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Nepleslian News Network Independence Day

"Good evening from NNN. We hope that you all out there had a fun and eventful Independence day. It has been 10 years now since we gained our independence, and just take a look of all we accomplished.

Sky Marshal Sanders gave a speech earlier today at the Funky City Boot Camp to the graduating class."

The screen cut's to a video of Gaelan Sanders, standing at a podem and speaking to the graduates. "...I once stood where you were. I still remember basic training like it was yesterday. Trust me, even back then we had drill Sgts, and we hated them just as much as you hate yours."


"Today on our Independence day, we celebrate Nepleslia becoming its own nation. Allowed to grow and thrive. From that day it is all we have done. We grew and have grown into one of the biggest powerhouses in the galaxy. And how did we do it? On the backs of people like the men and women you see before me. Those who would lay down their lives for something bigger than themselves. For that I salute you." Sky Marshal Sanders snaps a salute to the recruits and it is quickly returned with vigor


The screen cuts back to the studio.

"The Premier toured the facilities afterwords before heading home to celebrate with friends and family.

In other news the protests on Nepleslia Prime have grown in size. The protesters now out number the local police officers 10 to 1. The Premier has allocated more marines, and will hold a meeting with the protest leaders to address their issues. We will continue to keep you up to date on the latest from Nepleslia Prime.

That is all we have for today folks. Goodnight and happy Independence day. We here at NNN will see you at the bar."
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