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Senate: Misc Independant Investigation


Inactive Member
Upon his return to the office Myers Crandel cleared his schedule and began dicatating his outline for the investigation. Currently he only had whatever files SAINT would provide as a start. Without the full support of an approved inquiry he doubted he would get very far. While working on this he typed out an email to all the other investigation board members who had been nominated.

To: Green Twigg; Silver Tail; Eyce Tea; Vax Jameson; Dr. Yoshi Murata
CC: Ilinnan

Let me know if you wish to participate in the investigation. Please reply to this email within two days. If there is no reply then I will take that as a no.


Myers Crandel
Legal Consultant, Elysian Senatorial Office

Upon sending the message he looked at the screen showing his outline.

First: Review the official investigation

Notes: Were there any discrepancies in procedure? Reporting? Filing errors? Lost files? Edited files? Corrupted files?

Second: Follow up all the witnesses and people involved

Notes: Background checks and psyche evals (history and psych eval of Empress), who all was in the Palace at the time, Visitors/Attendants Registry, Personnel at the scene, Investigation Personnel, Anyone who set foot at the scene maybe even the entire palace within 72 hours before and after the event

Third: Visit the Palace and check the scene personally

Fourth: Follow up on cross referenced factors

Fifth: Wild Cards

Notes: All the conspiracy theories, junk reports, garbage data, anything outlandish

With a nod at his outline Myers saved it and left it out in case he'd forgotten anything. He then sent an official request from the Elysian Senator's Office to SAINT for any and all files they had regarding the investigation into Empress Ayame's suicide, plus all the cross referenced files regarding possible connections. The background and psych evaluation files came next and he hoped to have those at about the same time as the investigation files. He also put in a request to visit the Imperial Palace to witness the scene of the event. Myers hoped it could be arranged after he'd finished going over the official investigation files. If not then he would have to work around the Palace's schedule.

With all this done he then busied himself with assigning any incomplete tasks to other personnel. Even if this investigation turned up nothing it will still take up quite a bit of time.
Myers soon received his first reply:

FROM: Vax Jameson
TO: Myers Crandel

Your Excellency,

I am afraid that my busy schedule will not allow me to be of much service to your investigation. I would like to be kept in the loop, however, if possible.

Upon reading the message, Ilinnan smiled, briefly, before replying. A good thought, though its usefulness was debatable.

TO: Myers Crandel
FROM: Senator Ilinnan Eriali

I will gladly aid you in your investigation, Myers. I am glad that you continue to hold such an interest. However, I must state that I join with a dose of skepticism - I can only question the effectiveness of an investigation in which our access to information is limited by the whims of those the investigation will center on.

Warmest regards,

Ilinnan Eriali
Elysian Representative to the Yamatai Imperial Senate
Only a few minutes after Vax's message, Eyce Tee's arrived.

FROM: Eyce Tee
TO: Myers Crandel

Your Excellency,

I am very intrested in taking part of this investigation. Tell me what you need me to do, and I'll do it. Well I'll do almost anything. Not everything. In any case, contact me. I look forward to meeting you.

Your Sincerely,

The tasks of his office having been quickly reassigned, Myers turned to see the messages begin to roll in. Reading each of them over them he quickly began issuing replies.

FROM: Myers Crandel
RE: Vax Jameson

> Your Excellency,
> I am afraid that my busy schedule will not allow me to be of much
> service to your investigation. I would like to be kept in the loop,
> however, if possible.

I'm sorry to hear your schedule precludes the ability to participate but that is quite alright. Thank you for letting me know. Unfortunately the status of the investigation will have to be kept within active participants until such time that we are ready to present our findings. Sorry but you will have to stay in suspense until then.


Myers Crandel

Myers sighed. He hated having to keep things 'confidential' since this whole investigation's intent was to be about finding the truth and making it known but there were procedures to these things. The more minds the better but the findings had to be preserved until final conclusions could be made.

FROM: Myers Crandel
RE: Senator Ilinnan Eriali

> I will gladly aid you in your investigation, Myers. I am glad that you
> continue to hold such an interest. However, I must state that I join with
> a dose of skepticism - I can only question the effectiveness of an
> investigation in which our access to information is limited by the whims
> of those the investigation will center on.

I would hate to begin an investigation on the speculation that it will simply be a waste of tax payers dollars. However you are right in that we are rather limited in what accesses we will be granted especially when the ones being investigated are the ones who control all data. Even so, there are things that even the most dilligent of control methods cannot hide. What that is I do not know. That is why I'm starting with the files and branching out from there. I will attach my outline stating how I would like to proceed. If you don't have anything on your schedule I want to use the conference room to go over the files once they arrive. There may have to be a few trips outside the office but that is still in the future. At the very least we must attempt the effort. We can do no less for the sake of the people we represent.



Myers smiled, somewhat relieved that Ilinnan had given approval and would assist. He couldn't help but share a little of the skepticism seeing as everything began with checking out SAINT. Undoubtedly the Emperor would eventually be checked into even if he wasn't at the scene. And he was still the head of SAINT. The whole investigation itself rested too much on what information was being provided. Myers resolved that personal investigation of certain sites, especially the cross references, may fill in the gaps. If there were any to begin with.

FROM: Myers Crandel
RE: Eyce Tee
CC: Senator Ilinnan Eriali

> I am very intrested in taking part of this investigation. Tell me what you
> need me to do, and I'll do it. Well I'll do almost anything. Not
> everything. In any case, contact me. I look forward to meeting you.

Thank you Eyce Tee for still showing interest in the investigation. If you have the time I would like to meet at your soonest convenience. This investigation will require our full attentions so if you have any other commitments I suggest reassigning them or putting them on hold. I have requested the investigation files to be sent over so that I may begin reviewing them. I would appreciate it if we could both review these together so that we are all on the same page. I have a conference room available for our use. I will get back to you as soon as the files arrive.


Myers Crandel

After Myers finished his replies he then got a notification alerting him to the files arrival. 'That was quick.' he thought to himself. Standing up he locked his computer and went to the records section to claim the files from where it had been received. After verifying they were what he had requested he returned to Elysian office. He paused by Ilinnan's office and gave a slight knock to announce himself.

"Excuse me Senator. The files just arrived. So far only one other member of the committee has expressed a desire to pursue the investigation, the representative from Natarai Eyce Tee. I was about to ask him to join us in the conference room. Are you available to get started?" Myers asked.
Ilinnan looked up from the screen, where he had just finished reading Myers' reply. Impeccable timing, the man had, in a lot of ways. Saved him the trouble of having to type anything up when it was far better to speak. The ancient archangel rose quietly, turned, stretched wings that no longer had the strength to fly.

"Yes, Myers. I think there is much to be discussed with other representatives who still hold some of the old ideals. And the sooner we begin, the better for us all."

He gathered a number of pens and a pad of paper, his standard fare at senate meetings. It was not uncommon for him to keep complete written records of everything said - despite computerized records. He preferred to have it all immediately onhand should he need to call someone back on their word.

"Eyce Tee of Nataria has offered aid, and noone else?"
To: Green Twigg; Silver Tail; Eyce Tea; Vax Jameson; Dr. Yoshi Murata
CC: Ilinnan

Let me know if you wish to participate in the investigation. Please reply to this email within two days. If there is no reply then I will take that as a no.


Myers Crandel
Legal Consultant, Elysian Senatorial Office

Silver Tail read the message and rubbed her chin for a moment. Before letting her fingers dance across the key board.

To: Myers Crandel

I agree, however I am unable to assist you. I am sorry.

Silver Tail
Konoha Senatorial Aide
Myers nodded. "So far his is the only positive reply." There was a small buzz from this pager to notify him of a pending email. Shifting the files he looked at it and read the small screen.

To: Myers Crandel

I agree, however I am unable to assist you. I am sorry.

Silver Tail
Konoha Senatorial Aide

"And that makes another negative." Myers said, shaking his head. "Yes, aide Tee is the only one who wants to continue. Let me notify him that we're about to start." Myers returned the pager to his hip and took out his portable comm unit, dialing the extension for the Natarian Senate office. The secretary picked up.

"Greetings, Natarian Senate Office. How may I help you?" she asked.

"Hello, this is Myers Crandel, legal consultant for Elysian Senate. May I speak to Advisor Eyce Tee?"

"May I ask what this is in reference to?" asked the secretary.

"Its about the email I just sent to him. I wanted him to know that we are about to start and would like to know if he is available to join us." Myers replied.

"One moment please." she replied. A page was sent to Eyce Tee's office. After a few moments with no reply the secretary retrned to Myers. "I'm afraid he is currently out of his office. Advisor Tee has not left though, may I take a message?"

"Yes, please let him know that I received the files I mentioned in my email. If he is available please come to the Elysian Senator's office and ask for Myers Crandel. The front desk can show him where I will be. Thank you."

The conversation ended and he refocused on the Senator. "Hopefully he can make it in time, otherwise I will just have to back brief him."
Eyce Tee, flustered, strode into the Elysian Senates office. It had not been a good day, family problems.

"Advisor Tee from Nataria, to see Myers Crandel. Where can I find him?" He asked front desk, leaning on said desk.
The secretary nodded at the name, seeing it was one on the list of those being expected. "Through the door and down the hall, sir. It will be the third door to your left. Mr. Crandel and the Senator are expecting you."

In the conference room Myers set down the files and motioned Ilinnan to take the head seat of the table. With a slight exhalation Myers then sat down after him and opened the files. He knew of the Senator's preference towards hard copy materials and for this matter he felt the same. "The files tell us the same story we've all been told so far. I figured we should bump it against proper filing protocols along with combing it over for any inconsistencies. Ready to begin sir?"
Tee walked quickly down the corridor, straightening his green rain jacket before knocking on the door.

"Excuse me, I am advisor Eyce Tee looking for a Mr. Crandel. I was told I could find him here. I'm from Nataria." He said in a tired voice.
Myers watched the tired sounding rep enter the conference room and stood up. "Ah, Mr. Tee, good of you to make it. We were just about to start. Come on in, take a seat." he said, offering to shake his hand. "You sound like you could use a little coffee. Shall I have the secretary get you some?" he offered.
"Please, I .... need caffine right now." Tee stumbeled into the room and sat down heavily looking around wearily, "Nice place you have here."
"It is adequate for our work." Myers looked over to the Senator. "Sir, the representative from Nataria. Mr. Eyce Tee, Senator Ilinnan of Elysia." he said introducing each other. "Right now we are about to go over the initial reports to make sure everything was done correctly. Not exactly the most exciting of work but we needed to cover these bases first." Myers explained before handing Tee a section of the file. He then pushed a button on the table's intercomm device. "Ms. Eilaen, could you bring some coffee for our guest please?"

"Certainly Mr. Crandel." came the secretary's reply.

"Thank you." Myers replied. "After we finish making sure the reports were handled and filed correctly we can then move on to other topics. I have an outline drawn up on what I felt would be a good course of action to pursue. I doubt we would be able to reach any of them until tomorrow."
"Administration work. I can't say I'm a stranger to it, and yet I can say that I would prefer I was." Tee sighed, "Very good to meet you Senator Ilinnan. Now to make sure that everyone was done to the letter? Well I suppose there is a certain joy to proving that someone filed something wrong."

He began to read the file, "Time is of no importance, I will spend as long as is needed." God, he wasn't going to sleep much tonight. Again.
Myers shuffled through the files a bit. "No, this certainly isn't what I would prefer doing either but for the sake of covering all the bases it must be done." With that he sat down and began reading over every line, checking all the fields for proper input and correct use. A few minutes later Eilaen entered to serve Eyce Tee with some coffee.
"Thank you, oh thank you." Tee said with a degree of desperation in his voice as he took the coffee, drinking deeply, "Although it scalds my throat, I am still oh so gratefull." With that finnished he sat back down again and continued to process papers, in the near mechanical nature of someone who does it too much.
Dispatch from Valaad chambers. said:
Internal Memorandum

FROM: Valaad Offices, Yamatai

Investigator Murata Yoshi is standing by to meet with members of the commissioned independant investigation. His expertise as a scientist and theorist should help in some applicable manner, at best. The Imperial world of Valaad humbly offers his services to the team, at it's discrestion.

After several hours of review the three members finally completed their review of the paper work. Due to the sensitive importance of the subject, the file had been thick, time consuming, and correct.

"It figures there wouldn't be any errors in the paper." Miles remarked while standing up and stretching. "I suppose you have to expect that of the team investigating the death of a Ketsurui."