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Laz Public Network In this thread, we share greentext


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Retired Member
♫ Spongebob Squarepants - "Wooden Bear"

In this thread, we share green-text stories. Sorry if my writing isn't great, my trade needs a lot of work.

Well, here I go.

>Never have any luck getting laid because I'm basically a midget
>My new doctor takes pity on me (another doctor, no less)
>We go out drinking
>Says he's going to help me get laid
>qt 3.14 server
>Takes me the whole night and a bribe to clock that this is biologically male
>I don't even care
>Holy shit so pretty
>I think I'm going to have an aneurism
>I'd be happy just to watch this person sleep
>My doctor helps me back to ours, bringing the server with us
>She's hammered.
>He's giving me nudges, winks, implications of possible "shenanigans"
>What even is "shenanigans"?

>This could be the night
>Go to the bathroom, say I'll be out after I shower
>Come back
>My doctor, his overgrown idiot wife and the server are having sex
>On my bed-pit
>Ruining my bed-sheets
>"Oh, I guess things didn't go as planned, huh? Well, I tried my best Susu."
>This entire thing was staged
>And it didn't even go to plan
>Let myself out
>Enter my doctor's temporary accommodation
>Destroy everything he owns, hurting myself quite badly on his mirror in the process
>He takes pity on me, stitches my wounds shut
>Still doesn't see me as an equal
>She's skipped town, nobody has heard heard from her since

Am I that awful? I feel so used. What am I doing with my life?

I'm sure some of you have gone through worse.

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