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[Ind.] - G&MC, KGM, Phoenix Adverts Chatter


The Ultimate Badass
🎖️ Game Master
Inactive Member
This thread is for Godfrey & Morrison Clothing, Kirin Games Manufacture, and the frequently inferred, products shown and never directly seen merchandise machine chugging along on the ISC Phoenix's coattails and giving royalty cuts to Luca Pavone.

Since I am writing this from a phone at the moment, I can't wikify the names above or expand upon each business' long term plans. Worry not, though. I will expand upon what I've said as soon as I can!

Godfrey & Morrison Clothing
Originally I made these guys to help facilitate the use of the Custom Apparel Guide on the Wiki - as well as introduce patterns and lines of distinct, awesome looking clothing for people with style. They also designed the jacket Luca Pavone wears - armoured, bulletproof clothing.

Maybe they should branch out into helping people design uniforms for companies or organisations. It's a third party solution that'll never let you down.

Kirin Games Manufacture
These guys were just me filling in a gap in the universe. Originally, I made games products for Kaidan Telecommunications, but it seemed to go nowhere with little communicator games. I figured that making the SARP equivalent to Valve was a better idea.

At the moment, KGM are getting customer feedback and reviews for the Game of Skill, released with the Tamahagane corporation, and reviews have been good, in spite of some patches to address glitches being needed a little later down the line - having being discovered by particularly creative players. They're working on a DLC for YSS ShiKaze and NSS DeathWish that will add the Lorath and Iroma faction armours as playables, along with a slew of new maps.

Maybe some slight problems as they try to do 'research'? They're just game developers after all, not spies!
If someone does attempt to pursue this, let this play out similar to the problem that ArmA 3 developers ran into in Greece, who are currently detained for 'spying on military property'.

Phoenix Merchandise Machine
This gets mentioned fairly frequently in the later stories of the ISC Phoenix, and it explains where Luca gets the money from, aside from doing huge missions to save worlds and all that. I remember writing an article for it in the Phoenix namespace on the Wiki, but I never gave it that much attention, instead I was happy to infer it and let it appear in the setting with things like Phoenix Man! posters, action figures and energy drink.

Either way, these guys are currently experiencing a slump after a boom after learning that their figurehead has vanished off the face of the universe. This makes things like comic book signing or getting permission to do things with the brand difficult. However, Sebastian Pavone was able to keep the business afloat with a much needed money injection.

They're about to get a windfall once the ISC Phoenix II starts!
https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=ki ... _badassery

And we have just released DLC for that hit game everyone (read: My characters) can't stop playing in their downtime.

I hope newer characters or at least older ones get a moment to pick up a controller and have a go before never doing it again because its a waste of time. But, time you enjoyed wasting is not time wasted at all!
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