learning private academy set within Cyberspace. Now she’d needed to make a choice, in what career she would undertake, and her entire being wanted to be an Asteroid Miner, wear an ANT Power Armor, dig into asteroids discover gemstones, and metal ore, and other potential things. As she’d grown these last four years, she’d heard rumors about the asteroids that not only could they contain resources but potential ancient technology.

She’d eaten her breakfast quickly, and hurried to the Draco Eridanus Branch of the Mining Guild,’s Headquarters. Where she almost ran into Aeta Kurosaki, the visiting Chief Operations Officer, visiting to observe. It seemed that her work was finished and she was just leaving when she was almost bumped into by the now 21-year-old Cat Anthro female.

Aeta Kurosaki, with her heightened senses as a Nekovalkyrja, quickly reacted to the near collision, steadying herself and Rebekah. She looked down at the young Cat Anthro with a warm smile, taking note of her youthful enthusiasm. "Careful there," Aeta said gently, her voice soothing. "I hope you're alright. It's a busy place."

Rebekah blushed, her whiskers twitching with embarrassment. "Oh, I'm sorry! I was just so excited to be here. I didn't watch where I was going," she replied, her voice filled with eagerness. She recognized Aeta from her class and was in awe of the Chief Operations Officer's presence. Aeta chuckled softly, understanding the young newcomer's enthusiasm. "No need to apologize. It's great to see someone so eager to join the Mining Guild. I'm Aeta Kurosaki, the Chief Operations Officer. What's your name?" Aeta asked, extending her hand in a friendly gesture.

Rebekah's eyes widened with surprise and delight. "Oh, wow! It's an honor to meet you, Ms. Kurosaki. I'm Rebekah Elmstadter," she said, shaking Aeta's hand with a firm grip. "I've just graduated from Cyber Academy, and I've always dreamt of becoming an Asteroid Miner. The thought of exploring asteroids and uncovering precious resources and gemstones always fascinated me.
Out of conncern for his family’s reputation, her uncle Max Elmstadter spoke to his niece with admonishment. “Rebekah! you really should be careful!” Though grateful that Aeta hadn't truly taken offense to his niece’s actions. Rebekah's uncle eased the group aside, allowing her to enter the building and register for the Mining Guild membership. Rebekah walked towards the receptionists, and spoke to one. “hello, I’m Rebekah Elmstadter, here to register as a member of the Mining Guild.” the Cat Anthro female said to the Gynoid receptionists, operating at the front desk. “ah yes, excellent,” said a Gynoid, and handed Rebekah the registration form. “please fill this out, and then put it in the slot there, and then head up to orientation.

Rebekah was silent as she focused on the registration form, periodically she’d pause to allow her excitement to become under control. After all if she tried to be quick, the Cat Anthro knew that mistakes could happen if she was not too careful. Eventually, she was finished with her registration, and so returned to the receptionists, and handed the sheet to the slot they needed to go. "How can I find the orientation room?" She addressed the stationary, automated receptionists. The answering Gynoid observed as Rebekah approached the elevators and punched the button for the fourth level before responding, "It's up in room 404, you can't miss it.
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Mining Guild Orientation, here I come!” Rebekah said with a smile on her face, as she went up the elevator to the orientation session for new Mining Guild Members. She’d been the first to enter and watched as her colleagues entered after her, and each found their seats. She waited patiently as all of the seats were filled, then they’d need to wait for the Mining Guild instructor to give them their lesson,

Mining Guild Orientation: Welcome to Station Omacron​

As the eager new Mining Guild recruits gathered in the orientation room on Station Omacron, their excitement filled the air. They represented a diverse array of species, including Anthros, Separa'shan, Nepleslian, and Geshrin. They waited patiently for their supervisor to arrive and deliver the much-anticipated company orientation.

Suddenly, the door swung open, and in stepped a tall, imposing figure with fur-like scales and four muscular arms. It was Varaak, a Geshrin and the supervisor responsible for overseeing the new recruits. Varaak's calm and authoritative presence commanded attention as the recruits' chatter gradually quieted down.

"Welcome, recruits of the Draco Eridanus branch of the Mining Guild," Varaak boomed, his deep voice resonating throughout the room. "I am Varaak, your supervisor. It is my duty to guide and oversee your journey as you embark on your careers as extractors of the riches hidden within the asteroids of the Draco Eridanus,

Today, I will provide you with an overview of the Mining Guild's operations, our values, and the expectations we have for you as members of our esteemed organization."

Varaak paced back and forth, his eyes scanning the room, taking note of each recruit's eager faces. His four arms moved with purpose, emphasizing his words as he spoke. "First and foremost, the Mining Guild is a community built on cooperation, respect, and professionalism. We value the diversity of our members, understanding that each of you brings unique skills and perspectives to our operations. Whether you are an Anthro, a Separa'shan, a Nepleslian, or a Geshrin like myself, your contribution is valued and essential to our success."

He paused for a moment, allowing his words to sink in. Then, with a slight smirk, he continued, "In the field of asteroid mining, safety is paramount. We operate in a dangerous environment, where vigilance and proper procedures are necessary to ensure the well-being of all crew members. You will receive thorough training on safety protocols, including handling machinery, operating power armor, and responding to emergencies. Your lives and the lives of your comrades depend on it."

Varaak's serious expression softened as he continued, his tone conveying a sense of pride. "But do not fear, recruits. While this work can be challenging, it is also highly rewarding. Imagine standing on the surface of an asteroid, discovering rare minerals or ancient artifacts. Your hard work will contribute to the growth of the Mining Guild and the advancement of our knowledge."

He smiled encouragingly, his eyes locking with those of the recruits. "During your time here, you will form bonds with your fellow miners, much like much like family. The camaraderie and support within the Mining Guild are invaluable. We work together, we watch each other's backs, and we celebrate each other's successes."

Varaak paused again, allowing his words to resonate with the recruits. Then, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small device. "Each of you will be issued a datapad, containing important information, training modules, and communication tools. This will be your constant companion as you navigate the challenges and opportunities of asteroid mining. It will also serve as a means to stay connected with your fellow guild members, including your supervisors and mentors."

He held up the datapad, showcasing its sleek design. "With this device, you will have access to resources, real-time data, and the ability to communicate with our command center and other Mining Guild branches. It is a symbol of your membership in our organization and a tool to aid you in your duties."

Varaak's gaze swept across the recruits, a sense of pride evident in his eyes. "Finally, remember this: the path of a miner is not an easy one. It requires dedication, resilience, and the ability to adapt to ever-changing circumstances. But through hard work and a passion for extracting the wealth of the stars, you will find great satisfaction, personal growth, and a sense of purpose."

As he concluded his speech, Varaak allowed a moment of silence, letting the gravity of his words sink in. Then, with a resolute nod, he spoke one final time. "Now, let us embark on this journey together. Welcome to the Mining Guild, recruits. May the asteroids yield their treasures to your hands and the stars guide your path."

With that, Varaak stepped back, his presence reverating in the room. The recruits applauded and exchanged excited glances, motivated by the supervisor's words. They felt a renewed sense of purpose and determination as they prepared to embark on their careers as miners within the Mining Guild.

Varaak nodded approvingly at the recruits' reaction, acknowledging their enthusiasm. "Very well, now it's time to get started with your orientation sessions," he announced, his voice commanding attention once more. "Please follow me to the designated training rooms where you will receive in-depth instruction on mining techniques, equipment operation, and safety protocols."

As the recruits rose from their seats and began to form a line, anticipation filled the air. They were eager to take their first steps into the world of asteroid mining and prove themselves as members of the Mining Guild. Varaak led the way, guiding them through the corridors of Station Omacron, his imposing figure instilling confidence and reassurance.

In the training rooms, the recruits would absorb valuable knowledge, hone their skills, and forge new friendships with their fellow miners. Under the guidance of experienced instructors, they would immerse themselves in the intricacies of the mining process, learning to navigate the challenges of extracting resources from the asteroids that dotted the Draco Eridanus Star System.

As Varaak watched the recruits enter the training rooms, he couldn't help but feel a surge of pride. This new generation of miners held the potential to shape the future of the Mining Guild and make significant contributions to the expansion of knowledge and wealth in the cosmos. With resolve, he reminded himself of his duty to mentor and support them throughout their journey.

With the orientation in motion, Varaak turned his attention to the next task, ensuring the recruits received the comprehensive training they needed to excel in their roles. As he walked through the corridors, the echoes of determination and possibility reverberated in his mind. The Mining Guild was in good hands, and Varaak was ready to guide these new recruits on their path towards becoming skilled miners, united by their shared purpose and the vast potential that lay within the stars.
As he walked through the corridors, Varaak couldn't help but think about the challenges that awaited them in the vast expanse of space. Alongside the excitement, he felt a deep responsibility to ensure their safety and success.

In the coming weeks, the recruits would undergo rigorous training, simulating various scenarios they may encounter while mining asteroids. They would learn how to operate mining equipment, handle emergencies in zero-gravity environments, and navigate through the treacherous terrain of asteroids. Varaak knew that it was essential for them to be prepared for any situation that may arise.

But it wasn't all about technical skills. Varaak also emphasized the importance of teamwork and effective communication. Mining in space required coordination and collaboration, and the recruits would learn to rely on each other in order to accomplish their goals. Varaak encouraged them to foster a sense of camaraderie and support among themselves, knowing that the bonds they formed would strengthen their resolve and ultimately contribute to their success.

As Varaak moved from room to room, observing the recruits' progress, he was impressed by their dedication and enthusiasm. They eagerly absorbed the knowledge that was passed down to them, never shying away from the challenges presented before them. Each day, they grew more confident and skilled, inching closer to their goal of becoming accomplished miners.

Varaak made himself readily available to the recruits, answering their questions and providing guidance whenever needed. He wanted them to know that they were not alone on this journey, and that he and the Mining Guild were invested in their development and well-being.

As the weeks turned into months, the recruits transformed into capable miners, ready to take on the rigors of asteroid mining within the Draco Eridanus Star System. Varaak couldn't help but feel a swell of pride as he witnessed their progression. They had not only acquired the necessary skills and knowledge, but they had also formed a tight-knit community that would support one another in their shared pursuit of mining excellence.

With the orientation and training completed, Varaak knew that the recruits were poised for success in their mining endeavors. They had proven themselves worthy of being members of the Mining Guild, and as they ventured out into the vastness of space, Varaak knew that they would make the guild proud. The future of the Mining Guild was secure, and he was honored to have played a part in shaping the next generation of miners.
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The Future Unveiled​

As the recruits prepared to venture out into the vastness of space and embark on their first assignments as miners, Varaak couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation and excitement. He knew that the challenges and rewards that awaited them would shape their lives in ways they couldn't yet fathom.

He gathered the recruits together one final time before their departure, the hum of anticipation filling the air. Varaak's voice boomed with pride as he addressed them, his words carrying the weight of the Mining Guild's legacy.

"You have all come so far on this journey," he began, his eyes meeting theirs with unwavering determination. "You have proven yourselves capable, and now it is time to put your skills to the test. Remember everything you have learned during your time here, for it will guide you through the trials that lie ahead."

He glanced at each recruit, their faces reflecting a mix of excitement and a hint of apprehension. "Mining in space is not for the faint of heart. It will test your physical and mental limits. But always remember, you are not alone. The Mining Guild is a family, and your fellow miners will be there to support you every step of the way."

Varaak paused, allowing his words to sink in, before continuing with a renewed sense of purpose. "As you venture out into the stars, never forget the impact of your work. The resources you extract, the knowledge you uncover, and the treasures you find will shape the future of not only the Mining Guild but also the entire cosmos. You are part of something greater than yourselves."

The recruits exchanged determined glances, their resolve strengthening. They were ready to face the unknown, to embrace the challenges that awaited them. Varaak's words had ignited a fire within them, reminding them of the weight of their responsibilities, but also the boundless possibilities that lay ahead.

With a final nod, Varaak concluded his speech. "Go forth, my fellow miners, and may the stars guide your journey. Remember the teachings of the Mining Guild, rely on each other, and never cease to reach for the stars. You are the future of our guild, and I have full faith in your abilities to make a mark on the cosmos."

As the recruits dispersed, making their final preparations for departure, Varaak watched them with a mixture of pride and nostalgia. He knew that their paths would diverge, taking them to various corners of the galaxy, but their shared experiences would forever connect them as members of the Mining Guild.

With a sense of satisfaction, Varaak reflected on the honor it had been to guide these recruits through their orientation and training. The Mining Guild's legacy was secure in their capable hands, and he eagerly awaited the stories they would bring back from their adventures among the stars.

And as the recruits embarked on their missions, their determination shining bright, the future of the Mining Guild was unveiled—one asteroid, one discovery, and one bond at a time.


The future of the Mining Guild was indeed unveiled, as the recruits set out into the cosmos with their newfound skills, determination, and camaraderie. Each one carried within them the teachings of Varaak and the values instilled during their orientation.

As they ventured to different asteroids within the Draco Eridanus Star System, they faced the challenges and surprises that space mining presented. They navigated through treacherous terrain, operated advanced mining equipment, and encountered unforeseen obstacles. But, they also discovered valuable resources, uncharted territories, and even relics that offered glimpses into the galaxy's past.

Through it all, the recruits supported one another, drawing on the bonds they had formed during their time in training. They provided guidance, encouragement, and a sense of unity as they faced the unknown together. In their unity, they embodied the spirit of the Mining Guild and showcased the power of a diverse team working towards a common goal.

As the recruits returned to Station Omacron after their missions, they shared stories of their experiences, exchanging tales of triumphs and lessons learned. Each story served as a reminder of their growth, the impact they were making, and the vast potential that existed within the mining industry.

Varaak, watching as his recruits returned, was filled with pride. The Mining Guild had gained a new cohort of skilled, dedicated miners who would carry on its legacy for years to come. The future of the guild was bright, and Varaak knew that with these recruits at the helm, their galactic endeavors would continue to shape the cosmos, one asteroid at a time.

A Familiar Connection​

As the recruits filed back into Station Omacron, their recent mining missions etched in their every step, Varaak carefully observed the faces before him. The months of training had forged strong bonds among the recruits, but it was during this moment of reunion that something caught Varaak's keen eye.

There she was, a familiar figure amidst the sea of eager miners - Rebekah Elstadter, a Cat Anthro whose family name struck a chord within Varaak's memory. It was not uncommon for him to come across recruits with prestigious backgrounds, but the Elstadter family name held particular significance.

With measured steps, Varaak made his way towards Rebekah, his presence commanding attention as he approached. As he stood before her, his fur-like scales glinting under the station's artificial lights, Varaak's eyes met Rebekah's, and a flicker of recognition passed between them.

"Rebekah Elstadter," Varaak greeted, his voice carrying a tinge of curiosity mixed with nostalgic familiarity. "It seems our paths have crossed once more. Your family has long been a significant presence within the Mining Guild. Business connections, high positions, and a reputation that precedes them."

Rebekah blinked in surprise, nodding slowly. "Yes, that's correct," she replied, tilting her head. "My family has been involved in various businesses, including mining. It's an honor to be a part of the Mining Guild, following in their footsteps."

Varaak's gaze intensified, memories of interactions with the influential Elstadter family flooding his mind. "Indeed, your family's dedication and success in the mining industry is well-known," he acknowledged, a hint of pride in his voice. "It brings forth a certain expectation, not just for you, but for the entire guild. The legacy that your family carries comes with responsibility and the need to uphold the values that have guided the Mining Guild for generations."

Rebekah nodded, her expression reflecting both determination and respect. "I understand, Supervisor Varaak. I am committed to contributing to the Mining Guild with the same passion and dedication that my family has shown. I want to make them proud and honor their legacy."

Varaak's stoic countenance softened slightly, a glimmer of admiration shining in his eyes. "I have faith in your abilities, Rebekah. Your family's reputation precedes you, but it will be your own actions and accomplishments that will shape your journey within the Mining Guild."

He placed a hand on her shoulder, offering a reassuring squeeze. "Remember, you are not defined solely by your family's achievements. Embrace the challenges, learn from the experiences, and forge your own path. The Mining Guild is an opportunity for you to shine as an individual and leave your own mark on our history."

Rebekah's gaze met Varaak's, a newfound determination gleaming within her eyes. "Thank you, Supervisor Varaak. I will do my best to honor my family's legacy while paving my own way within the Mining Guild. Your guidance and support are invaluable to me."

Varaak nodded, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "I'm glad to hear that, Rebekah. Remember, the Mining Guild is not just about family connections or prestigious names. It's about hard work, dedication, and the ability to adapt in the face of challenges. Your presence here is a testament to your own capabilities, and I have no doubt that you will succeed."
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Upper Level of the Mining Guild’s Headquarters, Sanctum Star System​

Astrid Kurosaki sat at her red oak desk with her large comfortable red chair. On the screen, she received reports from her inbox on her terminal. She’d been pleased with what she’d seen, on the reports. Through the important reports, and saw the additional requests that had come through for her approval. Now, however, she wanted to check in with the Head of IT, EX1023-B42. As head of IT, she knew that he’d be very familiar with the systems, and Cyberspace of the mining Guild. So she turned to a different button. “EX1023-B42, do you have a minute? I’d like to talk to you about our systems, and another thought has occurred to me, I was hoping you could help”

Upper Level of the Mining Guild’s Headquarters, Sanctum Star System​

The blueish volumetric image of the head of the Mining Guild’s IT department appeared before her on the volumetric pad very promptly. “I will always have a minute, and as you know, as an Infomorph AI, I can do multiple things at once. As for the mining Guild Electronic and Cyber Systems, everything appears to be running smoothly. There was an attack from the outside, which was in the report I sent you, but it has been dealt with. The Law enforcement promises to give the intruders the appropriate punishment. The systems readings peaked earlier when you contacted your seestuh in Draco Eridanus.” EX1023-B42 reported.

The AI soon continued. “You mentioned a thought before?” It asked the CEO, who nodded her head. “Indeed,” said Astrid, “I was just wondering if Kali Firewalker has set up her branch yet while they were on the move,” Astrid said.

“One moment, “The AI said, then “I checked with my sibling, and Kali had not yet set up their branch, other than Jan Feli, as Chief Medical officer at Station Decacron, and Senju, as her Executive Assistant, shall I remind them that they should start on setting up their branch?” The AI asked, Astrid nodded, “yes please,” Astrid said.

“Very Well, I shall do so.’ The AI replied.
A few Days Later
Lady Nyx Pine made her way to the Mining Guild Headquarters through the air, using her four wings. The four winged fox eared Gynoid had a plan in mind, an idea for the future. The Gynoid landed on the Pad and came across Aeta, Astrid Kurosaki’s twin sister. Aeta was not only the COO of the mining Guild but also Nyx’s partner for their Thinker’s Group. As they encountered each other, they hugged warmly, and made their way to the doors.

“We need to see Astrid, I have an idea I’ve been thinking of” she said to Aeta as they walked in, then headed to the elevators which took them to the floor where Astrid had her office. Nyx’s wings were pulled closer to her Gynoid body as she walked hall towards the big office doors. Beside her, walked Aeta her thoughts on what Nyx wanted to say to her sister.

As they reached the doors to Astrid's office, Nyx took a deep breath, preparing herself to present her idea to her sister. Aeta, feeling the anticipation, offered her support with a reassuring smile. As the doors opened, they stepped into a spacious and elegantly designed office, reflecting the grandeur of the Mining Guild. Astrid, the CEO of the guild, looked up from her desk, her sharp eyes meeting Nyx's vibrant gaze. She welcomed them with a warm smile. "Nyx, Aeta, it's always a pleasure to see both of you. What brings you here today?" Astrid inquired, curiosity gleaming in her eyes.

Nyx stepped forward, her voice steady yet filled with excitement. "Astrid, I have an idea for the future of the Mining Guild. I believe we can create a unique and extraordinary space with Mining Guild support—an Emporium that showcases the refined and processed materials we extract. It would be a stunning display of our accomplishments, incorporating both natural stones and fabricated elements."

Aeta chimed in, adding her insights. "Imagine a place where members of the guild and visitors alike can experience the beauty and ingenuity of the materials we work with firsthand. The Emporium could feature innovative architecture, combining the raw texture of stones with the sleek elegance of our fabrications. It would truly be a one-of-a-kind space that embodies the spirit of the Mining Guild."

Nyx nodded eagerly, her four wings fluttering in excitement. "Not only would it be a captivating sight, but it could also serve as a hub for collaboration and inspiration. We could host workshops, conferences, and gatherings for our thinkers and innovators, fostering a creative atmosphere where ideas can flourish."

Astrid listened attentively, her expression thoughtful. After a brief moment of silence, she spoke, her tone contemplative. "I must say, this idea intrigues me. It could be a powerful testament to the capabilities and potential of the Mining Guild. If we proceed, we would need to ensure that the Emporium aligns with our core values of sustainability and efficiency. But I am open to exploring this concept further."

Nyx's eyes shimmered with gratitude, her voice filled with enthusiasm. "Thank you, Astrid. With your support, I believe we can create something truly extraordinary that will showcase the Mining Guild's achievements to the world."
As they continued their discussion, the three of them delved into the details of the Emporium, envisioning a space that would not only celebrate the Mining Guild's accomplishments but also inspire future generations to push the boundaries of mining and innovation.

And so, the journey towards the creation of the Mining Guild Emporium began, fueled by the passion and collaboration of Lady Nyx Pine, Aeta, and Astrid Kurosaki, united in their vision for the future of the guild.

Sometime a bit later​

Astrid Kurosaki sighed, the weight of her responsibilities evident in the lines etched on her face. The Mining Guild's CEO office was adorned with sleek, modern furniture and adorned with holographic displays showcasing mining operations across various planets. Astrid's sharp gaze scanned the holographic reports floating in front of her, each representing a different division under her command.

As she leaned back, her fingers danced across the holographic interface, manipulating the data with precision. The hum of machinery and distant echoes of mining operations filled the air, a constant reminder of the vast empire she oversaw. The reports painted a complex picture of resource extraction, profits, and potential challenges. Suddenly the doors opened and in walked her twin sister, Aeta who was the Chief Operations Officer. "hey sis, i'm back from our Mining Sites in the Nephis System." She said with a smile on her face.

Astrid looked up from her holographic displays, a slight smile softening the stern expression on her face as she saw her sister. "Aeta, good to see you," she replied, the lines on her face easing momentarily. "How are things in the Nephis System? Any significant developments or issues I should know about?"

Aeta took a seat across from Astrid, her eyes mirroring the same determination that ran in her sister's veins. "Overall, things are running smoothly. Production is on schedule, and the new automation systems we implemented have significantly increased efficiency. However, I did notice a spike in energy consumption in the asteroid mining sector. It might be worth looking into to optimize our processes further."

Astrid nodded thoughtfully, appreciating her sister's diligence. "I'll make sure to prioritize that investigation. We can't afford any unnecessary resource drain. Efficiency is key, especially in the current economic climate."

As Aeta leaned back in her chair, she couldn't help but notice the stress lines etched on Astrid's face. "You've been working too hard, sis. When was the last time you took a break?"

Astrid chuckled, a hint of weariness in her eyes. "Breaks are a luxury these days, Aeta. The Mining Guild's operations are vast and demanding. But, maybe you're right. I'll consider taking some time off after we address this energy consumption issue."

Aeta smiled, a mix of concern and understanding in her eyes. "You do that, sis. You've earned it. I'll handle things here in the meantime."

The doors opened and in walked their elder brother Vilkas Kurosaki who was the Commander of the Night Guard, the Mining Guild's Private Security force. "hey big bro! checking in on your innocent little sisters?" Aeta asked with another smile. "innocent? you? i've seen your search history, not exactly innocent" Astrid playfully teased her sister, of course not meaning anything rude or mean by it. "hey Vilkas" Astrid greeted.

Vilkas entered the room with a confident stride, his uniform neatly pressed, and the emblem of the Night Guard displayed proudly on his chest. He chuckled at Aeta's remark, giving her a playful yet protective look. "Innocent or not, I'm always here to make sure my sisters are safe and sound."

Aeta rolled her eyes in mock exasperation, "Oh please, Vilkas, I can take care of myself. You worry too much."

Vilkas ruffled Aeta's hair affectionately, "Old habits die hard, little sis. And as for you, Astrid," he turned his attention to his elder sister, "you really should consider taking a break. I can handle security matters here while you recharge."

Astrid smirked, appreciating her brother's concern. "I'll believe it when I see it. But, seriously, thanks, Vilkas. I might take you up on that offer. We've got some issues with energy consumption in the asteroid mining sector. I need to get to the bottom of it."

Vilkas nodded, his expression becoming more serious. "I'll look into it from the security angle as well. If there's any foul play or security threat contributing to the spike, we need to address it swiftly."

The three siblings continued their banter, a mix of familial teasing and genuine concern underlying their interactions. Despite the weight of their respective responsibilities, there was a strong sense of unity and support among the Kurosaki siblings as they worked together to ensure the success and security of the Mining Guild's operations.
Astrid stretched her arms, before another pop up on her terminal caught her attention. "Well, dear brother, and "innocent sister" i think your wish might be somewhat granted, our Marketing division just sent me a proposal, for a new Entertainment subdivision, and apparently, we might have a corporate Mascot Rocko the Prospector." she told them
Vilkas raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Entertainment subdivision? That's a new direction for the Mining Guild. What's the proposal say, Astrid?"

Astrid scanned the holographic document on her terminal and summarized, "It seems they're suggesting branching out into media content related to mining adventures. Virtual reality experiences, interactive games, and even a series of animated shorts. They believe it could not only be a new revenue stream but also help improve the public image of the Mining Guild."

Aeta's eyes lit up with excitement. "That sounds like a fun project! And Rocko the Prospector as a mascot? That's adorable. It could give a more friendly face to our operations."
Astrid nodded in agreement, "It's an interesting idea. If done right, it could create a positive perception of the Mining Guild and maybe even attract new talent. Plus, diversifying our income sources is always a good strategy."

Vilkas leaned back, considering the proposal. "Alright, I'm on board. If it helps our overall goals and doesn't compromise security, I see no reason not to explore this avenue. But we'll need to keep a close eye on how it aligns with our core values."

Astrid smiled, appreciating her siblings' open-mindedness. "I'll schedule a meeting with the Marketing team to discuss the details and get their perspective. Let's see if Rocko the Prospector becomes the new face of the Mining Guild."